People who can’t wear a mask properly are currently boiling my piss. Now I have to say, after months of not having to bother, I find this rule about wearing masks in shops etc to be a load of bollocks. I wear one in the shops, but that’s it. I did the infamous “five miler of death” several times while serving, in full NBC kit, so a bandana isn’t too much of an inconvenience. If you can wear an S6 respirator for extended periods, a mask or bandana is easy.
However, I’ve noticed an increasing trend among the section of the populace from the shallow end of the gene pool to wear a mask over their mouth only, leaving their nose exposed. What these failed experiments obviously don’t realise, is that doing that makes wearing a mask FUCKING REDUNDANT! When you breath, your breathe comes out of your mouth AND your nose, you low I.Q., window licking, drooling morons. Do you think the Flu Manchu can only infect you via your mouth? No, you dumb motherfuckers, there is more than one way to catch it. The one good thing about them doing this, is that it makes dumb motherfuckers much easier to spot.
For fucks sake, what do you dumb cunts need? A fucking diagram? Sort yourselves out.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
Its fucking shit they don’t work so who gives a fuck, fuck the government and all this covid made up shite.
Ooh, you sound like an expert!
Couldn’t agree more. The Government are such a bunch of cunts.
Masks are pointless, they introduced masks and cases went up they wear them in Spain going up.
Government think they are the magic bullet they ain’t.
From the very start the medical officer has said they have a limited effect but finally conceded that the benefit of wearing them in slowing the spread made the case for wearing them where a significant social distance cannot be maintained.
It’s pretty obvious really
Great cunting, I feel pretty much the same. What good do they actually do? Fuck knows! but I wear one in the shops to make the shop workers feel at ease (Mrs E Cunt works in a supermarket front line worker unlike fucking GP’s grrr) and I would take personal offence if some cunt was shitty with her.
But some cunts have the thing hanging off their chin with fuck gob and snot openings totally uncovered. Why? stop being a total and utter bastard cunt and show some respect for the workers out there that have not stopped working throughout this shitty bastard bat chinky cunty flu episode.
The mask is supposedly worn to protect others, not the person wearing it. So why would these morons give a fuck?
Eventually the virus will be under control when a vaccine becomes available sadly the morons will still infest the country ?
Hopefully they won’t SOI, hopefully they will contribute to the Death Toll in ever increasing numbers!
Lol, even I am not that cruel ?
I am. We need a cull in this country. 20 million minimum.
Starting with bame ✔️
Woke marxists ✔️
Dole scum✔️
Peacefuls definitely
Not sure about the BAME bit…. my wife is of Indian descent and my next door neighbour’s Japanese wife gives me the horn.
But woke Marxists and feckless dole scum ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Sorry Ruff-no blurred lines here. The world of my childhood was a much, much, much happier place. And white.?
The net result of this programme of enforced diversity, is social disparity.
Do you know, the more time goes on, I’m beginning to appreciate the differences between Peacefuls and those of Indian descent. Obviously, apart from one following a Medievil religion, their whole outlook on life is so different. Just a small example but yesterday an Indian restaurant owner was interviewed about the way Covid had devastated his business. He was very philosophical — no moaning or blaming whitey and he even raised a smile at one point. Contrast that with the reaction of Peacefuls who would have blamed everyone except his brothers. No fuckin’ chance of a smile. Has anyone ever seen one of these cunts smile? I’d have more in common with a Martian once they invade.
I seen one smile outside an all girl primary school playground once
Exactly, Ruff, exactly.
I wish we actually had The Mask in charge of the UK rather than Bloated Boris
I wear one when I go into shops but I really do fail to see the point, if it worked, why are the “cases” of the fake virus rising? or is that a load of old cobblers too?
See the RTC post above.
“Cases” are not rising, but the number of tests are.
Calling all tests “cases”, whether positive, negative, false positive or false negative, is deliberately misleading. A case traditionally means an individual suffering symptoms, not just someone being tested.
