I shall keep it sweet and simple; easy cook rice is a cunt.
It isn’t easier to cook than other rice as you still do the fundamentals of putting rice in a pan with water, so off the bat it’s a lying cunt.
It takes far, far longer than normal long grain rice and the end product is chewier and less appealing than its normal counterpart.
It isn’t tasty, like basmati, or individual in its purpose for a specific dish, like risotto rice.
It has flooded the supermarket shelves. Why?! Why is this? It fucks up meals as it is so shit. Such a poor product.
What a cunt!!!
Nominated by: Fortress Cuntimus
Uncle Tom’s, sorry Uncle Ben’s microwave stuff is fairly straight forward. Never had any issues with that stuff.
They do some delicious flavours as well. Only issue is the price.
Rice? Rice is for commies and chubby ladies to make into puddings – none of this newfangled “easy cook” nonsense!
Unnecessary sh*t for the lazy and clueless – but we live in a World where everything has to be easy for the snowflakes as they think cooking is visiting KFC.
It’s cultural appropriation like Corbyn-19. Not for Westerners, easy-cook or not.
I agree, Easy Cook Rice is not pleasant. I don’t see what is so difficult about cooking Basmati rice anyway, so why there needs to be an easier version of easy is anyone’s guess.
Thing is, plenty of morons must be buying this Easy Cook rubbish and think its great. Its like instant lighting charcoal, another dumbed down product for idiots who don’t realise that proper lumpwood charcoal is far superior.
I love cooking! And I mean proper cooking that involves going out shopping for ingredients. spending hours preparing, followed by a few more hours cooking etc.
However, there are times when I really can’t be arsed with any of that, and much prefer the Nuke It approach! And a packet of basmati rice with a quick and easy curry that you just throw in the MW and give it 2 or 3 minutes, will suffice, especially after a few jars down the boozer!
But old fashioned cooking is always best
Talking of curry Sainsbury’s do surprisingly good ready meal ones.
So do Asda. I had one yesterday, a really nice chicken Madras with pilau rice, a little over £2. I have one every 2 – 3 weeks or so.
It really is a shock how good some of the supermarket curries can be.
Waitrose do a fantastic range of curries & side dishes, currently on offer at 1/3 off.
yeah yeah, you spend all day preparing the bloody stuff and it takes 2 minutes to eat it – FFS – just throw down the bog, saves time all round!!
Tilda basmati rice pouches of Veetee rice will sort you out.
I put the tilda pouch straight into a frying pan with a touch of oil, garlic and spices.
You’ll get a nice soft fluffy pilau rice.
Tried that and the pouch melted.
That’s still better than blowing up the kitchen by putting a frying pan in the microwave.
Rice is a good source of energy, I’d give the blacks working for me rice back in Umtali, I’d pay wages plus a 5kg bag of basmati, lasted them about 2 weeks (big families), they didn’t need easy cook so why the fuck does anyone else need it!, only a stupid cunt could fuck up cooking rice!
Fuck me! Am I on fucking Mumsnet?
Gonna start me a thread about knitting patterns; I’ve got a lovely one for a nice chunky knit Arran sweater with crew neck?.
Bit hot for jumpers. Have you got a pattern for a thong?
WCC, if it were mumsnet, it reminded me of this…
It is laziness and impatience, just think the 5 minutes you saved you could of invented something wonderful for fucks sake.
Microwave? Why would you irradiate your food?
And as for rice – it’s from china. So fuck that. Each grain is a forward movement of their front line. Each grain is a taste of communism.
And talking of China, fuck those yellow slanty-eyed disease-spreading little bastards.
I overcooked the rice last night. Hate it when that happens. It was all ISAC’s fault.
Use brown rice, if that isn’t racist.
When cooked, ensure you get every bit of water out by using elbows or even knees.
You forgot about black rice, you racist!!!!!
Easy cook? So what, boiling water and an egg-timer was too challenging then? Christ on a cracker, what a culinary cuntfest.
If you can’t cook rice best just stick to white bread covered in tomato sauce, cunts!
Are we all turning into lazy cunts? What about Smash, or even microwave burger and chips. What next, paying someone to phone up Just Eat on your behalf because you are such a lazy cunt you can’t pick up the phone?
Sorry Fortress but ALL rice should be cunted – It’s fucking minging in all of it’s forms.
Proper chips, that’s what you want – Potatoes, Lard, Chip pan… Crack on !
You don’t want lard for cooking chips, you want beef dripping.
The only place for rice is in a tin of rice pudding, using it anywhere else is what foreigners do…
Grow your own, that’s what I say!!
Anything labelled as “easy cook” would be more honest if the packaging added “for useless cunts aka millenials”