@European fruit pickers.
Not long into the lockdown, there was a plea from UK farmers about European pickers are needed or else we will all starve. Now a few things need to be established about this. Yes it’s hard work. Yes it’s no everyone’s first choice of a job. Yes it’s seasonal.
You also have to bare in mind that the pay is crap. The conditions are crap. Assuming there are not enough people in that area the distance is too far. The answer was fly in Europeans who are happy to get shit money, live in piss poor conditions, but still by their standards earn a fortune. With all this in mind they bussed in said Europeans….No tests, no doubt no security checks etc.
Here we are a few months later and one of the poor poor farmers who pleaded that without these special people we would starve and they would go broke there has been an outbreak of the fear bug. 73 of of them. So enforced self isolation has been imposed…..except 3 of them (1 being positive) have upped and fucked off. No one knows where. with this in mind I would like to nominate en-mass EVERY CUNT THAT WAS INVOLVED, with a heartfelt FUCK YOU to all.
Nominated by halloweenjack
Good little nom.
I moaned like a cunt to anyone who would listen at time (including my MP, pointless waste of bandwidth emailing him)… regarding this cuntitude. The country was in ‘lockdown’ the disease was rampant, and citizens were prevented from going about their business with plod acting like little hitlers and peoples neighbours turning to the Stasi overnight.
However it’s low risk, no issue for a bunch of Foregin dooshkas and Ivan’s to fly in to pick strawberries… Really? Meh. Cunts.
I picked fruit for many Summers in my university days. Hard work for poor pay but it was always possible to get work if you wanted it. Left one place and started at another the very next day.
Most of the people I worked for were ok and it fitted my life at the time but it’s not something I would consider now.
I’d love to see some of the rich-as-fuck Jocasta and Trinny type ‘protesters’ sentenced to a month of fruit picking.
Good quote and the demands haven’t been four centuries later…
My favourite Civil War radical group were the Ranters. As I remember it they believed that everything that man did was blessed by God otherwise it wouldn’t exist. Therefore it was ok to smoke, drink, swear and fornicate because the Good Lord allowed it to happen. That’s my kind of religion. Fucking bring that back I say!
They already have, It’s called Islam.
The Levellers, The Diggers-fine Englishmen who had noble ambitions.
Come the revolution……
Magpies are cunts. The screeching crawking fuckers woke me up early making a right din by my window. Horrible birds.
Well I just hope that the poor Farmer is suitably compensated.
The “poor farmer” is a money grabbing cunt. We all know how this works…….the booshka gangsters bring in some piss poor cunts who work their arses off, live in some shitty pikey caravans and have their wages docked for “accommodation”. The farmer makes money, the gangsters make money, every cunt is happy. Except the slaves obviously but they’re too scared to say anything. It’s a fucking disgrace and if any of these cunt politicians who are going around crying about slavery 200 years ago had a pair of balls it would stop tomorrow. It’s a diabolical fucking liberty what goes on in this country but if it’s not on the BBC it never fucking happened.
Heigbt of lockdown flying in gyppos for the highly specialized job of picking fruit!
Then tell us the people of this country were too lazy to do it themselves?
Slightly insulting to say the least, seeing as I havent just hatched from a fuckin egg I dont believe that.
Talk about pissing down my back and tell me it’s raining.
How is the Farmer a Cunt,Freddie ? He will be paying National Minimum Wage to an Agency who supply the workers. The days when you get away with paying people cash in hand for casual labour such as this are long gone. Yes,they’ll be docked for accommodation as is anyone who works and has accommodation provided as part of their wage…care-home assistants,nurses,hotel workers etc…that’s life. Of course the Farmer will be trying to get things done economically (but legally)…if the price of every apple in the shops suddenly doubled to pay for free accommodation people would be moaning about Farmers “ripping off” customers.
