Apologising should be given a massive full on cunting then sent to the frozen plain in Hell.
Every time the tv or radio is turned on some cunt or bunch of cunts is apologising for something that occurred years before they were born or something they would have no power to change.
Likewise the web, Twitter, facetwat, and so on.sorry, sorry sorry.
What makes this torture for many of us, the constant narrative that all this shit is “our” fault. Well I say in a loud and clear voice “fuck off” I did not cause whatever bollocks your apologising for, I will not take the knee or the head or leg fuck off. Do not apologise for me you sad bastards grow a fucking pair. Wankers
Nominated by: Black biscuit
My apologies usually go along the lines of ‘I’m very sorry for pointing out that you’re a complete and utter fucking cunt’.
Costs nothing, gets publicity for your mediocre abilities, looks like high moral ground, required response to fake outrage, what’s not to like and emulate?
I am sorry if any meercats were injured by reading this.
I used to like meerkats, but thanks to compare the market fucking dot com, I’d be happy to see the chinks wipe them out in that inhumane pointlessly cruel way they treat the rest of the animal kingdom. Cunts.
I can only apologise for bringing that image to mind, Gutstick. And I will write an article for the Guardian to express my sense of self-loathing for upsetting you slightly in some way, as well as admitting my need for re-education. OK?
The best bit about these apologies is that they are a performance and about as heartfelt as a government minister says ‘lessons will be learned’.
It placates some of the dopey left but the rest see it as weakness and become even more bloodthirsty.
They’re all fucking cowards and snakes. If these performers are too thick to see apologising never satiates the feral left, it’s their fault and I laugh when they continue to get mobbed.
Thick cunts.
Nowt wrong with a genuine apology.
‘Sorry I got pissed luv and called your dad a goofy cunt”
‘Sorry I got my dick out at the funeral”
“Sorry for laughing when they dropped the baby at the christening’ etc
But not for daft shit or on behalf of someone you never met.
Lilly Mong likes to do this!
Apologising for the UK
Fuck off, not sorry at all.
Or lefty yanks apologising for Trump,
No need!
Let the man speak.
Lily Mong is so, so important that she can apologise on behalf on 60,000,000 people despite not having seen let alone met the vast majority of them.
Do us all a favour and FUCK OFF!
Suits me. Let’s face it, I’m not about to apologise so she can do it on my behalf and it means I not only don’t have to talk to a cunt but I also have plausible deniability if anybody wants to pull me up on all this shit I never did.
Agreed MNC, absolutely nothing wrong with apologising when it’s totally justified, in fact I never have any difficulty doing it even if someone has called me bad names for something stupid that I’ve done. That said, the British have this tendency to say sorry too much. “Atishoooo, sniff …. Sorry about that!” Cause someone to stop because you walked around a corner and couldn’t see them… “So sorry” Causing another shopper to wait a moment while you reach up to get a product down… “Sorry about that, didn’t see you there” Its stupid, it’s unnecessary, and it’s basically shows weakness and fear.
Over the past couple of weeks we have seen celebrities and people in government apologise for the actions of some individuals over 300 years ago, even going as far as saying they’re ashamed to be white. This, in my opinion is a colossal mistake as it demonstrates fear and weakness in the face of communities (That fucking word again) that have no right to feel aggrieved as many generations have lived and died since then and they’ve had reparations by way of having opportunities, good housing, jobs and a very fair justice system as much as they cry ‘waycism’, the ungrateful cunts.
It’s now time for guilt ridden, apologetic whitey to shut the fuck up and stop looking like a lilly livered whimp that’s doing it in his trousers.
But I fear it’s too late ISACers. A number of precedents have been set, not least the police taking the knee. I notice that already the cops are now being beaten and injured by cunts for trying to stop illegal street parties. Obeying the law will soon be voluntary as respect for law enforcers is eroding faster than you can say Caress da Dick.
All this shite has actually made the act of apologising worthless. What these cunts on the soshuls actually do isn’t an act of sincere contrition; what they mean when they say “I’m sorry” is actually “I’m sorry I phrased that in such a way that you feeble-minded cretins could twist it to suit whatever agenda you’ve decided is the most important thing in the history of civilisation today, and now wish to back away from this faster than a fat kid from Jeffrey Dahmer’s takeaway delivery van with the blacked-out windows, so I’m not all over the news any more.”
Precisely, Cuntan.
The act of apologising is so prevalent now, it has lost its impact and meaning.
I just hope enough people see through it and see it for what it is. A shameless self aggrandizing publicity stunt.
