(Coming to a town near you – if the Apologists have their way – Admin)
Now, this a difficult nomination, as it’s not one particular person, but I think all these Bleeding Heart Migrant Apologisers are Cunts, for their non-stop whining about how awful the death of a 16 yr old migrant is who apparently drowned in the Channel.
Now I don’t wish people dead ( with a few obvious exceptions ) and appreciate this is a waste of a young life & unknown potential – but – let’s look at a few facts here. . . . . .
1. ” It’s the UK’s racist & un-necessary harsh anti-immigration policy that caused this young boys death ” … er No !
a. We didn’t ask him to try to paddle to the UK
b. If he wanted to come to the UK, there are legal & legitimate ways to apply to migrate to the UK
c. At the age of 16, he was legally an adult
d. If you try to cross a treacherous & unpredictable channel of sea, 21 miles wide in a rubber dinghy, it’s not surprising that it doesn’t end well.
2. ” This tragic young boy’s death just highlights how cruel and absurd the UK governments draconian immigration policy is, and should be abandoned before more innocent lives are lost ”
a. Immigration policy is hardly absurd, when designed to limit the financial, institutional & administrative burdon that un-limited number of low or unskilled migrants & their sizeable families would have upon tax payer funded services like Health, Police, Housing, Employment.
b. There is a massive shortfall in affordable housing, over-crowded & under-funded schools, over-stretched Police & a Health service struggling – what effect do you think unlimited Immigration will have ?
c. As we know very little about this ‘boy’ or any migrant crossing the channel, we have no idea how ‘innocent’ he was. He could have been a Choirboy or a Murderer. Are the lives of people already living here any less ‘innocent’ or worthwhile ?
d. Allowing un-limited, un-controlled immigration during a Global health Pandemic is a monumentally Stupid idea.
3. ” These poor people are fleeing war torn countries for their lives. By denying them entry, the UK government are putting families, women & childrens lives at risk ”
a. We never said ‘come here, everyone’s welcome’
b. They aren’t crossing the Channel from Syria or Iran or Afghanistan – they are crossing from France. Are their lives at risk in France ?
c. Aren’t they ‘safe’ in Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, France or any other European country they have passed through ? or is it because those countries won’t givem housing, healthcare, education & money for free ?
d. See ‘b’ and ‘d’ from point ‘2’
e. Are you a fucking Moron ?
Cunts . . . Cunts who make my blood boil.
Nominated by: Lord of the Rings
Didn’t they find his driving licence which said he was 28?
A child of 28yrs who couldnt afford the 10grand dinghy fee the other poor desperate immos pay.
Maybe he was a retard?
Because at the age of 28 I was a young man who knew he wasnt able to swim the channel?
Thats why the media call him a child= a simpleton.
Fuck him
Go see Davy Jones
They are all thick cunts with an IQ that matches their age
If something very harsh is not done to completely end this filthy horde travelling at will then it will spell the end of Western Europe.
Those who make excuses for their dreadful habits should be rooted out and hung.
Fuck them all.
Thank you Admin for ruining my Sunday. I was looking forward to a lie in and then several hours of MotoGP and British Superbikes. Now I am having to calm down my superheated piss. Thanks a bunch!
There is some daft cow whose name escapes me who works for an organisation called Care For Calais or some such bollocks based in Dover, who is always wheeled out by the BBC to plead the case of the illegal immigrants, face of a fifty year old with the voice of a 12 year old.
Of course Labour politicians welcome them with open arms, as they are potential voting fodder, to get Dame Kweer and his bunch of poofters, misandrists, BAMEs and misfits into power – sadly Boris, Williamson and the hapless Hancock are helping him.
Isn’t she the one who’s got a passion for migrant cock ?
Or am I getting my stupid bitches mixed up ?
Either way, these fifth columnists are a major threat to the safety and well being of this country and its indigenous people.
Good morning.
I presume you mean this self-serving trollop:
Nothing like showing a little gratitude for free sex as well as free everything else.
Says that she has stepped back from her role due to ‘ill health ‘. I thought that the clap only needs some antibiotics.
That’s the filthy trollope. She’s probably a fully paid up member of ‘ Black Cocks Matter ‘ too.
Wouldn’t it be tragic, if her local STD clinic has been closed until further notice, due to Covid 19 ?
Get To Fuck.
What a vile looking slag, and using charity money to fund her immigrant cock fetish too.
