Emmanuel Macron (8)

Oh dear. What a pity. How sad.

Life doesn’t seem to be treating Emmanuel ‘Little Napoleon’ Macron well at the moment. Plagued by Brexit frustrations and dissent and economic woe at home, the French president is now finding it increasingly hard to impose his will in on-going ‘negotiations’ in The Union of Fraternal Love.

Talks drag on regarding the EU’s proposed €750 bill. C-19 rescue package, with Dutch PM Mark Rutte and his allies (Austria, Sweden, Denmark and now Finland) wanting more oversight of spending, and for more of the cash to be in the form of loans as opposed to non-repayable grants.

No doubt Microbe is keen to trouser the lion’s share of the wedge for France on advantageous terms, and sooner rather than later. His increased fractiousness seems finally to have led him to spit his dummy out. With the bully bursting out of the midget’s clothing, he has accused PM Rutte of taking on Britain’s obstructive role in EU summits.

He then threatened to walk out, claiming (get this for brass neck!) that ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’, by which, we may assume, he means ‘a bad deal for France’. With a further heavy application of Gallic charm, he then banged the table when Austria’s Sebastian Kurz had the audacity to leave The Imperial Presence to take an urgent phone call. Chancellor Kurz was reportedly offended after Microbe snapped ‘you see?

He doesn’t care. He won’t listen to others’**.

Oh well, what goes around comes around chaps. The ‘Frugal Four’, now joined by Finland, are no longer able to shelter behind Britannia’s shield. They’ve had to grow some balls, stick their heads over the parapet and take the flak for a change. The next time a British PM comes calling seeking reforms in return for continuing shed loads of cash, it might be in your interests, and those of your fellow member states, to listen. Oh but wait; there won’t BE a next time, will there?

As for the vertically challenged M. Microbe, it would appear that life is, indeed, turning out to be something of a bitch, as his stature continues to diminish by the day.The twat needs to get himself a much better pair of platform shoes if he’s going to continue his posturing. Run along home to mummy and she’ll buy you some, and another dummy.
Oh dear. What a pity. How sad.

** Translation into English; ‘he won’t do what I want’.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

39 thoughts on “Emmanuel Macron (8)

  1. Your writing is very eloquent Ron, always an entertaining read.

    Talking of ‘Manhattan High Riser’ shoes, Sarkozy used them as well and on an even further drift, his wife allegedly liked a little dalliance with the proverbial milkman not unlike Sally (I married a dwarf) Berkowitz.

    Little man syndrome, they should be barred from political office and instead reserved for hurling competitions or draught exclusion purposes.

    • Thanks Cuntle.
      M Microbe will be seriously pissed if the govt. won’t give the Frogs a pretty free rein on the fish after Dec. Economics aside, I hope we give the cunts fuck all unless they pay big for it. They’ve been taking the piss for too long.

      • Iceland stuck to their guns in the cod wars, now we need to do the same to the mainland Johnnys. Pay or go away.
        Cheese eating monkeys led by a Person of Restricted Growth. Are the Gillet Jaunes still knocking the granny out of gay Paris?

    • How utterly appropriate this is…..small man syndrome absolutely,. Grubby little French c**t that he is and will never be anything else scorching on about the brilliance of the French who no one gives a flying f**k about anymore. Colonialism far worse than the Brits who are being tortured for their involvement in past demenours but the French,Dutch,Portuguese,etc are fu**in blameless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!……kiss my hairy ar*e you worthless,apologetic tossssserssss!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Aww, poor Frog King.
    Hes a goner come elections his own people hate him, yanks hate him, we hate him.
    He’ll console hisself eating slugs and pounding the bones of his ancient missus, le grand mama.

  3. I don’t follow the MSM now but it seems to me that a great step forward in the European integration plan was taken last week when it was announced that agreement had been reached on giving the EU borrowing powers, just like a national state. This will inevitably lead to Fiscal Union and harmonisation of taxes across the EU, with the consequent diminution of the nation states. National governments will have all the authority of the local parish council.
    Thank God we are out and don’t have to know-tow to these rotten bastards.

    • Yes and I reckon that the discontent at national level will only continue to grow. There’s talk of an organised bloc vote in the European parliament to halt the C-19 rescue plan.
      Now the vast financial hole left by the UK quitting means others are going to have to shell out a lot more. It ain’t going to end well.

  4. He is married to a woman old enough to be his mother.Dirty frog.He is finished.Snail.

  5. I think the collapse and in-fighting of the EU shitshow is great. Makes me laugh and a much needed break from woke statue molesting maggots and the lack of balls from our government in sorting out our internal hordes of cunts.

    Hope the Dutch start pushing for Nexit.

    • It’s a great watch. Long may it continue. Forced displays of unity in Brussels don’t convince many, I’d suggest.

  6. Suffers big time with short-arsê syndrome.
    Reliant on a bit of tub-thumping to big himself up with the increasingly apathetic French electorate. Knows he’s losing backing to the Greens (based on recent local elections) and has pee’d off many former supporters.
    Expect him to be puffing his chest out and acting the big man for the next 2 years before the next French Presidential elections.
    Probably thinks he’ll be able to become the big cheese in Europe when Merkle steps down as German Chancellor next year. As if the Kraüts would allow that.

    • The term Napoleon complex may as well have been specially invented for him.

  7. He is what he looks like. A pet poodle for the Krauts who hopes to get some crumbs from their table which is Euro rich at the expense of the southern countries.

  8. As my Longbow instructor told me ” The only good French man is a dead one”. Remember Agincourt!

  9. Only good Frenchman was De Gaulle, he hated the British after Churchill treated him like the cunt he was. But he would NOT let us join the Euro Ponzi scheme.

    • I can take or leave the french.

      By that I mean take them in a fight and leave them in a puddle of piss.

  10. The French shrug. The French swagger. It’s all for show with Macron. Playing the big fish on the world stage.
    Best ignored.

  11. I remember some yank general saying that “having the French on your side in a war is a lot like taking an accordion deer hunting”
    While I’m at it. OK we set fire to Joan of Arc. Get over it.
    # Christian martyrs’ lives matter

    • If you ever want to piss off a French waiter order a steak and ask for it well done,like Joan of Arc. “Bien cuit comme Jeanne D’Arc”

  12. He’s a shit photocopy of Napoleon.
    A giant cunt of tiny proportions.
    Fuck him into a bag of onions.

    • Heard a rumour Emmanuel is so depressed nowadays he just watches Walking Dead and wanks.

      • Little Napoleon. Cunt.
        Have all the fish you want when you beat me in a fist fight Emmanuel.
        Waiting for the call – followed by a smelly little rat flying over the Channel with a size eleven boot print on his dirty little arse.

  13. Good cunting Ron. It often seems like one step forward, two steps back with these EU twats. It looked for a moment as though they were gonna pull out the big guns and jump start the economy with a real cash injection in the style of the BOE or Fed but just 24hrs after the last champagne bottle was emptied (after the initial commission agreement) its back to the same old shit.

    European Union? Can’t work, won’t work.. at least not without real reform .. better off out!

    I personally hope Cummings doesn’t let Bojo fuck it up.

  14. Him and his bum-chum TURDEAU can go shit-stab themselves into le abyss. Marxist soy cunts.

  15. I would sooner trust a toothless Gypo who said he could Tarmac my drive for £100, than this ugly Dwarf. The French, give them the four Feathers.!

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