“Rise of The Nazis” and the BBC (24)

Finished watching this 3 part series on BBC 4 tonight, part of their “education programme.”

Education my left bollock! It mostly consisted of dramatic reconstructions and talking heads who were historians or “experts”. Well I only recognised 3 historians and their “experts” included Dame Helena Kennedy, the well known toff Guardianista remoaner, and “i’m almost a communist” Ash Sarkar.

Needless to say it was all about the “dangers to democracy” posed by “right wing populist movements.” Hitler was portrayed as this scheming clever cunt who wasn’t taken seriously by the posh cunts and did them up the arse.

No mention of the economic situation, no mention of the resentment of the Versailles Treaty, no mention of the system of PR imposed upon the Germans. Oh, sorry they didn’t call them Germans they called them Nazis…..don’t want to upset our EU friends.
It was all taken completely out of historical context and portrayed Hitler as ten times smarter than he actually was. T

he message was obvious…. beware the nationalist, the patriot, the right wing demagogue. I’m sure a load of dumbfuck libtards watched that and thought “oh, now i’m educated, I know everything about the Rise of the Nazis because I just saw it on the telly.”

Fuck those dumb cunts and fuck the fucking BB

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

83 thoughts on ““Rise of The Nazis” and the BBC (24)

  1. No-one would have taken any notice of Hitler had they all been happy with their lot.
    The ordinary working class were being treated like shit, and made to feel like foreigners in their own country.
    It’s the left and the Biased Bullshitting Caliphate that needs to take notice of the warnings from history. Or we’ll be going through it all over again.

    • Fucking good.
      Sooner the better.
      There will be a rush to get Corgi registered – so do it now to avoid disappointment.

  2. I just don’t hold with this “… Of The Year” bollocks. The Time Rich List, The 100 most influencial Politicians/wimmin/poofter of the year.

    It’s all PR. I myself was nominated to be Woman Of The Year this year. Of course, I had to turn it down – I was Woman of the Year last year.

  3. Nothing is ever black and white, Nazis evil?..certainly .
    They banned vivesection.
    They brought in conservation for Wildlife.
    They had the ‘winter relief fund’ for poor and elderley germans and if you didnt contribute you were named and shamed.
    Better working conditions for german workers, better health care for germans,
    Nil unemployment.
    Great!-if you were german.
    If you wasnt?.. not so great.
    Basically he was so popular because he put the germanic people first and foremost.
    The atrocities they commited is what the nowadays Nazis(marxists) would still commit on us.

    • Good point Miserable.

      I wonder if Blacks Broadcasting Communism bothered to mention the translation of what we call Nazis.


      Or NASDP in German.

      Sounds very, er Socialist don’t you think.

      The left are the Nazis. Always have been, always will be.

      • Amen to that.

        The Nazis were also the Thomas Cook of the 1930s. the Kraft Durch Freude (KDF) was a state operated leisure industry, offering leisure activities and holidays for German workers.

        Apparently it was the world’s largest tourism operator by the 1930s.

      • You should see their holiday camp on the island of Rutgen. I think I am right in saying it is the longest building in the world. Quite spooky.
        The rest of the Island is nice, thatched cottages and national parks.

    • Quite right,Miserable……people can say what they want about Adolf but at least the trains always ran on time.

      • Not “always”.

        By 1939 bottlenecks and jams were radiating throughout the railways. Crashes multiplied, with two major disasters just before Christmas killing 230 people and shaking public confidence.

        Over the winter of 1939-40, Gestapo informants on platforms across the country reported public outrage at delays and arbitrary cancellations.

        Rail administrators struggled to ease the problems of freight traffic by cutting passenger services wholesale.

        But even drastic measures could not prevent a crisis. By 1940, tens of thousands of freight cars were frozen in miles of log jams.

        Btw, it was Mussolini who was reputed to have made the trains run on time.

      • Forgot to add, Hitler was more interested in building autobahns than worrying about trains running on time.

  4. The Marxists murdered four time the number as the Nazis in the twentieth century. The Nazis are long gone. The Marxists are indoctrinating your children in the classroom.

    • Indeed you are right. Leftys see politics as a line. Left to right, but in fact it’s a circle the further left you go the closer you get to the right.

      • I always find it interesting that the hammer and sickle is acceptable as a symbol on tee shirts, posters and flags yet the swastika is streng verboten. Two wrongs certainly don´t make a right but how come the Communists get away with their atrocities yet former Nazis in their 90s are still prosecuted for war crimes committed when they were teenagers?

