The UK Border Force (5)

Come in, come in, everybody welcome

A Yo Ho Ho ! of a cunting for the Border Force / Coastguard / RNLI water taxi service. With a side cunting for the French authorities, who they are in cahoots with.
You know the score, Cunters. Bunch of mainly peaceful cunts get to France, obtain a boat, by whatever means, then set out on the jolly old briny for Dearest Blighty. Cuntish, French maritime forces escort them half way across, where they are ‘ rescued ‘ by our stunningly efficient aquatic ring and ride service.
Aforementioned foreign cunts are then transported to the land of milk and honey, where they will show their gratitude by murdering, raping, thieving and scrounging.
Today is the 6th June, a memorable day, the question is.
Was it all worth it ?

Nominated by Jack The Cunter

42 thoughts on “The UK Border Force (5)

  1. What I don’t understand is why navy destroyers aren’t waiting for the French a subtle few hundred metres inside our territory, and then blowing them to fucking bits when they invade.
    Seems both simple and obvious to me.

    • We were paid from both sides of the channel,as well as the ticket price for passengers.

  2. Border Force does not enforce our borders, and the Coastguard does not guard our coast.
    Clearly a case of embezzlement of public funds. Perhaps if the higher echelons of these quangos were threatened with the sack for not doing the job they’re overpaid for, we might see a change in attitude.
    you can add the Royal Navy to this list too, they’re not averse to assisting illegal entry into the UK.

    • Nearly forgot, it was the Royal Navy that picked up Salman Abedi from that shithole Libya, who repaid our kindness by killing 22 people at the Manchester Arena.

  3. Guns on the sure aimed at illegal boats in our waters! What I’m expected to embrace more people who’ll start attacking us as soon as they land?

  4. It’s Dunkirk all over again, but this time we’re bringing in the enemy.

    Why do they want to come here? that’s what baffles me. Haven’t they heard that we’re racist as fuck…

  5. A bunch of loony left cunts who hate this country. We need a revolution to sort it out. These fucking shit funnels will be exiled to the Atacama desert if I had my way.

  6. When will we learn, the more we let in the more statues will suffer

    SLM (Statue Lives Matter)

  7. “Border Force” sounds so tough doesn’t it?. In real life it should be rernamed UK WetNurse., a sort of touchy feely shower presided over by some old nancy like Hilary Benn

  8. Just a thought, if they’re all so busy helping folks to shore, how on earth is the price of columbian marching powder going through the roof?
    With all the boats down at dover the international drug smugglers must be doing overtime in west wales. Fucking tankers of the stuff must be being audaciously off loaded into dumper trucks in the broad light of day.
    Normally prices go up in a shortage right!? Supply and demand etc.

    • I think I could hazard a guess at that, Customs like all businesses have targets, about 12 years ago they were not hitting their cannabis targets, taking into account the vast imports of hydroponic kit into the UK they asked plod to have a look round, and the Viet grow rooms were discovered.
      The most recent campaigns have been against the legal highs imported under the guise of “Plant food” it has pretty much turned into the battle of the chemists, each time one is banned they change the make up to by pass the law, so my guess is that there is a shortage on that right now, or should we say the market is unstable and fluctuates to much for a healthy habit.
      So demand on charlie is up, it is slightly less damaging than some of the others and you forgot to mention crack (which is nasty shit)

      • Good point, maybe it’s just a matter of greedy dealers.
        I can just see the customs guys looking into a container – “no plant food here, on your way”.

  9. I just question the word “Force” in the title, the Police force were renamed the “Police service” at a time when they were more armed than they have ever been, so you would assume that “Border Force” be equally armed and brutal.
    Thing that I have noticed about them is if you are “Undocumented” they ask you to come and visit them at your leisure, where as if you are documented they can and will apprehend you.
    To simplify my understanding of the situation. I work for a multinational that covers all aspects of construction (so from a shed to a city we cover it) as such there are multiple departments, when I deal with a customer who requires help out side my professional field I refer them to to the correct department.
    So explain the following, when housing officers enter a building filled with illegals, why do they not refer them to immigration officers? why do the police not do the same when they stop and question?
    I recall in my previous work, when we detained someone that was pretty much it, you would find yourself on your merry way when we were sure that you were safe and who you said you were, fail any of those two and well things were not so good for you.
    The whole lack of collaboration between the services is appalling, very little cross references of intelligence by the agencies, so it is a massive shit storm.

