Crystal Tits Sues Fox

Yes, yet another exhibitionist pervert is making a big thing of his gayness, and intends taking action against Mr. Fox because he/she/it “will not stand” for people pointing out that it and every fudge packing creep disgusts normal people.

Surely if this sick thing minces into court done up like a whore and the court takes it seriously it will open the floodgates for every mad man/person to waste the courts time.

Like Eddie Gladys Izzard, if you don’t want people to hold you in contempt, keep your perversions to yourself.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

46 thoughts on “Crystal Tits Sues Fox

  1. That a bloke?
    Wears as much makeup as Andy Burnham!
    Crystal tits? Bet he got teased with a name like that.
    Think his dad would of objected?

  2. I saw the Jeremy Vine show clip where Yasmin Alibaba Mufti leveled her accusation at Fox and very quickly and just as publicly withdrew it once she was informed of potential legal proceedings.
    So bring it on cupcake, you big girls blouse.
    Oh, and get the fuck out of primary schools with your sexual degeneracy and do it indoors.
    Locked doors.
    In a sinking ship.
    I’ll light the fire.

  3. I would never demean something like Crystal for it’s lifestyle, behavior or appearance. Rather, I would promote it by placing it’s image on a poster advocating unrestricted abortion on demand.

    It’s literally, (as us Yanks are wont to say) a walking advertisement for that cause.

  4. A complete nobody seeking its five minutes of ‘fame’.
    There will be no court case; it costs a great deal of money and it has no chance of winning.

  5. Is that a real photo?
    Looks like a Sunday doll-disproportional features-eyes too large…
    Fucking degenerate.

  6. If I were round the back of the Hare & Hounds looking for a blow job after closing time, I’d choose Crystal Tits over Thornpiggery (aka Lady Nougat) any day.

    I’d then give it a short-arm jab to the belly and kick its head to a pulpy red while shouting “that’s for Lawrence Fox, you slag!”

    Meanwhile the deadline for EU trade deal negotiations has now passed. Boris set to announce we’re leaving on No Deal WTO terms. (In your dreams! – Ed.)

    • As it was a nil – nil draw they are going into extra time and if it is still a draw at full time it will go to penalties ?

  7. This case will fall at the first hurdle.

    As the elequent Mr. Fox did not name either person directly, but instead made a sweeping statement as did the complainants, there is no case to answer.

    Just a bit of tit for tat name calling.

    Unless of course the two mincing queens feel some sort of deep guilt.

  8. Didn’t Lawrence Fox call it and a few others “kiddy-diddlers” after being called a “racist”?

    They’d probably all do better to leave Twitter alone after they’ve had a couple too many drinks.

    • He was making the point that throwing out damaging comments without evidence works both ways.

      • Quite possibly…perhaps he’d have been wiser to threaten to sue then for calling him a racist rather than accusing them of “kiddy-diddling”?

      • Hard to complain about being called a name when you do exactly the same yourself.

      • Very true, but as it was so over the top it couldn’t be mistaken for having some basis in fact.

        I am not sure he could have made a case for being called racist, well not yet maybe this case will, if he wins.

      • Tbh…I couldn’t care less what they called each other…I like Fox but the deletion of his allegation suggests that even he knew that labelling someone a child-abuser on a platform like Twitter possibly wasn’t the wisest move.

        To then fall back on the “but they started it” argument doesn’t really do him a lot of credit.

    • I’m with Lord Fiddler on this one. I liked Laurence Fox initially but he’s gone a bit too far with this. He should have just called them what they are, cunts.

  9. I hope this goes to court and they finally put a stop to people just saying ‘racist’ that will put a real dent in the Antifa and BLM sympathisers.

    I don’t agree with BLM, you’re a Racist! No I just don’t agree with BLM!

    Actually in my case it is true but I have never actually discriminated against anyone because of race.

  10. Get over youself and grow a pair. Oh, or do you want to cut them off?
    Either way, fuck off!

  11. Just like all attention seeking creatures of no real value it seems to bask in the need to appear important rather than feel blessed that it is not living in say Iran o Stan and being stoned as part of family entertainment.

    • I think you may have solved the problem.

      Send it on a tour of the middle east.

      They like to give their donut punchers a quick demonstration of how gravity works before laying in with the half bricks.

  12. Ha ha, it’s a good job we don’t get sued on ISAC for defamation of character.
    You big gender bending, kiddy diddling, woke freak of nature.
    Is that defaming enough for you?
    Fuck off cunt!

  13. What I find most disturbing is that the fucking BBC is broadcasting this disgusting programme in the first place. It’s basically a beauty contest but if it involved real birds the wimminz and the libtards would be screaming the place down and rioting outside Jimmy Savile House. It’s the patriarchy don’t you know……demeaning and objectifying women.
    But because it involves these appalling degenerates it’s a bit of harmless fun…..entertainment. It’s neither of those things…..fucking propaganda that’s what it is. Our enemies must be laughing at us.

    • While I like Lawrence Fox, and think hes a all round good egg,
      He should never of married that ladyboy Billy Crackpipe, it sends mixed messages,
      He led them on
      Now theyve got the claws out for him.

  14. No issue with queers, a mate of mine is one. But both he and me detest these weirdos.

  15. The irony!

    This ‘thingy’ is fitter, more attractive and in better shape than all of the extremely fat and obese legging wearing council estate munters with numerous kids that have more different colours than a bag of skittles.

    Instead of wasting time with legal bollocks, maybe ‘it’ could come to the UK, set up a stall outside the local ASDA supermarket and show the fucking ugly UK munter wimminz how to dress, do make up, eat healthy, keep fit and probably make a few Bob in the process!!

  16. What the fuck is that picture?
    Surely that’s not a real person.
    Looks like it came out of a skip round the back of Gerry Anderson’s house…

  17. I assume Mr Fox has given up the idea of ever joining the luvvie set again. If he wasn’t fucked before he certainly is now duckie.

  18. What a confused idiot, obviously has mental issues, best it takes a gun to its head and blows the fucker off.!

  19. This circus freak will be presenting Match Of The DAY before we know it. The ‘Beeb’ will willfully bend over backwards for this deviant cunt. Probably already have done…

  20. What in the name of fuck is that monstrosity?!
    I bet if you pulled its panties down you would find a single stinking trench running from its pubic bone at the front to its coccyx at the back.
    All the bodily fluids from its infected orifices would ooze into this festering Crevice.
    Fuck off you tranny botched medical experiment !

  21. What kind of person defines themselves by their choice of genital stimulation?
    Cunts, whether they have one or not

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