Cressida “I’m So Sorry” Dickhead (4)

As a follow up, to the last nomination :

Cressida Dick is a cunt, isn’t she

“Good evening madam, you were doing 60 in a 40.”
“You were driving erratically.”
“We asked you to stop and you didn’t.”
“You were observed driving on the wrong side of the road.”
“These are serious offences.”
“I know it’s dark but erm…look more closely. I’m black! Are you a racist?”
“Oh, oh I’m so sorry madam. Please, be your way. So sorry to trouble you, forgive my rudeness, have a wonderful evening…

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous


87 thoughts on “Cressida “I’m So Sorry” Dickhead (4)

  1. After two reviews by the police’s Directorate of Professional Standards, Dame Cressida Strap-on said the force had found NO misconduct by its officers.

    So she proceeded to apologise to race-card wielding umbongo Williams.

    Would she have done that if Williams had been white? I very much doubt it. Strap-on is clearly an anti white racist.

    She told the Home Affairs Select Committee: “We apologised yesterday to Ms Williams and I apologise again for the distress this stop clearly caused her.”

    What’s more, despite the fact that the officers did nothing wrong, Scotland Yard has now referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

    Why? To waste more valuable police funds pandering to the BLM movement and the libtards presumably.

    The only people in the wrong were Ms Williams and fellow sub-primate Ricardo dos Santos who failed to stop when directed to by the police and then made a racist fuss about nothing.


    • I couldn’t have put it better myself, although I did try in the previous nom but failed miserably (and it went into moderation) ?

      • Quote from the Gaurniad:

        ‘The Metropolitan police alleged the vehicle had been driving suspiciously, including driving on the wrong side of the road. The force said officers indicated for the vehicle to stop but it failed to do so and made off “at speed”.’

        Well I’ve watched enough traffic cop type programmes during the daytime where vehicles have failed to stop and sped off, and normally the drivers of those vehicles when eventually stopped are almost dragged out of their driving seat and lucky not to have particles of glass in their eyes from the cop smashing their window in. What’s different about these two that the cops are referring themselves to the IOPC?

        Quite frankly, we are at a line, and a great fucking big one at that unless there’s some serious ‘standing up’ to do because Lame Caress a Dick may as well stand outside the Yard under that big shiny revolving sign and state that if you’re non white then you have nothing to fear under the laws of stop/search in London. End of. Then her cops know where they stand and police with an easy mind.

        I would just LOVE to see what the government and the cunt media would make of that!

      • This woman is a disgrace! She should never have said sorry! The police did thier jobs and she should have backed her men all the way! This will now open the flood gates!

  2. Cressida wishes she had a dick is an insult to policing. Being a copper must be a cunt of a job, possibly that’s why a lot of coppers can be cunts. Dealing with scripted all day, it only takes one interaction with a cunt to put me in a pissy mood. I’d not join the police until Judge Dredd becomes a reality.

    • The son of an ex ‘lady friend ‘of mine is a copper. In the force for 13 years he has risen to Chief Inspector on talent. The poor bugger hates what the job has become but has a family to take care of.
      What is worse than ‘hanging on for your pension ‘ ?

  3. Great, this will make loads of coppers racist as fuck. That’s not going to be a problem now is it?
    Round of applause please.

  4. How the fuck did this creature rise to such an important position? The goal of the appointers can only be sabotage.
    I cannot express my hatred of the current system with sufficient venom. Generations of great people (mostly men) must looking down (or up) and wondering WTF is going on.

  5. Incredible that an apology was given. I bet the arresting officers are delighted with their ‘leader’. Was a crime commited? Oh, it was?

    Black privilege. Nice if you can get it. Where’s me boot polish? I’m hoping full ‘Hello Dave’ to git me some o dat sheeeeeeiiit.

      • Cressida scourge of criminals!
        Hammer of the law!
        She’s just a box ticked in the name of trendy diversity. Utter wanker.
        Shes no copper
        Go make us a brew luv
        Dopey fuckin mare.

      • It’s like a nightmarish contest to see who can be the lowest supplicant. Bending the knee won’t suffice anymore, you have to lay face down in the dirt like a grovelling moocher. This is the police! Next we’ll be asked to apologise to a burglar or a mugger. Fucking incredible.

    • How the fuck can the ordinary,decent copper go out on patrol ,do their job only to be cut off at the knee by their boss?

      • I would add that I sincerely hope that some of her experienced subordinates are pointing this out to her but I suspect that they are ‘yes men ‘ if that is what lesbians have.
        We are fucked!

