Yet another cunting for the BBC
“In the monologue An Ordinary Woman Gwen tells how she’s struggling to get to get to grips with her incestuous feelings towards her 15-year-old boy Michael.
At one point in the dark monologue, now available to view on BBC iPlayer, she tells how her son suspects her of having an affair, not realising that her new hairdo, lipstick and slimmer figure are meant to get his attention.“
Alan Bennett is a total cunt.
Lancashire is a cunt for taking the role.
The BBC is a cunt for being true to form. No wonder Jimmy Savile was so at home at the BBC. Pushing the barriers again, how long until mincing is shown as a loving normality in our screens. Not only has she got the hots for her own son, he’s only 15.
Drip drip drip tonight on the BBC. Keep it in the family, followed by, Peter and Chelsea, an old mans love for a school girl. Puts a new spin on Children in need.
Cunts, deviant filthy satanic cunts.
Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit
Theres a effort at the moment in media circles to normalise and show sympathetic attitudes to pãedophilía.
Can only assume that some of them are themselves pee dos.
A dangerous message and one to be fought against with extreme lack of tolerance.
On council estates the accusation of being a child predator will get you battered, fire bombed, or killed.
Nothing worse than preying on innocent kids.
Fuckin degenerate weirdoes.
Not if the accused council tenant were to live on a predominantly culturally enriched estate, it wouldn’t. Then, I suspect, it would put him in line to be the next head of leisure services in the local town hall.
Isn’t it strange ? the first BBC drama for ages NOT to star people of colour and NOT to be set in an ‘Efnik’ household …. I wonder why ………..
Time to tell the clipboard carrying muppets in tanktops to take their license fee & shove it, me thinks !
What the fuck is this? A claim of falling in love to negate the forthcoming crime?
What child of fifteen can physically prevent a fully grown adult if they decide to push ahead anyway? Like after a bottle or two of wine?
Fucking bbc at it again, promoting immorality and crime.
I knew of a pee do phile once, he had been caught twenty years after the event. In the heart to heart with his son before prison he tried to make it all ok. This is what he said: “you don’t understand son, it was love.”
What..!?! Love? For the whole swimming class?
For crying out loud.
The management of the BBC is sowing the seeds of it’s own destruction.
Hopefully when the future of this dinosaur is debated, it will become self funding and subject to the economic pull of what the reasonable majority are looking for.
It’s not just the BBC, it’s the media as a whole that is promoting degenerate and antisocial behaviour as acceptable and mocking those with morality, common sense and decency. But despite their cries for attention, it’s too late for TV. I give them 10 years and it will be digital from there on.
I just have no words, I’m honestly at the point now where nothing that I hear these cunts put out surprises me anymore. Haven’t watched or listened to anything from them for years, when I finally got to the point of cancelling the tax and just hoped they’d die a death sooner rather than later…anyway, I’m just going to have some fried breakfast, have a bath, a shave, don my waterproofs and I’m going to be sat in the beergarden for approximately 12 hours on me todd with a ’DO NOT DISTURB’ sign stencilled on my back.
Good morning.
The BBC needs a nationwide witch hunting. Pitchforks, fire brands, angry mobs. In their millions. Anything even remotely connected to the bbc removed from existence with fire.
The dawn would see hundreds of smoke columns above the vista if our beautiful land, and a moral cancer would have been scraped from surface of the earth.
Fuck the BBC. It’s not enough to take away the money, it must be annihilated.
Lots and lots of mustard gas.
Then oven the degenerate cuts.
Fuck me CUNTS
The sad old pòof probably wrote it in a bout of insanity brought on by Brexit.
Does not excuse Albeeb though, brainwashing CUNTS! Sooner they are defunded the better and all their staff sent to ‘re-education camps’.
Only watched three episodes so far.
Wasn’t impressed by ‘An Ordinary Woman’. Found it hard to relate to, not particularly credible, but what do I know?
The other two, ‘A Lady Of Letters’ and ‘Soldiering On’ were both pretty good.
Will no doubt enjoy the remaining episodes, except perhaps the ones with Martin Freeman and Maxine Peake…
Vaguely remember the original series in the ’80s. Mrs Bucket played one of the characters.
Martin Freeman should hung drawn and quartered and left for the ravens to finish off at the Tower of London.
Alan Bennett is a filthy cunt, carrying the torch of a long line of cunts writing about incest that The Guardian deemed ‘shocking but necessary.’
