A well deserved cunting for filth who vandalised the Churchill statue in London, also the statue of Lincoln.
The Police must have known they would be targeted and should have made them secure but having said that the cunts who carried the vandalism should be prosecuted not for vandalism but treason, today was the D-day anniversary and commemorations were either cancelled or had only a token gathering due to chinky flu, but this bunch of self righteous cunts took to the streets. The cunts should have been showing respect for those who lost their lives fighting for freedom, not ‘protesting’ about, what, police brutality in the UK? Don’t be so fucking stupid, they don’t deserve to live in a country such as ours.
The liberal Germans have just passed a law making the burning of any countries flag a criminal offence (sadly including the EU flag), good on them, a national flag is a symbol of a country and should be treated with respect. Desecration of British and other nationalities memorials and statues should be considered as a hate crime punishable by a minimum 10 years in the slammer.
Nominated by: Sick of it
Everyone caught doing these dispicable and cowardly acts oght to be prosecuted and imprisoned – no fines, no excuses due to age or gender.
Talking of this if you needed any more proof what a pusillanimous cunt Kweer Charmer is, yesterday he said that while throwing a statue into the sea was wrong, the statue should have been removed years ago. What an oily cunt the motherfucker is. Blair Mark 2, even cheaper than the original. Can I coin the term “Cost Reduced Blair”?
Lay a pound to a penny most of the white people at these demos went to posh private schools.
Yes most of these cunts are just after the next “cool” photo opportunity for their social meeja page. They are probably called Toby or Clarissa, daddy probably owns some frightfully cool artisan business and mummy is forever redesigning her rock garden (she leaves the heavy work to the gardener of course).
These people for months have been sitting n their arses doing fuck all and are now bored so are just looking for the next bit of mischief they can get up to.
The piece about fruit/veg pickers highlights the problem with the EU, cheap labour from Eastern Europe has enabled farms to structure their businesses to utilise these workers, if the EU was a ‘level playing field’ this wouldn’t happen and farms would have to structure themselves to use more British workers.
We have plenty poorly educated cunts here who can’t get a proper job, picking fruit and veg would be perfect!
Keir Starmer, the man who defended Jimmy Saville in court…..enough said
I felt physically sick when i saw this. Most of these cunts rioting and taking the knee were white from what i could see….I blame the chinks for this – lets bomb em!
Absolutely puke inducing !
Ill get my coat
It was reported in the Daily Mail, that the culprit of the grafitti on Churchills Statue made the statement that Churchill only fought WW2 for Britains Colonial Glory and not for people of colour . Therefore ( Churchill ) was a proven racist……
The cunt in question is a “non ethnic” imported variety of self entitled cunt with a very unhealthy attitude.
Cunt 2, again of the imported variety, was attempting to tear down the flag at the Cenotaph. The picture captures him staning upon the plinth, with plod standing by ( imported plod ) and making no attmpt to kill him ( which IMHO is the appropriate method of dealling with this cunt )
Diversity is a big failure, lessons have not been learned, and we are at ransom from an ever increasing horde of ungrateful shit stains who have sought the benefit of leaving their respective rat and fly blown shitholes. However, their gratitude ( as clearly demonstrated ) is far short of what should be expected.
I am a racist. I make no apologies, and I do not support any fucker who comes to this country with an agenda to change the natural order of our civilised culture.
By all means. Fuck off back whence you came, and take with you all the white shites who want to be like you. Fuck them all.
The thick cunt clearly has no idea what would have happened to the colonies if we lost.
Perhaps he thinks the Nazis would roll into town and give the locals a friendly pat on the head.
I think we all know what happened to people that Hitler didn’t like and our melanine rich cousins were most definitely on that list.
Ignorant, entitled, thick as pigshit BAME cunt.
Obviously history is not taught these days Odin.
Obviously the stupid thick cunt has never heard of the magnificent black athlete Jesse Owens and how Hitler left the stadium every time he won a medal at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Or how the knee bending British athletes were made to give the nazi salute.
I did it of my own choice!
Cunt thinks selling weed is a career. Cunts like these only aspire to be rappers, boxers or footballers, and when reality bites it back to petty crime and stabbing. Birch the cunt publicly.
I don’t know who I detest more the cunts who did it or the fucking old bill who forced some white lads who surrounded it to make sure it wasn’t vandalised to move on. The taking the knee cowards in the police are girly, run away cunts.
They should never have allowed poofters, lesbians and BAMEs into the police force. They interviewed one of the latter, an ex “senior BAME” officer yesterday on World At One, Wireless 4. Wht the ever so neutral BBC failed to mention was that he had been forced to leave the Met in disgrace several years ago.