    • Brilliant – “black privilege”. I shall be using that from here on in

    • I’d like to get me some of that Black Privilege but I’m already full of White Privilege apparantly.

  6. The entire Met should refuse to stop/arrest any black until StrapOn resigns!
    Black privilege, resist arrest, attack the police, cry Racist, try doing that if you are white!

  7. What hasn’t already been said about this box ticking, incompetent waste of space? She disgraces the uniform on a daily basis and should resign immediately. But when she retires with a fat fucking pension don’t expect her replacement to be any different. Government, Civil Service, Media, Education….. all riddled with libtard bastards and the commies pulling their strings.
    We are fucked.

  8. Fuck me , I am annoyed. Why has the media not picked up that if the coppers involved did the right thing , why is an apology required?

    • I don’t know about the rest of the MSM, but Talk-Radio and LBC (apart from James O’Shithead) both picked up on the anomaly that officers did nothing wrong so why the apologies.

      Speaking of O’Shithead, It appears that his long running and tiresome campaign to have Brillo deplatformed by the BBC is ever closer to becoming a reality.

      First Sir Nigel, now Andrew Neil. Clearly the concept of diversity does not extend to the area of opinion.

      • After Farage went, I’ve not listened to LBC. What makes you continue to listen?

      • The diversity of opinion. Not least from the cunts who phone in.

      • Yeah, i’ve given up LBC, bunch of cunts. I listen to right wing Yank radio on my phone now. You can’t get that over here.
        Of course, until Brexit came along I didn’t know I was right wing……now i’m practically a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

      • There should be an ISAC medal for ‘valliance in the face of cuntitude’. The despatch would read ‘RT has shown exemplary courage in continuing to listen to LBC. Even in the face of O’Shithead’s provovation he still manages to listen through it and report back. This is above and beyond the call of duty. This ISAC medal recognises the heroic efforts he continually makes.’

      • You do me a great honour Miles, much appreciated, but I rarely endure O’Shithead nowadays, cos Mike Graham is on at 10am-1pm on TalkRadio.

        Radio tends to be on in the background while I’m doing stuff. Currently working on a collage.

        I usually start the day around 7am, flipping between Nick Ferrari and Julia Hartley-Brewer. Then it’s Mike Graham, followed by Ian Collins at 1pm till 2.30 when I go for a walk in the park with the Sony Disc-Man till 3, then read or take a nap until about 4.30 when it’s time to feed the cats and have coffee and 5 McVities milk chocolate digestives and a Granny Smith apple while watching Minder or The Professionals or Sweeney on channel 24, or something ancient on channel 81. Then it’s back to flipping between LBC and TalkRadio.

        We usually watch a DVD or something on the HDD while having dinner.

  9. Just when we need our leaders to stand firm they wobble like jellies.

    And Dick has gone really floppy.

    Joking aside this is really bad. Every night I watch old episodes of Traffic Cops and those guys are not racists – they will manhandle anyone of any creed or colour. But these programmes date from a few years ago and you wonder what effect all this BLM stuff has had on police morale. Especially when their chiefs behave like surrender monkeys.

    Police authority is so undermined now that law and order is close to collapse. People will just do what they want, you can see this now with the lack of social distancing. This may seem like a minor infringement but add it to the tolerance of mob rule and you have the makings of a serious outbreak of social disobedience. And nothing would destroy our culture quicker than that.

    • You make some excellent points. I see the analogy with when I used to teach. OK, not strictly the same as policing but the common link was breakdown in discipline. The Headteacher ( akin to the Police Commisioner) was more concerned about protecting their own backs than backing up their staff. Hence, if there was any conflict, the head would drop their staff in the shit rather than back them in their attempt to maintain discipline.
      Fuck hierarchies.

  10. All the bollox about “the bobby on the beat” being out of step with the top brass is bollox. The old bill are a common purpose enemy top to bottom. I wouldnt put one out if I saw him/her/it on fire. They dont “police by consent” ..They police by cowardice,corruption and favour. Fuck em.

    • I want a second amendment and il look after myself thanks very much. The police were created and the population disarmed in return for an impartial unarmed police FORCE. Fuck right off old bill cunts.

    • Oh yeah? Do feel free to supply us with the vast amount of proof you’ve gathered. Not heresay, proof. Only a cunt would slander a whole workforce without evidence. You’re surely not a cunt, are you? Just wonder who you’ll call if you came home and found your family murdered? Surely not the police? That would be hypocritical, surely….

      • I was threatened by my Albanian next door neighbour with decapitation. All on camera. I was arrested so excuse me if I tell you to go fc yourself.

