Sad Songs

Sad Songs.

There are certain songs out there that, when you listen to them, trigger certain emotions/memories from your past. This usually revolves around previous relationships that either didn’t materialise, or if they did never ultimately worked out the way you would have liked.

Today, for example, I was listening to some old songs while rebuilding a HP ProLiant DL160 Gen 9 (as you do!) Next on the playlist was a song called “Can’t Stay Away From You” by Gloria Estefan, which came out way back 1987.

It’s quite an emotive song, and at the time I used to play it to death purely because I was dating a girl whom I really liked but never had the balls to get past 1st base. I left it and left it to the point where she left the company we were working for and I never saw again!

To this day I regret not being a bit more assertive. But listening to that song really hit home, and it made me think of what might have been!

There’s another song, by a folk group called Bon Iver. The song is called “Holocene”. And that too sets off similar emotions of yet another girl I never really got past 1st or 2nd base with.

I blame myself of course, for being a gutless wimp back then. But it always intrigues me how certain songs can trigger such reflective memories/emotions.

How about you? Any sad songs you care to mention?

Nominated by: Technocunt

142 thoughts on “Sad Songs

  1. Interesting nom TC, nice one.
    There’s only one song that’s ever got a lump in my throat: 1916 by Motörhead.
    It genuinely gets you when the kid dies, crying for his mother and gets you thinking about the hell of the trenches.

    • Good hit. Usual brain dead motorhead fans will not listen to it. Lemmy was a great guy, certainly not a cunt.

  2. John Denver – Annie’s song. Not a sad song and actually quite lovely.

    I love John Denver’s music, but that one was played at my Mum’s funeral and I can’t hear it now without tearing up and getting the quivering bottom lip.

    • I have some JD in my collection. I don’t have the stomach for his more country style songs. The folk and ballad stuff is pure gold though. For me, Rocky Mountain High is special for a number of reasons. My mum’s a mega fan. I took her to see JD at The Brighton Centre many, many years ago. That man played for 2 hours straight. He was excellent. Was gutted when he died. Great to see him name checked here.

  3. It’s not my normal genre Techno but that Estefan track is actually bloody good.

    I’m a regular viewer of YouTube videos of old Corrs songs. I wonder why. Sharon is the most gorgeous woman on the planet and that duet with Jeff Beck is sensational. It also reminds me of my student days which included a short but wild illicit dalliance with my bosses short-skirted, long legged wife one summer……

  4. Are Sad songs cunts, or is it the ones who listen to them and cry…

    No Idea?

  5. I seem to recall that Fat Reg once released a single called ‘Sad Songs’.

    I think the gist of it was that he was sad as his porky fingers could no longer hit single piano keys.

  6. Are you cunting `Sad Songs`?
    If so, mine has to be `Mammy!` by the great Al Jolson.

  7. I am a right orrible cunt but some reason Tiny dancer by Elton “chutney ferret” John gets me every time. Prodigy song Firestarter rebuilds my facade soon enough!

  8. Have to admit I’m a sucker for Celine Dion’s ‘My Heart Will Go On’. Probably because one of my previous lives was ended on the Titanic.

    Also songs involving animals, stuff like The Byrds ‘Chestnut Mare’ and ‘Old Blue’.

  9. Sandy Denny singing ‘Who knows where the time goes’. I always end up with a tear in my eye when I hear that song.

  10. Bobby Goldsboro’s ‘Honey’ and ‘Summer (the first time)’. Late dear old Dad used to play them when he was (frequently) pissed as I was growing up and they set me off every time. Also Bread’s ‘Everything I Own’; reminds me of a long term girlfriend I Iost due to my selfishness back in the early 90’s. Worra cunt I was!

    • Tony Blackburn played that on his radio show in the 70s when he split from his wife at the time, tessa Wyatt. Apparently the poor, deranged sod played it continuously as was his parlous mental state at the time.

      “What a great show!”

