Priyamvada Gopal & Cambridge University (2)

Priyamvada Gopal

Who? This utter cunt, according to her Twatter bio is a lecturer at Cambridge University and an author. Of hate whitey pamphlets if her latest tweets are anything to judge her by:

“Abolish whiteness”. “I’ll say it again. White lives don’t matter.”
“As white lives”
Posted on 22/06

After a barrage of protests against this racist filth, to Cambridge university, the university replied:

“The university defends the rights of its academics to express their own lawful opinions which others might find controversial and deplores in the strongest terms abuse and personal attacks”
Stated 24/06.

Well, that’s ok then. Cunts. There is a petition to have this racist, race baiting , hateful poisoner of young minds, removed from her position of privilege:

The double standards and hypocrisy in the UK, academia- funded by the taxpayer it hates and hold with total contempt. Sign the petition, share the link.

An essential cunting!

Nominated by: Cuntfinder General

And seconded with this:

Priyamvada Gopal is a cunt.”Professor” Gopal hates white people and is a professor at Cambridge “university”and teaches our young minds Colonial and post colonial literature and theory, gender and feminism, marxism and critical race theory. In other words she teaches our youth to hate themselves and where they come from. Thousands of young people made miserable and unemployable. She’s Indian so what the fuck is this cunt doing in our country at our expense. We are paying to end our own culture and country. Come on Priti Patel,boot the cunt out.

Nominated by: Smug cunt

And smashed again with this:

Cambridge University and Professor Priyamvada Gopal definitely deserve a universe sized cunting for their actions. Gopal proved that she is a racist, cock sucking piece of shit by tweeting “White Lives Don’t Matter”. So Cambridge showed that they will not tolerate racism in any form, right? Right? Wrong. After inevitably receiving a torrent of abuse and death threats, Cambridge decided that it would support anti-white racism by not only letting Gopal the Gobshite keep her job, but also by promoting her to professor. As a man who is married to a black woman, I despise racism. But I’m tempted to use a bit toward Gopal the Gobshite. I won’t though, because I’m better than that. And I’m clearly better than this sack of shit ‘academic’. I’m also not a hypocrite.

So, Cambridge is saying here that it’s absolutely, disgustingly wrong to be racist toward non-white people, but absolutely, perfectly ok to be racist toward white people. What a fucked up, shitty country we now live in. Because will not be an isolated incident. This will embolden other non-white racists to get in on the act. I predict that this will lead to a rise in verbal and physical racist abuse toward white people. Naturally, this police will completely ignore it, and perhaps even blame the victims, just like Rotherham and Rochdale police did with the victims of the muslim peado rape gangs. But when the inevitable retaliation comes, they will crack down. On white people, for protecting themselves and their families, because the police wouldn’t do thing.

This is a good opportunity for Boris and the rest of the government, after all the bullshit they spouted in support of the Marxists in BLM, to show that THEY will not tolerate racism in any form, by defunding Cambridge as a punishment for them support racists. I won’t hold my breath though.

Cambridge and Gopal, you can suck camel dick. You bunch of cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

86 thoughts on “Priyamvada Gopal & Cambridge University (2)

  1. I signed the petition yesterday.

    Had to Google it though, cos the link provided in the nom didn’t work for some reason.

    • Note to Admin: This should be Priyamivada Gopal (2) as The Empire Cunts Back did a superb cunting of the Star Trek villain two years ago

      Afternoon Ruffers

      Note to Capt: This is a combo cunting, not an individual cunting. Next time this beauty gets cunted by herself, it’ll be No. 2. Let’s not dwell on there being any connection between her and number twos – admin.

      • Afternoon Capt. It appears the petition I signed yesterday has been deleted! See explanation below.

        Previous Deleted
        Renee Myers
        26 JUN 2020 —
        My previous campaign (with over 21,000 signatures in 2 days) was deleted by supposedly for leading to harassment. I have a very hard time believing that other petitions that list offenders by name do not also lead to harassment, yet here we are. Things happen differently, apparently, when you are seeking justice for racism committed towards whites. An article, which includes language from the original petition, can be found at the link

        I am hopeful that you will join me in continuing to stand against racism at Cambridge. We have been knocked down but we rise together to do what is right knowing that righteousness and justice always prevails over evil and hatred.