      • I definitely would not ring the police . They ran away like scared little children in the last London riots right outside my door.

      • Bullshit. If it was on camera there’d be no argument so there’s more than meets the eye. You weren’t charged as you’ve stated previously and they must have had reason to ‘arrest’ you.

        Don’t engage me with further badinage, I have enough to deal with dealing with the public and cunts every day so excuse me if I tell you to go fc yourself.

      • oooh Im soooo scared. The police refused to look at the camera images. Dont worry I was fine. A night in the cells is no big deal. When I was released the custody officer agreed with me. The fucker is still getting away with it. He owns property but lives in a council house.

      • ‘oooh Im soooo scared’

        The youth club’s kicked out early…

        No proof, then. (Your tales of derring do and your night in Sun Hill aren’t proof, Papillon). And, yes you would call the police if you found your family murdered. Jab your finger and shout as much as you like, you, me and everyone else reading this knows you would. I don’t know, and care even less, what you do for a living, but, the police are just like my job – one day you just might need us, but, chances are, and those chances are high, we’ll never need you.

        Ignorance is bliss. Don’t abuse the prvililege.

      • id also point out the then WPC were not allowed to call them that anymore who was awarded £15000 for hurt feeling because she was to fat to run the required distance in riot gear 2 week before the last London riots.

      • I was 17(in the 80s) when I was arrested in Victoria coach station for a tiny amount of cannabis. I was marched down to the station, stripped searched ,had a rectal examination,and put in a cell naked for four hours with a drunk passed out on the floor. Did I hate the police?. No. Not at all.I would have gone to their aid no problem. Today. Forget it.

  11. This ‘woman’ would have been out on her ear by now if she’d been head of most other UK forces where the populace is say “ a little less diverse.”

    • A jelly as a PM – a 21 year old footballer is allowed to steer government policy, what chance is there of order being re established?

    • Between this midget doughnut bumper and Suckdick, they have Londonistan sewn up. The son of a bus driver invites them in (or in most cases they turn up regardless) and Dickhead can’t enforce the law when required.

      In other news I saw Mavis has been paid £56,000 for a speech the other week by an American institution, via a fucking computer because of bat flu, taking her total to more than £1m since quitting. Its like a merry-go-round of insanity, the bigger the cunt you are, the more you get away with taking the piss.

      • I think Mr Icke calls it ‘the Lizard lounge’ – public speaking appointments and dinners with bankers and other Bond villains.

        If Icke doesn’t call it that then he should, the mad bastard.

  12. Apart from the destruction of capitalism, one of the aims of BLM UK is to defund the police. Presumably to enable looting sprees. But while they are led by craven, box ticking, tuppence licking fucking disgraces like Dick they are achieving their aim. Coppers are now afraid to apprehend or question kaffirs for fear of reprimand or dismissal.
    Dick and her fucking spineless ilk are doing BLM’s job for them.

  13. What copper is going to arrest anyone remotely bame, in the knowledge that regardless of the cunts guilt, they could end up jobless as those above will throw them to the wolves at the slightest hint of a complaint, however baseless.
    A couple of weeks ago, some dizzy bint said more women should be in charge around the world, because where the cunts were in power, they were fairing a bit better on the chinkyflu front, until my mate shut her up by saying ‘what, like Theresa May?’. You can add the utterly useless Dick to that list.

  14. Driving into my village this evening, I passed a speed camera van. Of course, I was pre-warned due to the actions of my fellow citizens. If I had been caught speeding, I’m damned sure I wouldn’t have received a letter of apology.

    This BLM shite is setting race relations back decades.

    In America, guns sales have risen 60%. If you have no faith in the police, the alternative is militias or vigilantes. The choice is ours…

  15. The coppers on the street have had thier balls chopped off and teeth pulled out by this fuckin useless dyke. Until she goes nothing will change.

    • It might be even worse when she goes. The old doughnut-grinder might run for Mayor of London.

      • If for Labour, it would mean a bitch fight between her and the Widow Twanky of Labour, Eddie Izzard. Dame Keir would no doubt hold their handbags.

    • Policing by Public Relations.

      That was Peter Hitchens’ assessment of Dick’s approach as far back as the mid noughties.

  16. We need a serving copper commenting on this site. Or perhaps we have?

  17. It is absolutely astonishing that this useless piece of human excrement is still in her job. There was an excellent nom recently about worthless apologies – why is this fucking cunt apologising if the traffic coppers did nothing wrong? What sort of message does that send out? Absolute spinless shithead cunt who should be sacked but unfortunately the whole country is run by spineless shithead cunts.

