BBC’s VJ coverage (28)

I foolishly tuned in to see the BBC’S news broadcast yesterday and said to myself, ‘I wonder how long it’ll take them to be woke and boil my piss?’

Well, it took them all of a few seconds. Their coverage of VJ day made it look as though WW2 was won for Britain by Indians and other dark keys.

Now, I’m fully aware that citizens of the Commonwealth did chip in with invaluable help, for which you’d have to be a cunt not to be grateful for.

However, their coverage seemed to almost solely focus on these troops when it came to the victory in Japan celebrations. It was spot the honky soldier time. I think we saw Prince Charles for a few seconds before they quickly returned to a scene from ‘It ain’t half hot mum.’ I didn’t see many other honkies.

How long until they colour in footage of Churchill and stick a turban on his head?

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

80 thoughts on “BBC’s VJ coverage (28)

  1. The BBC is turning into Big Brother, with its Ministry of “Truth”; Thoughtcrime, and Doublethink, raging through its corridors of news & entertainment departments.

    The corporation seems to be answerable to no-one other than the Woke Left. And it is surprisingly/disappointing that this government sits idly by and lets it carry on indoctrinating young and impressionable minds in order to stay relevant. While blatantly ignoring/admonishing/lambasting/ridiculing those that have paid the licence fee for decades!

    This is the 43rd nomination for these little shits, and yet nothing but nothing has changed – they were, and are, and always will be COMPLETE AND UTTER CUNTS OF THE FIRST ORDER!

    • They’ll likely make 50 by the end of the year. We must do something to commemorate it.

      • Did anybody hear that smug self satisified arsewipe Tony Hall on Wireless 4 Media Show yesterday (1630 and 2130)?:

        Smug old bastard sounded a real old queen. In talking about “diversity” and the lack of working class executives at the BBC he droned on about BAMEs coming in, conveniently forgetting (and not being reminded by the grovelling bastard who interviewed him – also a BAME – that these days being a BAME does not equate with being working class.

      • If the white middle aged male cunt had any integrity he would have resigned and demanded that Bonnie Greer – a black British hating woke racist – be appointed Director General in his place.

    • I doubt many young people watch the BBC. Besides, they get more than enough woke propaganda on social meeja, the BBC probably comes accross as being quite reactionary to them.

      I haven’t watched anything on the BBC for months, apart from the occasional Panorama and a 15 minute comedy called ‘Squeamish About…’ which can be mildly amusing.

      Used to keep an eye on Politics Live, This Week and the Andrew Neil Show, the last two have since been cancelled.

  2. I didn’t watch it as I knew it would be a load of woke shite. Sure enough, when I saw some pictures later on, there was a black sailor and an asian female army officer. Not many whiteys – I guess all those guys who died on the Burma Railway don’t count as they were obviously old and, therefore, racists and slave owners. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the huge sacrifice given by Sikh soldiers* and the Gurkhas, but the cunts have to use everything as an exercise in inclusivity bollocks.

    *I used to love to read the obituaries in the Telegraph of various VC winners, many who were Sikhs and Gurkhas. Typically something like “Private Gupta picked up a Bren gun and stormed a nest of Japanese soldiers, killing 6 immediately and finishing off the rest with his bayonet”. A different breed.

  3. The BBC could be cunted every day.

    Any commemoration for British forces, VJ, VE and Armistice day should be BBC 1 and 2, we pay for the fucking BBC!

    The latest cunt to shot by police in the US, the reports were that he had a knife and was trying to get into his car where his kids were sitting…. if the police had let him get in and he had stabbed the kids the police would have blamed for not stoping him, but did the BBC mention that he had a knife, no not a peep.


    • From the coverage I saw, the cunt was given numerous warnings by the cops to stand still and put his hands up. But he kept on walking to his car; God only knows what he had secreted there. It could easily have been the sort of automatic rifle beloved of these cunts.

      I don’t blame the cop for shooting although a few shots to the legs would probably have done the job equally well.

  4. World war 2 was won by the Russians.
    We’d have had our arses kicked if it wasn’t for the involvement of other countries.

    • Stalin once commented that in defeating Nazi Germany, Britain gave the time, the USA the money and the Soviet Union the blood.

    • Of course. The war wasn’t called a World War for nothing. And I wouldn’t have fancied the Russians’ chances if we and the other allied forces hadn’t been involved.

      • Russia would have starved in 1942 if it wasn’t for the allies., never mind the material aid. Don’t forget these cunts had half of Poland in 1939 in a pact with the nazis. Fuck Russia.

      • And us sending them Hurricanes, crews and spares, too. Atlantic convoys? They did alright out of us, too.

      • Even after the war some government cunt said of course you can have some jet engines and gave them a load of RollsRoyce engines which when slightly modified to favour Russian manufacturing techniques were stuck into the mig 15 Which flew against us in the Korean War.
        So what with all the spying during and after the war they did bloody well out of us aided and abetted by numerous fucking traitors on our side. The majority carried on with nice little earners mp, queens art expert and so on. Do not want to write their names cos they make me physically sick. The most dangerous thing, traitors within.

