Black History Month (2)

Four postboxes have been painted black to honour black Britons including Sir Lenny Henry and nursing pioneer Mary Seacole.

Yes, Lenny Henry gets a black postbox for his contribution to whiting up, shouting ‘Katanga’ as the ‘African’ as he used to put it, and generally being unfunny as fuck. Puts great black Britons in perspective doesnt it.

Why not a yellow postbox to honour Gwok Wan?
A black & white one to honour tax dodging drivers? Or perhaps accomplished arse tonguers.

We have had some great black Britons, especially sportspeople, but Lenny fucking Henry?

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble 

…and supported by Liberal Liquidator 

Royal Mail and Blacking up Post Boxes.

In readiness for what is to be a month long orgy of self-loathing, anti-British whitey bashing, Royal Mail have painted four post boxes around the country black, to honour significant figures in the black community for Black History Month.

In another example of patronising virtue signalling from our institutions which will do fuck all for race relations, will ‘da comoonittee’ even know who they are? When was the last time any urban yoot who hangs on the every tweet of Stormzy or Ashly Bingo Banjo even wrote a letter or used a post box? A long dead Crimean war era nurse, a WW1 soldier, some artist and Lenny fucking Henry. A graffiti covered portaloo would have been sufficient for that twat.

Its got to the point where our national mail service is ‘defacing’ its own property and a British cultural icon, recognised around the world, to push another line of woke bullshit while statues of white heroes and leaders are vandalized and torn down. What a country.

,,and another from Cuntybollocks  (aimed at Boris more than anything, but still) 

Fuck me, I’ve just seen the most nauseating video in ages.

The leader of our country has been banging on about ‘Black History Month’. It seems that the blacks get honoured with OBEs for doing normal stuff, like being a nurse or a head teacher. One he went on about was finding and throwing away German bombs in WW2. I thought he was going to say he threw them back to Germany with his bare hands too. While his head was on fire. He then (gasp) got a job in the fire service. Noble jobs, sure he was a top bloke…but fuck me I bet thousands of honkies did the same sort of stuff. Boris made the cunt sound like a cross between Rambo, Superman and RoboCop.

Ok, so sone dark keys had some normal jobs and did some normal stuff. So let’s fucking have the PM big them up then!

Apparently, British history is black history.

And the cunts still won’t vote for you anyway, you honey monster cunt.

What a fucking country.

82 thoughts on “Black History Month (2)

  1. I remember as a young impressionable kid with few if any prejudices thinking I’ve watched Tiswas, that pirate DJ thing, and the Lenny Henry show and concluding then this bloke gurns, jumps about, he’s loud but basically not funny. Roll on 30 years he’s gone serious thinking he has a message when all I can think about is your about as funny and charismatic as a diseased rat. His ego deludes him, a god complex on a par with Gary Linekar. I road tested the cunt years ago and don’t look at him as anymore relevant now….. oh and his voiceovers are fucking patronising too. Not far off a mega cunt

  2. A very relevant and purposeful cunting.

    Lenny Henry stand up comedian? A comedian is pushing it. His 80’s Kantanga character, that bloody Deecus and Theophilus Cunt Wildebeest were all dreadfully unfunny black stereotypes, but Lenny dined out on these for years in an effort to become part of the comedy establishment. Puerile, naive and irritating was my view of him at the time; I was in my early teens.

    If there was an honour for being a massive irritating, black brummie arsehole then Henry would be my go to. Instead he is being honoured as some kind of Saint.

    What a fucking load of old shit.

    • The strange thing is that no one has criticised him for putting forward unfavourable racial stereotypes on Tiswas during the 1970s. The Katanga thing being particularly unpleasant.

      • Is Katanga some obscure African word for cunt?