This poofter would join them in a heartbeat… if ‘shoot to kill’ was allowed for occasions like these.
Any coppers taking a fucking knee, need disciplinary action taken against them. Fuck that ‘solidarity with the boons’ shit off right now, before it becomes mandatory.
The police have been fucking abysmal during these riots. Useless fucking cunts trading off a reputation they haven’t deserved for decades.
Actually, that’s no entirely fair, they’re fucking abysmal at all times.
I despise these fucking rats.
They should have been shot.
Walking talking human waste.
I imagine this is why those in power have always kept the nose of the pleb firmly against the grind.
Look what happens when you give them the day off (The workhouses keep the idlest ones occupied).
Jail’s too good. My shock trooper squads would have them running and jumping straight off the white cliffs.
Truly disgusted.
A) by the disrespect of the protesters.
B) By the weak response of a timid police force
(Be different approach if Tommy Robinson demo)
C) our timid as fuck tory goverment for having no backbone to deal with this.
Ive always had views on race but this has given me clarity!
My views now are enough to make Hitler blush.
Some twat spat in Tommy’s face the other day, so Tommy did what any “man” would do and chinned the cunt.
Net result, more police from Cumbria cuntstaba-ulary turned up than the “ visible” policing in Bristol this weekend.
Good to know where authorities priorities lay.
You won’t be alone MNC & it won’t just be us cunters that have a harder view now.
This really does send me fucking mental the absolute shit cunts who do this, it’s becoming more and more common, with the police and courts doing fuck all about it the recent events carried out by 4 door saloons and more so by middle class white cunts apart from kicking the fuck out of them send their parents to be gang bum fucked in prison on another point what about mandela’s statue on the south bank he was a terrorist shove it in the thames cunts cunt cunts
I was having this very conversation with my brother just last about Mandela’s bust….he said that we should go and paint it white.
The sad irony of defacing a statue of the man who fought fascism, by fascists. As I always say…”The further left you go, the further right you become…” it’s one big circle of cuntery…
So Churchill “was a racist”? Well, he was born into an upper class family when Victoria was on the throne, went to a mega posh school, joined the army at the height of the British Empire. Of course he was a fucking racist. So was every other cunt from his background at the time, what the fuck do you expect? Get some historical perspective for fucks sake!
I noticed one thing sprayed on the plinth was “ACAB”…….All Coppers Are Bastards! What’s that got to do with Churchill, unless it’s a reference to his time as Home Secretary? But I doubt if a bunch of posh, brainwashed little kids would know that.
Remember after the 2011 riots when they tracked down loads of cunts from CCTV footage and hit them with maximum sentences? I wonder if they are going to do that with the children of the middle classes?
Yeah, well don’t hold your breath.
Also Churchill was the last white guy to be called Winston.
The interesting thing is that Winston was a common name amongst Jamaicans etc because that generation was patriotic. How times change.
A bit like Constable due to our love of the celebrated artist…
Every bastard that can be charged with criminal damage and vandalism should face the might of the law, which will be a pathetic fine.
For the coppers who stood there with their thumbs up their arseholes it must have been reminiscent of the film ‘Zulu’ as they were surrounded by the hoard.
“Libtards – thousands of em”
Check out the video below – pathetic policing of Churchill’s statue, culminating in officers taking the knee:
Morning LL, morning all.
You would have thought that after the Saturday experience lessons would be learned but it didn’t happen, on Sunday the Churchill statue was vandalised again.
BLM can fuck off!
The members of the stand-around police ‘service’ should be fired for gross misconduct, all the way to the top.
….and then one day Hitler was voted in.
Keep up the good work you commie bastards, just look what happened to the Weimar republic and the degeneracy of 20’s Berlin.
Mass unemployment, loss of national pride and status,hyperinflation all led to the rise of nationalism.
How do you like them apples you soft,middle class wankers?
Saw a photo on t’internet of about 50 hard looking blokes standing in front of a war memorial in Southampton. They didn’t look like they were going to go down on one knee.
Funnily enough no tooty fruity little Nancy boys with cans of spray paint went anywhere near it. ? ??
There’s a call to arms in London to defend memorials, let’s see if the pigs allow that to take place with as little back bone as they did the entitled ones.
Useless,work shy cunts, both pigs and protesters. Justify my tax wages or fuck off.
Hope the call to arms is well attended and well tooled !
When I served in uniform in London, we were required to salute the cenotaph when walking down Whitehall. It felt strange saluting a lump of rock, but it represents the men and women (of many races) who gave the ultimate sacrifice for all our freedoms. Many must now be turning in their unmarked graves.
