Cressida “I’m So Sorry” Dickhead (4)

As a follow up, to the last nomination :

Cressida Dick is a cunt, isn’t she

“Good evening madam, you were doing 60 in a 40.”
“You were driving erratically.”
“We asked you to stop and you didn’t.”
“You were observed driving on the wrong side of the road.”
“These are serious offences.”
“I know it’s dark but erm…look more closely. I’m black! Are you a racist?”
“Oh, oh I’m so sorry madam. Please, be your way. So sorry to trouble you, forgive my rudeness, have a wonderful evening…

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous


87 thoughts on “Cressida “I’m So Sorry” Dickhead (4)

  1. Thing is Cressida Dildo is only part of a very big problem. The stench of rotten cozzers is everywhere. Standing by in Bristol and letting feral soapdodging savages run riot and destroy monuments. ‘Investigating’ a man for flying a banner which contained no offensive words over a football ground. Crawling to tinpot nutters like BLM and Antifa. Not making one arrest at the mosque in Didsbury that encouraged and spawned the Manchester Arena bomber. And let’s not even start on the despicable disgrace that was Operation Augusta.

    Even if Dildo is removed (except Patel doesn’t have the guts), it still leaves the rest of them.

  2. They are all traitors to their own race fuck that black slag the fuckers get away with murder that’s a privilege I dont have.
    And the top brass in the police is a fucking joke they are there to further themselves slimey yellow career cop cunts no backing from them for the peeler on the street the mod are just as bad actively seeking prosecution of squaddies for shooting bad guys in a war

  3. I see sir you have diplomatic immunity can I see your card. Yes the race card I is black

  4. Never apologise for doing your job
    These two dark keys didn’t stop when told to do so by the police Why because they both think they are above the law and it doesn’t apply to them
    Race card pulled stopped because we are black No stopped because you were speeding and on the wrong side of the road
    Black and privileged and above the law you are the racist not the police they are just doing their job??

  5. Gee . . . this thread has hit a nerve with a lot of boardmembers, hasn’t it? Back on form, then, lads? ? I’m hungover today and was in need of a good laugh; this site is often like downing a big cold pint of elixir. I now feel revitalised and ready to take on the day ahead. Superlative cunting, Isacers! A lot of one-liners and put-downs were gleaned from reading this one, and duly stored in one’s cyber vocabulary bank for future use. Yes indeed!

    Btw, what’s a ‘tuppence licker’? Never heard that one before! ?

  6. Unfortunately the police officers in the Metropolitan Police are so thick they’d stop and search Cressida Dick if they were wearing dark sun glasses, or so the MSM would have you believe.

    At least Bianca Williams didn’t use the classic, “Do you know who I am?” line.
    I felt heart sorry for the nurse and MBE who was stopped. She was driving a fucking Ford Fiesta, not a gangsta’s car. She wasn’t exceeding the speed limit. WTF was going on there?

    Conspiracy theory: the Metropolitan Police are deliberately trying to get the power to stop and search removed. The Police probably have the ability to get everything about a car driver from the license plate in seconds. Shouldn’t that tell them that a mostly harmless or semi-famous person should be driving it?

    • ‘The Police probably have the ability to get everything about a car driver from the license plate in seconds. Shouldn’t that tell them that a mostly harmless or semi-famous person should be driving it?’

      And they have a crystal ball to tell them that it’s actually the owner driving it, do they? Jesus H Christ, it’s a fucking shame we’ve signed the morphine back…

      • You might be being sarcastic but I’m not in the mood to give the benefit of the doubt.

  7. The car had blacked out windows anyway so how could the racially profile a couple of spades unless they had xray vision

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