White people ashamed of being white.

I mean its a fairly obvious cunting really isn’t it?
These utter cunt SJW’s on so soshul meeja telling everyone how ashamed they are of being white. Utter, utter cunts.
They make me ashamed of being white.

Nominated by: Kunte Kunty

106 thoughts on “White people ashamed of being white.

  1. In the end, the only solution will be to have voluntary segregation. Even the twats at BLM promote recital segregation.

    I’d offer 3 choices.

    Areas which are:

    Just white
    Just BAME
    Multi culti

    Take your pick and go for it. I can’t see the problem with this. The only other option is mass deportations of dark keys, but that will never fly (a bit too Adolf).

    Will be interesting to see how the ‘BAME’ district fares with abolishing the police and bringing in ‘community policing’.

    • “…the only solution will be to have voluntary segregation.”

      Just not a solution C.B. From the point of view of prudent statesmanship you never give away or divide your territory, resources or possessions. This is OURS not THEIRS and there is no moral imperative or obligation to do such a foolish thing.

      The enclaving idea would only further embed the legitimacy of their demands whilst bypassing completely the primal question of the legitimacy of their fucking presence in the first place.

      How long would it be before a BAME enclave is in a state of complete financial and societal collapse do you think? A year? 18 months? By year 2 you will have distributed hubs of typhus and tuberculosis outbreaks guaranteed.

      Enclaving also relies on these fuckers honouring the deal and staying within the borders of said enclave. A perusal of a few history books or the Met’s “most wanted” list will demonstrate the idiocy of that piece of fallacious Utopianism. So now we have tuberculotic, AIDSy, ebolafied gangs of predatory foragers raiding and raping adjacent enclaves.

      Then there is the question of what to do about London. Do you clear it out or do we move the Nation’s financial/administrative locus out completely and ringfence the fucking shithole and leave it to its own demise?

      A few photoshopped photos of “…the tragedy of the Greenwich Ghetto” in the world’s press and the anti-white propaganda they pump out now will seem as nothing. Meetings will be held in top floor offices in Madison Ave, words will be whispered into the appropriate ears and our international credit rating tanks. The M4 money supply dries up and is further undermined by widespread forgery. In 10yrs we’re printing local ‘scrip’ and adopting barter as a solution.

      The raising, financing, provisioning, training and deployment of a national defence force will be effectively impossible and any force that could be raised (putting aside its financing) would have its ill equipped hands full patrolling the constant riots, ‘steamers’, border incursions and skirmishes.

      Then there is the issue of Islam; you can be certain that in the Northern and Midland BAME enclave/s shariah will become the de facto system of governance who will immediately declare their independant statehood, require international recognition, extend their hand East and then watch the Saudi cash and arms flood into the country. wot? no border control? errrrm…

      If you’re going to the monumental trouble of shifting millions of uncooperative, resentful bl*cks and asians (who by now are primed for violence) into enclaves then why not just fuck them out of the country, their ire will be no greater, why compromise?

      There is ONLY one option worth consideration and the window of opportunity is closing rapidly until we become a numerical minority and it’s lights out for one of the greatest races of people who ever walked the Earth all because we feared upsetting the sensibilities of a fistful of mouthy cunts (the mass will do as commanded) who fucking hate us anyway?

      Chops out

      • “but that will never fly (a bit too Adolf).”

        To which I’d reply “pffffft … and…?”
        If indigenous Brits have any self respect left and a will to live, prosper and ensure a safe home for their grandchildren then they’re going to have to approach more radical modes of thought. They’re going to HAVE to re-aquire a more robust survival instinct and they will have to understand that this will be an initially highly stressful task but humans are in turn extremely adaptable to a change of priorities.

        When the alternative is extinction, when your mate’s girlfreind has been raped for the third time that year, when you dare not be within a two mile radius of any town centre for fear of your life, when your aunt’s home was invaded the week before, when Sainsbury’s delivery lorries and petrol taners are hijacked on the motorways and the drivers shot dead on the central reserve… then a bomber detonates himself in one of the mustering areas before the Cenotaph veterans parade killing 131servicemen… there is always a tipping point.

        ..to paraphrase from H5th


        Dieu de batailles! where have they this mettle?
        Is not their climate foggy, raw and dull,
        On whom, as in despite, the sun looks pale,
        Killing their fruit with frowns? Can sodden water,
        A drench for sur-rein’d jades, their barley-broth,
        Decoct their cold blood to such valiant heat?
        And shall our quick blood, spirited with wine,
        Seem frosty? O, for honour of our land,
        Let us not hang like roping icicles
        Upon our houses’ thatch, whiles a more frosty people
        Sweat drops of gallant youth in our rich fields!
        Poor we may call them in their native lords.


