A British-Israeli woman is suing EasyJet after the low-cost airline asked her to move seats on a flight from Tel Aviv to London. Why? Had she sneaked into a more expensive seat? Was somebody having a heart attack? No. Two ultra-Orthodox Jewish men refused to sit next to a female passenger and objected.
Melanie Wolfson had paid extra for an aisle seat on her flight but a Judaism-practising man and his son, who were sitting in the row when she arrived, asked Wolfson to move. Eventually a flight attendant moved her and offered her a free hot drink.
Wolfson is sueing Easyjet and is also asking that the píkey airline bans its cabin crew from asking women to switch seats because of their gender. Presumably it only happens when God-botherers are adhering to laws from books written by loony wingnuts in the Stone Age.
If EasyJet asked any ladies I know to move so two Father Abrahams could enjoy their Calf’s Foot jelly without any women or smurfs in proximity, I’d hope she’d tell them to fuck off. These Yíddish fuckwits can act however they want in their synagogues, wag their heads, have creepy Barmitzvahs, rant and rave with Goat Testicle soup dripping from their beards, yet in public they should attempt to act normally.
EasyJet are cunts for pacifying these circúmcised freaks and accommodating this cunty Hebrew behaviour.
Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous
Yet without Jewish mothers you’re not a Jew. More prejudice hidden behind religion.
The ultra orthodox shower are as bad as the peacefuls. Dont contribute to the safety of their country if they can help it either.
Vermin. But non explosive.
Seems these pricks are almost as bad as their smelly, inbred, carpet-riding neighbours.
All religion sucks. We’ll never advance as a species all the while that weak willed wankers are using it either as a crutch or as a hammer.
Seems these yīd pricks are almost as bad as their smelly, inbred, carpet-riding neighbours.
All religion sucks. We’ll never advance as a species all the while that weak willed wankers are using it either as a crutch or as a hammer
The silly bastards are the architects of their own downfall.
I watched a program years ago which highlighted the effects on Jewish zealots refusing to propagate with anyone outside their own circle.
The gene pool simply isn’t big enough, so inbreeding will cause their destruction.
Get into the 21st century you bloody morons, instead of living your life around a fabricated prehistoric document.
No, I’m not a Corbyn supporter.
Eat bacon.
I was at Duxford air show once, a coach turned up and off got about 50 fucking clones. All had black suits, white shirts, silly fucking Hamburg on top of the head, round specs, and curly sidies. Inbred or what, cunts. I was a Jewish mates best man, I have no issues with the normal ones.
They were known as Stamford Hill Cowboys when I worked in the East End. I was on the EasyJet once with a Jewish customer ( religious but non-orthodox) for a day trip to Spain and there was a bunch of them by the gate having a pray. He asked me if I noticed and I said what the Stamford Hill Cowboys? I was embarrassed that it just slipped out but he thought it was pretty funny.
I have a female friend who was a GP in Stamford Hill and the women who came in would always be accompanied by a man who would translate for them. The women were 4th or 5th generation.
Come across plenty of Jews in my line of work. Big Adam’s apple, buck teeth, glasses as thick as beer bottles and that’s just the women. Definately need a bigger gene pool.
Look what inbreeding has done to so many British based peacefuls. Not a good argument for marrying your first cousin if the rate of genetic defects is anything to go on. But hey NHS/benefits stand ready to foot the bill in every case. So why worry.
It does seem that the foreskin is guard against fanaticism-remove it and the result is……
Im loathe to cunt a fellow traveller of the full beard,
But go on then.
This woman had paid for her seat then ZZ Topol turn up and demand she moves?
Fuck right off!
Go shit in your hat big nose!
Phone Jeremy he’ll fix them!?
Cheeky bastards,
Who do they think they are?
She’d of kicked off theyd of hid in the overhead luggage compartment.
Anne Frankly I dont give a fuck!!
MNC Wit turned up to 11.
No reason to move. If that was me there would be a most acceptable variation of Kenny Everett’s “Flying Rabbi”!
And if the jews had any special religious, dietary, misogynistic requirements etc they should have mentioned this when booking so an appropriate place could be found for them (next to the blocked chemical toilet! ?).
Complete nonsense, but kind of par for the course in the World of madness we now live in.
‘Flying Rabbi’? Fucking priceless!!
If they didn’t want a woman to sit next to them they should have bought the adjacent seat. Being ultra orthodox only has meaning to other Jews, we couldn’t give a flying (see what I did there? Yay me!) fuck, you stingy, arrogant, big-nosed bastards.
An you killed jebus!!
I never touched him, he tripped!
Well, if Jesus will go mushroom picking with TRC..
Surely several laws have been broken-imagine if Tommy Robinson asked Abdul or Hymey to move-the media would have had a complete wankfest.
I would have shoved a pack of pork scratchings down their throats.
Fucking bigots. I hope she sues the fuck out of Sleazy-Jet.
No less than Easyjet deserve, a cunt of an airline. If you are running flights to and from Tel Aviv you should have anticipated one of these ZZ Top fuckers would kick up a fuss about some bollocks or other. They should put them next to screaming, whining kids, see how they like that.
I hope this lady takes them to the cleaners and bankrupts the fuckers.
Infinitely preferable to Ryanair. Having said that I think the 2 airlines have done more to bring Europe together and facilitate trade than anyone or anything else.
Do my eyes deceive me?
Is that really you CS?
We have so missed you…
Course it is, thought you knew Ruff?