See for some properly-presented ONS figures on number of tests vs. actual cases, hospital admissions and deaths. Also on Hector’s site are medics pointing out the inaccuracy and unreliability of the PCR tests, which were never intended to be used for screening en masse.
I cannot think of any mainstream media outlet or government organisation claiming that tests were ‘cases’ (of Covid 19)
This is addressed to you know who you are.
Masks give limited protection to people near the mask wearer (he said wearily, yet again). Here’s the thinking (again)
I wear a mask where asked to, not to protect me…it doesn’t, significantly…but to protect you cunts a little. And some of you cunts are like me getting on in years . with wornout or otherwise shagged immune systems. In fact quite a lot of the population, when you add it up.
Though you are perfectly at liberty to ignore informed opinion (and no, it is not always consistent) and take your lead from some anonymous cunt on the web who knows better on the basis of being a qualified plumber and being told by a mate who cleans the hospital toilets.And to object shrilly when it is proposed that masks wearing is enforced for the greater good.
Bet you’re anti vaccination too, aren’t you. you smugly murderous cunt?
I propose that if you don’t want to follow the official guidance, you shouldn’t be given vaccinations. Against anything at all. And you won’t mind, will you?
Copy that to Chris Whitty to read out at his next press conference, it might actually make people take some notice ?
Could not have said it better. ?
I can only add my voice to that!
“Bet you’re anti vaccination too, aren’t you. you smugly murderous cunt?”
Bit of an unpleasant non sequitur there, Komodo.
There’s a world of difference between being vaccinated with proven treatments and being jabbed with a concoction that’s been hastily prepared, especially as Patrick Valance has shares in a vaccination company:
He was head of GSK R&D for 6 years so if he DID’NT have shares I would be very surprised, share packages are available to all employees of GSK.
Yes. Conflict of interest. Yes, the business-government nexus is corrupt as fuck. It’s the free-market at work and unless you’re a filthy Commie cunt like me, it should be your favourite economic model…
Doesn’t reduce the likelihood that the market-leading big pharma company GSK can develop and produce in the quantity required a working vaccine. Or that Vallance can expedite this.
Let’s have another look at this when an amateur virologist produces millions of doses of an effective vaccine in his bath. beating GSK to it, eh?
I am not removing the coal from my bath for a pesky vaccine!
I wear a mask when required, as a courtesy and a reassurance to the shop staff.
The kind of mask I would really like though is an all covering black hood – it will go well with my axe and chopping block as sobbing porky clown Boris is dragged to it!
@ Komodo – The tickie I gave you is based on the main thrust of your post – in no way should it be seen as endorsing your being a filthy Commie. ?
I know that RTC. Though it’s a pleasant surprise to get a ticky from you at all. Thank you. Returned in kind.
What the fuck is a ticky? Is it like a lazy lob?
You may also be surprised to learn that I often give you tickies…. grudgingly, of course. ?
My reply above was for Komodo.
Afternoon Cuntstable ?
Now you’re just angling for tickies.
Now you’ve quèered your pitch. No way am I giving that a tickie!
Interest article in the Telegraph this morning regarding Sir Knobhead Vallance and his alleged £600k shareholding in a covid vaccine company.
“No conflict of interest” splutter the government.
Hmmmm. whatever!
(behind a paywall)
Never, ever use ‘the greater good’ argument. That line of reasoning has been used by dictatorships throughout human history to justify their actions. Mask enforcement should be up to businesses to decide, NOT the government.
I reserve the right to appeal to the greater good when the intention is to keep as many people as possible alive for the very good reason that the alternative is undesirable both by them and by you.
Spurious, glib and unconsidered objection I’m afraid, Chiggun. The greater good can be invoked for good or evil; it is in itself a neutral argument.
The civilian population during WW2 was asked to do a lot more than wear masks* and social distance – rationing of just about everything, the blackout, travel restrictions, the draft…and did it without whining (much) about its rights.
