To my eye it is a fine statue. A thoughtful study of well…thoughtfulness. He seems to be pondering. Not quite ‘The Thinker’ but certainly noble looking. Yes noble even if he was a slave trader. You see a statue is an idealized version of the subject. That’s what he will have asked for. Or should be an idealized version. I actually prefer it to the Churchill statue.
History. When does ‘history’ start? We say facetiously when a relationship ends he or she ‘is history now’. So that is the morning after the night before. We talk of ‘contemporary history’ but it’s not really REAL history is it? The Second World War is history but its not ‘deep in history’ because (stating the obvious) it’s not such a long time ago but CRUCIALLY ,(to my argument) there are people still living from that time.
The French Revolution IS history. My point-it must have been terrible for the poor aristocrats climbing the scaffold to be topped but we DONT REALLY SHED A TEAR for them now do we? Why? Because it’s history. They’re people from history. (Whereas people do still shed a tear for people in the 2nd World War). We might be interested in Robespierre but don’t shed a tear for him.
Slavery is history. We don’t really care, or ‘have a relationship’ with the slaves that were brought over from Africa. We lament what happened but we put it in the box of ‘that’s history’. The toppling of the Colston statue is about politics today. Most of those taking part were white. It’s an attack on Britishness essentially. They didn’t care (no-one could) about the black slaves because they’re long dead in history. They don’t really care about black people now in my opinion what they care about is destroying what they think it is to be British.
Returning to nobility. I fully expect a statue of a black slave enchained to be put where the Colston statue was. But it won’t be appropriate for an English city. It’s not that kind of nobility that a public statue requires. It needs to be restrained, have decorum. Yes like the Colston statue.
If there is to be a statue of a black man let it be Frank Bruno. He was always described as ‘statuesque’.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
News just in that a Statue of Cecil Rhodes is to be taken down.
Wondering whether there are any statues of black people being taken down or whether it’s just whitey that needs to be trodden into the ground. Watched some cunt on TV yesterday saying that Africa was a peaceful place before whitey came and everyone lived in harmony with their neighbors and had plenty to eat.
This is bollocks. Africa was a shithole rife with tribal warfare but that doesn’t fit the BLM narrative. All lives matter – not just black ones – and rewriting history doesn’t mean it never happened.
Orwell’s Ministry of Truth has well and truly arrived…
Nominated by Dioclese
There is already a backlash against this BLM bullshit. You have the counter protests for kick off and now, as mentioned above, the head stone of a slave vandalised. This is just the start. It’s a minority that’s for all this crap, but they’re fucking loud and they have the Quisling cunts in the media trying to garner favour. I’ll hand in my fucking stethascope and resign if I was told to kneel, at work.
I think you’re right Miles about the future erection of black statues. One that is absolutely nailed on is one of Patrick Hutchinson, the black man who rescued the nasty right wing protester at the London BLM protest.
BLM would dine out on that for decades to come as “ the moment black lives came to matter” – was this the turning point in race relations? ?
I thought that too Bertie. As soon as I saw it that’s the image that fits snd they’ll make a statue of it.
Now would be a good time to release the report on grooming gangs to bring everyone one back to reality.
And maybe a little look into FGM just to put the cherry ? on top.
“Now would be a good time to release the report on grooming gangs to bring everyone one back to reality.”
Signed that fucker and got an update email a few weeks ago; they’ve sent the government’s bullshit ‘response’ back with words to the effect that the reply (such as it wasn’t) was an evasive sheaf of worthless bollocks that completely failed to address the spirit, the legitimacy and the objectives of the petition. That’ll spin out the inevitable for another 6mths to give those involved an opportunity to apply for early retirement, negotiate slush money, kiss-offs and non disclosure agreements gardening leave etc…fucking spineless cunts! The culpable should be variously imprisoned, summarily sacked with remission of any pension rights and with lifelong bans from ever holding a public position again. Failing that…
Rope therapy!!
you can tell from the pose he’s thinking “KFC or DaShorns chicken shack for tea”. Dem choices dem choices.