        Why is the North Korean leader not hauled in front of the International Court of Justice for ordering the murder of his brother? Why was Fidel Castro the darling of the “intellectuals” and why did Che Guevara enjoy pop star status? Why does Communist China, which attacks India, claims sovereignty over half Asia´s oceans, threatens its neighbors, particularly Hong Kong and Taiwan, does nothing to rein in Little Rocket Man and loots the wealth of African countries, receive none of the criticism directed at Trump?

    • Yes smug cunt, Labour wanted to take that school brainwashing further, if they had won the election.

  5. The BBC have only just finished trashing Churchill.
    For this reason alone i would’t watch them trying to educate me about history. Mind you i don’t watch any dramas, comedies or news either.
    This doesn’t count when Suzannah Lipscombe is educating me about Henry the 8th or some such but that is for a diffent reason altogether.

    • Haha just realised!
      The photo at the top of the nom is the same portrait we have in our living room!?

    • I know what you mean Steaming.
      I was never that interested in art until I found Kate Bryan presenting a program.

    • Yeah Churchill was an imperialist and racist. Well, he was born into a posh family in the Victorian era, went to one of the poshest schools in the country, joined the army……of course he was an imperialist and racist!……. what the fuck do you expect idiot! Another example of de contextualising history to suit a current political point of view. This is why these dumb fucks are tearing down statues, egged on by Labour and the BBC.
      If Suzanna needs someone to explore her Tudor Rose I am that man!

  6. BBC documentaries have been very light on details for years. The Attenborough ones started going downhill when they started to create stories about the animals and then have a behind the scenes look at how it was filmed, thrn came the ridiculous dramatic music and the conjecture over plastic poisoning and Walruses struggling on cliff edges.

    Then there was that programme called The Code presented by Prof. Marcus de Sautoy. Lots of great locations and sauntering around cathedrals and handling cicadas,, but lots of repition and not very much information. You couldve read in t5-10 minutes what was conveyed In an hour of programming.
    The nostalgia programmes are pretty bad as well. Celebrities pretending to remember programmes and songs that were released when they were newborns, as was the case with June Sarpong on one such programme. I think Charlie Brooker revealed the cynicism of the producers and ‘talking heads’ behind this trash in one of his columns; a media toff producer and media toff presenter from kids TV (Jack Whitehall or some cunt) being played a tape of He-Man 5 minutes before having to ‘remember’ it for camera.

    BBC, C4, Sky and Netflix: all as shallow and sensationalist as each other, and if a half-wit like Ash Sarkar is involved, then I’m out.

  7. Thousands upon thousands of non working Germans in the Great Depression stuck their heads in the oven as things were that bad. I’m not condoning Hitler, but if he’s offering a way out of the shit by full employment people are going to vote for him. The lefties are so thick and up their own arses that they think it’s as simple as ‘far right bad’ without looking into the root causes of why people voted for him. Look at the evidence, right of centre parties voted in, in Austria, Hungary, Slovakia etc recently. People that fucked off with the left agenda of forced multiculturalism. Do they realise that browbeating people will only force them to vote right if they won’t listen to their views and treat them as idiots?

    • The BBC’s current crop of ‘documentaries’ are SHITE.
      Stacey Dooley gives her in depth analysis… “mind blowin’ ain’t it..”
      Utter Ctap !

      If you want to watch a series on Nazi Germany, I recommend Laurence Rees excellent 1997 BBC documentary series ; “The Nazis: A Warning from History”
      link :- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0207907/

      From a time before UK TV was lobotomised….

      • I remember watching that in my teens. Better than the sort of shite most of my contemporaries used to watch. TGI Friday and other celeb-focus dreck.

  8. I remember watching this dire production last year when it was originally broadcast on BBC2. Three hours of my life I will never get back.

    • Not seen this but saw another one, forget the name, and it showed the root of Hitlers rise.
      After the 1st world war Germany was crestfallen and then the great depression hit, hyperinflation, wheelbarrow full of currency for a loaf of bread, mass unemployment and genuinely starving people.
      The fledgling nazi party and the communists struggled for supremacy and the nazis won.
      When Hitler entered the Sudetenland he was a national hero, like the Beatles and winston Churchill rolled into one.
      Can see how having been beaten in war, starved, skint, etc the average german was hoodwinked.
      Say what you like about Adolf but he played great keyboard in Sparks.