        (I spotted this on Amazon. No doubt pressure will be brought to bare on Amazon, and other suppliers, to remove all traces of this “racist” children’s TV show of yesteryear – DA Spot Sir Lenny Henry

      • There are some truly funny comedians i can think of in my opinion
        Bill hicks/george carlin/billy connolly/
        Robin williams oh and theym sll whitr and ive laughed my bollocks off watching them/skip forward 20 yrs or more and it seems you get a mention/an award /mbe even for fuck sll these days even our pm has delusions of grandeuer /what a fucking joke

  3. I think this cunting is rather harsh. Given the relative lack of achievement by the entirety of the negroid race, I think devoting one month out of the entire year is rather gracious of us (civilized) white folk. (Although black history day would probably be a more accurate reflection of their accomplishments.)

    After all these (black) savages would still be living in mud huts and shaking fucking rattles (as they still do in Africa today) to cure diseases if it wasn’t for us white folk bringing modern medicine and other benefits of civilization to their barbarian way of life.

    And if we have to elevate one or two cuntpanzies for being mediocre in order to make the rest of the savage cunts feel better about themselves…or to make guilty white liberal cunts feel better about themselves…that’s the price we pay for allowing them to live in our society.*

    But let’s be clear…if they lived in Africa rather than our country they’d never accomplish a fucking thing. Our culture values hard work. It promotes human achievement and recognizes the individual for said work and achievement (or at least it used to). Their culture promotes sitting under the baobab tree and poking shit with a stick.**

    *(Or rather the price we pay for the failed policies of the misguided and gutless politicians we keep electing.)

    **(I can’t remember where I first read that phrase but I think it was here on ISAC. Credit given to the unknown cunt.)

    • If you consider blacks in their native environment – i.e. sub saharan Africa – there simply is no “Black history”. Or much of anything else – writing, literature, cities etc etc.

      Those blacks who are of note are so because they live in societies where achievement is: a. possible; b. visible.

      What is boiling my piss here is that an intergalactic, multi-dimensional hypercunt hypocrite is “honoured in this way”. If you must, at least pick somebody worthy. But are there any? That is not a facetious question.

      Mary Seacole, who was only a quarter kuhn I believe, she certainly didn’t consider herself black. Read what she had to say about blacks BTW; Lenny Henry, no further comment from me required! Yinka shonibare (me neither!) who it appears is some glorified finger painter (“his work explores cultural identity, colonialism and post-colonialism within the contemporary context of globalisation” – fuck me what a surprise!) who’s infantile “art” – that make wansky’s puerile daubing look like the fucking Sistine chapel – has been foisted upon towns and cities round the world.

      Walter Tull? In this case, fair enough. But what about Johnson Beharry? (just go and read his VC citation). Lenny Henry rather than him!!!!!!!

  4. I should probably add the cunting was more in annoyance of that dickhead Lenny Henry being recognised and Mary Seacole who’s nursing role has been massively overblown by the left. Walter Tull the WW1 soldier and professional footballer really was a pioneer, British troops fought and died alongside soldiers from the Caribbean, India and elsewhere in the British Empire and someone’s skin colour would have been the last thing on their mind amid the horrors of the trenches.

      • It is this white, middle class, self-flagellation that is doing absolutely zilch for race relations. In fact it is achieving the absolute fucking opposite.

        But these luvvie media cunts will doggedly push this Kafka-esque agenda until race relations break down completely. I think there is sufficient evidence that this is a failed campaign. Just look at the geographical enclaves we have in the UK.

  5. Just a month?
    It seems to be every month, every day of the year, in fact, that the “achievements” of these appalling apes is thrust into the face of the indigenous man.
    And what are these alleged achievements? Are their real every day doings celebrated?
    The lawlessness, the drug dealing? Getting one of their fellow simians pregnant and then doing a runner (running being one of the few things they’re good at)?
    Hating whitey and being indulged by the media, the pigs and the politicians?
    Being unable to speak proper English, despite many of them being 3rd or 4th generation?
    I started this year with a dislike for dark-skinned people in general (not all, there are many decent ones), but since BLM and all the associated cuntery, (especially in America), I cannot fucking stand the sight of these indolent chimps every time the telly goes on.
    Black need to be better people.
    Actually, they’re almost not human and look so far down the evolutionary chain that blacks and us honkeys are clearly not the same species.
    We’ll never live together in harmony; no different races forced together on a small island ever do.
    If blackies don’t like this country, white men have an invention to help you.
    An aeroplane will fly you back to the shithole of your choice.