I don’t honestly know how any Farmer would be able to get away with paying these “slave-wages”…I suspect that various Govt. departments would quickly be sniffing around at the slightest hint of “immigrants” being exploited by some (probably) white Farmer.
The likes of the “rag-trade” or fast-food industry are far more likely to be ripping off immigrants than Farmers…nobody seems too concerned about them…of course they don’t suffer from the strict supervision that comes with employing these “flown-in” agricultural workers. It would be “racist” to investigate certain businesses,,,but I suspect that agriculture isn”t one of them..in fact it would be just the target (white,) that would attract immediate attention if any serious wrongdoings were suspected.
Of course the Farmer makes money…wouldn’t be much point in doing it otherwise,would there ? but if you seriously imagine that wicked Mr.Farmer flies in plane loads of poor exploited “slaves” to work on his “plantations” ?….Nah,not in this Day and Age,unfortunately.
How is he meant to get his crops picked ? Perhaps he could employ some stout-hearted British yeomen who are being unfairly deprived of a job by these slaves eh?…They tried employing Brits (at “full” wage,no doubt)…..surprisingly enough they couldn’t physically manage. Wouldn’t matter if you offered them 100 pounds an hour…they don’t (in the main) want to or can’t do it.
…….and i’m supposed to believe this from a man who sets the “hounds” on our darker hued citizens, points his shotgun at Janet Street Porter and steals items of lingerie from washing lines in the middle of the night?
I’d sooner take the word of Dominic Grieve…….,ok I went a bit far there. Maybe Sir Cliff.
You don’t have to believe it from me,Freddie….try checking other sources that you do trust. I haven’t read of many cases of Farmers being prosecuted for flying in plane loads of “slaves”.
Morning Dick,
Saw a tv show with the missus the other night, a elderley english couple had bought a kit house from a german company.
The house came over from Germany to be assembled over here by a german crew, a english firm had to lay the foundation, didnt have enough concrete to finish, had to keep it wet till more was delivered.
The german crew arrived with the house and a english firm was meant to meet them there with a crane, 5hrs later the crane arrived having gone to the wrong address.
The germans now 5hrs behind schedule get to work, they have 6days to do this job, they work into the night, while its raining, and manage to assemble this house in 4days.
They clean every tool, bucket, and inside their van before leaving.
I was shocked!
These germans were the hardest most dilligent workers ive ever seen,
I was embarrassed at what they must of thought of us?
Why arent we like the germans?
We used to be!
So see your point about the fruit gyppos.
We used to be like the Germans? In terms of productivity? Certainly not in my lifetime.
Morning Miserable.
Morning Ruff!
Meant we had a reputation for our workmanship, and being grafters, I admire the germans for being organised, dependable workers, slightly envy them truth be told.
Id love it if “British made” or “british worker’ was a byword for quality.
That’s not how it works. The farmer pays cash to the Albanian gangster. The cunt supplies the labour and he decides who gets paid what. The Albanians also fly in girls who think they are going to be au pairs but are in fact prozzies. The gangsters hold their passports, threaten their families at home and tell them they have to pay back the money for the flight. They add on interest which, of course, means they can never pay it back. This country is awash with foreign cunt criminals because we are a soft touch. Somalians and Albanians are the cunts running Londonistan and surrounding areas and everybody knows it. You won’t find it in the Guardian.
Where does the farmer get this cash that he pays Freddie ?…I got questioned at the bank when I wanted a couple of grand cash never mind someone going in regularly to withdraw the sums that would be involved in paying a planeload of workers.
I don’t think that he’d make enough from an honesty-stall or flogging the odd bag of potatoes to pay off the Albanian gangsters who provide this slave labour.
You’re spot on about the rag trade. Here in Leicester, sweat shops have been going for at least 5 decades to the knowledge of every person except, it seems, those in authority. Even now, with lockdown and inspectors visiting those swear shops, it appears the authorities are more interested in making sure that the illegal immigrants are socially distancing at work than the owners paying them less than half of minimum wage.