        By faith and honour,
        Our madams mock at us, and plainly say
        Our mettle is bred out and they will give
        Their bodies to the lust of musssleeem youth
        To new-store England with bastard warriors.

      • I’m not saying your dark prediction won’t become a reality, I’m saying that if you steam straight in with policies like yours nobody will vote for them.

        If you can segregate (which would also be a hard sell, but not impossible), see what happens and if it does go mental, then you could sell other options to the public.

  2. Maybe the solution is for some evil anti-black regime from the East to develop a biological weapon that kills predominantly dark skinned people.
    Oh, hang on a minute…….

  3. According to a survey i saw a few months ago, white liberals are the only racial/political demographic where more respondents have a negative perception of their racial group than positive perception.
    White conservatives faired a bit better, but still lower numbers of positive responses than non-whites.
    The racial group that had the highest number of positive perceptions was black.

    So much for supposed low self-esteem.

    As for white guilt, many blacks and asians find it pathetic. It does nothing for them.
    The East Asians dont get it at all. It’s a type of western madness.

    The white guilt is an abnormality in humans. All ethnic prefer their own , apart from white liberals, whose natural inclination to bond more readily with those with similar genetics (this is observed within ethnic groupings at the level of individuals dating preferences) has been overridden by a disastrous and naive ideology of cultural relativism and multiculturalism.

    I only have to look at my friend from college who dated a sexy Persian girl (she really was stunning) for a while to then find out he was her plaything, spending £300 on her birthday under duress, despite working as a part-time, cook at a burger bar, allowing her to invite her friends over his on his birthday and the threat of splitting up with him if he didnt convert to Islam. That he even considered it and threatened to alienate his own mum and brother said a lot about the sad state of the white western liberal male.

    • The power of the minge.

      Blokes go mad if it’s top tottie. Been there myself in the past.

      • True, but a ‘I’ll suck it and let you shag me if you convert’ might get the desired response from quite a few gents if the split arse was a stunner.

  4. Fuck me sideways . . . the tables might be turning as Enoch Powell somewhat foretold in his Rivers Of Blood speech. I’m as big an advocate of transparency and egalitarianism as anyone, but, all this current political hysteria is for the birds, man. A lot of it, as most people know, is replete with righteous-signalling, ignorance, hypocrisy and, most saliently, racism. What we are witnessing right now is merely a brainwashed trend and an insidious form of populism — a form of populism that might have a ruinous and deleterious effect if it’s allowed to further snowball and aggrandise. I don’t give a hoot about what people are (generally speaking), but I won’t sit back and watch my country being overrun by a false dogma known as BLM. Britain is, as highlighted on here before, actually one of the least racist nations on earth. It’s not perfect (which nation is?), but is certainly one of the best places to live.

    • I am not ashamed of being white, or English. Never will be.
      I am not ashamed of the fact my forebears built the modern World.
      I am ashamed of the fact that those who have benefitted the most want to tear it down, and the fact my Country is filled with agents and traitors who would destroy me.
      Dark times, and payback is inevitable.

  5. Bugger me, just caught up with this. Suspiciously Metro looking geezer, prob not as old as he looks, touch orf the tarbrush? Dodgy fingerwork orn the old gittar and flat anal vocals. The return orf Chas C?

  6. Excellent post.

    I’ve been down in Cornwall for the past few weeks staying with my mate, well if Dominic Cummings can travel hundreds of miles to ‘self isolate’ then so can I.


    Driving through St Just earlier today (for anyone who doesn’t know St Just it takes about 20 seconds to drive through) there was a fucking retard woman, I’d say late 60’s wearing a day glow green running top holding a sign that said…

    White Silence is Violence BLM.

    Caught somewhere between disbelief and shock we turned the car around to have another look to make sure we hadn’t imagined it.

    Fuck me it was real. Stood in the ‘square’ in St Just holding that very sign with an audience of apx none was a white pensioner who I’d put money on never having met or had any friendships with a BAME thingy.

    Please stop the world, I really want to get off.

    • I’m fine. I had to look up what Thorazine is and what it’s used for. I had no idea what it was. Unlike you it seems.

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