  11. Years ago I liked the song All by myself. It turned out to a prophecy. Looking back just makes me feel bad. The things I should,could of done, shyness is a bastard as well, has anyone had a nom for that.

    • Eric Carmen recorded that. Gosh, thanks for the reminder. It’s a powerful and gripping tune. Cheers – IY.

  12. Have to agree with you on Holocene, Techno. a beautiful Bon Iver track

    ? Christmas night, it clutched the light, the hallow bright
    Above my brother, I and tangled spines
    We smoked the screen to make it what it was to be
    Now to know it in my memory
    And at once, I knew I was not magnificent
    High above the highway aisle
    Jagged vacance, thick with ice
    But I could see for miles, miles, miles ?

  13. I have just Classic FM no telly. So sick of Beethoven. So sick of long piano concertos. So sick of Rachmaninov. I have even gone off Mozart.
    There is a quote- I think some German composer about England ‘the country without music’. Not for me. I just wait for Elgar, Holtz, Vaughan Williams to come on.

    • Morning Miles.

      Why not buy a CD player and whatever classical CDs float your boat? They’re dirt cheap, unless you’re into Stockhausen or Varese… ?

    • Don’t be dissing The Beeth!

      His Pastoral symphony (No. 6) is beautiful. I’ve seen that played live (twice) by the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra. Cried my eyes out both times. Simply stunning.

  14. Not so due about sad songs, bit ones that are endlessly mangled, played, plated, replayed, rereplayed ad-fucking-nauseum on fucking bastard adverts, especially songs I once liked…

    The Beatles, Come Together, fucked, sodomised, raped and mutilated by those cunts from Vodafone.

    But THE WORST has to be those CUNTS from Virgin Media and those ghasty kids ruining “Nothings goin to stop us now” which wasn’t a bad song, but there is NOTHING worse that having to listen to other people’s sodding kids mangling it ever five bloody minutes.

    Vodafone, Virgin Media, you are unspeakable cunts, I hope you go bankrupt

    • That Voda-fucking-fone advert was on while I was reading your comment! Could not agree more.

    • Unfortunately that song about ‘saving the best to last’ that gets a fair bit of play on ‘adult contemporary’ stations like Smooth, heart ,magic etc just reminds me of gravy.

  15. Justin Hayward’s Forever Autumn, from War of the Worlds has to be one of the best – watching the one you love depart, something everyone will have experienced at an airport, train station etc.

    Eat your heart out Steve Wright. If you excuse me, I think I’m going to cry.

    • Fucking Steve cunting Wright now that’s a bloke you could devote a whole website too.

    • Yeah that is a touching song.

      Of the songs on the album I prefer Brave New World sung by David Essex, as it’s the song of a madman.

    • I’m changing my vote. I’m having “Old and Wise” from Alan Parsons album ‘Eye in the Sky”, sung by the great Colin Bluntstone.
      I’d forgotten that I’d asked Mrs B to play this at my funeral!
      Sod you Techno, I can’t shake of this melancholy!
      I defy anyone to listen to this and not shed a tear. This link is the song and lyrics together.

      • I have that album, Sir Bert. It was recommended to me by an old girlfriend many years ago. Could never get into it. I’ll revisit it. See if it makes sense now. You never know…

      • Well worth listening to again IY, as are most Alan Parsons albums. ??
        “Old and Wise” is so sad. Someone commented that they’d like it played at their funeral but years later, they said that there’d be no point as there was nobody left to listen to it.

      • Will do, Sir Bert.

        Good call on Forever Autumn. I love Justin Hayward’s voice. Honourable mention for Blue Guitar which is my fave I think.

      • Just listened to Old and Wise, Sir Bert. Yeah, I can see what you’re saying. I could have done without the George Michaelesque sax solo at the end, but over all a nice song.

      • Ha ha! Your right about the sax. IY. It is a bit Baker Street! I’m not a great fan of the saxophone, although I used to like it in the days of Blood, Sweat and Tears and Chicago.