Or is he thinking which team to pick for the Cotton Pickers open Cup
It occurs to me that if BLM get their way and all the whitey statues are removed and replaced with black folk, will this lead to protests from the brown and yellow people?
Good nom Miles/Dio?
I knew nothing of Colston,and like to say ive educated myself about him for a more informed opinion.
But I haven’t.
This genuinely shocked me to be honest, the symbol of tearing down historic structures,artwork I find offensive and normally not easily offended.
I know its not all black people doing this, and some good black people out there who want to just work & provide for their family, but im not hearing them condemn this, all im hearing is “destroy,destroy” and its alienated me towards them in a way I didnt expect.
I want to fuck up things they hold dear, that offends them, I want them to know that not all white people are subservient woke grovellers and will fight back.
I think bringing back slavery should sort these uppity rioting types – A minority may complain of course! ?
Free cruise, a set of your very own chains and the chance to work outdoors in the lovely fresh air – smacks of ingratitude to me!
I’ve gone too far, off now ?♂️ ?
I don’t think that you have gone too far; many of these folk enjoy a bit of bondage. I think that Owen Jones could also be included on the ship’s manifest.
It’s knocked me for six as well Miserable. A feeling of ‘tearing down the old order’. Revolution in the air.
remember Planet of the Apes and Abe Lincoln’s statue, then all the cops turning up. It’s reality folks.
Africa is still full of tribal warfare.
Look at the Congo, Ethiopia vs Somalia, the various tribes and factions fighting over Rhodesia and South Africa. (none of which were present when Rhodes gallantly claimed the territories as British).
They love having a good old fashioned kick off with each other for no other reason than someone looked at someone else’s fried chiggun dinner the wrong way.
When the Portuguese explorers Vasco de Gama and Bartholemew Dias discovered most of Africa over 500 years ago, they should have had the good sense to build a wall around it and wait for a few hundred thousand years until the locals had evolved into humans.
The likes of Colston et al were just using the business opportunities presented to them at the time.
I don’t see $oro$ or his ilk being demonised by the left for what is fundamentally exactly the same thing.
Soros finances the progressives, he’s their paymaster, their objectives are his objectives.
Now if you want to divide a country, import millions with no attachment to the host nation, get everyone you can to identify as a minority, the more minorities the more divisive. Get every minority to believe they are victims of oppression.
Stand back, pat yourself on the back and watch the masses fight whilst you consolidate your power base.
You paint a shocking and awful picture, 6DV…but it’s happening before our very eyes. The seismic shift in society has already happened. The same will happen to the culture. It’s just a matter of time.
An extremely perceptive observation.
“Now if you want to divide a country, import millions with no attachment to the host nation, get everyone you can to identify as a minority, the more minorities the more divisive. Get every minority to believe they are victims of oppression.
Always useful to remember that “DIVersiddee” and “DIVision” share the same latin root.
Excellent summary, textbook Trotskyite strategem Sixdog, create social foment and then use it to project yourself (with no electoral mandate remember) from the disregarded periphery to the centre of political stage. Add to 6D’s malevolent montage a rigorously controlled media and then grant what will certainly evolve within the next decade into a de facto ‘moral immunity from prosecution’ for bl*cks coupled to a hamstrung, supine law enforcement system… aaaaaaand… yer fucked folks.
What makes me fucking boil with anger are the Lilly livered spineless cunts in power that allow this trashing of our history and culture. These Statues were not of Adolf Hitler or even Idi Amin .
Appeasement to this leftist rent a mob will no doubt continue.
Exactly Fenton. The left have successfully instilled a culture of fear which is now almost universal and accepted. Anyone standing up for themselves or offering a different view, opinion or belief to what the left have branded as acceptable, risks vitriol, ridicule, public shaming and being cancelled. If that’s not enough, then there’s always rioting, looting and physically destroying. What a great time to be alive. Not!
“The left have successfully instilled a culture of fear which is now almost universal and accepted.”
And how; fuckin’ check this pant soiling insanity in Minneapolis…
Disband Minneapolis’ Police Dept!!!!!!!