Freddie is right about the trafficking, and not just Albanians, it all the cunts in and around London, I followed one case a few years back, A Russian woman and her son, another Russian woman and an English couple trafficked girls into London, they go sent down of course.
Not related to farmers but the Romanians/Polish gypsies were picking up dead beats and drugs cunts of the street in places like Warsaw and shipping them in to use as slaves.
Gang masters in the agricultural sector do take the piss with the people they put in the fields, yes there are good legitimate ones but plenary of bad ones.
There is definite exploitation. But not in the fruit picking lark. Restaurants and “fashion houses” are rife with exaggerated gentility and an appalling disregard for paying staff even the basic hourly rate.
Some of the fruit and veg pickers make a very good living out of touring Europe, moving along with the harvest.
I was reading somewhere that an asparagus picker doing a sun up to sun down day can clear £800 per week here.
Then they move on to France, Spain, Italy, Germany and then back to eastern Europe for the winter.
Its hard, dirty and back breaking work, but they are raking in 10x what they would for the same work back home.
Can’t really blame them for grabbing that oportunity with both hands.
I thought they still bent over. But they sit on a kind of transporter thingy which moves them along. That was for asparagus I think. TV item. Still hard work though no doubt.
Bending over for asparagus?
Tut tut, vegetarians are well gay arent they?
Send them back.Weak Government.They contradict themselves.Sack them all.
Anyone who wants strawberries should go and pick their own. And if they want cream with them, go and find a fuckin’ cow to bother.
PS It’s going to be a bumper year for cherries! Scrummy!
Morning Bertie,
How come your so upto date on the soft fruit market?
Cherries? Nice, but how do you know its a bumper year?
A whistleblower in the cherry empire?☺
Morning Mis. Yeh, because of the weather, there’ll be 6000 tons of em! What’s disappointing though is that there’ll be a surplus so they’re exporting some to the Far East.
British cherries id imagine are the best in the world!
Those far east ones probably poisonous, or taste like poo.
Good old British ? ? cherries??
Pick them wild round here Bertie, and damsons. Lovely.
Piss off back to your own country.Scum.
You’re going to have trouble with uk employees from now on.
You need folks that are available for seasonal work.
Who’s that going to be then?
I know my full time employer isn’t up for it.
And I don’t know anyone in reciept of benefits who are crazy enough to declare their seasonal earnings so they can get taxed to fuck and then have to struggle claiming it back.
When I did this work years ago it was cash in hand.
Two types of people did it – uk benefit claimants getting some extra coin in and foreign nationals. It was about 50/50.
If anyone thinks that kind of work can be done by today’s teenagers they have zero comprehension of the teenage mind or the experience of hard work.
The Covid has put many people out of work and students on their arses for a while. About time some of the people in this country realise that sometimes you have to do lower your sights to get by. I have a very nice life now but have had to do some real dogshit jobs in the past. They need to stop moaning and get picking! Entitled cunts think such employment is beneath them for some reason. Life has become far too soft and fluffy on this island!
The gammon-faced farmer turd will always attempt to twist the argument to be the one who’s suffering. They could easily employ British people but keep using the same tired “not fit enough” excuse about native workers. “Aww, oi needs moi cheap Romanian workers loike.” Who’d want to he a farmer turd continually rolling out these clichés? Living in a caravan eating old pigeon heads and lonely pigs’ trotters in cold, grey gravy with only the company of sheep or nasty skank whores.
The Gammons will put profit before the good of the country. So what if the scùmmy Bucharesties go missing and do shoplifting and burgle houses and ply cheap drugs and mug pensioners and cheapen town centres shouting & vomiting and fuck up every town in Britain, just as long as farmer cunty is able to employ cheap, swarthy, dooshka pîkëys.
Fuck me, shots fired over the bow of Dick Fiddlers’ destroyer!! Standby for incoming!!!