      • Aye. And look at how the cunts treated the German women and girls when they took parts of it over. OK, the Germans were utter cunts for WW2, but there was no excuse for raping and beating the women and young girls like that. Twats.

      • All true. But could the UK have won without 27million dead Soviets?

        History is a fearsomely complex subject not a tawdry morality play for Woke imbeciles.

      • But if Hitler hadn’t turned east, they wouldn’t have joined in. They invaded Poland, together.

    • No, it was won when the US came into the war. In holding out up to that point we bought time. We played a key role in the North African and Sicily offensives as well.

      • The Battle Of Britain was the first defeat the Hun took. Incidently, is anyone else getting fucked off with the current trend to put the women of the ATA on the same playing field as The Few? Books entitled ‘Spitfire Women’, that sort of thing. The BBC always drag out one of them out, (not decrying what they did, just put it into fucking context), whenever there’s anything to do with the battle or Spitfires in general.

      • The same goes for the Polish squadrons, you would swear they won it for us. I don’t want to diminish their valuable contribution, but it’s getting a bit much now. Funny how you never hear of the Rhodesian or South African pilots who fought in the battle, wrong type of foreigners. I

  5. Fucking cunts- just turning the 90 plus percent indigenous population against them even more.

    Any other counters notice the Google cartoon of the Great White British sculptor, Hepworth, looked as brown as Trevor Macdonald (appropriated surname there, the Damilola Taylor obsessed cunt).

  6. The sooner the BBC’s privatised the better. Then they’ll find out how many people actually want to watch their one-sided reporting and dilution of this country’s history.

  7. Did the BBC mention that quite a few Indian soldiers fought on the side of the Japanese?
    Thought not.

    • Not altogether surprising, considering their country was under occupation by us at the time. The majority however fought on the side of the British.

      • I agree that many Indians saw the Japanese as a means to end colonialism . The Japanese were trying to sell the area the ‘South East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere’ but seeing how they acted in the Philippines and other conquered territories I do feel that it would have been out of the frying pan and into the fire for India.

  8. Please note current guidelines from Platform Leader, Diversity Pillar, BBC Central Transformational Globality (Newthink):

    For “rioter”, “arsonist”, “looter” ; read “protester”
    For “civilian trying to fend off rioters, arsonists, looters” read “armed out-of-town vigilante”

    Should a Person of Colour be traumatised bythe forces of law and order, his criminal record may not be mentioned.

    Thank you.
    Platform Leader, Diversity Pillar, BBC Central Transformational Globality (Newthink)

    • And

      Illegal immigrant = migrants without papers.

      There must be a hell of queue forming on the French beaches Waiting for the wind and rain to stop.

      • Fear not. Our surveillance Beech* King B350) is e’en now patrolling the straits, although what it proposes to do about any immos it finds is obscure, since it carries no machine guns, cannon, bombs etc.

        *as in we shall fight them on the beeches, lol.

    • Concerned citizens protesting for more police presence to protect them from ‘protesters’ = far-right.

      Black criminal thugs and white middle-class communist agitators beating cops, whiteys and looting = anti- racist protesters

      The ultimate for me though was that midget cricket cunt on Sky who actually said, ‘The martyr George Floyd’. What a fucking twat.

  9. This is worth a visit:

    Please note: the writeup here is sympathetic to Hall, but the interview was less so. It was professional, and asked some hard questions which put Hall off balance.

    For instance, this section:
    Asked by Rajan if too many people at the BBC are “middle-class, remain-voting graduates”, Lord Hall replied: “I think you have a really interesting question there, because it’s something I believe in very strongly….

    went a bit further. Rajan had pointed out that while trust in the BBC was still high among the middle class, among the working class it was minimal. Hall floundered and had to admit that there was a disconnect here. But:

    “Diversity of thought can be one of our strengths…

    Can it? Fuck off.

    • Sorry hadn’t seen this post when I interjected earlier. Hall is obsessed with race. I reckon his boyfriend is in a minority. Rajan should have pointed out that BAME doesn’t automatically equate with “working class”. Hall has the Anthony Blair style of interviewee – camp blather and gushing till asked an embarrassing question then he gets defensive and petulant and employs the old “I don’t want to go down that road…”

      • From my memory of the R4 interview, Rajan clearly had that in mind, but implied it rather than stating it, in the interest of getting an answer, the optimist.

  10. The BBC seem to be trying to defund themselves with their constant woke cuntishness.
    It really says a lot abaaaaaht some of the mug punters we have in this country that this piss taking by the BBC is allowed to continue without mass riots and demonstrations.
    Everybody who loves and is British and not a cunt should cancel their license fee and lay siege to their building in Manchester or wherever the fuck it is.
    Starve them aaaaht, then bombard the cunts as they leave the building.
    The only one I like is Andrew Neil and being a fat cunt he’d be able to live off his fat reserves until the siege was over.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  11. I never have and never will pay for TV licence, it’s not that I can’t afford it…it’s the fact that they tell me too.
    It’s so stupid that surely technically anyone with a mobile phone which can receive a live TV feed should have a licence according to their ‘rules’.
    I even heard that they were thinking abaaaaht asking for a fee to be added to people’s home broadband to fund them.
    What a load of theiving, wrong un, shitcunts…who champion rat, freeloading wrong un, shitcunt, ‘refugees’.
    Once the BBC falls which it will, hopefully things will better.

