The Problem with Finding True Love

The whole “True love, Hollyweird movie style relationship bollocks”

Perhaps I’m cunting myself in a way due my lack of forming any sort of lasting relationship with a woman. I’ve had a few fine fillies in my time. But I’ve never met “The One” if there is such a thing outside of a hollywoke blockbuster.

Don’t have much trouble getting them but don’t seem to keep them for very long.

I’m grateful for the women that I have had the pleasure of being intimate with, but it all feels like it doesn’t matter now.

As I have mentioned on here before I once met a girl who I thought I would marry one day. Sadly it was not to be. In hindsight perhaps it was for the best.

I am still relatively young and in a good position in life. Got a bit of money, have a house of my own and a decent car. A reasonable job that earns me a good wage and some savings and investments that bring in more money (we’re talking an extra couple of grand a year, not retire at 40, tell everyone to fuck off and ride away into the sunset kind of money).

Don’t know whether its the lockdown getting to me, but I haven’t met a lass in some time that I thought was worth getting to know better. I like a classy elegant woman with a nice “middle class” accent, like Natalie Dormer, Imogen Poots or Roxanne McKee. If they have intelligence on top of that then I’m drawn to them.

Sadly, I haven’t met a woman like that in some time and I’ve a feeling I am unlikely to meet one again.

I’m at the point in my life where I feel I might as well skip marriage, kids and divorce and instead just live my life and end up some dirty old bastard like Michael Douglas. Part of me isn’t bothered about finding someone to spend my life with and part of me feels a sad not to have a lovely lady to enjoy things with and spoil a bit.

Not sure why I’m bearing my soul to you lot.Probably the anonymity of IsAC

Probably doesn’t help that I’ve had a few drinks and I’m listening to Bad Company and reminiscing about shit.

Nominated by: Harold Steptoe

78 thoughts on “The Problem with Finding True Love

  1. Excellent cunting, something I can relate to, probably most on here too, don’t set your standards too high you will always find a lacking ,,decide what’s most important to you in a relationship, you will have to compromise somewhere, women can be extreme , great sex but looniies or the complete opposites,

    Get a robotic sex doll, quite realistic now, and a dog for friendship, easier on the pocket and they won’t argue back haha

    Goodluck with finding Mrs Right very few men actually do,

    Life’s a CUNT

  2. Yes, excellent cunting indeed. I was 35 before I met the current Mrs Maskinback, having made my way through one marriage to what turned out to be a complete fruitloop and a few unsuitable, medium term partners.

    Being in a male dominated industry didn’t help. That said, my industry now has its fair share of females, many of which I am aware are single. If I was still a single man then I don’t think I would be for too long.

    Typical eh? Women are just like buses. Wait for ages and then several come along.

    Good hunting, but don’t get too hung up. I’m sure Mrs Steptoe is out there somewhere.

  3. All I can say is that whoever you marry, she changes over the years from a nice girl with pneumatic breasts to an old hag that looks as if she has a couple of outsize suet puddings on elastic round her neck and they are now resting on her knees. She will let herself go, watching fucking soap operas all day and all evening, and life in Walford or Weatherfield is her version of international news – she knows or cares fuck all about anything else. And lazy as hell – if you want anything done, do it yourself, because the old hag is too busy with a 1990 episode of Emmerdale Farm.

    If I had my time over again, I would have married for money.

  4. “True Love”?….doesn’t exist..
    Don’t waste your time looking for it. Settle for what is comfortable until she works out just what a Cunt she has actually taken up with…and Fucks Off ( with your goods and chattels if you’re not careful and prepared).

    This policy has served me well over the years and made me into the caring.sharing man that I am today.

    Glad to help.

    • “True Love” only exists in the minds of teenage girls,Hollywood and the brazenly naive.

      • Ah,Gemma is the exception,Mike…but she’d best get a move on…she isn’t getting any younger and nobody wants some old pot-boiler hanging around once she’s past her sell-by date.

      • In my defence, I was knocked off my game by your appalling…. ” part of me feels a (bit) sad not to have a lovely lady to enjoy things with and spoil a bit.”

