“Proud Trust” Dicing with Children’s Sexuality

Emergency Cunting!

Do you want your children playing a gender-bending, deviant-acceptance dice game in school? Literally ‘tossing the dice’ between anal and oral sex?? Especially now that you’re more restricted than ever from interacting with your kid’s school and what they’re being indoctrinated there??


WAKE UP. If you are parent, STORM the schools and remove your children and keep them well, well away from these state-sponsored fulcrums of fascism.

Nominated by: WokeUpTodayAndRealisedWhatACuntIAm 

(This really is the thinnest of thin ends of a very sick fucking wedge! – DA)

58 thoughts on ““Proud Trust” Dicing with Children’s Sexuality

  1. What I cant fathom is if I said lets plant a nail bomb in proud trusts HQ
    Or said lets organise and abduct and murder these fuckin sick freaks that would be ‘hate crime’?
    Obviously id never suggest that.
    Although both those ideas are more palatable to me than proud Trust.
    Hope they all die screaming the fuckin deviants.

  2. Whatever collective of cunts thought it was a splendid idea to mingle these sexually degenerate perverts and primary school children needs a bolt gun in the front of the cranium.

    5 and 6 year old will be scared and confused by these mentally ill trannies. If my son or daughter’s school ever tried to pull a similar stunt then they would have their work cut out dealing with an incandescent Maskinback.


  3. As dark was recently distributing packs aimed at 4 to 9 year old son and 10 to 13 year old son highlighting sexual diversity. These packs had all sorts of links in them to peado sites and gay porn . One led to an article which discussed a 6 year old having oral sex.
    Chuck these fuckers off a tall building and let the kids have a normal childhood for fuck sake.

  4. Perhaps this is a bizarre way of keeping the population under control. By way of putting thoughts in the minds of impressionable young children.

    I remember one day being told by my parents about my great uncle Whoopsie Spoonington. He was gay his life but he kept it secret until his dying days.
    If he were alive today he’d be shocked and appalled.

  5. I remember telling people about this a few years ago when it started (tranny/gay shit being pushed in schools). I was telling folk they’ll be pushing kids into having a ‘sex change’ and taking hormone blockers.

    People just didn’t believe me.

    Well it seems I was bang on the money. There will be a reckoning one day.

  6. Why do you think schools try to ensure parents have as little involvement in their children’s education as possible?

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