What the living fuck is Trump up to?? How is the coviddy cunt allowing this to happen? For fuck’s sake America get a fucking grip; I’d like to think that the European mind will show a bit more sense… I really would like to think that but I’d be lying to m’self if I thought our allotment of the ‘great & good’ would spot the gibbering idiocy of such a move.
I mean here is a race of people who placed a man ON THE FUCKING MOON ffs, a race who could very well colonize Mars, who very well could take the human race (well some of them) on to a great and long lasting destiny 20,000 years hence and beyond but what are we having to do,? Waste untold amounts of resource effectively baby-minding bl*cks while our city’s burn.
We have conquered the moon, we can co,onize Mars but we will NEVER change the black mentality. The only way that will ever be achieved is through 100,000 years of divergent evolution in a cold climate. Then maybe they might approach assimilability. Until that day there must be a racial divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences.
Disregarding ‘outlyers’, they have proved themselves, in the vast majority, unable to understand and adopt the values of white society despite hundreds of years contact in which to do so They resent this failure in themselves and in turn despise whites for having the nerve to require them to do so; their instinct driven response therefore is to destroy the object of their societal discomfort.
Did I see BLM calling for white countries to adopt a ‘Haitian model’ of governance? This is in effect a direct and thinly veiled call for white genocide.
“…the Lilly livered spineless cunts in power that allow this trashing of our history and culture.”
We stand in the ruins of a culture watching a culture of ruin.
“Appeasement to this leftist rent a mob will no doubt continue.”
I confidently predict that it will in fact accellerate. they’ve done their experimental social non-destructive testing and found that the white British are a gutless cowering shadow of what it likes to think it is/was. They now have a much better idea of how much oppression ‘we’ will withstand in a single news cycle. Pretty much anything goes it seems.
I won’t accept any of this slavery apologism until the day the Thai/Burma railway is ripped up and chucked into the jungle.
It’s highly unlikely I’ll ever want to attend a PL football match again (last one was a freebie 13yrs ago) but if I did, and found some tattooed brat, especially if he’s a ‘non -BAME’, on the pitch ‘taking the knee’ then Id be the cunt yelling “stand up you pathetic cunt” until the stewards escort me from the stadium.
Cunts trying to ingratiate themselves quite rightly attract particular scorn and derision of those of opposite colour.
The taking-a-knee thing yesterday was utterly pathetic. I refuse to believe that all EPL players whole heartedly support Black Looting Murderers, but if any of them stood rather than knelt at the right moment, the full force of the cancel culture would be upon them. They know that. We know that. And the leftist mob pat themselves on the back for succeeding in making EVERYONE subservient to their cause. Dark days (no pun intended).
How about going down on both knees ? The player could then be lambasted for suggesting that ‘All Lives Matter’ or even worse, introducing religion into the ‘debate ‘.
We all know that the the whole fucking thing will explode shortly. Get the cat out of your favourite chair, buy the beer and prepare to be entertained.
I wonder when the statue of violent terrorist Nelson Mandela will be taken down?
This is not protest – it is an attempt to take power by shadowy and well funded organisations who cannot do it politically, cannot do it through controlling education, cannot do it through the biased MSM so their default setting is violence used to silence.
It will be different when I’m President! ?
I am fine with President Fox as a concept but FFS keep Fiddler out of the equation and the less said about B&WC the better.
Baggsy Home Sec.
You want a purge of the BBC…?
clicks heels…”Zu befehl Herr Fox.”
‘Edward Colston did nothing wrong’
There’s some other fine videos on that channel that I’m sure fellow cunters would appreciate, in particular the one about grooming gangs – he destroys LBC/JoB/Sheelaah
It only takes one black persons to say the apologies not enough and the shit show continues. That’s how this is going to work.
When I think about regimes that delete history and it’s monuments I think of Pol Pot and the Taliban.
We seem to be allowing the same shite to prosper in the UK.
It should be stamped out at once.
Hang the swine.
Hand their apologists.
Hang the puppet masters.