    • I think the best course of action for this joke would be to cover the 4 post boxes as they do when they are on strike. It would promote the lack of enthusiasm for work that is amongst them, instead of using royal mail sacks they could use a triangular white hood with two holes in.

      • Y’ know that expanding polyurethane foam in a can that builders use to cover their “ahem…inaccuracies”. Fuckin’ good stuff that, pretty cheap too… jus’ sayin’.

        As for ‘Lord’ Henry (how long do you think that’ll be?) I do recall a rather good film he did called Coast to Coast from the 80’s, alongside John Shea, Pete Postlethwaite, Peter Vaughan and the like… but that was the last watchable thing he ever did.

    • We could even furnish some freedom fighting, rug pilots to fly said airplane.

  6. It’s tremendous.
    Create a camp that glorifies savages and ne’er do wells,presents a narrative that is predicated on racial propaganda.
    Naturally their will be a camp that is completely,implacably opposed to this evil dogma.
    I say keep going with the Blek Lies Mither.
    See what it gets you.

  7. Even the negrôs hate this Black Month rubbish. Having to read about Ooga G’dooga the first person of colour to stay married or Delbert G’tooga who invented a sauce for chicken. Surely having the post boxes a stabby blood red colour would be a more honourable gesture? Psh. I shall boycott sending letters just like I’ve boycotted Jelly Babies for thirty years since they introduced the token black one.

  8. Black history month is another con trick by the commies. There’s no black people i’ve ever known who have anything in common with peacefuls, poofs, lezzas, trannies, vegans and other assorted fucking middle class weirdo remoaner freaks.
    Black post boxes aren’t our enemy…’s the letter boxes with gaggles of mini bombers you need to look out for!

  9. The school’s are in on the brainwashing as well. Each week my son has to research and write up a piece about a person who has contributed to Black History. There were about 20 names suggested and they must have been scrapping the barrel because one was Diane Abbott! Said to my son ‘she’s a thick, racist, hate whitey politician’.

    Week one I suggested Laurie Cunningham. Back it the late 70’s the black footballers did get proper racism thrown at them, all game every game, but carried on.

    The problem with this BLM shit and Black History Month is that it creates division and stirs up racism on both sides. I have black friends that just want to integrate, work and make the most of the opportunity given to them. Because they know it’s a far better place to live and thrive than Africa.

    • There are a couple of Spanish girls who are decent motorcycle racers. The media tend to big them up; the BBC doing a lengthy article on one of them being injured. Not a word from those cunts on the multitude of male riders who are injured. Morgan Freeman got it right when he said that highlighting differences would maintain the perceived injustices. Black History Month is a divisive tool used by the media for reasons which are sinister in the extreme.

  10. Well frankly I think that the Royal Mail are being rather dismissive…4 post-boxes indeed.

    Inspired by a visit to a safari-park with petting-zoo, I came up with the idea of “RastusLand”, an interactive experience where ignorant Whities could get up and close with The Sooties in their natural environment….We’d start with a fruit-stall where visitors could buy bananas to tempt the Dark-keys out (they are naturally bone-idle buggers who need either prodding with a stick or tempting with fruit)..visitors would then (with their windows wound up and doors locked,of course) drive into the Park…starting with the wooded area, (watch out for da flying coconuts and shit,kids)then through the mud-hut village ( giant cooking-pot and shrunken heads photo-opportunity),next the recreated slave-ship (hear dem Dark-Keys sing and dance with joy) and finally on to my vast cotton-plantation ( Dooshkas have got very dear,one pound a day indeed) where visitors could experience the thrill of chasing a run-away Sooty with The Hounds…and finally on to The Petting Zoo where visitors get the chance to break the last taboo by sleeping with a Black woman ( at their own risk,of course).