That contributed to this post not being in German. The greater good, I’d say!
*The general issue of gas masks was happily unnecessary, but a sensible precaution, for the greater good.
There you go – another tickie. This tickie giving is becoming more contagious than Coronavirus!
What the government should’ve done is advise that businesses enforce mask policies, but not make it mandatory. That way, businesses can choose to enforce mask wearing if they like and you, as the consumer, have the choice not to patronise businesses if they don’t do so. That way people by and large stay protected without the government making decisions for them.
That bloke in the header pic – looks like he’s just finished eating out Jess Phillips’ undercrackers this morning!
That’s why there is a hole in his mask, all that fucking bile spewing from her snatch has rotted it ?
Unless you wear a covering for your eyes what’s the point as the eyes are probably the most exposed part. Always open.
It’s not so much the wearing of masks that annoy me it’s the hot exhaled breath that you get back in your face that pisses me off.
I have to wear one about on average 4 hours a day for my job and the last thing I want to wear while shopping for a pair of cacks is a muzzle. Hence all shopping done online now.
I hate mask wearing because one of the few pleasures in life when shopping (I don’t use public transport) was memorising hot bitches’ fizzers for storage in the wank bank. Don’t know about you, but a pair of eyes is not enough for me to successfully unload?
I’ve downloaded the Bruce Forsyth app that measures the distance between you and other people and then lets you know when they are at the distance required under social distancing guidelines.
“Nice, two metre….two metre, nice….
The nom reminds me of the photo on IsAC from a while back where a rinky dink in Wuhan was wearing a mask with a hole near the mouth and a fag permanently stuck in his mouth! Oh, how I laughed.
Boris now wants to defeat the virus and suppress cases. This is acting like King Canute. The virus has and huge differences in disease severity in different segments of the population and is lethal to 75 years+, for most healthy it is mild, It is time to dispense with restrictions. Protect the vulnerable and let the rest get on.
Fuckin’ hell. I’d hate to be 74 with a birthday coming up in October!
I cant stand those old tarts who wear them as chinstraps, or don’t bother to cover their noses. The old hags who wear those plastic face shields look like Jabba the Hutt or one of the more frightful hags in Game of Thrones. They are pointless things anyway. I bet that old nancy Chris Witty wears a floral one.
The visors are at least comfortable and transparent mind. Although people still shouldn’t be forced to wear them.
While reading The Telegraph a couple of days ago a reader posted a question wondering if farting in public could be carry the virus in the same way as sneezing or coughing.
No one bothered to reply, although he did get a few “up” votes.
If I farted in public, death by Covid would be the least of people’s worries!
hopefully you’ve produced something so toxic that it kills the virus in seconds.
Was that you in Spasda this morning…… down the frozen chip aisle? If it was you ought to go see a Doctor mate!
I cleared Aldi this morning. Track and trace that fucker!
No, I had my groceries delivered by Asda this morning. Because he came in range, they’ve just taken the delivery driver back to the store and recovered his van, as he was incapable of any further work today. I’ve had Porton Down on the phone asking if they could bottle it to hit back at the Ruskis .
Shopping yesterday and some cunt walking towards me actually lifted his mask to cough practically in my face. Dumb cunt, the only worth of these face rags is to catch a bit of spittle, and the cunt couldn’t manage that. I also laugh when you see cunts coming out of a supermarket and they can’t get the mask off quick enough to stick a fucking fag in their mouth. And that was before masks were made compulsory! Darwin would be proud.
As for vaccines, I’m not an anti vaxxer, they are thick as fuck, but I choose not to have the flu jab, as I don’t think it’s necessary for me, as I’m reasonably healthy, and the same will apply for any Covid vaccines. Especially with the haste in their conception.
You’ve just stacked the odds against you GJ.
If you catch Covid and flu together, it doubles your risk of pegging it!