There should be no room for appeasement after the Neville Chamberlain disgrace that stained our history.
Human garbage.
Fuck off.
We need to burn down Durban’s airport:- King Shaka airport.
Shaka Zulu was a slave owner and mass murderer. He was responsible for the Mfcane which killed 1 – 2 million Africans through violence and starvation. This took place in the early 1800s, after Britain abolished slavery and had fuck all to do with wicked white colonisers.
Black criminal lives matter that fit the narrative.
Shaka makes Colston look like Mary Poppins.
Apparently, according to Chris Patten, Nelson Mandela had no problems with the Rhodes statue when he visited Oxford; Patten said “If it’s ok by Mandela, it’s ok by me.”
“Apparently, according to Chris Patten, Nelson Mandela had no problems with the Rhodes statue when he visited Oxford; Patten said “If it’s ok by Mandela, it’s ok by me.””
But that’s the fucking problem HBH, that Patten felt the moral requirement to have Mandela’s ‘approval’ and deferred to that witless nog BEFORE processing his own opinion. Cuckservatives pfffft I’ve shit ’em!
And shaka khan.
80s singer and warlord
No need to go to Durban. There’s a Shaka Restaurant in Camden Town with his face above the entrance and statues of the cunt inside.
Time that cunt Marx was dug up and thrown into the Thames. He as caused more deaths and misery than anyone else . Fucking cunt!!
Is that guarded?
Marx’s grave?
The upkeep of the memorial is funded by the Russian and Chinese, the last time I was at the Highgate cemeteries it wasn’t guarded but it was many years ago.
…and will be come tomorrow morning if MI5 are reading this.
I reckon the F.A. and Premier League are quite content that these games are behind closed doors.
The BLM would be getting verbals from the terraces, expressing the real mood of the country….
Of course they are. They’re fucking cowards. They know full well that fans would boo the entire 90 minutes and lob all sorts at the players for being such complicit cowardly cunts.
Fixed it
Could someone please tell me if the effnics in Londonistab have actually stopped getting stabby with each other since “Black Lives Now Matter In The UK As Well As The USA” has kicked off?
I only ask because the stabby epidemic that filled up the MSM before the Kung Flu epidemic filled up the MSM seems to have been totally cured! I can’t remember the last time that a dark key was actually stabbied by another dark key in the Smoke…….or have the MSM just stopped talking about the stabby epidemic because it no longer fits the agenda?
The MSM tend to avoid the truth, and I wonder how long it will be before the angry majority ordered into silence will remain so.
Democracy is not mob rule by the minority.
it is now it seems
I’ve sent this link to a the BBC, SlyNews etc just in case they missed it, they like a good racist attack story, the cunts
Nope a young man has been stabbed in broad daylight in Harlesdon today apparently!
nobbynonuts, I hope the UK branch of BLM were informed, they’ll probably attack a few Coppers for letting this happen.
I have no problem with statues being removed, as long as it’s by majority consent by the people it represents I.e. the indigenous people. By that I don’t mean blacks, browns, yellows, even whites (like me) regardless of them being born here. I have no more right to demand a statue here is taken down than some Russian cunt has to demand a statue of a Russian-arse-kicking Ukrainian hero is taken down from a plinth in Kiev, because although I was born here, it’s not my country. Difficult to explain but I hope you know what I mean.
“Watched some cunt on TV yesterday saying that Africa was a peaceful place before whitey came and everyone lived in harmony with their neighbors and had plenty to eat.”
Yes I beieve they ate each other. Even today, boiled Lammy would be more filling than a bargain bucket of KFC. Keep Diane and Dawn going all day long
I had never heard of Colston until a couple of weeks ago, I did history at school up to the age of 14/15, thank fuck I wasn’t subjected to black history.
Now not being a complete retard I am aware of the ‘slave triangle’, and the fact that it was abolished 200 years ago and I have no idea if anyone from my family tree was involved and to be honest I don’t give a fuck.
All these BLM idiots banging on about it doesn’t do anything to change my opinions, what is happening now is important not 100 years ago let alone 200 years.