    My planning application wasn’t an unqualified success,I must admit. I was torpedoed by some silver-tongued (hopefully a disease),Huggy-Bear lookalike B+W Cunt who turned up at the meeting in his pimp-mobile with a couple of his “hoes” in tow and terrified the planning committee with threats of the village being over-run with chiggun-shacks,dealers on scooters and Mo Farah coming to visit unless be received “reparations”…unfortunately the reparations had to be provided by me…all my Grant-money gone in one fell swoop…just fucking lucky that my various fraudulently-claimed “BounceBack” loans have come through…the Hounds and I may not have been able to afford that new Range-Rover that we’ve got our eyes on otherwise.

    • Morning Mr F…I’m pretty sure that Longleat have beaten you to it…last time I took the kids there, there were numerous mini-n1glets sitting on the roof of my car, eating pieces of watermelon and trying to steal pieces of trim to bling up their little wattle-and-daub huts
      As for conjugal rites with simians….Lord Bath used to have plenty of wifelets…dollars to doughnuts that not all of them were h0mo sapiens…and I bet he used to prostitute the apes out to his politician friends.. it was probably how Corbyn came across Dianne Abbott.

      • You could well be right,Mr. Cunt-Engine…my “Running-Man” style safaris were a disaster to start with…we just couldn’t keep up with the buggers..(should never have imported those Kenyans)luckily I came up with the idea of drugging our quarry, that way my customers (mainly fat American dentists) could creep up and shot Ol Rastus in his sleep…unfortunately I forgot about The Dark-Keys amazing capacity for the fact that the “tranquilisers” provided by B+WC were actually industrial-grade amphetamines didn’t help….only way to get round the problem was dig a moat right round my vast Estate…ruinously expensive of course but at least I knew that none of the Sooties would ever be able to swim across to cause havoc in the local area ( Keep Da White Wimmin Safe)

    • Wonderful Dick. And why not? There are enough bloody galleries depicting whitey’s misdemeanour’s over the past 300 years (in fact they NEVER stop going on about it -as if we give a fuck what our ancestors did!)
      Then there are the interminable TV progs AND fucking adverts that remind us every day. Can’t even watch sport on Sky or BT without some cunt reminding me every 5 fucking minutes about what a bastard I am.
      I think a plan like yours showing what things are REALLY like in Afreeca would be quite helpful.

      • Morning,Mickey

        I think the trouble is the odd chippy Dark-key,egged on by “guilty” white idiots,demands equal treatment but actually wants preferential treatment.
        They do more harm than good to their cause.

  11. Are we all taking the knee next in recognition of our black heroes?Not interested.Bore off

  12. Mary Seacoal founded the British Hotel for sick and injured during the Crimean War. She soon found it a more lucrative enterprise to provide services over and above those of its original purpose.
    To celebrate a whorehouse as a National Achievement and one that requires a Noble award, is a tadge ridiculous ( IMO )
    Mary was a business woman who made a small fortune from the British Hotel, Her history is certainly one that I would not promote.

  13. We wrote:
    Sorry – but we almost forgot, October is apparently ‘Black History Month’. So just to remind you, in the long history of the Human race, these are the ‘black bits’:

    Ages ago, mankind migrated out of Africa.
    17th and 18th Century – Slaving – with the active participation of Africans.
    19th Century – The Zulu wars.
    20th Century – Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Idi Amin, Rhodesia and Mugabe, The Congo, genocide by one tribe against another (a continuing process) in Rwanda etc, Nelson Mandela, modern-day slaving, and widespread starvation in the whole of Africa.
    21st Century – Nothing notable at all as yet.

    Er…… That’s it folks!

    • I of course starting celebrating Black History month back in July.
      I got the wife pregnant, stole her jewellery and emptied her bank account and fucked off.

      The three racist who wrote this nom dont feel our pain!

      My people came to this country to steal, fuck and sit around drugged and nobody thanked us.
      One love✊

      • How dare you call me a racist you miserable cunt. When I lived in Seffrica I owned several kaffirs and it broke my heart to have to put them down when I left.

      • Don’t you start getting uppity with us Miserable! We will sell you on to Mr Fiddler to work on his Jamaican plantation. I hope you like watermelon and corn bread because there will be no more Sunday roast dinners and ale in the Peak District for you!