Send her back with the rest of the filth if the whore likes them that much.
They see our country as a land of milk and honey.Benefits galore.Easy pickings.Simple answer DONT COME TO THE UK.Piss off back to your own country bloody scroungers
Just for once, the French are right.
Stop giving out free housing, welfare, healthcare and education and they will stop coming.
A few motor launches in the channel, firing warning shots from mounted M2 machine guns wouldn’t hurt either.
It”s a terrible tragedy.
Only one dead.
But don’t worry – Priti is on it (the dinner table as she chows through the weight of 3 child migrants) as she watches people being arrested – in a public place – filming the hundreds who arrive every day.
Sack this uselesd bag of guts.
This goverment has done fuck all to stop this.
Empty promises, to busy giving out favours to family and friends,
And to scared of accusations of racism to actually do anything about boatloads of freeloaders and scum coming ashore daily.
What a piss poor showing,
The spirit of Teresa the appeaser lives on…
Were it put to a legally binding (this time) referendum, I’m certain the vast majority of the British public* would vote to pull up the drawbridge immediately and return the fuckers who’ve already sneaked in.
*Because, fortunately, apart from politicians and “celebs”, we are all nasty xenophobic racists here.
If these cunts are apologising now, they’d have heart attack if my methods were employed to stem this invasion.
As an armada of invading scum intent on destroying the British economy, culture, and general way of life, I see no problem with an armed response.
In fact as a British tax payer I demand it. I pay for the armed forces to protect my welfare, not finance the welfare of these disgusting cunts.
Enter a property illegally that’s not yours and you’ll get nicked for trespass and/or burglary.
Enter this country illegally and you’ll get a 4 star hotel room, three meals a day and spending money. How can this make sense to anyone….
Notice how the wokes are trying to drop ‘illegally ‘ from reports?
LBC’s Maajid Narwar won’t have anyone call them ILLEGAL IMIGRANTS, but merely ‘travellers without papers’ …. What in the name of fuck … Fuck off. It’s fuckers like him, spouting that shit over the airwaves, that breed’s these soft apologist Cunts.
Wolf in sheep’s clothing in my opinion. No one does a 180 from being an extremist to what ever the fuck he is now. Insincerity wafts around him like a bad case of unwashed bum crack.
Nonsense. I won’t have a word said against my mate Maajid.
Exactly.If we entered their country illegally we would be shot or taken to prison.Not here though.Useless weak spineless government
I had to have a merry chuckle when I read that the 28 year ild child was using a spade to paddle his Carrefour basics dinghy and drowned because that spade, unsurprisingly, punctured it!
I hope he drowned close enough to the french shore that his compadrapes saw him die.
Oh the irony, a spade killed by a spade. Nothing new there then.
Why cant the french sort these parasites out?
They were quite happy ti round up the jews for the nazis during WW2.
Morning,Mr, Cunt-Engine.
Were you aware that this poor drowned migrant had been raiding your wardrobe ?….
A tracksuit, Mr Fiddler?! Come now, I wouldn’t be seen dead in such a chavvy item. My sartorial elegance is far too important to look like I come from a council estate and eat Findus crispy pancakes and own-brand bourbon biscuits for my lunch.
A tracksuit, Mr Fiddler?! Come now, I wouldn’t be seen dead in such a disgraceful item. My sartorial elegance is far too important to look like I come from a counc1l estate and eat Findus crispy pancakes and own-brand bourbon biscuits for my lunch.
I’d like to have replied with wit, Mr F, but it appears I’m being moderated up the arse this morning.
That’s because you’re naughty.
If it gets approved, you see that there’s nothing salacious in there at all! Kind of amusing that my comment about being glad a young man died gets through whereas one about my sartorial perfection is moderated!
He did drown near the shore. There was a news clip showing all his mates digging his grave with paddles.
We need more of this sort of thing!
International law (UN Charter 1950ish, etc etc) – asylum seekers MUST claim asylum in the first Country they come to – France is breaking international law and we have the legal right to refuse all illegal immigrants and dump them back in France.
Oh, yes, Boris the incredible shrinking “Man” seems to lose a bit more backbone every day, Piggy Patel is piss useless and we have a “Government” so piss wet and cowardly they are actually starting to make the opposition look credible!
I fkin despair – how long is it now before me and Nigel get elected? Will there be anything left by then?
