Identity Politics and the BBC (30)

If this has already been nominated I’ve missed it, if not could I nominate the BBC yet again please?

What has our venerated public service broadcaster done now you ask?

The BBC has spent some of the license tax on producing a programme to be shown to kids in classrooms all about gender. The 9-13 year olds (the age of puberty are shown a movie of other children their own age asking a trans thing and a lesbian headteacher all about gender, at one point they are told their are now over 100 genders.

The BBC call it education, I call it indoctrination.

Decide for yourself.


Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit

56 thoughts on “Identity Politics and the BBC (30)

  1. I call it justifiable grounds for a firing squad. It won’t be many years before kids are legally fair game, for all the sexual freaks that are currently going through the official, government normalisation process.
    Time to cull.
    Good morning.

    • 2 genders.
      Not 100.
      2. Been that way since forever.
      Animal kingdoms the same, 2 genders.
      Just because some mentally ill blue haired freak doesnt like it doesnt mean its not fact.
      Are all the BBC pee dos ?
      I remember when it was just Jimmy Saville,
      Maybe they should rename themselves ‘jimmys gang”?

      • It was not just Jimmy Savile who was a kiddy fiddler protected by the BBC, one of the first was Uncle Mac of Radio’s “Children’s Favourites”. A significant number followed in the vile CUNT’S footsteps.

      • Miserable-the fact that nobody said a fucking word about Savilles proclivities until after his death, demonstrates and supports the fact that many, many more were involved.

        Re: the nom- what kind of cunt in any education authority would authorise this.
        The government need to jump on this shite and fast.

      • Morning CG,
        Actually someone DID say something about saville,
        Step forward John Lydon aka Johnny Rotten of musical combo the Sex Pistols.
        No one listened though,
        He outed Jimmy in a radio interview, cant do links but if you google it he says he hates Jimmy and hints strongly why.

      • Morning o’ bearded defender of common sense/
        Yeah- seen that interview, he never worked the BBC ever again after that radio interview-rotten institution full of all the detritus of humanity.

      • They certainly defend their own dont they?
        No matter how unsavoury and criminal.
        How do they sleep at night CG?

      • They don’t sleep is the answer-too busy trawling the net for peter file material to put in C-Beebies.

  2. 100 genders? 500 million years of evolution, Male and female. Fuck I forgot, that old out of date shit is wrong now, we have entered a new golden age. Cunts.

  3. I’ve seen this disgusting film and any parent should be horrified.
    “There are over a hundred genders.” No there aren’t! That’s a fucking lie! Fuck off you mental cunt. The adults in it give me the creeps, especially the “trans man.” That fucking creature shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a child.
    The accents sound Northern Irish to me, not people known for their tolerance. I wonder how many parents have a fucking clue what their kids are being brainwashed with?

  4. Fuck me – I have just spent 5 mins and 2 seconds watching this cunt fest. In that 5 mins and 2 seconds I did not see or hear one straight white bloke giving their opinion. This is pure brainwashing by a bunch of total cunts. If the most interesting thing about you is the fact that you are gay or identify as a trans then you are a cunt a 100% cunt. We just don’t care what you are or identify as get on with your life and stop preaching to young kids and explaining yourself and going on about how amazing you are, you are just ordinary. seriously no one gives a fuck but now you have this LGBT religious crusade Going on in schools I do give a fuck it is wrong and dangerous.

    The only thing I agree with in the entire bollox is that people should be kind.

    I urge cunters to make sure a lot of people watch this because people need to be aware that this is going on right under our noses.

  5. I’m just hoping it’s true that there is a tv news channel in the pipeline for normal people led perhaps by someone like Andrew Neil.
    Then i can never be in that awful position where i have to choose between Burley on Sly, Read/Morgan on itv or those weirdos at the BBC where people like Naga or Maitlis tell me with a straight face that there are 100 genders and if i don’t believe it then i’m a Nazi.
    Defund the cunts.

    • Look at the weirdo at the top grooming those kids with his bullshit.
      Pale, flabby, soft, speccy, little pee do tash.
      Makes my skin crawl.
      Like to drag him behind my van down the M62 .
      Bet those kids were put off their McDonald’s happy meal.

      • The bloke in the photo is in fact a woman. She has “transitioned” into a geezer as she explains to the confused kids in the film.
        I’m sure they must think “transitioning” is some kind of superpower. No way should a child be in the same room as that degenerate.

  6. Defund the BBC and put on trial every cunt that works there on par with the Nuremberg trials. Then make it mandatory in Schools for kids to watch executions and all , explaining to the kiddies that this is what happens to perverse cunts who wish to destroy us.

    That was my Christian thought for the day.
    I thank you .

  7. We’re all aware of the BBC’s historical inaction towards their employees over perverted child sex allegations.
    It seems that now they’ve gone a step further in trying to promote it. They must have quite a membership by now in their club for sick minded degenerates.

    We all know that this indoctrination is sick minded bullshit, so why hasn’t the government stepped in to root out these criminals instead of allowing a platform for the liars at the license payers expense.

  8. Oh dear! When you put words like gender fluidity, transgenderism, minor attracted person et al used in the BBC programme through a code to decipher their meaning and intention for normal people, why it all turns decidedly sinister!

    Transgender: Perverts using an angle enter female changing rooms, toilets, sports and other spaces for unsavoury purposes.

    Minor attracted person: Gary Glitter enthusiasts who want the green light given so they can bum kids.