    • As someone who lived in Rhodesia for 37 years I can confirm that the “bleks” have contributed merry fuck all to anything in history, some better themselves but most just


      And blame whitey for giving them work ,food and a decent wage, some cunts in Rhodesia are now eating rats for sustenance, karma is a real cunt isn’t it you fucking savage cunts!!!

  14. Black history month. I look forward to seeing the programme about North Africans barbary slave merchants who came to our Shores from the 17th to early 19thc and enslaved our people.
    Now that’s a Black history which is doesn’t fit the present narrative.

  15. About 4 million years ago a species of ape started to walk upright, using tools and living in small communities. Over time the ape become what we would know as a human and led a simple hunter gatherer existence. Some of these humans migrated north, to what is now Europe. Over 1000’s if years, they overcome harsh conditions, invented farming, machinery, industry, transport and lived in a sophisticated society.

    Eventually they revisited Africa and found that the people who stayed behind were still living a simple hunter gatherer existence and were dark in skin. They thought they were a different species as the level of development was far behind that of the white man.

    White man enslaved black, then realised he shouldn’t have and has spent the last couple of hundred years throwing trillions of pounds in aid and assistance at Africa.

    The blacks that have been given the opportunity to work in white man’s world, have learned to despise the white man.

    That’s my contribution to Black History Month.

    • Bravo Fish!

      Your one single post is a contribution to Black History Month that exceeds the sum total of all the contributions made by the entirety of Britain’s “honoured” schvartze’ population..

    • Just to add:

      Genetically, four million years have not improved the looks of many: flared nostrils, big mambo lips-more cro-magnum than Homo Sapiens.
      Is it any wonder more black men want white females as mates, than the other way round ?

  16. Should have one in Barnsley for Charlie Williams. Top bloke, born in Barnsley, went dow’t pit, played football for several clubs including Doncaster Rovers, my home town. Then became a proper comedian. I never even really saw his colour, he was just a funny bloke. Ordinary, Barnsley does that to you. Hundreds turned up for his funeral, not because social media dictated it but because they loved and respected him. Fuck Lennie Henry, as funny as having a carbuncle lanced.

    • Yes, Charlie was a proper funny man at the time when Lennie fucking Henry was a novelty act.

  17. Significant contributions from black Africans:

    Unproductive farming
    Absentee fathers
    Running 100m under 9.8 seconds
    Rape gangs
    Sponging of white people

    One white invention to solve the above:
    The atomic bomb?

  18. This kind of thing creates more problems than it solves. It’s divisive in its flagging up of differences and does nothing to promote harmony.
    And then this morning, I came across the term QTIPOC which apparently “stands for queer/trans/intersex people of colour and our aim is to uplift these voices and increase the visibility of this community. We host events including sober potlucks and coffee hours to recreate that sense of community which is often lost for LGBTQIA people of colour.” FOR FUCK SAKE!
    Coming soon… the racist MOBO awards.

  19. Rewrite history month? It’s bullshit, seems like an attempt to rewrite history so future generations believe that we were always a multicultural country. I don’t know of a nation that Doesn’t have blemishes in it’s history, this is magnified when history is viewed through todays paradigm.

    This is academic history, as ever history is being written and often rewritten to suit political agendas, the Nazi’s did it, the Soviets did it, the Chinese do it.

    Fuck off, I ain’t buying it. We have become a nation that allows history to be pulled down and dumped in a river and instead celebrate graffiti and adopt that as our new culture.

  20. Is Lenny Henry a Jaffer?
    Or was Dawn French too fucking fat to safely carry his child?

    I wonder if they used to dress up to spice up the “bedroom”.
    I can imagine a few scenarios:

    Dawn as the pure (snigger) Ante-bellum mistress of the plantation and Lenny climbs through the window and rapes her.
    Then fucks off.

    Dawn as Fay Ray in a blonde wig (snigger). Lenny as King Kong. He climbs through her window and rapes her.
    Then fucks off. Gets straithed by a bi-plane (I don’t mean that ugly Lib Dem bitch ?)