      • Apparently John Lennon exclaimed “It’s Hitler on the Telly” when the brilliant but creepy looking Ron Mael sat at his keyboard, glaring menacingly at the TOTP TV camera.

      • Not sure how true but heard Russ and Ron Mael brought outca cookery book!?
        I might see if I can track it down.

      • Over the past 50 years I’ve seen tons of documentaries and read hundreds of books on the subject, one of the first being the seminal ‘Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich’ by William Shirer, but thanks for the Ladybird book synopsis all the same Miserable. ?

      • I don’t know Miserable.

        If I find the time I’ll look it up in my 1963 edition of Collins English Gem Dictionary (first published 1902) and get back to you.

      • One thing thats never said on these shows is how incredibly sexy Hitler was.
        Seems a massive oversight on their part.

      • I’ve said this before Miserable so please don’t take it the wrong way. You could have achieved whatever you wanted in life. Imagine what you could have been if you’d not spent your school days dodging the school attendance officer!
        Still, you seem quite happy in your own world!

      • Northern cunt, i think you mean , the rise of evil. Robert carlyle played Hitler, and was fantastic.

      • No Tono, it was a documentary, showed b&w footage of the riots by the commies, the suffering of the average german right upto the start of the war and the persecution of the jews.
        What stuck in my mind the most was a Woolworths store, (I thought they were british) and turns out it was a jewish owned company and someone had painted a big ‘star of david’ in the window.
        It was to stop people buying there.
        Pretty mad.

      • I think i know what you mean northern cunt,but cant remember the name of the doc. Anyway still watch Robert carlye in rise of evil, its brill.

  9. These cunts wouldn’t know history if it ran them over in a Tiger tank.
    I hope they keep at the bullshit propaganda together with their soppy hand wringing comrades in the MSM.
    It will get them another Hitler in due course.
    Richly deserved.

    • Terry i fear we are heading for another Munich putsch. Incidentally i have visited all of Hitlers bear halls, its very, very interesting.

  10. I wonder if the fuckers this was intended to indoctrinate into the dangers of the far right ( i.e Brexit voters, white people who don’t take the knee, working class Tory voters, heterosexuals) considered the dangers of anti-Semitism as personified by Magic Grandpa and his adherents?

  11. And why was that bitch Sarkar on there? What was her field of “expertise”? Oh yeah, a couple of minutes on the Commie leader she mugged up on the day before. But this is the BBC so you have to have a person of colour. They should have had that creep Izzard on there crying about the persecution of the poor alphabet mob. Never mind about the Jews, they’re the enemy now……wipe them out of the pages of history.

  12. Yes Hitler was naughty but we and the rest of europe should have woken up quicker to what was happening in germany sorry i mean nazi land i wonder when the bbc will do a documentary on stalin and mao and whitewash their body count hitler was a poor third a single death is a tragedy a million a statistic bbc cunts

  13. It’s an uncomfortable truth that Hitler did lots of things right before he lost the plot. The Final Solution is remembered because the Nazis industrialised genocide. The fact that Stalin and Chairman Mao killed far greater numbers is conveniently forgotten.

    Could such a genocide happen again? Yes. Because human beings are cunts.

    • History has been repeated, see genocide in Balkan wars, The killing fields, Iran, Iraq etc, etc, etc

  14. As someone asked me in a discussion we were having a couple of days ago “is that a fact or did you see it on the BBC?”

  15. Already done in the 90s with the near as definitive ‘A Warning From History’.
    And yes, it was a BBC production. The BBC of old, before it became a dribbling woke banana republic for freaks, peacefuls, trannies, demented Feminazi and left wing fascists.

    You know these BBC (as they are now) and BLM, Antifa tosspots and the like want to tread carefully. My grandfather was friends with a university lecturer from Argentina who ended up teaching in Manchester. He told me that when Juan Peron was elected, the rich and the media went apeshit simply because they did not like the man. A bit like what was done to Big Don in the USA, the toffs and the media went on and on about how Peron was a ‘dictator’ when he really wasn’t at that time. But Peron got so sick of them and their ‘protests’ he said ‘You want me to be a dictator? Then I’ll give you one!’ And of course the cunts didn’t like that either. Like these losers and clowns today: anyone who disagrees, anyone who dares to have another viewpoint, anyone who criticises BLM, anyone who doesn’t take the knee is ‘Hitler’ as far as they are concerned. But one day – after days, weeks, months, and years of antagonising and whining – these woke lunatics and fanatics will get a real Hitler or somebody just like him and what he stood for. And you know what? It will be their own fucking fault.