The cunts attacking the British legacy should ask themselves this question, why the fuck, if we are such bad racist people, does every umbongo want to come here.
Why should I change how I think to accommodate a minority, there are plenty of other countries in Africa and Asia where BAME are a majority, maybe the British hating cunts could make a better life in one of those
Africa’s a great place these days I hear, unless you happen to be one of the 9.2 mill.* people estimated to be living as a slave there.
Come on BLM, let’s hear you condemning this appalling state of affairs, loudly and clearly.
* Global Slavery Index 2018
All these travel cunts going on about great Africa is to visit, well they can fuck off and keep it.
My annoyance isn’t with the cunts in power after the Second World War that thought it would great for us to have a multicultural society, fucking bastards…. look what they have done!!
Is not isn’t
You have to look at least back to Versailles/Balfour to plot the political trajectory that eventuated.
And here is the official statement on the incident from Somerset Police.
Fucking ace!
And to think, we once had police who would got toe to toe with the likes of the IRA and the Kray Twins.
Now they are scared of a bunch of shitty fuckflake woke students with coloured dreadlocks and mobile phones.
In short, Blighty is fucked.
They’re shit-scared of having a carefully edited video posted on YouTube and getting the sack and their Woke Overmasters. The Bobbies I know, well, given free reign, that statue would still be up and the cells and ED would be full….
Then they should show some fucking bollocks Gene and tell Boris to go choke on a dick, I cannot look at a UK police ‘officer’ now without inwardly visioning the gormless state-paid tool on one knee slurping down a b.b.c. and that is the kiss of death as far as gaining my respect goes. I used to be the type that would have jumped in to help a copper in trouble without much of a thought to the rights and wrongs… they have now forfeited that offer in perpetuity. Policing by consent…??
I am sure I heard someone in the background shout “take the knee”
there y’ go… “humiliation assault”
Slavery is bad. I use the present tense because it still goes on in the land of the dark key. The honky man stopped it centuries ago.
The bottom line is this. Historically, the world was not full of fluffy pixies and rainbows. Peoples of different lands did not sit around the campfire singing kumbaya and sharing their harvests.
They were all living in very harsh conditions and a way to improve their conditions (and poor life expectancy) was to conquer the lands and peoples of others. Every cunt was at it.
And guess what? Our team won. I make, and will never make an apology for my ancestors victories in the past. Get over it, losers! You lost and nothing will ever change it. Leave our (yes, our!) history the fuck alone. Warts and all.
And be careful stirring that bees nest left ye want to return to how things used to be.
Britain is one of the least racist places on earth. All citizens are cared for and have fantastic opportunities compared to other countries. However, ‘racism’ will return with a bang if the race baiters don’t quit.
Exactly so, why the fuck should we apologise for anything least of all favouring your own people as has been the universal condition of things throughout human (including bl*ck} history? Too late for sentiment or this bizarre masochistic fear of incurring the displeasure of a race of people who actively wish us ill now that we face effective democide within 10 generations. I don’t even acknowledge the term “racist” let alone fear its application, it is a meaningless word (from the pen of Trotsky) that somehow has been granted moral omnipotence.
Very sad, and ironically the #BLM is only stirring up more hatred
Exactly Reverend.
Let’s say all blacks are wholly disadvantaged, preyed upon by the police and victimised at every twist and turn throughout their lives. Yeah, if that were universally true it would be pretty shitty for them. I think most would agree. To turn that around would absolutely need the cooperation and buy in from communities seemingly completely unaffected by those ills. Let’s call those people white folk.
If the blacks set out an agenda to defund the police for EVERYONE (not just for them), riot, loot, attack and kill white (and black) folks, I’m not entirely certain they’re going to get much cooperation and buy in from their victims. Maybe they haven’t thought this through.
“Maybe they haven’t thought this through.”
That’s not their job, indeed forward/conditional thinking is quite beyond them, here’s why…
Prof. Eugene Valberg discusses the connection between African language and the mind
Their thinking is done for them by others and instructions disseminated down to the shock ‘troops’ via soshull meejah.