I face greater dangers than that every time I go out on my motorbike, of some cunt hitting me with a car because they are transfixed by their mobile phones. Anyway, now everyone has to wear a mask, I’ll be fine right?
Wearing a mask is a cunt.
Unless you wear glasses (and they may not fully protect you) it can get in your eyes also.
This really is a pile of cunt, I see people on buses in London wearing them over there mouths and surely those blue parer type ones don’t work.
I WILL NOT WEAR ONE, I simply tell shops lucky enough to get my money that I have a medical condition.
Also supermarket workers don’t wear one and haven’t during the peak of the virus.
What abaaaaht the Police sat in their motors next to eachother?
I agree with the cunting in that cunts who wear them should wear them properly, however knowing my sexual practices I don’t want to wonder abaaaaaht smelling Olga’s bumhole in my mask. ?
For me wearing a mask is a sign of surrender, and I’m too much of a rebellious cunt to surrender.
Go fuck yourselves. ???????
I can’t believe you claim a medical condition B&W surely your rugged good looks speaks for itself ?
PS, anyone who claims they can’t wear a mask should be put down for causing an unnecessary burden on the NHS.
If I wore a mask SOI it would be a sad loss for all the women aaaaht there who appreciate a dashing, stylish man.
They need something to look at rather than their past it, fat cunt bloke. ?
Talking abaaaaht burdens on the NHS…cunts like me not wearing a mask will be nothing burden wise as opposed to all these fat cunts wandering abaaaaaht. ?
Your mask B&W would have a “tongues free” slit cut in to it!
Evening Bertie, I am currently working on a mask with convenient holes in it for me mate Dave’s brothel…got to make some money in these times. ?
My reference to people who can’t wear masks for medical reasons are already a burden on the NHS, not wearing a mask and have Covid but no symptoms is a potential to put a burden on the NHS.
Badly explained sorry
Oh B&WC you appear to have sunk to yet further depths of depravity. No longer content with licking women’s bum holes, you now go around “smelling” them – you dirty bugger!!
If you sink any further you’ll be in the mariana trench.
You make the Marquis de Sade look like Godfrey from Dad’s army.
Apologies for going off nom but Starmer has sacked potato faced commie Nadia Whittome for refusing to support a motion which would stop vexatious litigation against armed forces personnel.
Put a mask on that, bitch.
(Indeed she has! No doubt she’ll go crying to social media looking for likes to help her through the trauma
Nadia Spud-U-Like – DA)
Is she the one with the Umper Lumper hair? So much Labours new found sense of patriotism, same old cunts.
Oompa Loompa do-ba-da-dee…
Stupid cow should have known Starmer would use any pretext to lose her. Quite apart from the interesting question of how are you going to recruit soldiers if they think they’re going to get prosecuted for doing the job?
By-election, please. Get the woke cuntbrain out completely.
Starmer seems to be shedding loonies quite well. A pity the brain dead London electorate dont respond to the woke anti-British fucking morons the elect.
She was told before the vote that is she voted against it she would be sacked – and potato head still voted against it!
Suppose it beats spying on nursing homes.
And if any Woman needed to wear a mask permanently..
I think she was sacked for not following the whip to abstain, she along with Corbyn and a few other Labour cunts voted against the bill.
She was on Peston last night and she found out via a Tweet that she knew nothing about, it was priceless ???
I just wish all this shit would fuck off.
Could you be a tad more precise? Have you just farted and followed through and it is trickling down your leg or are you referring to the Bat Flu?
The masks are wonderful. No more looking at ugly faces, no more smelling people’s halitosis, no more feeling fresh spittle when idiots talk. haven’t had to carry my ace with me for months. Long may they continue.
— Carry my Mace (official legal UK stuff). Unless meeting certain people from South East Asia.