Found a good entry in Wiki listing a pile of shit lit to avoid:
Very good cunting Sixdog, the deviant bastards are very keen on the long game. Look at all the fuss over transbender rights, tiny minority of the population but with the aid of their commie friends in media can make an enormous fuss, even attacking dyed in the wool feminists for speaking off message. Thanks to the equality act and the unman rights act they will always triumph their desires are the law now. Well, as we move along the chain of pervery we encounter the pedo, loves children no harm is done by a fiddle, kid led me on usual crock of shite. Remember readers these bastards had a crack at becoming full members of society back in the 70’s and 80’s the jolly old PIE that managed to get in with the national council for civil liberties Liberty now. Put forward papers about dropping the age of consent to 4, filthy cunts
My point is all this shit is for one purpose and one purpose only, all this rights for gay beavers, rewriting history, behaving however you want to because you have a right enshrined in law, all this is a means to and end; the total breakdown of what’s left of our society so the remaining can be modelled into a “perfect” society perfect to control by those who will benefit from a mass of people with no history, no identity except what they choose And best of all no allegiance to any religion or political system Oh yeah and fucking stupid.
If ever they do a reboot of “Deliverance” those two gormless twats in the header pic will make great banjo players!
As for the BBC – a bunch of hypocritical cunts. I hope the licence fee is abolished because I want that smug woke organisation to sink into the fetid cesspit of vomit, shite and puss it created for itself when it was propped up by the licence tax for all these years!
Remember when this bloke moved onto our estate, scottish, he had a open door policy to all the young lads, they could go sit in his flat, smoke, underage drink, watch blueys, all aged 13-15yr, never any older.
Anyway sure enough he got one on his own and did something,
Bum him, raped him, not sure, but did something to this kid anyway.
There was a notorious pub called ‘the Cat’ in Brinnington, and a load of blokes steamed round kicked his door in and proper gave it him,
Me and my mate was sat on a wall and you could hear him screaming,
Shouting, crying.
The blokes left, and then the coppers came and a ambulance.
His flat got boarded up and he never came back.
Fuck him.
Sounds like the cunt got the kicking he was due Miserable. Fucking pricks who prey on kids are the worst kind of scum imaginable.
What I thought for a long time was that it was almost always blokes who got to this kind of no good. It took youtube to show me otherwise; the no. of women (many of whom are teachers, unsurprisingly I suppose) who get done for kiddie fiddling is huge.
Yes Ron, I thought the same, seems even more disgusting from women!
Maybe its because as kids we see woman as “MUM’
‘GRAN’ a motherly presence.
And it betrays that belief.
Dont know, either way it sickens me.
Only one cure for them Ron.
Hetrosexual white man meets and falls for hetro white woman.
Shocking storyline i know and would probably be banned by the BBC for being too outlandish, unless the man was secretly living the life of a tranny when his wife was out.
BBC are just full of lefties wanting to change us , in their eyes, for the better. They should be careful what they wish for the traitorous wankers.
Be realistic. Don’t you watch commercials?
Watched the first 5 minutes because Sarah Lancashire gives me the horn. But it seemed to be getting sinister so deleted it. Glad I did. Bennet must have written it with his pal Jimmy.
Okay. I have said this before on this forum, so apologies – but it bears repeating: the BBC taxing your ownership of a TV because they provide a small and largely unwanted amount of the total content available for it is like a company taxing your toaster because they make Pop Tarts.
Tap tap tap, drip drip drip, scrape scrape scrape, a little bit here, a little bit there……it takes time but we can change you. We know you are stupid, we can get into your head.
Not my head you filthy commie bastards. Once upon a time the BBC had a world wide reputation for quality broadcasting and fair and balanced coverage of current affairs. You could always rely on the BBC. It probably still has that reputation around the world, I don’t know, but they haven’t lived through the post Blair transformation. Defund the BBC and watch it collapse overnight. Nothing more than PRAVDA for the woke, anti British, degenerate world. Burn in hell you fucking bastards!
Ever since the arrival of Blair in 97, social media in the early 00s, and streaming of TV channels in the early 10s, the BBC have rapidly seen its influence and market share diminish.
So now it is struggling to appeal to anyone or anything that will keep it still relevant, while desperately hanging on to the licence tax.
One would think, therefore, that they might be a bit more supportive of Boris, otherwise he could quite easily fuck them over good and proper (will never happen of course because the twat is gutless)
They’re in denial and trying to appeal to the yoof, a demographic that has never watched them.
Hope they all lose their cushy jobs and die in a fire.
My money’s on peacefuls carrying out mass stabbings and throwing them off tall buildings.
I received a text this week which was obviously a scam, saying that I was due a refund on my TV license.