        Are you Barbara Cartland’s ghost-writer ?

      • back on form Dick haha.

        I felt that I hadn’t got my money’s worth with your earlier comments

      • I must say I miss your verbal sparring matches with Captain Mag.

        I’d sit down with a cup of tea and biscuits and read them like a quality Sunday paper.

      • Oh,don’t worry….I’m sure that the good Capt. and I will be back on form just as soon as he has that emergency pushbikectomy to remove the trusty cycle from his ringpiece where it was rammed by an irate farmer who The Capt. had just called a “Cunt”.

      • Don’t forget Dick revealed himself as a Guardian luvvy the other day. He may be mellowing in the autumn of his days. Next step – tree hugging.

  5. They say that the other man’s grass is always greener.
    I married Ethel.
    So it’s true.
    Good morning.

    • Agree. If you want relationship advice write to the following……

      Harry Hewitt
      The Big House on the Hill

      Stamped addressed envelope would be handy.

      • Yes sorry if I’ve temporarily turned IsAC into Dear Deirdre.

        During the past 6-7 months I’ve had time to reflect on things.

        Harry Hewitt – pfft!
        I’ve no desire to be cuckolded or get pegged by the missus thank you very much.

  6. I’ve been Skyping and messaging a girl after joining a Ukrainian dating site, so now I’m off to meet a chick in Kiev….

  7. I’m sure most of us have been there and done that. It took me ages to find Ms Right, but surprisingly I found her without really making a huge effort looking!

    Sometimes Nature will take its course, and suddenly out of nowhere you will meet someone from the most unexpected scenarios.

    And here’s another well worn cliche: don’t rush into things just because the clock is still ticking and you’re scared of becoming an embittered but lonely old cunt.

    Rhett Butler had the right idea : “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give two fucks of a fucking fuck!”

    Enjoy Life. It could be worse: you could be hitched to some cunt like Flabbott or Phillips

  8. Harold@
    Dont listen to negative old men on here, theyll steer you wrong.
    Like me your good looking, decent, deeply intelligent and on the path to happiness.
    Youll find it!
    When you do youll know,
    I did.
    Failing that Katie Price is single?
    Guaranteed to drain yer spuds!!
    You dirty little bleeder.

    • I think I’d rather jerk off wearing a glove made of 40 grit sandpaper.
      ….actually…probably same thing.

      I imagine Katie Cut-Price’s quim has teeth like a piranha [shudders]

      I think its partly that the current situation doesn’t seem to have an end in sight and a lot of my usual haunts are closed or partly closed. It looks like it’s going to be the way thing are for some time.

      At least I’m not one of those bitter MGTOW types. Fucking hell that sites toxic as KP’s vaginal discharge (apologies to anyone having their breakfast).

      • Have you tried dating with a balaclava and a hammer HS? – I find this approach most fruitful, but I’m an old romantic at heart!

  9. I’m waiting for BlackandWhiteCunt’s opinion on this one. Unfortunately my wife loves romantic comedies and Love Actually seems to be on all the time. I cant stand that film, as I prefer the classic Romcom The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

    • He’ll probably say something along the lines of

      ‘eat aaaaaht (the bumhole) to help aaaaht!’

  10. My Welsh mate reckons that he has finally found true love, but that hasn’t stopped him and his other half from joining an on-line partner swapping site.
    Ewe switch….

  11. It’s a crock of utter shit. Finally on the cusp of a divorce, I’m almost free of the bitch but at an astonishing financial cost.
    I can’t wait to be by myself (as long as I see my beloved kids regularly).
    All my married mates are in the same boat. We all married fit birds in our late 20’s; now in our late 40’s, those birds have popped out a couple of sprogs, have put on 4 or 5 stone, never done a lick of exercise and are disgusting, wobbly, veiny, miserable, nagging, sponging cunts for whom nothing is ever good enough.
    Fucking middle aged wimmin, I truely hate them.
    You’re significantly better off single, take care of yourself physically and bone the odd non-fat bird when you get the opportunity.

      • Damn right, Mr F!
        I try to spread my bitterness around with the young men I know at work (in a light-hearted manner) to save then from making a terrible mistake.
        I reckon young chaps in general have realised that getting married is idiotic and archaic and that all the cards are stacked in the woman’s favour.

