The Labour Party. It just keeps on giving doesn’t?
Commenting on the ER (Extinction Rebellion) attack on democracy by preventing the distribution of ‘the wrong kind of newspapers’ we get Dawn Butler, A London labour MP, natch, tweeting:-
“Bravo Extinction Rebellion. Excellent work…”
They can’t fucking help themselves can they? Electoral suicide anywhere outside the M25 and Brighton. I wonder how Kweer Charmer’s modernisation of the brand is going?(not well – admin)
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
As Boris is sliding down the opinion polls I suspect people will start voting for these twats.New Labour?New Liebour.I detest them and all for what they stand for.Scum.Shoot them all
I wish it were just Boris, that useless twat can be replaced and, although by whom is a more difficult question, it would be by somebody who is a ‘tory’. The bigger problem is that the whole Cabinet appears to be a bunch of useless twats, and that points to a change of government.
They are all as bad – but I am LOVING calling out the baiter in chief on twatter herself – the sulphurous Dawn “Racist cunt” Butler.
And it seems a lot of people agree with me and she is getting “some payback” shall we say!
Anyone see the coppers kicking the fuck out of whitey at the Dover protest? Fucking v*rmin, but don’t expect that footage to appear on the BBC.
Different story had some right-wing version tried to shut down lefty papers like the guardian and indie.
Another example of blinkered democracy in action.
Fuck Labour and all who sail in her! (oops .. I mean “it” or “thing” or “shim” or “whothefuckcares!” )
Labours in civil war mode as Boris stands holding his dick and his new voters in the north say byebye.
If a no nonsense new party, or Farage wanted a chance, nows the time.
A new party came along and said, pro brexit, stop the dinghy sailors and. Stop foreign aid, theyd take a massive amount of tory votes.
2party politics and neither votable.
I heard David Davis on Wireless 4 Week At Westminster this morning – he would have made a far better PM and the Brexit bollocks would have been cleared away long ago under him.
He was great in the 70s on World of sport too WC!
I am working on exactly that MNC – I am in regular contact with Richard Tice and Nigel Farage and the plan is to stand candidates firstly in Council and Police Commissioner elections then the forthcoming General Election – which I will be standing in.
Youd get my vote Foxy.
Something needs to be done, all parties are useless at the moment.
People have had enough.
Good luck with it mate.?
Hey you might get to meet that nice Rishi Suntan, in a corridor, get a few things off your chest?!
“A friendly hand on the shoulder there for Mr Sunak from the Honourable Mr Fox, member of parliament for lower Mordor and the river Styx!” – dig fingers into nerve points, temporary arm paralysis and fkin agonising, virtually no visible evidence – and nobody saw a thing! ??
We need new people, new systems, new thinking and a system which serves the British people and prioritises them, not every fker in the World.
Check out the Social Democratic Party MNC.
This isn’t the David Owen / Steel version but a much more enlightened modern version.
I can’t help but think you’ll like the cut their jib
Funny enough CMcC somebody else on here mentioned them not long ago, maybe RTC?
Cant remember, I’ll have a look.
Labour – the party of sixth-form proto-Communists and Middle-Class metropolitan trendies who think they’re better than everyone else. In the infamous words of Mr Fiddler, fuck them.
Boris needs to realise that Labour lost the election by themselves.
He can’t afford to get too complacent. Starmer ripped him to shreds in PMs questions. Why the fuck didn’t he just answer the question?
Anyhow back to Labour. A bunch of loony left, anti British morons, who have no worthwhile policies.
Unless you’re a non-white, foreign, cunt.
I agree with you entirely. There are only so many times that Labour can shoot themselves in the foot.
A credible opposition is what’s actually needed. That way all parties have to listen to what the electorate wants.
Oh, I don’t know. Agree Boris cannot be complacent but Labour just have that propensity. Cunts.
The small newsagents in my town has lost a day’s takings because of the ER cunts. Funny old thing, the only paper available was the Grauniad, and I’ll burn in hell before I read that. Reading the Telegraph is one of my pleasures on a Saturday – affirmation of just how shit the world is.
I’m getting sick of working my arse off to pay tax to fund this country’s spongers. Funny how social justice leans in their favour.