I haven’t got a fucking TV license….
AS this ties in with the perception (correct IMO) that western civilisation and values are under assault by anarchists who have nothing to offer in their stead, unsurprising to see that Trump’s speech yesterday was reported by the usual suspects in the most slanted terms possible. I couldn’t find a MSM report – including the Washington Post – which didn’t intentionally divert from Trump’s point. Here’s the transcript:
It was as usual a lousy and self-indulgent speech by a complete cunt (IMO). But even this stopped clock can be right twice a day, and what he’s saying is spot on for once.
This is the BBC’s take on the same speech:
Mr Trump called the racial equality demonstrations “a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children”.
“We will not be silenced,” he said.
The president, who has been heavily criticised for his handling of the US coronavirus pandemic, made little reference to the disease that has now claimed almost 130,000 American lives.
Shoot the messenger, eh?
When Trump called John Sopel a beauty, he ruined both chances that the BBC would report anything the cunt said with impartiality. Mind you, those chances were none, and fuck all.
It’s a sad state of affairs that an overblown fat lying combover turd is the best hope for America, and by extension, the free world.
It’s a funny thing that while everyone permitted to utter on the BBC is giving it the multiculti multisex feminist kneetaking laldy, everyone I speak to in real life, (and I do not move in far right circles except in the imagination of the BBC) is pretty well against the bollocks being spread by the service they pay for.
AT LEAST 50% of the English are, I would venture to suggest, hopelessly pissed off with wokery in general, but the BBC’s “journalists” are unable to refer to that group except as the ‘far right’. A lie. National broadcaster my arse.
50%-more likely closer to 80%.
The BBC is a fucking home for every minority, who seem bent on making the “nuclear” family a part of history.
130,000 dead. Out of a population of 328million (officially, so probably about 350million). That’s 0.03% of the population. I think, in line with most western countries, one would expect a normal death rate of something like 3.28million every year. But. hey, BBC, you keep putting the boot into Trump and the USA. In the words of that great mixed race hero, Harvey, “you cunts”.
This is what passes for entertainment now is it?
Why does the BBC think we all need to know about abnormal, dysfunctional, and probably criminal perverts lives, other than to avoid them, or find out they’ve been locked up.
Nominated on here 36 times, and fully deserving a place on ISACs Wall of Cuntitude. And yet even this isn’t enough to fully appreciate what utter utter cunts they really are!
Perhaps we should have a SuperWall, a WonderWall, a MegaWall, a WallofWalls for mega cunts like the BBC and Tony fucking Blair. For they go far beyond the normal qualifications for just The Wall – they are the King, Queen and Jack of all utter cunts!
What about changing the name of the site to Is A BBC?
I see nobody has called for the removal of the statue at the bbc – “Eric Gill’s carving of Prospero and naked, child-like Ariel on front of Broadcasting House, London” – the bbc, home of ritual child abuse and government propaganda – cunts – stop paying for them
Defund the Beeb. That is all I have to say.
Just when you think the corporation couldn’t sink any lower. Wonder if this is a desperate attempt to try and revive flagging viewing figures?
It’ll not be long before the PIE is resurrected from the 60/70s.
The bbcunts will support it wholeheartedly, I’m sure I read somewhere cuntbyn also spoke in its defence.
Bbjazeera are beyond redemption shut them down.
I don’t think he spoke in defence of PIE but was closely linked to organisations sympathetic to its “cause” if Guido Fawkes was correct.
supported by that bitch in the Labour Party
That doesn’t really narrow it down.
It was Harriet Harperson:
‘regret’; the mealy-mouthed expression for an apology that isn’t one.
I deeply regret the fact that Harperson is a steaming turd of cuntitude.
Don’t be surprised if your still around in 10 — 20 years that some BBC affiliated Woke action group will want to legalise Pedophilia and anyone that speaks out against it will be branded a Pedophobe .
Sounds familiar ???
Just heard on LBC News that the term ‘Master Bedroom’ is no longer to be used.
Because the word ‘Master’ has connotations with slavery… ?
Honest – I DID NOT make that up!
So that will be The White Colonialist Oppressor Bedroom from now on? I’ll get a sign made.
Well a masterbator is a slave to wanking, and I cast no aspersions here, as you know. So quite right to replace it. Perhaps with massa, or baas.
I saw something similar yesterday, can’t remember which tech corp it was, but they were getting rid of the term master, and I didn’t read it but I imagine the term slave drive will be a gonner too.