In my time in the States IY I’ve always felt that – ultra-lefty twats on East and West coasts notwithstanding – your average workaday Yank couldn’t give too shits for all this malarkey; I hope I’m not wrong in that?? Much like the Aussies, mincing poovery in Sydney and Melbourne aside, normal folk down there – much like ourselves – always seem to see it for the bullshit it is… maybe I’m being too optimistic (cos I’m like that me, always too positive for my own good – mrs is always telling me to stop being so damned cheerful)
Apologies for the delayed reply.
My sense is you’re right, Cuntan. Your everyday Joe-Schmo just wants to get on with their life, in their own way, unhindered and unperturbed.
Apologies are a sign of weakness. Never hear Europeans apologise for their past apart from Germany. Still cannot undo what your forebears got up to. Just say FUCK IT and get on with your life.
I wonder what Jade Goody (East Angular? That’s in Spain innit?) would have made of all this sleb apologising?
“Slavery? I ain’t nobody’s slave mate. White priveridge? Is that some kind of coffee? Caroniarism? What the fuck is that?”
Poor Jade. Only the good die young.
Am pleased to say Dr David Starkey has not apologised for his “so many damn blacks” remark.
I found this bit interesting:
“The Master has accepted Dr David Starkey’s resignation of his honorary fellowship.”
I thought the term master was now on the blacklist.
Oops, I mean, er, naughty list?
You are not wrong, Cuntflap. We’re looking at renting a house at the moment and just last week a new directive went out to realtors. “Master” bedroom and “master” bathroom are now verboten. It’s “primary” bedroom and “primary” bathroom now.
No joke! You couldn’t make this shit up. Who the fuck was that offending? Jeezus christ on a space hopper! What the fuckity fuck is wrong with people?
Evening I.Y.
It’s to do with this BLM shit. Apparently ‘Master’ has connotations of slavery. ?
It was mentioned on the News today. I kid you not.
So if one is caught in a act of self abuse behind a newspaper on a bus, one would now be charged with Primarybateing in a public place? Sorry but the whole things smells a bit fishy to me.?
Blimey Ruff. I don’t hold out much hope for that beardy, pa*do-looking sort that used to be on Doctor Who then.
And what about poor James Mason in Salem’s Lot; how dare he refer to that snaggle-toothed blue cunt as “The Master”!!
Oh dear, how is that going to work? A certain type of “musician” Refer to themselves as “MC” this, that or the other. MC being short for Master of Ceremonies. They didn’t think that one out, did they?
Evening RTC.
Apologies for the delayed reply.
I’m so thick (or so not racist) that I didn’t even think of that. I assumed it was a sexist thing – you know – master having overtones of masculinity.
It’s alright, the scroteless dweeb interviewing him apologized on his behalf.
Really incredible that the word ‘damn’ prefixed to a race is grounds for loss of honours and cancellation, but saying a race doesn’t matter is grounds for a promotion inside a top academic institution. One is an emotive expression that is not racist in itself – I don’t like blacks either, the other an intellectual proposition that is clearly racist. Fucking incredible.
‘White lives don’t matter. As white lives.’. That’s not racist see because she was ‘speaking to the structure of the ideology’. Academicspeak.
So by the same token black lives don’t matter, as black lives isn’t racist….. good luck with that argument.
Just to add ‘As white lives’ is how she got away with it. She muddied the waters somewhat as to understanding. Though I suspect even if she left it as ‘White lives dont matter’ she would have still survived because of the bias. That’s what interests me here Academic research is supposed to be a search for truth. But the real truth is Starkey’s comment (abeit recklessly expressed) was at least HONEST whereas her comment was not. It was a ‘conceit’ in the old meaning of the word.
Stating the obvious to cunters here but Academia is dishonest. Full of intellectual trickery.
Most of these celebs and business corporations are only apologising because :-
a) it would be instant death on social media in terms of popularity
b) they have vested interests to protect, mostly financial ones.
I await the day when they realise that pandering to 1% of the population whilst alienating 99% of your core customer base ain’t gonna be healthy for your bottom line and, therefore, your fucking salaries.
Like the Premier league are doing now….?
It demonstrates something that most of us of known for many years- British management is pretty fucking stupid in the main.
Any company is successful despite management, not because of it.
Not universally true, but mostly true in my experience. In 30+ years of employment I have worked for dozens of managers. In all that time, I’d say one for sure possibly 2 were effective, decisive and managed well. The rest ranged from incompetent to completely ineffective.