I’m getting my popcorn.
Living as I do on the other side of the hill from the outbreak I can confirm that’s an entirely accurate portrait of the native inhabitants of Mathon village.
Oh Dear Cap’t., your best days on here really are behind you,aren’t they?…reduced to calling people “gammon-faced turds” indeed. Tbh I used to admire some of your lines….” farmers have all the charm of an unflushed toilet” still makes me smile but you’re hardly worth the bother of reading these days.
Best you run along,wee man.
Don’t take your eyes off this one! Hope it remains unredacted.
Afternoon DCI. Have you got this weekend off?
Afternoon, Bertie. I most certainly have. Back tomorrow. Oooh, I hope so! Shame I missed the first leg!
Double the price of fruit and veg, close borders and make the parasites earn their dole. I do voluntary work while unemployed. Yes, I’m claiming, and why not, just about every other cunt is, expense fiddles anyone?
Double the price, fuck the scavengers off, food poverty my arse. Pasta costs fuck all, learn to cook rather than heat an Iceland pizza you smelly, poncing cunts.
These ex commies have it good here. They get quadruple wages, free health care and various other benefits. Parasites.
Your dead right cuntle fuckers that dont work going to them food banks holding £900 iPhones dressed to the fucking 9s and driving a better motor than me who works
It’s about time these cunts on the dole earn their keep it’s to easy for them to do fuck all and get paid
I emailed my MP about this when it made national news at the beginning of lockdown. I asked why it was that the indigenous population were effectively under house arrest, being asked to risk financial ruin to reduce the burden on the NHS, yet planeloads of Eastern European’s were flying in unchecked and unmonitored, could my elected member of parliament guarantee there would be no burden to the NHS from these foreign nationals?
No reply.
The farms are set up to use cheap foreign labour it’s as simple as that and until that changes seasonal workers will continue to come in.
With the upcoming rise in unemployment there will be plenty of dooshka types already here to do the work.
The crops need to be gathered – I used to do this as a kid, hard, dirty work but no better feeling than walking home with a pocket full of money – makes you feel like a Man.
I could do it all day at 11, and now we have adult babies who will not venture into a field unless it’s a prearranged climate protest with wifi access and safe spaces and who would dissolve into a fit of angry tears if asked to actually do a days graft. (It would be funny to watch them trying to find the iphone charging point on an angry bull though! ?)
A strong wind would blow this useless lot over, not all, but way too many.
If there is work available there should be no benefits awarded to any who will not do an honest days work.
I emailed various Government departments when this madness was at its height, unsurprisingly no response whatsoever – methinks the Politicians laugh at us.
Now take aim at those ramblers Sir Fiddler – they are just cyclists who are too old to climb on the things! ???
Plenty of “fruit pickers” from the USSR and its colonies in our local city….vodka is their fruit, they pick it on street corners while shouting and puking.
I hope the farmer involved get his anus intruded from a swarthy czech fruit picker in the near future.
Interesting argument here. Let’s look at some facts :
The gevernment asked for volunteers to pick the crops. 80,000 volunteered.
They then insisted that all of them had to vetted. Fuck knows why, so a load of them said bollocks to it. Can’t say I blame them.
Then when it came to it, the vast majority of the rest didn’t turn up. The ones that did said fuck this. It’s hard so they went home and didn’t come back
So between the bureaucratic fuck up, and the arduous nature of the work, we ended up importing workers to do the job,
Basically the Brits are just to lazy soft and spoilt to do stuff like this. Blitz spirit my arse….
Why the fuck would the government want to vet these volunteers do they think the are gonna finger the strawberries
Mabey fuck a turnip or shove a carrot up their asses
Its typical with this country the amount of red tape by the time the fucking vettings gets done the fruit and veg would be rotted in the fields
What did the government do when fruit needed picked during the war
I would have the DHSS layabouts out or their fucking giro would be stopped