I have to wear a mask. So much so that it’s caused a fucking rash. I, personally, couldn’t give a flying fuck if you wear one or not, but, as RTCP says, it’s to protect YOU from me. The excuse that boils my piss is that it lowers your SATS. IT FUCKING DOESN’T. Surgeons wear them all day. You don’t see them collapsing in theatres, do you? And as for the dull cunts saying the pandemic is a scam???? Just crack on polishing your tinfoil hats. University Of Facebook with a masters from YouTube Umiversity ‘Experts’…
It isn’t a scam by any means, but we have certainly overreacted to it.
Indeed. Where others see conspiracy, I see incompetence.
At a staggering level.
I tend to gravitate towards the opinion of people at the sharp end DCI. ?
I’m surprised the thick cunts haven’t suffocated, they only usually breathe through their mouths anyway.
I might get a mask.
They expensive?
Ive a cold or something, been coughing and sneezing all day now some of the customers are coughing too.
I have my own homemade mask MNC – but due to my terrible spelling it says “rappist” – every time I go out in it I get buggers shouting some nonsense called “hip hop” at me!
It’s a bleedin’ outrage!
Never worn one
Don’t intend to either.
Load of total fucking bollocks in my humble opinion.
Sorry if that upsets the perpetually frightened face nappy fascists.
Bloody masks. Who else has been out and about, parked the car, walked to a store only to THEN remember you left your fucking mask in the car? As a glasses wearer, I’m sick and tired of getting ‘fogged up’ every single breath too.
Why hasn’t this shit burned itself out yet? SARS did. Bird ‘flu did. West Nile did. Is this crap worse than the regular ‘flu now? We were told over and over at the start how the ‘flu was worse, kills more each year, blah blah blah. Cannot fucking believe it’s 6 months on and this shit is still going on.
Who ever thought going for a stroll, popping into the shops, having a quick pint etc. without a care or leave would one day feel like a distant luxury?
The flu fucks more of the vulnerable up than covid, and had done for years, but no one forced you to wear a mask for that…
What pisses me off are the dirty fuckers who chuck their used masks on the ground.
Everywhere I walk I see these manky blue things on the floor, dirty pigs.
Just as bad as those cunts who bag up dog shit and then hang it on a hedge.
Those cunts deserve a prison sentence.
Whan you’ve done CPR, BLS, ALS in Level 3 PPE, for an hour, in the heat, as I’ve just done, come and have a chat about wearing a fucking mask for ten minutes whilst shopping.
I’m trying not to wade in too much on their effectiveness as I don’t believe I know enough to judge, but I do know that you’re not going to convince anyone by being condescending. If anything you’re more likely to cause the mask skeptics here to double down.
You’re right, General. Fucked off, hot, sweaty as fuck and fought a losing battle right from the off. But you try, for the family.
I respect you DCI.
I couldn’t do your job or a copper’s. I’d end up “accidentally” giving someone anaesthetic by a muay thai elbow to the jaw.
Psychologically maybe? But it feels like I can’t breathe when I wear a pesky mask,- so bollocks to wearing one.
Might be ok for a whippersnapper in their prime,- but no good for an old coffin dodger that has eaten too many packets of Player’s Weights and Woodbines. Breathing is challenging enough, – without having to inhale though a wanky, worthless piece of cloth.
Wearing a mask says “I surrender to, and I am on board with every last bit of bullshit my government tell me”
Imagine a virus so deadly hardly any cunt dies” from” it
Imagine a virus so deadly that you have to be tested to know yoeru even have or have had it.
Imagine a virus so deadly it’s way down the fucking list of causes of actual deaths.
Imagine a country full of condescending face muzzle stasi shitting themselves if a stranger or a family member comes within 6 feet of them.
Imagine a country where people suddenly think their government has their concerns and best interests at heart while the economy and theirs and their younger relatives way of life is so recklessly trashed.
Sad times indeed.
Too fucking right.
If there’s a cull in this country like RCP suggested then smokers should go first – the filthy bastards have killed more people indirectly than Covid-19 ever will in a decade.