Round them up put em in a field and bomb the bastards…to quote kenny Everett
I would say and do it in the best possible taste but nah
Then flamethrower them, then put them in Unkle Terry’s oven, on regulo 8, for an hour, thenot return them to the field and plough them in.
Finally, plant some lovely trees and forget that the cunts ever existed.
…… Taken from, ‘ Cooking Cunts ‘ by Fanny Craddock ( 1961 )
Good morning.
I very much doubt anything would grow from the product of this toxic shit. The best thing to do is drop it on EU buildings.
Why not go the whole hog?
I have always thought this was nasty.
Sounds good to me, it’d keep the flavour in.
Didn’t some sprog of a Pink Floyd Player do over a memorial a few years ago ?
Dave Gilmours son, bufty or whatever the fuck his la-di-dah name was. The soft twat.
Daddy bailed him out and gave some money towards a Peruvian lesbian collective in recompense.
Another limousine liberal.
Dave Gilmours son: threw lumps of concrete from rooftops st police, nearly killed someone.
Also on the wrist- being a multi millionaires son has its advantages.
Dave Gilmour’s wife is a cunt and all. A proper Yoko Fucking Ono type nose in the Pink Floyd trough cunt. Gilmour has been pussywhipped to buggery for years now. He wouldn’t even think about a reunion with Waters and Mason without her say so. What a cunt.
And Gilmour junior and all those antifa filth should be skinned alive.
I think that he got a jail sentence which caused problems for him finishing his degree (in History FFS) at Cambridge. See any common link? What nailed the cunt was a widely published photo of him swinging off one of the flags on the Cenotaph. His ‘defence’ was based on being drunk and with more drugs inside him than a small branch of Boots. Truly a weapons grade cunt.
If the police and justice system decides not to intervene it’s reached the point where the state is on the side of the protesters. That being the case, we need to question why this is the case.
Because the state is after the votes of those concerned. The tories are too stupid to realise that they are never going to get ‘anti’ fascists to vote for them, but they will lose plenty of actual tory voters because of their stance. Mine for a start, although I would always vote Brexit party, given the chance.
Our biggest enemy is the establishment, not much has changed. There is a cabal of powerful individuals who want this to happen, flood the Western world with heathen primitives, cause destruction of moral values and civility and spread chaos in order to destroy the old country and attitudes.
It’ll go one of two ways here, acquiescence or revolt.
I’m away to St.Jemas’ Park pull down the statue of that old football manager,Bobby Robson. The Cunt was a notoriously bad slave-trader who bought lazy,useless Dark-Keys at inflated prices and then sold them on a few months later for a pittance.
I feel this relatively modern slave-trader will have far more relevance to the middle-class student types and uppities than some old war-memorial for a bunch of militaristic hate-mongers who didn’t even understand the concept of freedom from tyranny which “da black bruddas” have to endure every day in this modern post-empire Great Britain…they were too thick,you see,not like us educated yoofs who get the Black Man’s Struggle…we learn all about it at “Uni” between classes on trannyism , wimminz-rights and the hateful nature of the wickedest Empire to ever exist (British,natch)…you just know the ignorant Gammons would have voted “Brexit” if they luckily hadn’t all been killed by our enlightened European partners.
I won’t go on horseback…I once saw a very unenlightened Newcastle fan punch a horse…..fortunately it was a Police horse so my outrage at this violation of Horse-Rights didn’t apply…it deserved all it got.
Fuck Off.
Howay the lads,gan canny bonny lad or,er summink.
Little known fact, a police horse is the only animal in the world with a cunt on it’s back…. I’ll get my coat.
I can’t wait for the backlash. Keep pushing, you cunts, keep pushing.
Meanwhile, Sadiq Khan (not British) set up a commission to review Londonastabbistan monuments and placenames. I wonder if they’ll review the statue of the terrorist, Nelson Mandela ?
Nah, thought not.
Get To Fuck.
The Prophet Mohammed was a slave-owner. Will Sadiq Khan’s stacked, biased left-wing commission on statues recommend the demolition of all mosques in London?
If not, then the Mayor is a hypocrite as well as being a fucking cunt!
These dispicable cunts should be given 50 lashes with a cat and nine tails, this is utter bollocks why are these cunts crying about what happened to an armed robber in America, who fucking cares, this is not our problem, its got nothing to do with race, the so called coloured victims are making poeple more racist if anything by acting like total cunts, and the white fuckers who are demonstrating and vandalising statues are even worse because they cant even play the race/victim card they are just their for some violence, maybe its because there is no football at the moment and they need to get their fix, whatever the reason they should be all be rounded up with tear gas and rubber bullets, have their benefits stopped and put to hard labour, or be redeployed to picking vegetables and living in potacabins their jobs be given to poeple who want work, utter cunts have turned it all into a joke, like St Greta and extinction rebelion or fathers for justice, the result is nobody fucking cares fuck off….