The Grauniad was not effected because ER only targeted Murdoch owned printing presses, e.g. centre and right-of-centre newspapers:
Trust old Dawn Niggaho to foul the footpath again Just like her pansy friend Russell-Moyle she is an exhibitionist who just does not engage her brain before opening her big gob.
No doubt if some of her union comrades lose their jobs in the print industry the silly cunt will be shedding crocodile tears for them.
Apparently she had a “ticking off” from Starmer which makes a change from Labour’s usual (box) ticking. Elected people working against the country. What a fucking monster.
Labour Party are definatly cunts, but the Tory party are also cunts, I don’t know why the Conservative party bends to any fucker who would never vote for them in the first place, this country needs an equivalent of the NP in South Africa if there is any hope left from the ruins these cunts have created, utter cunts!!!
Put them all in the curry.
Get To Fuck.
Evening JTC – curry them then keep the curry warm in Unkle Terry’s oven ready to feed the dinghy jumpers as they arrive.
They will need a nice hot dinner for that swim back to France at gunpoint.
We need a good civil war to sort this nonsense out now.
And I must add a dozen whips of the sjambok for all labour MPs, and remain Tories!!!
Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, and most of the papers are over prised rags with an agenda I wouldn’t use even if I had run out of toilet paper.
Overpriced. I’ve had about two or three hours sleep!
Anarchy is mob rule.
Democracy is not.
No, anarchy means without rulers, not without rules. Democracy violates the non-aggression principle and for that and many other reasons it (in a sense) is both immoral and unethical
We shall agree to disagree.
Expect some DDoS attacks on right-wing media datacentres in the coming days and weeks.
Seems XR don’t want objective debate judging by the way they’ve had a go at some print papers today; so now they’ll ramp it up a level and attack websites owned by the same news media publishers.
Childish behaviour that must be stopped and/condemned by anyone who believes in democracy
Fat fucking chance of that!
I bet Dawn Butler has the whiff of Nando’s and marijuana about her.
Nah – 3 day old sweat.
Stale farts and wotsits.
Fuck this for a hame of soldiers,
Im off t the pub!!???
Bap-sweat, Starmer’s ballbag, and the odour of Police-free privilege.
I try to follow UK politics from over here in the states. I agree that the Labour Party are a bunch of cunts. My fear is this, despite their unpopular policies:
Some in the UK, underestimate Boris’ ability to propel the Labour Party into power.
The UK Council of rats have just sent me a stern email GC – apparently they are embarrassed at me referring to Boris as “a rat”! ?
Politics in the UK is easy – they are all utter bastards.
Labour; a party of twatting gobshites. Corbyn, Lammy, Butler, Abbott, Coyle… cunts in Londonistan seats.
20 Lammy & Butler and a bottle of Abbot Ale, please mate.
Free Press, only free when it’s da Guardian, I wonder what they think of anti democratic press censorship.
She (Butler) is a evil manipulating lying cunt, like the rest of her tribe!
This is what I think of when anyone mentions the Labour Party these days:
I’ve ‘never met’ a thicker cunt. And hopefully never will!!
These products of Blair need flushing down the nearest sewer, where their intelligence and integrity quotients might possibly raise a point or two.
The cruel fact is, the halfwit twat is a politician who craves the right on vote. Would also like to say that voting liebour would not make much difference to the way things are as neither of the main parties seems bothered about anything that concerns the voters. Two cheeks of the same arse. At least magic grandad was really funny.
Hertfordshire police faced anger for stating that officers were “working to facilitate the rights of both the protesters and those affected by their presence” but protesters were not cooperating. What a bunch of fucking Nancy boys. ITS NOT FAIR, THEY ARE NOT PLAYING THE GAME. TOTAL AND UTTER CUNTS. Good night.
Extinction Rebellion should superglue their hands over Dawn Butler’s mouth.
Sums it up every time for me.
I suspect The Mirror was exempted from this protest ??
Mouthpiece and chief recruitment poster for anything New Labour or is it Labour or Communist Labour ? ??
Diane Abbot and Dawn Butler must be a couple of the thickest Dark Keys on the planet a right pair of cunts ??