Hi CS!?
Jumping butterballs, Miserable!
Is that really you…?
Your not wearing cuntstable cuntbubbles bifocals are you?
Lots on here get CS and another visitor who goes by different names confused, but you can tell by the tone, CS is more friendly, the other bloke gets a bit nasty.
Dost thine irony know no bounds, Ruffers? What did happen to the musing Eight Minutes on VJ, btw?
What a pair of cunts. I don’t bow my heads to Rabbis, vicars, priests etc. I would love to have given them a volley explaining that they are cunts, religion is a real cunt and they could fuck right off back to the fucking Stone Age with their big noses, stupid fucking ringlets and fancy dress.
I say, take a shower and fire up the oven.
I’m hungry
Same thing happens on Air Canada. It’s wonderful that I could be spared the pleasure of the company of these wretches. Be on with your horrid lives, I won’t pray for you.
Insist it’s your right as a Woman to sit right between them JJ – then spend the entire flight eating bacon butties and fund raising for Hezbollah! ??
A similar case in the Netherlands resulted in a discrimination ruling against KLM on the grounds a womans ‘Ooman Rights had been violated.
Although the ruling wasn’t in a formal court of law I suspect that any reasonable judge in the EU will give considerable weight to it.
Good luck to her. Hope she gets every penny she claims for the EasyJet cöck-üp.
As there is no point trying to reason with religious zealots, anyone, no matter what their beliefs are, should be given 2 options in these types of cases:
1. Put up and shut up, or
2. Get off the plane and be treated as a no show with flight fare forfeited to offset any costs incurred by the airline for missing their appointed take off slot.
Tough doo-doo if they lose the fare.
The airlines need to put a clause in their terms and conditions that the booking does not have the right to demand seating arrangements.
I was on a flight when one of these dipsticks was doing his head banging shit at the back of the plane when the seat belt sign came on, the cunt refused to sit until he had finished his fucking babbling.
Pile them all up with the peacefuls and forward to Unkle Terrys hot house.
I’m certain airlines T&C already cover seating arrangements and in most cases they can shift you wherever they like (even if you’ve pre-booked a particular seat) citing a variety of reasons.
For example, the seat you’ve booked doubles as a bassinet and a mother & child onboard need to be seated there, or someone with a medical need (such as a broken leg) requires the extra legroom afforded by the bulk head seat you’d requested.
Or they just rely on the fallback that once onboard you’re obliged to follow crew instructions at all times. However, they can’t use that excuse if there’s any element of discrimination involved e.g. moving ethnics to seats near the bogs to mask the smell of their BO.
Planes are so 2020. Never going on one of the damn things so long as you have to wear a minge hammock over your chops.
I’ve got to be fair. If I were a Rabbi I would refuse to sit next to either Diane Abbott, Mrs. Boggs or Jonathan Ross’s daughter, and use my status as an excuse. Far too fat. It would put me off my cream cheese and bagels. I couldn’t be a Rabbi though, I wasn’t cut out for it. Oi vez, already
I’ve noticed Boggsy that you’re not very complimentary about Mrs Boggs appearance recently. What could have happened since 1976
when she won Miss UK that’s turned her into the woman that she is today?
She got her eyes tested after she married Mr Boggs and has been comfort eating to excess ever since??
No complaints from Mrs B after Bertie wooed her with some of his best one liners and cheesy puns.
From Mr Boggs’ description I think it was more a case of cheesy Wotsits than cheesy puns that clinched it for Bertie. ?
You’re a trouble maker Dick Dribbler!
Nice change from peacefuls being cunts.
I bet there’s a part in their corporate policy about “blessed be the big noses.”
Interestingly there’s an American Jewish group funding legal representation for refugees arriving in Greece.
Definitely not a fan of the orthodox cunts. They look at normal people like they are shit on their shoes, the inbreeding fuckers. Don’t they bang through a hole in a sheet, so the don’t have to touch the woman? Or is that ultra orthodox cunts? Too many cunts. They are the fuckers who give baby boys herpes, as the it’s normal for the dirty cunt rabbi who circumcises the child to suck the blood from the wound. How fucked up is that?
Me and the Mrs came back from NY a couple of years back and witnessed a couple of ortho’s and their mum on the flight. Ordered her around like a fucking servant the whole 8 hours. Get me this , get me that, need a blanket , need a drink. I just don’t get religion. Baffles the fuck outta me. My mum was Jewish dad Italian catholic. Split the family down the middle when they got married in the sixties and when they Christened me CofE split the rest. I went to a church school not because parents religious just a half decent comprehensive in area. Church sermon every Thursday morning for half an hour. Sang different lyrics to hymns and the Lord’s Prayer etc got bollocked by the teachers regularly. Even at 11 new it was all just a control method. How do these people still believe in it all?
Good comment, you have mentioned the reason why this sort of bollocks carry’s on. What man in his right mind would give up a 24/7 slave when the notion has been drummed into him since he was old enough to get the teachings that the big man gave him dominion over women. Same with the peacefuls and any other religion that is based on the idea that women are inferior. Fucking mud age backward bastards.
I wonder if they would have objected if it was a tranny?
I think the fault lies with the cabin crew, who shouldve told the men to shut the fuck up and sit down.
The ugly goggle-eyed bastards are bitter because someone nicked their pullovers!
Orthodox ? Ultra orthodox??
Is it the heat, the sand, lack of decent bacon that turns these nutters into pedalos?