5,000:1 odds you’ll safely reach the land of freebies ? WTF are these apologists bleating about ?
TT SB@ – that’s about the same odds you will get betting you can walk through Londanistan without being stabbed!
During an election campaign it’s all these desperate people must be saved by Britain as they are fleeing war etc from the caring lib/lab lot and how we’re going to get tough/put a stop to it by tory home secretaries the latest being Priti.
But the fact is it will never change as every single institution is now run by woke/lefty types and yuman rites laws making it a waste of time who we vote for.
We’d better just shut up and let them carry on as this, for some reason, has been the plan for fucking years.
Correct SH.
Nobody in politics gives a fuck.
Eventually either the UK will disappear into a homogeneous brown sludge as will all of the rich West or we shall see the rise of fascism again.
If this shit is fleeing a war zone can someone tell me who the French are fighting?
Kicking French ass is our job.
I referred to this https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000m049
yesterday. Scroll to 48min13sec to hear Martin Roe (whoever the fk he is: Integrity Initiative? MI5? SO19(c1)?
Excellent nomination.
It’s Martin Rowe, not Roe. Google and giggle away! Apologies.
It’s also worse than I thought; he was at Mansfield Coll Oxford, for starters.
Didn’t think he sounded like SO19(c1) tbh
[Note to admin. I tried posting a lengthier addendum about this, but rather mercifully it failed to register! (hence the “Test 晚上好 。” at Bette Middling nom). It could be Amsterdam or Rotterdam Liverpool or, errm, Dublin… it was just Puff the Magic Dragon each time I hit the button. Problems?]
Did you post the word excéedîngly? That would make your “lengthier addendum” disappear.
No, RTC, nor did it feature the lead singer of Talking Heads. It did, however, feature Tasmine Akunjee, Tony Blair, Magic Grandpa, James Corden and Lenny Henry – so take your pick!
I was, in fact, unusually assiduous in my choice of ASCII variants where necessary. Indeed, I then took the time to modify potential triggers in the normal way, but to no avail. As said, probably for the best tbh.
Good afternoon!
The lead singer of Talking Heads has been sorted CS.
You can post Byrne till you turn blue in the face and die now, should the fancy take you.
Good to know, RTC, albeit unlikely to be advantageous to me in all liklihood. I am, evidently, a mite “out of the loop”, unsurprisingly.
Pissing with rain here – the relentless and heavy type so typical of the Emerald Isle: nasty. Hope it’s fine with you, n enjoy the day womöglich!
It’s a perfect summer’s day here. So I’ve chosen to stay indoors watching television.
I wonder if each apologist would be willing to take one of these “poor, innocent, refugees” in to their own home, feed, bathe and pay for them, you know, seen as the rest of us are just racist cunts with no care for others? I bet fucking not!
I saw a mention in a newspaper that Gary Lineker says he is willing to house an immigrant so as to be seen to be putting his money where his mouth is. Well I’ll bet my bottom dollar if he’s made to follow through on that promise, his ‘immigrant’ will be hand picked, no trouble, maybe actual genuine asylum seeking child …. Not some thirty year old street wise kid, with a past record as long as your arm … willing to empty your house when you tell him you’re just popping out to the shops for a couple of minutes. Watch that space.
I’d love a headline … ‘ Poor Gary’s Immigrant Eats Family Pet ‘ …
I’d be more interested to see ‘Poor immigrant eats Gary’.
This happens at a time when UK government borrowing is at a record level, and it’s not even due to a war. And Liebour’s response to everything is say “spend spend”.
Scrapping the welfare state would focus the minds of everyone, inducing the indigenous feckless to compete with the immos of every origin. We no longer need the doushkas let alone more coffee coloured cunts.
Wasn’t this person choosing not to remain in Europe? And as such, surely the lefties should be glad he drowned?
Migrants apply for visas, invaders don’t.
Those poor migrant Germans during WW2 flooding into France, Poland and Russia.
Can someone explain to me why these poor people who are so in need of help and assistance have to travel through all the countries of Europe without any help or assistance then risk their lives to cross the channel on a flexi ferry so they claim asylum in U.K. Myself and others are absolutely disgusted with the EU’s lack of support for these blighted people one was lead to believe that anyone, whatever their creed our colour was welcome In any eu country. Seems that is not the case as the eu must be allowing their members to eject these travellers so they have no choice but to head for those cliffs immortalised in song. My group will take a knee on this later.