    What a pile of cunt.

    • Oh, there were plenty of honky soldiers who turned up but the cameras were barely on them. That’s my point. And when they went into archive footage they showed mostly the ‘diverse’ troops.

      As I said, I’ve bugger all against them (in fact I’m as grateful as one can be for their efforts). I’m just pissed off that all this woke shite means they blatantly ignored the efforts of the majority of British troops.

  12. The Gurka regiment is the finest regiment ever assembled in the British empire, (closely followed by the Rhodesian light infantry) they’ll run into battle with little more than panga style sword for a country that pretty much abandoned them, but again most Far East POWs were white, maybe it wokeness or most of the whites have now died, they begrudge these brave men coming to Britain, but welcome swarms of vermin (sorry I mean migrants without papers) in, the world is fucked, the BBC is just a mirror of how far gone we are, the utter cunts!

  13. Last month Boris announced he was pressing ahead with decriminalising of the licence fee. Will be very intreseting times if he makes good on his promise. The BBC would then have to take out civil claims against anyone they suspect may be watching their service without a licence. Good luck with that.

    Now back to earth – it won’t happen, not on the blonde möng’s watch, anyhow.

    Isn’t James Purnell an irritating cunt with his perma-smirk, silly John lennon Glasses and Grandpa beard? What a fucking tool.

  14. Ah the cultural Marxism of our public broadcaster.
    I do hope when they have ushered in a new Hitler with the violent reaction to their ceaseless woke propaganda they receive a lesson in harsh realities.
    Such as hanging.
    Fuck Off CUNTS.

    • WW2 wasn’t won by dark keys, it was won by the Yanks, everybody knows that. if you want proof, watch any war film that was made in Hollywood.

      • And the Ivans giving the Krauts a twatting from the east of Europe played a big part too. But Hollyweird don’t like to mention that.

  15. My granddad was in Changi with some other British soldiers and also some Aussie ones who became his pals for life. They would all turn in their graves to know they fought for what Britain has become and how those sacks of shit at the BBC have sold them out.

    The thing is with the beeb cunts is they have to include ‘it’ in everything. Now absolutely everything has to be black. One could say they are obsessed, but I see the BBC as a rabid dog that needs putting out of its misery. I can’t wait for the day it is finally put down.

    • I went to the war cemetery in Kanchanaburi, Thailand and the museum over the road. Every anti-British limp dicked BBC wanker should be made to go, since they are obsessed with slavery they can educate themselves on men who were actual slaves, beaten, starved and worked to death.

      • too true, LL. My grandfather and his mates still had the salt burns and whip marks decades later. My granddad refused to go near anything Japanese for the rest of his life. He wouldn’t even get into a Nissan and I don’t blame him.

  16. What about a specific ‘BBC Shit’ category, along with ‘BLM Shit’ and ‘Coronavius shit’? I think BBCunts have earned it!

  17. BBC HQ, the bosses wanted to put in a one way system to be Covid compliant, they were ok with signs Keep Left, but came up with a major stumbling block with Keep R……

    Breaking news , Ed Dumbfuck is now sole leader of the Dumbfucks.

    Hilarious, almost half the members didn’t even bother voting ?

    • Sir Eddy Baby made a little acceptance speech afterwards.

      Apparently he’s in favour of motherhood and apple pie. And something about “we need to wake up and smell the coffee”.

      Rousing stuff!

      I wonder if he still wants to “float the idea of a Remain alliance to decapitate that blond head in Uxbridge and South Ruislip…”

      I was so hoping that pansexual Moron woman would win…

      • If boring was an Olympic sport Sir Ed would be a nailed on gold medal…..
        He banged on about ‘listening’, well I think after the 2019 election the message was a very clear FUCK OFF.

    • You are right, what a pasting they are getting on there. I’d like to know who are the 4 % who classified them as “excellent”? Is that the entire Labour Party, members and voters?

  18. These BBC cunts need locking up in the Albert Hall and made to listen to Land of Hope and Glory at full volume for 48 hours.
    And no you fucking woke traitorous twats, i’m not taking the knee for anyone apart from British people that fought for our country.

  19. My father was based in India and Burma between 1941 to 1945. Always hated the Japs afterwards but wouldn’t mention anything he saw. Unfortunately died in 1981 when I was 14.

    I was going to watch this, but knew the BBC was going to push it’s own woke, BAME agenda and gave up after 5 minutes.

    It was meant to be celebrating VJ Day and the ‘forgotten army’ who had to carry on after the Hun was defeated. The BBC ensured they were basically forgotten again.

    20 years ago I thought the BBC was great. Now I hate it.

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