Also, some dogs grave from a hundred years ago has been removed, because it had the word ‘n1gger’ on it. I imagine Guy Gibsons faithful companions’ grave at RAF Scampton is definitely on borrowed time. The burning of the books continues unabated. Heil Woke! Heil rights! Heil bye bye history.
It’s just unfortunate that they’ve replaced the word ‘master’ with ‘jigaboo whipper’.
We’ve come to the point where the words that seemed strange to be moderated on IsAC seem to be quite sensible.
This is in comparison with RTC’s ‘Master Bedroom’ and other phrases. Slave cylinder?
I think I can beat that one Ruff with “nitty gritty”. This is on a list of banned words that Sky sports commentators are not to use.
It’s thought the phrase once referred to the debris found at the bottom of a slave ship once its human cargo had been unloaded.
WTF? Stop the world, I want to get off.
If anyone can get to the nitty gritty of it, please let me know.
OMG Bertie!
That means all Nitty Gritty Dirt Band records will have to be withdrawn from sale and banned from the BBC playlist!
I like that! Never heard of them before and probably won’t again (under that name! )
Do you know which album is considered their best?
‘Will The Circle Be Unbroken’ is considered to be their best album.
Many thanks. ??
Spot on, Bertie. Is it ok now to cut the brake hoses/pipes on a därkïes car to set free the oppressed slave cylinder from the master cylinder?
I always said it wouldn’t be long before “P for paedo” was added to LGBT. These perverts don’t know when to stop, and we have allowed it to be normal, which it isn’t. I don’r care what two (or more) consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home, which is what liberalism means to me, but don’t make it out to be normal.
Coming soon to the Alphabet soup.
The letter ‘P’.
I’ve been saying it for about a year and will continue to do so.
The LGBTQ movement is not about rights, it is about embracing sexual degeneracy and perversion and promoting it via Marxist institutions to undermine concepts of man, woman, child and family.
It’s no wonder that so many gay men resent being associated with this freak-for-all.
Interestingly it was last year the BBC decided to interview the sobbing daighter of a man who’d killed himself after being outed as a paedo by Facebook vigilantes.
It would be more understandable if they were wrongly accused, but that never came up, so we can assume he did ask the decoy for sex.
This attempt to normalise sex with children comes just in time for Andy to drop his quattro formaggio and leave the Pizza Express to join the soy-sucking bumfluff t’ached weirdoes in their pro-paedo demonstration, while some po-faced, hand wringing cunt from the Guardian writes;
‘Isn’t time we rethought our stance on Paedophilia and use the term parthenosexual?’
No, you utterly degenerate Marxist baby-fucking nonce cunt.
Ahhh… n0nce triggers moderation.
It certainly does. Now would you kindly behave because I’m trying to watch the footie, while drinking a couple of beers and munching on some Maltesers! – admin
Maltesers are brown, you racist cunt!
but white inside…..
The general, un-trademarked name is malted milk balls.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It is only a matter of time – possibly years – until the BBC openly celebrates fiddlery and tries to portray it as a ‘life choice’ and how sickos who are into it should be ‘understood’. Much like how they defend and protect peacefuls and all the shit they get up to.
Oh aye, I also have no doubt that the ‘Beeb’ will soon class these fiddlers as a ‘race’ and that anyone who criticises them will be viewed as ‘racist’ or ‘Peadaphobic’.
The BBC aren’t just cunts. They are fucking evil.
Those if us of a certain age will remember PIE. Which some members of the liebour party had a great interest in.
This all reminds me of one I heard decades ago. Boy tells his sister “You’re a good fuck, you’re nearly as good as my mum'” She says “I know, my dad told me last week.”
I wouldn’t waste my time watching anything like this.
Lots of academics, now in positions of great influence were the torchbearers for the civil liberties groups that supported PIE.
Is it any wonder they are cleaning house of anything that is not left of centre.
Well the original Talking Heads series aired in 1988 and 1989 and the 2 new stories in this series are An Ordinary Woman and The Shrine. Alan Bennett is a clever man, but a show that requires “If you have been affected by any of the issues in tonight’s programme then please call the BBC Action Line” isn’t my cup of tea.
My problem with this is no so much the content, but the fact is it is not comedy or drama. It looks like a training video to be given to social workers. You know the characters are all in deep shit but it’s just a story A story that could happen in real life. That makes it edgy and unsettling to watch. Roald Dahl was a dirty old man. I think this series falls into The Tales Of The Unexpected territory.
You’d have to wait about 200 years for a black, female or lesbian writer to ever come up with this shit which all BBC writers and commissioning editors will be in a few years time.