      • I would try and do the same and warn anyone who even started banging on about “true love”…but I rather enjoy seeing the gradual breakdown from “lovey-dovey” to a hateful glint in the eye and enquiries about “Is there anything in the poison cupboard that would fell a rhino ?’ whenever “My Rock,my soulmate,my wife” is mentioned.

    • I took the other route, done it all in my younger years. Seen it got the t shirt etc. Burned out, settled down and married at 47.

    • Divorce is a cunt, which I will cunt at some point. For over a year I had three evil women in my life, the ex, her solicitor and my solicitor, and then one magical day, the three of them departed from my life forever. Thankfully, the lying cheating witch was barren (or me, I couldn’t care less) and there are no kids, so I never have to see the toxic tramp again. Also, I never considered her ‘the one’, I fucked that up years before.
      As someone on here once said, ‘if it has wheels or tits, it’s going to be a problem’….

  12. Off topic, but, watched Match Of The Day, last night, and the cunts are STILL ‘taking the knee’ before every game. And of course the BBcuntingC show it before EVERY fucking kick off. There’s trouble brewing, mark my words. The backlash against those Diversity cunts is the start, I reckon.

    • Dead right Gene. I predict that this will soon stop the moment that decent numbers of spectators return and give the players their opinions in no uncertain terms.
      I see Michael Holding is now getting a bit worked up over our cricketers having ceased this virtue signalling bollockery.

  13. Dear Deidre,
    Please arrange for a lady who can cook and has a nice fat arse to arrive.
    I will do the rest.
    Thank you.

    • Off topic- some bloke in Wolverhampton has been organising to go out on patrol in the channel in speedboats, wearing night vision goggles,
      Monitoring coast guard radios him and a bunch of ex soldiers find dinghies coming over from Calais.
      But all he does is ask them to turn back!!
      They don’t.
      Waste of time, hes too polite!
      Pop the dinghy, or at least overturn it.

      (No doubt he’ll be arrested, imprisoned, interrogated & tortured until he see the light that is all things Woke! Meanwhile BLMs will still be allowed to loot, trash, stab and kill all and sundry while the Old Bill look on – DA)

      • Being from Wolverhampton and owning a speed boat I can only presume he was a winner on Bullseye back in the 80’s?

      • Haha yeah!!?
        Theres a picture of him in the article and hes got long flowing white hair like David Coverdale or something!!
        He justs asks in broad brummie “excuse me so you mind turning back to France?” Wtf

      • My current young lady companion is already dropping hints about taking things further, but having just got rid of some fkin evil gaslighting monster I am naturally cautious – it didn’t help my ex looking looking like a younger Katie Hopkins – every time I came I had to resist the temptation to sbout “I’ve fired”!
        This one is a pleasant distraction though – a barmaid, loaded, very attractive with a fkin huge pair and loves to play the get naked and naughty game!
        Chin up HS, you seem a good chap and life has many turns along the road..

  14. Oh and when you find the right bird, make sure she’s suitably diverse enough and ticks all the Woke Boxes, otherwise the snowflakes will chastise you for being the “New Abnormal” white couple who pose a threat to the future of humankind blah blah

  15. I went on match and found a cracking yorkshire lass…. you have to sift through the dregs though.
    Good luck mate!

  16. Morning Harold.
    Difficult to know what advice to offer except the general advice bring given on here can be summed up in one sentence.

    ? Good Lovin’ Gone Bad ?

    (because it invariably does in the end)

    So – assuming you have plenty of other passtimes and a reasonable circle of mates and family – steer clear of the long term arrangements but partake of the occasional puüssy when it presents itself!

  17. I’ve been in love so many times and it’s most often cured the first time I ejaculate inside them.

    There’s someone for everyone but not necessarily the one they want.

    The difference between being in a relationship and being single is it’s much easier to find time and space for self relief when you’re single.

    Aunty Sixdog’s Love column.

  18. I’m not sure about the words true love. To me love is love. It is a matter of opinion. I love a lot of things.

    Family, friends, cake, this website and its fellow members. That is love to me.