Thing is those cunts at @pple use child labour to make components for their crappy and overpriced phones. Isn’t that slavery?
But look at all the lank haired smelly pathetic woke cunts holding up their iPhones as they tore the statue down like feral baboons.
Fuck me, I’ve seen custard with more consistency than these BLM pieces of shit.
The statue of Rhodes is to be taken down does that mean the blacks and libs from around the world won’t be taking advantage of the generous scholarships that were set up in his will in the early 1900’s will oxford stop using them as of now, will they bollocks what a bunch of hypocritical knee jerk bunch of cunts same as the cunts in bristol you should all fucking swing along with your blm mates
It’s strange isn’t it, that the countries that demanded Independence from British rule by and large have ended up as corrupt, racist, dangerous, and generally just shitholes of the world. The fucking apologists make me sick – let’s be fucking crystal clear on this, these countries and their citizens were far better off under the British and would still be now. Believe it or not I found the following on the BBCunts website. I suspect that Cecil Rhodes would be more appalled at the state of Rhodesia now, not his fucking statue being removed.
Can we now fill these empty plinths with statues of Dame Vera Lynn? Or is she too white to suit the new history?
And now they come for Linekunt.
Seems St. Gary is being accused of ‘casual racism’ against BLM in the media. The extreme left always come for their own Gary, sorry. That’s just how it works.
Well what a fucking shame, eh?
They’re called “useful idiots” and are always the first to the gallows for any hard left junta which is what this whole BLM shitfest is attempting to morph into. Doubly so because they are viewed as what a hard Marxist would term “class traitors” and therefore even worse than the bourgoise and the reactionaries and deserving of the most heinous punishment.
I’m just waiting for all the places and statues named Mandela to be torn down or defaced. But THEN it will be far-right-wing and racist extremists won’t it. You NEVER hear the BLM people being called extreme-left-wing communists and anarchists do you!
I’m of no great intellect, but I can read and I can form an opinion. One thing I really struggle to understand is this. Anyone reading the above nomination must surely find the argument reasonable and if not persuasive at least worthy of debate. My problem is this, there are people possessed of a high level of intellect and are educated to a far greater level than most. Yet still they buy into the most ridiculous of propositions.
It invites comparison with nazi German. sure you can always fill the ranks of the ss etc. Always plenty of morons in any generation but doctors, scientists, professors authors! Of course some got the fuck out but an awful lot bought into the master race bollocks without question. Sounds a bit familiar. Bend the knee, ja mine fuhrer!
I don’t think they buy in to it, they just repeat it for fear of being branded with their own munitions.
to disenfranchise an opponent brand them, Racist, Homophobic ect ect,
so down the plug hole we go.
(hoisted by your own petard would have been better, but fuck it I am thick)
You’ll be very grateful to such ‘morons’ if/when the shit hits the fan. The comparison with National Socialism does not stand scrutiny at all 3C.
Hi CC, the morons referred too are the woke, sjw, knee benders, you know professional footballers and such like!
Ah… with you.
Just a thought. If the left eradicate all of whiteys bad past from history that then just leaves the good stuff and the bad stuff of theirs. Payback is a bitch although it may take 300 years and by then thank the stars I will be long gone.
I Want to nominate oxford university for a cunting. My blood was on fire when i became aware of the Cecil rhodes decision. The spineless pratts are as bad as the gullible take the knee sheep. There action will just encourage more anarchists to jump on the band wagon. The anti british racists will now continue untill every historic statue is destroyed. Also dont kid yourself, this is not just about slavers, they hate are history in general.
I fear they will eventually , with there allies come for are stately homes, palaces and cathedrals. All of this was obvious to me when i was a teenager. So anyone who did not see this coming are gaumless and brain washed.
God help us.
Tono, copy and paste your nomination you just wrote here into the nominations page in the link below:
That’s where they go. 🙂
p.s my apologies. I didn’t mean to sound bossy. I’m sure Admin can sort it for you. 🙂
No probs spoonington. Good of you to put me right.