    Dawn as an English rose (snigger), gets seduced by sophisticated black entertainer (guffaw), who eventually fucks off. To a black woman.
    Oh, hold on……

  21. If only four boxes have been painted black out of all that are available, it just about spells out how influential black people have been in the UK.
    Apart from Mary Seacole, and the unfunny Lenny Henry, the other two complete unknowns are, Walter Tull, and Yinka Shonibare.
    Scraping the barrel in this instance has highlighted how little has been achieved by black people in the UK.

    • You forgot Stormzy and his plan to shoehorn blacks into university:
      When I saw the headline, I thought “no way are the top universities going to allow blacks to be janitors and dish washers (because they’d deal drugs and get some starry-eyed slutty graduates up the duff).
      Upon reading further, I realised it was a high-level trolling from Stormzy and he wanted them to actually attend to attempt to learn something.
      Getting a black to learn anything at university level would be like explaining the theory of relativity to a hamster.
      Clearly Stormzy knows this and wants his fellow moon crickets to fail publicly. Blacks hate each other even more than they hate their white benefactors.
      After all, who’s the biggest killer of young black men? Other young black men.
      Keep these prehistoric savages out of university. For everyone’s benefit.

    • Scraping the barrel is an apt description your Dukeness because there are so few examples they have to use any old scraping they can find. Yet if you swallow the woke agenda you would think blacks had made up a large part of the population before the second half of the 20th century. There were certainly black and mixed race people around but in such a tiny proportion, except in somewhere like Lisbon where they made up about 10% of the population, that they were invisible. You find virtually no references to them in literature. Apart from “The Negro of Peter the Great” (renamed “The Moor of Peter the Great” and in doing so switching the race) by Pushkin, I can find no reference in literature. The only other reference I can recall is Alexandre Dumas who was a quadroon through his grandmother but is now held up as a “black” writer. The odd black face pops up in paintings but they are invariably slaves or in biblical settings.

  22. Black History, oh I wish it was just that, all the blacks consigned to ancient history, a little bit recent history, Londonistan has broken the 100 mark for murders, good to see the blik yoof are keeping the numbers up.
    Maybe next year black history month could celebrate the number of black stabby cunts 2010 to 2020, a decade of black culture in London.


    • How many of the murdered 100+ were black ? I suspect that black men are over represented in this particular situation but there appears to be no media coverage of this .

  23. Me-again Sparkle is doing her bit for black history-she want to go down in history as the cunt who broke up the British Royal Family.
    Good on her, I say. After Lizze, this lot if freeloading cunts are a waste of oxygen. More power to her, say I?.
    Bring back Cromwell and his New Model Army???

    • What with the lockdown, the threat of another lockdown, the proposed cancelling of Christmas and other assorted puritanical attacks on drinking and having fun, I think Cromwell is here already.
      And he can just fuck off.

  24. In fairness I dont know any black people.
    Theres one down the road who I reported to the Home Office and police but thats it.
    Only black people I like seem to be boxers?
    Maybe id be more understanding if got to know them?
    Used to work with a few from Ghana they were ok, could have a laugh and a joke with them,
    They didnt seem to hate whitey, in fact we bonded in our hatred of pakis?!
    Maybe thats the key to race relations?
    Bond in hatred for others!!

  25. Whilst driving yesterday listening to talk radio i had to turn it over to another channel due to some never heard of before author being interviewed and landed on LBC.
    It was on an advert for David Lammy’s (I fucking know someone somewhere that died in that ) new show. The sentences found myself hearing was
    “ … and why don’te we have a white history month? Well that is every month in the year”
    Something like that anyway.
    Cunt needs cunting for that line alone

  26. When the month is up are they going to be painted red again or is it going to be left to the community to do that?

  27. This is like a council roadworks. Usually unnecessary, an expensive vanity project, and takes a month when it could easily be done in a day.

  28. Should have painted one in Tottenham for Winston Silcott for escaping justice of the butchering of PC Blakelock. Cunt.

  29. “I see a postbox and I want it painted black. No colours anymore, I want them to turn black”

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