“In a hierarchical organization each individual is promoted to the level of their incompetence”
They really are hilarious also cringe worthy majority of cunt’s doing it are billy no marks pointless twats from daytime telly,shite lefty comedians, two bob z celeb gameshow chair warmers cunt’s the lot of them the world can fuck right off we have nothing to apologise for so fuck off GET A GRIP YOU CUNTS
I’m beginning to think of that guy as the clearest thinker of the last century.
Sorry, I had to.
I can’t see any point in apologising….it doesn’t change whatever was said or done. Best to just brazen it out or just go the whole hog and tell whoever is “expecting an apology” to “Fuck Off.”
Afternoon Dick,
I can see apologies if its something you regret or plays on your conscience, but not for trivia.
Im sorry I took that shit on your land near the drystone wall for instance!
Wasnt out of malice, just nerves in case you shot me while innocently trespassing.
Afternoon, MNC……I’m untroubled by a conscience and regret very little….the only time I’d consider apologising is if I thought it might pay me in the long run….but it certainly wouldn’t be meant with any sincerity.
Terrible man.
I agree with your sentiment there Dick.
An apology is just words. Nothing more. Too easy. We all know the saying actions speak louder than words. If you’ve fucked up in some way and someone else has been adversely affected, by all means apologise but then DO something about it.
Mrs Yank and I have a rule. If either of us fucks up or causes the other some aggro/inconvenience/etc. then you own it and use the phrase, “I’m sorry, what can I do to put this right?”. Within reason, you do what the other one wants. Might be buy them a book, a CD or take them out to dinner. Something like that. If they take up the offer, that ends the matter. If they decline the offer, they immediately give up the right to feel hurt or upset. In other words, quit whining. Our system works great. I never have to make those offers though, ‘cos I’m fucking perfect.
It’s either no mark British G-Listers, BBC pets like Jodie Whittakunt and Diara O’ Bogtrotter and libfuck Saturday Shite Live comedy acts or demented coked up Hollyweird celebricunts like that Arquette slag, Evan Rachel Cunt, Natalie Portmouth, Rebel ‘Lordy! It’s The Fat Slags!’ Wilson and Amber Psycho Heard.
All attention seeking cunts and all as mad as lorry load of baboons on PCP.
I’ve been married for 47 years and my wife apologised for the first time ever today.
She said she’s sorry she ever married me.
My missus is a shocker when it comes to saying sorry to cunts for stuff that is not her fault.
For example, she was shortchanged in a shop awhile back and she said to the assistant (in suitably apologetic tone) “I’m awfully sorry… but I think you’ve given me the wrong change.”
The only exception to this rule is when I am the perceived transgressor.
What’s that you say – “a cross dresser?”
Those dots in her sentence are short form for ‘that you think I’m so fucking thick that you can try to put one over me you thieving cunt’.
47 years eh, Sir Bert? Wow! Respect.
Greetings IY. It sounds pathetic but looking back, I wouldn’t have chosen anyone else!
Greetings Sir Bert.
Apologies for the delayed reply.
It’s not pathetic at all. I rather like your sentiment. Good for you and Mrs Sir Bert I say.
After a couple of failed outings, I found the right Mrs Yank. She came along at a time in my life such that it will be practically impossible for us to enjoy 47 years of marriage. So I have huge respect for the longevity of yours. Well done that man!
Good evening IY. I consider myself very lucky as you can imagine what a twat I am to live with!
It’s sanctimonious pricks trying to be popular. Pep Guardiola was a recent example (“I’m so sorry for how black people have suffered for 400 years. I am so ashamed.”
Well, unless the cunt has dark keys in chains in his cellar and buys and sells them, then he has no reason to apologise.
Unless of course, he means he’s ashamed of being employed by billionaires from the UAE, a country whose billionaires are no strangers to modern slavery (Bangladeshi, Burmese and Filipino nationals for the most part).
Somehow I doubt it though.
Pep was careful only to go so far with his apology. He should have resigned from a club owned by such nasty cunts but words are so much cheaper than action.
Unfortunately it’s used so much now it’s lost it’s meaning. If someone does something stupid and is forced to apologise people seem to think that’s alright then, at least the cunt’s apologised. Actually, it’s NOT alright and shouldn’t be accepted as such. Anyway, I’m off down the boozer soon so I ‘apologise’ in advance for anything I might post later and a big fuck off to all the miserable cunts trying to spoil what little enjoyment I have left in this life.
Not even if I’m wrong. Which I’m not.
Try this sorry then
Annoys the perpetually offended
Here’s a bit of advice for you.
Brian Clough had a good philosophy on admitting he was wrong.
Interviewer: If a senior player or players thought you were doing something wrong with regards to your tactics or team selection, how would you handle the situation?