  18. Dick obtained a degree in Agriculture and Forestry Sciences at Oxford ‘under’ Dick Fiddler but I couldn’t possibly confirm this.
    Either way she should have stuck to copicing.

    • There are plenty of videos demonstrating his ability to dismantle lefties with a very few well chosen words.
      Want a great evening? Get the beer and popcorn,sit in your favourite chair and watch a great mind at work.

    • Peterson is another figure who the far-left and right dont like. He has them figured out;: both cheeks of the same identitarian arse.
      He’s more interesting when giving his lectures on Jung, Nietzsche and Solzhenitsyn. As with Niall Ferguson and Roger Scruton, it’s nice to hear and read people whose ‘anti-woke’ commentary is only a fraction of their cultural relevance.

  19. We need a police FORCE. One that is not afraid to carry out their duties for fear of cunts filming them and carefully editing the clips before posting them on social media. We need them to be led by people that will support them if they carry out those duties correctly, not apologise for fuck-all. Sentances that criminals fear. Ten years means ten fucking years. They need to be backed by politicians of all parties and be apolitical. The Great British Public will end up with the police they deserve. Then we’re all fucked.

    Unkle Terry should be Home Secretary, Bertie Blunt, Minister of Education and Dick Fiddler Minister of Rural Affairs. RTCP and MNC should be jount Mayor of London.

    Make room for Day Admin – Minister for Gorping at Nubile Young Wenches while drinking Belgian Lager – admin

  20. Mention of that spineless piece of shit Mavis, reminds that she was Home Secretary when Strap-on was working at some mysterious job in the Home Office as a “Director General.”
    Translation…..”keep her out of the way until people forget she murdered that bloke at Stockwell.”
    Then Hunchback becomes PM, Strap-on is appointed Commissioner. A coincidence obviously.

  21. I’m sick of the stories about the inaction of the police and I very likely wouldn’t give them any information. However, I’d like to think I’d pile in if one of them was in genuine trouble. I feel there’s a huge difference between not helping in an ‘investigation’ and ignoring somebody in possible danger.

  22. Perhaps this is all part of a Baldrick Cunning Plan

    Dilute the interaction of the police over a period of time until they are so weak and pointless they are disbanded – exactly what the BLM Mafia wanted from the off

  23. Way off topic, but apparently the cunts at the BBC are to go ahead and abolish the free TV licence for the over 75s.

    They really are the king and queen of minging rancid cunts!

    • The cuntishness of the BBC is never off topic, they are part of the whole plot to destroy this country. Typical commie trick …… pick on the weakest first.

      • They talk about “severe financial problems due to the pandemic”. And yet they can still pay 7 figure salaries to the usual cunts, while also spending nearly £100m on a new Eastenders set – £29m over budget!

        And no doubt they’ll find loads of cash for the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games and other cushty venues, the bastards!

    • Haven’t paid the BBC a penny for years and nor should anybody.

  24. I bet the hideous shrivelled-up-vulva-owning dyke was mentally undressing and fantasising about rimming the stinking Williams Kn1g Kn0g’s unwiped sweaty arse whilst she took the fucking knee and apologised to the fucking primate.
    You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself you dirty old cunt.

    • Dead right. I bet old Cressida loves a bit of chocolate spread.

      ‘Ooby-Doo! I wanna be like you-ou-ou (Ap-i-doo-bi-doo-war!)’

  25. Interior Day
    Office of the Home Secretary, Westminster, 2017

    Home Secretary: I want to appoint you as Met Commissioner.
    Strapon: Tremendous, I accept.
    Home Secretary: There is one condition.
    Strapon: Urm, Ok, what?
    Home Secretary: You have to, well you have to be completely incompetent even if it appears staged.
    Strapon: No problem, I can do that.
    Home Secretary: Good, we have an understanding then.
    Strapon: May I ask why I have to be so ridiculously incompetent?
    Home Secretary: Sorry classified. When the time comes you will know what to do. In the meantime, it looks great that we have a woman in the top job.
    Strapon: I see.
    Home Secretary: I suggest you focus your efforts and budget on social media policing to the detriment of doing real stuff. Oh and try not to send the riot chaps out to real riots – just send bobbies in high viz jackets and truncheons. Understood?
    Strapon: Completely.
    Home Secretary: Good day Commissioner. I’ll be in touch.

  26. How the fuck is this insipid shriveled up grovelling invertebrate dyke in charge of the Metropolitan Police?

    The whole world is laughing at us.

  27. And if that useless cunt Patel had any backbone she would sack the carpet munching cunt on the spot. But – as we all know – she is fucking useless. All mouth and no action.

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