  19. Me and my right hand fell in love when I was about 13 years old. We’ve never looked back…

    • This spare money sloshing around your bank account Harold?
      Be more wisely invested in my online guide to dating, youll be sorted within a year!!
      Otherwise youll end up mugged at wifepoint.
      Not bothered if shes from papau new guinea are you?
      Does she have to be ‘able bodied’?
      Send me your details and Ill sort out the direct debit.?

      • Nice Try Mis. but not falling for it. I’ve seen them cunt dating gurus, they all look a bit like Patrick Bateman in American Psycho chancers to me.

        As I said, I don’t have a problem attracting them. It’s more at a point months in, when the gloss wears off.

        When 6 months in, a woman that you thought was a cracker, starts to show herself in a different light. The subtle manipulation, remembering some off the cuff remark you made months earlier that you’d long forgotten about, the fact you haven’t text her 33 times because you work 50+ hours a week some weeks.

        One morning she turns to you in bed and let’s rip and you think whoa hang on a minute what the fuck happened here? You were this classy girl that was all aloof and now you’re acting like a tramp. “NEXT!”

    • Don’t you ever use the left hand, if you do, do you feel guilty? Ever thought about getting both hands on the job together?

  20. You know you’re wanking too much when you drop a sock and the wife shouts, “That better not be one of our good plates”….

  21. Mr Cunt Engine knows the score.

    You’ve got much to lose by the sounds of it, besides your sanity too of course. Indulge in short terms if you must but don’t get fucking married whatever you do. Marry freedom.

    I too have yet to find a young woman who makes the grade, it’s depressing. So many ruined by modern culture. So many fatties, and that’s before they’ve even had kids or hit the wall!

    Love is a disease. A conspiracy by nature to get you popping out sprog.

  22. Harold-remember the mantra:

    They are all fucking mad.

    Some manage to disguise the severity of this affliction better than others.

    All joking aside, as a younger man, I could quite literally pull a girl every time I went out to a pub or club. Every time.
    I have tasted pussy from pretty much every corner of the world-I have had the good fortune to have banged wimminz all over the UK.
    I repeat: they are all fucking mad.
    I know a few lads who have settled down with girls from Russia, Poland or Japan: these girls do seem to take better care of themselves-if you are determined to find “the one”, look east young man, look east….

    British women seem to have evolved into faked tanned fatties who are totally fucking mercenary. No wonder so many young men take the cock☹️

  23. I met my wife 36 years, 5 days, 13 hours and 27 minutes ago.
    She lit up the room in a red and gold dress.
    3 weeks later I asked her to marry me

    So it can happen…

    • Pheew! Similar story for me Dio. Until I saw your comment, I almost felt guilty to get involved!
      I’m now on 47 years and it might sound corny but if I had my time again, I wouldn’t change my decision. What do you mean pass the sick bag?
      However, I guess I was just lucky.
      Keep at it Harold. Ignore the cynics. It can be done.

  24. Seriously though, I met Mrs Pis Chisel on Match after being on internet dating sites for 7 years on and off. Gawd, I met some absolute fucking loonies. There are tonnes of women on there who are just game players or are just after the unobtainable.

    Then about 5 years ago; one of my close friends said something that made a massive change. At our age (I was 38 then), there are only two types of single women out there generally speaking: nut jobs and women with kids. Prior to that I only dated women without kids and yes they were nut jobs. So I then broke my one rule and started seeing women with kids. Within 3 months of this, I met Mrs Piss Chisel and haven’t looked back.

  25. I nearly married once. Really glad I didn’t. The love thing is Nature’s way of getting you to breed. It lasts at most six weeks: the crucial question is, can you live with this extremely flawed human being when the endorphins dry up?
    No? Get a dog. Much more rewarding.

    Oh, and posh birds are a waste of time. Been there, done that, got fuck-all.

    • Marriage confers the square root of fuck all advantage to a man.

      Signing for goods that are liable to unpredictable change and for which you’re held liable – those goods also enjoy biased preferential treatment by the courts – is a fools gamble, if you can even call it that.

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