Didn’t this 28 year old child have his asylum claim in France refused? If so, why wasn’t he flown back to where he came from, instead of being free to try his luck in another country?
Fucking liberal lefties love it when these cunts drown, as they can push their outrage to the extreme. They blame the government for the death, along with the desperation shown by the migrants, for not giving them a safe passage to the U.K. where they can legitimately claim asylum. It’s not enough for them that the government is doing nothing to stop them making the crossing, and is rescuing those that make the attempt and bringing them to the U.K.
They also think the attention given to this migrant crisis is to divert attention from whatever fuck up with chinkyflu that particular day.
It’s probably because he ‘lost’ his passport so the authorities have get a new document from his country of origin, in the meantime instead of throwing the cunt in cell he is allowed to wander around aimlessly.
This is the problem with illegals that are already here, when they are caught unless the border force can find their ID or passport they are fucked…. but of course we can’t throw them in a cell because that would be a ‘hostile environment’
Looks like Wayne Rooney’s latest squeeze ( or Macron’s wife) has just arrived…..https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8654923/Great-grandmother-94-rescued-oldest-migrant-attempt-Channel-crossing.html
TT DF@ – Well, there’ll be plenty of work and taxes paid from this one, a worthy contributer to the UK economy.
Does it take civil uprising before the Marie Antoinettes in charge realise how fucking furious 99% of the population are?
At least she won’t be on benefits for long, at her advanced age, the old cunt.
Give her plenty of rich Western food, and she’ll be gone by cock – crow.
Get To Fuck.
Can’t really add much to this, for fear that I’ll have an apoplectic seizure if I do.
There really needs to be some truths told about these illegal invaders, I suspect (not fact but from what we see on news and other media) that some, probably like the 16/28 year old is one of the Calais camp types with next to fuck all. I also suspect that the vast majority crossing in high quality motorised inflatables have never been near a migrant camp and have money.
Going back to the migrant convoys in 2015/2016 the Dutch had a policy of confiscating any funds over 1200 euro from these refugees, if they wanted state aid then that was fair and I think other countries may have tried similar policies.
I would love to know how much money these dingy fuckers have in bank accounts tucked away somewhere.
It’s a con, the apologists don’t have a clue what these cunts are up to, potential terrorists but most likely just economic migrants who are taking the piss!
Create a camp, guarded by barbed wire and troops in Kent. Quarantine the fuckers for 14+ days to prevent the spread of WuFlu (and worse). Whilst in the camp, process them, assess their real status – if economic, send them back.
If 2 weeks is not enough time to process them, send them to a further holding camp in the middle of Dartmoor, or the Yorkshire Moors, and hold them until processed.
Give this process wide publicity to deter the cunts
If our Priti and her cohorts can’t manage that, they are cunts…………er, they are
Big Al
This country is fucked!
Read The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray and see how this has come about and the bleak future for Europe.
The British public need some Dunkirk spirit and start patrolling The Channel in small boats with Stanley knives on long poles and sink these fuckers before they get anywhere near the British coast line.
There is talk in darkest Yorkshire of a masked vigilante known locally as “The Batman” – I wonder if he’s going on holiday to Kent anytime soon?
How the hell is porky apologist and traitor Priti fucking useless still in her job?
Bugger that. We need a fleet of destroyers patrolling the Channel and, with the exception of ferries, sinking any fucker who gets further than a mile from the French coast.
Navy frigate in the channel, pick up migrants, sink rubber boat, dump migrants back on French beach at gunpoint. Job done.
Fire on any French vessel that interferes.
I am warming up the engines on The Black Pig as we speak Dio – MNC complaining it’s too hot but he will cheer up with a nice longbow in his hand! ??☠
I wonder if all the slashing of rubber dinghys has Greta Thunderbirds environmental senses tingling.
“How dare they!”
We’ve just jailed a scumbag economic migrant cunt for 55 years for killing men women and children yet our useless government still lets them in by the boatload. What if they’re strapped with a suicide vest?? The Prime Minister, Home Secretary etc are safe with their 24 hour guard whilst us poor cunts have these bastards dumped in our midst to wander about our neighbourhoods. Billy Smarts Circus could run a better show.
I know the geography…not sure about the tides, winds and currents…but just wondering…Could you divert them to Ireland?