  16. Old Adolf fucked the bankers off and introduced the reichsmark.
    As Saddam and Qaddafi learned, fuck the bankers off and you’re in trouble my boy.

  17. To me it looks like the Nazi party was replaced with the EU. The Germans are still throwing their weight around and good old Blighty is the only country with enough balls to stand up to them. Look how the cunting BBC covered Brexit! Let’s hope the new Italiexit party start making some gains as that will really give the EU the shits.

  18. I remember reading that, in concentration camps, Jews had yellow stars on their clothes. Homosexuals had pink triangles on their clothes.

  19. Helena Kennedy is a condescending utterly up herself cow of the highest order.

  20. Have to claim me superiority here (over and above me birth right superiority generally). Have a family photo album overflowing with Nazis. All good looking lads with blonde hair and killing looking uniforms. Those boots and riding britches, oh yes. The fillies could stiffen any dictators/pervos dick. The other photo album is full orf our lads in baggy uniforms, brewed up kraut tanks, kraut intestines spilling oite orf said tanks, wogs various and Monty (what a cunt) at Alamein (fucking oiterage – spellchecker don’t recognise our scene orf glory).
    That said the secret orf me success is that me family have always punted both ways, politically, sexually ect ect.
    Point is Greater Germany (Krautlandt + Austria) as it was under ze Fuhrer loved to strut aboite and commit atrocities and garner much geldt in so doing. It was a massive money making enterprise led by psycho sickos (including a large part orf the population). Place was/is full orf characters that look like the sicko shite that abducted Madeleine McCann.
    All these “it was the Nazis, not us” documentaries are total shite and Hitler was a clever cunt who had half the world if not more dancing his tune.

  21. Needless to say Yours Truly has offered my undoubted expertise to a number orf these sort orf shows as a way orf taking the heat oite orf me piss and giving some semblance orf accuracy. You guessed it, if filmed me contributions have either been cut or YT has been told to fuck orfski by the little girls called “researchers”.
    Actually must fuck orfski as the kettle whistle I keep jammed on me old horseprong is starting to scream away.

    • Is you upper class Sir Limply? Maybe your family knew the Mitfords? Similar to yours they went in different directions politically. Unity the most pro Nazi. But also Diana who married Mosley. Nancy was left wing. But she didn’t become a communist she said because the ‘party’ she went to was so glum. No cocktails.

      • Lovely girls the Mitfords. Bit orf a disconcerting fuck though. Always carried a lot orf Nazi jizz up their fannies.

  22. The Nazis were smashing blokes, bought their mothers flowers and that. Did a lovely line in artisan lampshades.

  23. The ‘Nazi Olympics’ I think Adolf walked out when Jesse Owens won. The next Olympics with intense pressure from BLM, the media, transgenderism, talk of white privilege in training, Asians unfairly treated because smaller if an Aryan-looking blond- haired 6f 2 hetrosexual male wins Shinzo Abe might feel compelled to walkout.

    • Adolf applauded Owens, it was Franklin who ignored him on his return to the states.
      “Hitler didn’t snub me; it was our president who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram”
      “When I came back to my native country, after all the stories about Hitler, I couldn’t ride in the front of the bus. I had to go to the back door. I couldn’t live where I wanted. I wasn’t invited to shake hands with Hitler, but I wasn’t invited to the White House to shake hands with the President, either.”

  24. Sometimes I think Hitler had the right idea I’d love a set of curtains made out if Diane Abbott’s hide it would match my black leather sofa

    • Say what you want about Grandad Adolf but he certainly had a way with the ladies – he was so popular he had to lock his lady admirers up in big camps! ?
      A worrying similarity between 1920s/30s Germany and the modern day UK – people pushed around, silenced, ripped off, humiliated (and constantly violently attacked by our brave friends the French the Hun were) – and they go for the party which promises to make Germany a superpower and put their people first above all others.
      It will come, and the libtards will not know what hit them when an angry Nation finally rises.

  25. The 1970s series World at War is perhaps the zenith in WW2 documentaries. BBC Cunts would most likely have Fiona Bruce do the voice over now. Not sure if it was ITV or BBC who commission the series. But hells teeth it was good.

    • Havent seen that but I know Olivier narrated it.
      I thought Nazis; A Warning From History and The People’s Century were pretty good back when they were broadcast in the 90s.

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