      • Great nom Jack!?
        This is being intentionally overlooked by our government and the french, we are seen as a soft touch by the world,
        And they’re right we are!
        This human flotsam & jetsom need shooting out of the water and any landing should have the shit kicked out of them on landing by the locals and dragged back to France.

  10. Those desperate refugees who ignore the half dozen rich countries that they could claim asylum in and get ferried here instead.
    They have no right of asylum here,we are not the “nearest safe haven.”
    There is something fundamentally corrupt about the present situation.
    It needs wheedling out and destroying.
    Heads should literally roll.
    Filthy rats.

    • Refugees my arse, these fuckers are illeagals at least the “child” refugees appear to be applying the razor more often as a “10” year old with more face fuzz than David Bellamy was starting to grate somewhat. Have these cunts not realised that if they take over UK will be just another shithole. I suppose They will fuck of to alaska or something?

  11. Like every other ‘force’, it is now just another touchy feely lefty organisation.
    Why not just set up a port in France with a one way ticket to Blighty sign and be done with it instead of pretending we’re getting tough and really really trying to stop them.
    The lefties have won whoever you vote for.

  12. Border Force: Hello mate, where d’you wanna go?

    Ooga Dooga: Ooga.

    Border Force: Alright, let’s go. I won’t bother putting it on the meter, that a’right mate?

    Ooga Dooga: Benefits.

    Border Force: Look at all this traffic. Too much traffic these days, know warram saying?

    Ooga Dooga: White women.

    Border Force: Going anywhere nice for your holidays this year?

    Ooga Dooga: Britain.

    Border Force: And what line of business are you in, boss?

    Ooga Dooga: Drugs. Me drug dealer. Me no pay.

    Border Force: Anyway. Welcome to Britain. Please stand here for your passport photo, free house, benefits, free education, new iPad, and mobile.

    Ooga Dooga: Ooga.

      • Good one Ron, but you left out the contact number for childrens homes and a list of local schools.

      • Let’s not forget that it’s a Conservative government that’s in charge. How long have they been in control, the last ten years? If Labour were in power, the Tories would be calling them fit to burn about this situation and telling us it would be so different if we’d voted for them.

      • “In control” and tory gvnmnt now seem to be mutually exclusive.
        Saw BoJo on the news tonight at an infants’ school. The kids looked a lot smarter. In every sense.

  13. Today it was revealed that of the hundreds that made it to the U.K. recently, not one has been sent back to France. This is from our supposedly tough Home Secretary, who evidently isn’t. Organised crime and terrorism don’t seem to matter, so why would a pandemic that won’t allow me to travel the ten miles to see my fading father matter either? Beyond useless, as this arrangement not only encourages them, it helps them achieve their aim.

  14. While these cunts supply nibbles tea and biscuits to the floaters the bbc etc make no mention of the continued assault by the rag tag shit thats aided and abetted by the hilariously named border force cunts soon to be no border no force when the blm party wins a landslide general election we as a nation are fucked shit cunts the lot of em

  15. It was also just recently revealed that the home office have not counted illegals entering the country for at least the last 15 years and now have no idea, even roughly, of how many there are.

    Even more amazing is that this was reported by The Grauniad of all people. If it’s shocking and worrisome to them, then we must really be well and truly fucked.

    • I’m sure all the illegals will be bubbling with excitement at the prospect of putting their names and addresses on the census forms next year. Won’t they?

  16. Muslim illegal immigrants should claim asylum or refugee status in a muslim Country – the western and muslim ideology are incompatible.
    Failing that, out with The Black Pig, load the cannons with grape and let loose! ???
    The UK Border farce now renamed the London Silly Nannies – and it’s lucky the nazis didn’t black up then invade – we would have been handing the fuckers the keys!

    • At the change of shifts. Watch and look at the vehicles the crew members are driving.

      Eat your heart out.

  17. The RNLI are involved in this? Why is that fact hidden?
    It is a charity and depends on contributions from UK public.
    After the lewd mug fiasco Joe Public started giving them less.
    If it is now true that they are wasting boat-time, fuel, equipment and volunteer time on this immigration scheme, their funding will drop.

    • Dear God say it ain’t so! They’re the ONLY charity I donate to…
      a) because I sail, was a scuba instructor and know what a total cunt the sea can be…
      b) because they never took govt money and displayed indifference to sponsorship offers. imagine a lifeboat liveried in vinyl corporate graphics, me next with the sick bucket.

  18. Border Force, ( for whom I used to work ) is about the most openly corrupt department in the Government. New Car Sir!

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