  16. I can’t stand “sad songs”. Mrs B inflicts them on me all the time, when she is watching her fucking You Tube videos about her favourite soap love affairs – so that the punters can see the “action” such as it is, and to get round copyright they overdub the action with mawkish ballads usually sung by women who sound as if they are wearing a jam rag covered in paint stripper – it is that painful. Drives me up the wall.

    Why do people want to feel sad? – a nice rousing march or a bit of Beethoven is better – stiffen the sinews. It seems to me the sad ballad is the domain of the snowflake – what the world needs now is military music.

    • I’m with you on this W.C. I hate sad songs with a passion so much so that where possible I refuse to listen to them. There’s enough fucking misery around without self imposing gloom and depression. I call it a form of masochism. How anybody can sit and listen wilfully to ‘Old Shep’, ‘In the Ghetto’ and ‘Alone again’ quite frankly astonishes me, but to be fair, people have needs and I reckon one of those needs is to induce tears. Not for me. Any past emotional shit I put down to learning and that’s done with it. I’ve no need of reliving it through music and I have no self pity either.

      Sad Songs for me, are a cunt, but I acknowledge a lot of people need them. Now where’s that Oscar Peterson CD…?

      • Your comment got me thinking, Dai. A form of masochism? You know, I think you’re right. This might sound odd to some, but I almost enjoy feeling down. It suits my pessimistic ‘glass-half-empty’ nature.

        Let’s be honest, feeling happy is not a perpetual state. I think Denis Leary said it best:

        “Happiness comes in small doses folks. It’s a cigarette butt, or a chocolate chip cookie or a five second orgasm. You come, you smoke the butt, you eat the cookie you go to sleep wake up and go back to fucking work the next morning, THAT’S IT! End of fucking list!”.

        Dwelling on the downside, the negative side, the sad side comes naturally for some and I’d include myself in that. Springing out of bed and singing “Oh what a beautiful morning” every day seems completely unnatural to me.

      • I I quite enjoy In the Ghetto, perhaps because Presley might also be singing about ‘the Gateau’.

    • Yep. I’m with you on this. No time for moping. If people insist on wallowing i’ll lift them up onto their feet to Heart of Oak, Holst’s Mars or the fighty bits from Hans Zimmer’s Gladiator score.

      (Unless you’ve lost a relative or a pet. I’m not a complete monster).

  17. The theme tune to QI makes me cry. Because I know that that CUNT Toksvig is near.

    • Tweedy old plinky plonk shit.

      ‘Did you know that Stegosaurus could actually fly, and did you realise that the first human invention was actually the Big Yellow Teapot?’

  18. Fucking loathe sad songs about women, love, and all round pining for bints. Who’s got time for that? I’ll stoop to Sweet Child O Mine but only because the bands overall affection for speedballing heroin outweighs Axl’s soppy bollocks about some Hollywood tart.

    • Right there with you, BCC. Love songs generally are painfully awful for the most part. The ‘positive’ ones anyway. It’s such a throwaway genre too. Takes next to no talent to pen an upbeat, happy melody in a major scale then add how wonderful the object of your affection is. Yeah yeah yeah and a love like that, you know that can’t be fucking impossible to listen to because it’s shite!

      • The nadir of songwriting must be the coupling of ‘baby’ and ‘crazy’ or ‘heart’ with ‘apart’.

        Get out!

  19. Good nom Technocunt I was thinking about about this and it reminds me of when me and the big bro shared a room when I was a child he would sing me sad songs to get me to sleep his favourites were Vincent by don McLean and if you go away by neil diamond my mate use to call him rainman ffs

  20. We have a little ‘From Russia with Love’ on the TV at the moment…

    The dreaded Russian Interference report….

    Two intelligence and security committee members, one Labour one SNP, giving their views on the report!

  21. Roberta flacks the first time ever I saw your face I first heard this song in the excellent Eastwood film play misty for me it made me tear up just before Clint killed that psychotic slut

  22. ‘Driveby’ the Cars.
    Sorry, that should read ‘Drive’ by the cars.

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