Brian: Well I’d invite them in and we’d have a nice cup of tea and a chat, and after ten or fifteen minutes, we’d all decide that I was right.
I’m sorry darling that you walked in the bedroom at that Party and saw Fenton on top of that young bird.
What happened was she fell on the bed exposing her snatch , old Fenton was walking away when my trousers fell to the floor , I then slipped and fell on top of her. It just wasn’t my day darling.
Oh alright Fenton I believe you , you really are a card aren’t you.
I’ve heard that Xi Jinping is about to broadcast a message to the world apologizing for the death and devastation his coronavirus has caused.
No I made that up. He has no intention, the hard-faced lying yellow twat.
Cunt footballers and the fucking match officials and the rest of the kow-towing cunts kneeling before the match sends my blood pressure into fucking overdrive. These cunts are sending me to an early grave, I tell you.
You don’t speak for the vast majority of the population, you bed-wetting, simpering cunt bubbles. Vive le revolution.
It was supposed to be just for 12 games. There have been 32 games played now since the restart.
I suppose we’ll be having this guilt tripping/playing the victim/chip on shoulder/black Nazi salute bullshit for eternity then?
It’s now an interesting social experiment. Nobody wants to be the first player to stop doing it. They’ll get some major abuse.
It’ll go on for fucking ever lol. Nobody wants to be called the ‘r’ word.
Me? I’m a cunt so I’d take advantage while everyone was on their knees to run up the other end and shoot past the prone keeper.
I note that F1 cunts are talking about doing this as well; short step from there then to the MotoGP riders doing it, the only sport I give two shits about. If they start with that shite I’ll be done with that as well. Blimey, TV’s gone; next MotoGP; every Playstation game that comes out from now on will have a dark key as the main character; Greta wants to stop me going on holiday; you watch, the rate this is going some doctor will discover next week that wanking gives you cancer.
I would be very surprised if MotoGP went down that route. The teams and organisers know that the vast majority of fans don’t give a flying fuck for BLM. I would be even more surprised if World Superbikes got on board the evil bandwagon.
I really hope so GG, would hate to find out that the riders you liked were actually soy n*nces. To be fair I can’t see the likes of Cal Crutchlow falling for this wankery
Too true, Cal is one hard bugger and he ain’t stupid, calls a spade ‘a bloody shovel’ and if you don’t like it don’t expect him to give a toss.
Indeed GG. Wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m a fan just cos he’s a Brit (talks too big a game for the results he actually gets) but I’d kill for 1% of his talent on a bike, and as you say he calls ’em like he sees ’em, no PR Speak bullshit from Cal
Of course no one bothered to apologised before the #metoo shite 2 or 3 years ago; but now everyone is falling over themselves to beg forgiveness for some such triviality
The only apology the British government should make is an apology to the majority of the British people for allowing so many damn blacks and Asians into the country over the last 75 years.
The cunts have fucked it up for everyone!
PS, If we weren’t full of immo cunts the ‘woke‘ would be able to concentrate of important things like feminine hygiene and soy latte coffee.
If I haven’t done it there’s no chance in hell that I’m going to apologise for it. Too much hand wringing going on at the moment. All the employers and companies clambering over themselves to appease the woke masses. Fuck them is what I say
If you’re white, and ashamed to be white, as far as I can see there are two options. Black up, or top yourself. Just saying it changes nothing.
In my time in the States IY I’ve always felt that – ultra-lefty twats on East and West coasts notwithstanding – your average workaday Yank couldn’t give too shits for all this malarkey; I hope I’m not wrong in that?? Much like the Aussies, mincing poovery in Sydney and Melbourne aside, normal folk down there – much like ourselves – always seem to see it for the bullshit it is… maybe I’m being too optimistic (cos I’m like that me, always too positive for my own good – mrs is always telling me to stop being so damned cheerful)
Take the knee?
Take a fucking hike, you cunt….
At least Boris did the right thing and didn’t go along with this shite. He said “I don’t believe in gestures, I believe in substance”, which is a nice way of saying, stop being a fucking waste of space cunt ‘protesting’ (rioting), and do something productive for a change.
He also said that police shouldn’t be taking the knee. Which is a good start, but maybe enforce that rather than letting these BLM terrorists riot with immunity.
I remember once being on the top table on a cruise when the adopted son of George Orwell (kid you not) called me a liar for a comment I made and demanded an apology.
“Well you’re not getting one so you can fuck off”
He got up and his wife and he fucked off to sit on another table. I recount this frequently on his wiki page and he keeps deleting it, but I have it on my clipboard ready to reinstate…