    Gender-Fluid: Ugly dykes, safespace queerbags and a menagerie of freaks who have zero chance of ever having consenting sex and all are on the verge of suicide. This silly “movement” is all they have and once it’s steam runs out, the rope in the closet beckons.

  9. Has anyone seen the list of the 100!

    It all sounds a bit Sci Fi to me.

    And everyone thought Hitler was insane ?

  10. It is all very well to teach tolerance at a young age but getting into anal sex dice games, getting drag queens into school, giving lessons on 100 genders is just wrong. No doubt these are to be predominantly found in your communist comprehensive schools rather than a religious or private school. Now we have our very own communist BBC. This is all too much.

    Perhaps ‘sex’ education should be banned from schools and tv entirely seeing as they are making an absolute hash of it, maybe with the exception of 1 lesson given at school to explain stds and contraception.

    • I have a strong feeling that Ben Butterworth bats for the other side ?

      I am amazed there is an actual list, its like the periodic table of weirdness, maybe some only exist for a few seconds then disappear, it would be hilarious except for the fact this shit is being promoted by mainstream rather that a Pixie who lives in the green wood ?

      • Boiled elf?
        Nice with bit of colmans mustard on brown bread!?
        I identify as lightly toasted troll, is there somewhere I can claim a grant, a blue badge and
        Queue jump?
        Fee fi fo fum…

      • Not related to our old friend, the Mental Elf is it? Back of the queue Miserable, I’m a sauteed hobgoblin.

    • Morning Ruff Tuff! Thanks for that, I quite enjoyed it. I’ve watched hardly any TV for a very long time; Piers Morgan was the only person I recognised. He is sillier than I remember.

      I quite liked the ladyboy’s voice, she sounded like my type. Although the bender was unnecessarily¹ set up to fail, as a self-evident “bottom” I rather suspect he liked the humiliation. He certainly didn’t mind the exposure.

      ¹ a bit cheap, and therefore counterproductive. Lose Piers for Chris Morris and give him Brass Eye treatment. Benjamin certainly seemed gullible enough for david UNESCO to make mincemeat.

  11. I’ve had 2 rants at the woke London-centric BBC this weekend. After 30 years of being a devoted R4 listener, I barely listen to it these days. The new DG needs act like bloody big broom.

  12. Trannies have got it wrong.

    Most women can’t wait to get home so they can take their bra off, whereas your average tranny can’t wait to get home to put his on….

  13. I know not what the Bastards Brainwashing Cunts do, as I stopped funding them a few months back.

    However, I can well imagine that they’re pushing perversity and pea-dough-fillia on their ‘CBBC’ channel.

    All the deranged cultural marxists around the world are ripping off their ‘nice and reasonable’ masks and are just going for it all out with their rabid agenda.

    I think it’s fucking hilarious to watch.

  14. It’s like having a socket, and 99 different plugs, and only one plug fits the socket. The other 98 plugs are pointless.
    How the fuck can the education system be taken seriously if they perpetuate this obvious lie? It’s as nonsense as faith schools. So glad I have no stake in the future.

  15. Apparently the new BBC Boss is currently carrying out “damage limitation” to try to stabilise the sharp drop in TV licenses caused by the “Defund the BBC” campaign. We can expect to see a lot of “window dressing” to appease the great unwashed masses, with little substantial change.
    Let’s “Defund the BBC” and end this anti-British Marxists rats nest once and for all!!

  16. Last week California passed a law which could be interrupted to endorse sex with minors.

    There are campaigns in the US and U.K. to have paedophilia reclassified from a mental illness to a sexual orientation.

    The line is being blurred and terms such as MAP are being introduced. This is creeping into full blown acceptance of sexual abuse of children become normal.

    (Another piece of the Mudslime jigsaw fits into place for their gradual cultural takeover of our respective countries: helped somewhat by these woke liberal twats – DA)

  17. This is fucking murder plain and simple; the BBfuckingC are committing murder. This is due to the fact that these kids will grow up so fucked in the head and confused they will kill themselves, ergo BBC murder.

    Not related, but btw I’m writing this from Sidari in Corfu currently 31C and your not so fuck off cunts.


    • At West Cuntry:

      Corfu? 31 degrees? Had enough heat and humidity recently. Enjoy your holiday, I am currently reckoning on my bed, sipping Merlot, perusing ISAC and still glowing from a superb blow job I received from er’ indoors.
      So ner!!

      • Well done General, good stuff.

        Will pop in to a beach shop later and buy her some fake Vera Wang perfume or some other shit for a fiver; that should seal the BJ deal if I’m lucky. ??

  18. I have undergone significant scientific research over quite a few seconds with regard to gender and my Nobel Award (if there is any justice in the World!) winning paper on the subject is now available:
    There are two genders, and if you want to know which one you are have a quick look down the front of your jeans – ideally not whilst passing a school, some of those baying mobs of Karens can be quite cruel in their accusations! ?
    I await my Noble Prize for common sense, and am disappointed that the BBC building in London has not been burned, vandalised or looted by BLM – it smacks of discrimination to me! ?

  19. I’m with the Muslims, and I hate to say it, but chuck these fuckers off a tall building.

  20. I see one of the questions was “Why are there so many letters in LGBTQ?” Er, because the genetic aberrations cant make up their fucking minds?

    • And there is no doubt in my mind that certain people and organisations (see you, BBC) want to add a letter ‘P’ to the already ridiculous list.

      Utterly disgusting cunts.

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