To be fair, Fathers for Justice is nothing like the Antifa driven bollocks-lots of good men committed suicide because persecution from the CSA left them so poor they lost all hope.
I gave donations to Fathers for Justice and the Real Fathers for Justice. My ex missus was playing the cunt about care arrangements for our daughter and I felt there was nowhere else for me to go. Society can’t comprehend that blokes can also raise children. I had the CSA treating me like shit for a few years until my daughter was kicked out by her mum and came to live with me full time.
Sorry cunt finder, Let me clarify what I meant, I am a father who got fucked over by the ex cunt, and CSA cunts and my kids were used as a weapon by said ex cunt,and I felt like ending it all once, however some pissed old dad climbing on Buckingham palace dressed as Spiderman didn’t help the cause at all if anything it made a bit of a joke out of the whole thing and the serious part of it was lost and that is exactly my point, people making cunts of themselves didn’t do the cause any favours and you wind up with people losing interest to the point where nobody gives a fuck and this is what will happened for the egg and spoons, now nobody gives a fuck, as with lots of other protests where dickheads take it to far and the protest just become another protest and that’s what we have now,at least fathers for justice wasn’t banging on about some criminal in the states…..
Never mind vegetables, send the cunts to other countries to pick landmines.
I saw in the news yesterday that Lewis ‘livin’ in da ghetto’ Hamilton wants all racist symbols removed from around the world. What made me laugh, was the fact he was wearing a cap with a big Mercedes badge on it. Can somebody tell this prick all about the cozy relationship that Daimler-Benz had with the Nazis using concentration camp slave labour in their factories? They even built a bulletproof car for Hitler.
He’s ‘woke’, facts are irrelevant to the ‘woke’ and how dare you question his mixed race (black init fam) credentials.
Nice Tag Heur watch you have there Lewis, you hypocritical jingly jangly earring wearing cunt.
Obviously has the racing drivers equivalent of a “footballers brain”.
Ok , let’s remove the symbols, starting with all the anti-white (pro black power) shit.
What a cunt.
James hunt was much more interesting and a real British patriot.
“Footballers brain”…I will happily get paid £350,000 a week for a crowd of people to call me a white cunt during my 180 minutes of ‘work’ during that week. Or maybe I’ll be so offended that I’ll refuse the money altogether out of solidarity for my white kin? Just like Rahim Sterling does for his black brethren…
Cunts like him need to realise that all the money in the world won’t buy them a few extra brain cells.
The pos probably only learnt to drive fast whilst escaping from the police in stolen cars.
And I bet that cunt Lewis wears (or is paid by) Hugo Boss, who made the Nazi uniforms. The lad is as thick as a donkey’s dongler.
Talking of which, only a matter of time before Hamilton does a Tom Daly and minces around Silverstone to Diana Ross’s ‘I’m Coming Out’. A dead cert. That cunt Harry Styles and all. Obvious as Jimmy Hill’s chin, the pair pf them.
Racist symbols?
? look for the golly…..the golly on the jar ?
They should play that advert to the snowflakes. Their soft little heads would explode. ??????
Name and shame these scumbags ??
Then throw the book at them jail and a massive fine Hard Labour is too good for these towrags. ??
“Raheem Sterling, Jadon Sancho, Trent Alexander-Arnold and Marcus Rashford have been named among the top five most valuable players in Europe by analysts.
The England quartet are joined on the list by Paris St-Germain’s Kylian Mbappe, who was named number one with a value of £230.5m.”
Not many people can afford one these days.
Such nasty spoilt children(probably the descendants of appeasers), ungrateful for the sacrifice made by millions. Japanese hot box with extra rats, no water.
Fucking furious here. Can’t deny slavery was a monument to man’s inhumanity to man; but this whole woke agenda, full of virtue signalling SJWs (and that includes the media on a grand scale) is doing nothing more than perpetuating the divisions.
With the MOBO awards on the horizon, I wonder how the equality brigade would react to a similarly partisan and racist celebration of back slapping twattery such as a Music Of White Origin awards? Actually I don’t wonder. I know PRECISELY how it would be regarded.
Meanwhile, check out this latest local authority sanctioned, no debate, no discussion piece of vandalism in the market town of Ashbourne in Derbyshire. What a fucking disgrace.
Pretty soon we won’t be able to buy a pair of black shoes because they represent the trodden down slaves and their descendents who are touched not a fucking jot by those who suffered several hundred years ago.
Let’s all move on TOGETHER!
Taking into account slavery was made illegal in Sudan 2017 (yes 3 years ago) or if I fancied it I could pop up to Glasgow and buy a white eastern European girl for about 6k.
Maybe just maybe, we should concentrate on that and not on the past, because by doing that we are proving that we have learnt from past mistakes instead of just self harming with the same old shit
There are an estimated 7 million slaves in Africa today. Black slaves of black masters, must be a cultural thing Lord Benny?
Hi BS. I heard it on my local news yesterday. It’s only 1/2 an hour away from me.
Apparently the locals have taken it down to protect it and are keeping it safe.
I’ve a local pub to me called the black boy… next on the agenda?
Just heard multimillionaire and cunt, Dwight Yorke, on the radio whining about how black people are stereotyped by the media. Dwight tells us how he is unfairly labelled as a “playboy” despite the fact that he was a model professional and all round great human being. Aaah. Poor old Dwight.
What about your 18 year old disabled son who you’ve only seen half a dozen times and haven’t been near for fucking years? What about his slag mother who you dumped as soon as you got her up the duff?
Ok Dwight I won’t call you a playboy……how about irresponsible, moaning, two faced, hypocritical, fucking bastard cunt?
A cunt is a cunt, no matter the fucking colour of it.
Model professional?! I nearly choked on my Typhoo when I read that. Although he was superb in his first season at Old Trafford, Dwight went downhill from there. Every nightclub and every slag in Manchester (and there’s plenty of ’em) got a visit from Yorkie. And he even got another (black) player) also at United at the time involved in some three way shit (all over the News Of The Screws) at the time). He wasn’t a playboy in the true ladies man sense like Bestie (RIP), Beatty or Jagger. Dwight wasn’t as fussy as those three and he liked slags an cheap ones at that. Yorkie was like a black Wayne Rooney in terms of his eye for slappers.
In two years he was a wreck and Fergie got rid and signed the great Ruud van Nistelrooy (who was a proper pro). Dwight also (like many others) had the monumental slag that is Katie Price and he spawned the infamous Harvey. So it is he who is to blame for Price’s cash cow and publicity that both still get. A great asset to the team in 99, but as a person? A plank and a fucking clown.
Good one Norman. According to Dwight he’s never missed a training session in his life. Does that sound right to you?
Well, Freddie, I have anecdotes from several players from the Treble winning squad who say that Dwight actually fell asleep during a training session because h was out on the piss and on he prossies during a Far East pre season tour. When the players went to do laps around the pitch, they left Yorke kipping in the middle of the field. Fergie wasn’t there, but he found out about it and he gave Dwight a severe bollocking and that was the beginning of the end for Yorkie.
Because the cops didn’t do their jobs (by taking a knee, running away and not arresting those defacing monuments) now a load of patriotic types are going down to London to protect Churchill’s statue. Well done, plod!
Antifa and BLM will push for a fight and get one in my opinion. You can guarantee that those protecting the statue will not throw the first punch but will get the blame in the MSM (‘Far-right clash with anti-racist protesters’). The cops will also beat ten bells out of them and leave BLM and Antifa alone.
I would stay away. Just let them (BLM/Antifa) keep digging their own graves, so to speak. The more people see what they’re doing, the more people will wake up and demand government/politicians take firm action against them and the BBC for their disgustingly biased and misleading reporting.
Turning up to have a face off with these cunts will do patriots’ causes nothing but harm.
I doubt it, we’re a nation of apologist pussies who’ll forever find an opportunity to display this warped sense of empathy. it’s everyone else’s fault anyway as it stands.
No, what’s needed is a fucking biblical, ferocious and remorseless kicking for Antifa, the defenders get blamed for everything anyway so why not accept that fact and earn it?
And if the rozzers intervene for once then let them have it as well, fuck it, get hanged for a goose and all that.
Do you think they’d stand for this fuckery in Poland or other ex iron curtain nations?
These cunts are really starting to exacerbate the very climate of racial antipathy that they claim to be against.
I really think that a lot of the so-called ‘protesters’ don’t give a flying fuck about Floyd. Cunts like Class War, the SWP and other extremist ‘rent a mob’ types see it as a great excuse to get out and cause trouble in pursuit of their loony agendas. They make a huge amount of noise and create a lot of disruption, but I suspect that the mass of people in Britain think they’re just revolting cunts who deserve a kicking.
And the mass of people are right. It’s really only a matter of time before these cunts push it too far and I would be happy to be in the area when it all kicks off. Frankly, the whites deserve the kicking more than the blacks, the hypocritical, treacherous bastards.