      • Thanks Ruffy, that is fucking appalling and every single person should be absolutely outraged. These are truly sinister times we live in and proof yet again that Freedom of Speech is dead and buried in the UK. I don’t know what else to say.

      • Oxbridge power. Fuck them. I’m looking forward to the dark keys and libtards burning the fucking places to the ground.

      • Point taken, my liege. I merely didn’t want the brown Mekon to be deprived of qualifications she richly deserves.

      • There s was a response to Admin. Fuck knows how those Reply thingies work.

        Carry on Administrating.

      • Btw, love the text accompanying the pictures?

        We’re glad you’re enjoying them. Some of the pics we dig up are crying out for a witty and/or cutting remark. It has to be done – admin.

  2. A monster both for the casual, racist language as well as the terrifying Horrorshow forehead. How can “abolish whiteness” be deemed acceptable? Would abolish blackness” be deemed acceptable?

    Piece of shit.

      • Hey maan!
        Have the riots calmed down, IY?
        Are you safe where you are?
        Have you bought a Liverpool FC scarf yet?

      • LOL. You’re a card, Capt M.

        Nothing to report locally. Nationwide there are still peaceful protests going on – oops – I meant rioting and violence against the police and property.

        Yes, Mrs Yank and I are OK. We’re off to Dallas tomorrow. Hope it’s still there. Haha!

        Not a scarf no, but I’ve ordered the full kit complete with Black Lives Matter printed on the back. 🙂

        Haha! As you know I loathe and despite LFC and that won’t change…..BUT……what a sad and unfortunate way to win the league. Season decimated by the Kung Flu, no crowds, awful BLM pandering and your team didn’t even get to play to win it. I think it’s always better to play on the day a title is won. Celebrating at home when you haven’t kicked a ball seems wrong somehow. It is a shame it turned out that way. If it had been my team (LMAO), I’d have been gutted to win it that way. Still, a title is a title so fair dos.

        Do you think this is the start of a period of dominance? It could be. City have wavered of late. Chelsea won’t win anything with Fat Frank. Man Utd are still a work in progress and Ole won’t last. Arsenal seem to be a shambles. My lot are pathetic. Not sure there’s anyone else who could give you a game at the moment. Cheers – IY.

      • Yes, not a classic year at all. It was already won though and that added to the Sum Fat Bat Flu made everything an anticlimax.

        “If it had been my team…” I’m happy you’ve still retained your humour. ?

        No, not a period of dominance as Man Shitteh are always a threat. However, a few more losses and Guardioh-wotacunt could be sacked. I recommend David Moyes for the job. Arsenal are wank, as are Chelsea and ManU just have to keep saps like Pogmark to continue to flounder. I’m surprised Mourhino hasn’t had a meltdown yet. Middle of October?

      • Evening IY. YNWA! although I suppose we really should during this present climate.
        I believe Liverpool have offered 90 million for Harry Kane( although this could be fake news)
        Have a great evening.

      • Evening Sir Bert! Congrats and all that. A title won by a country mile and a half. You don’t see that very often.

        I see what you did there with the YNWA. Well played.

        Kane will be off soon. I didn’t know about the ‘pool connection. He’ll improve any team, but he’s just not that exciting to watch. I like a bit of flair up front. Like a Klinsmann, Ginola, Sheringham, Berbatov. You know the sort.

        As for Capt. M and Mourinho’s meltdown. We all know it’s coming. It’s just a matter of time. It should be quite fun to watch. The man is a walking time bomb.

    • She can easily abolish whiteness. By fucking her racist ass off back to India, where there are so few white people living there, I doubt they’d even show up as a statistic.

    • This shit will not stop until we reflect there behavior back at them. We need to start accusing people like her of racism. Lets see how they like it.

  3. The police have now shown themselves as protectors of the criminal minority. I reckon they will increasingly find themselves on the receiving end of a kicking and it will not only be just but well-deserved. The ‘authorities’, and I use the term in its loosest sense, are a laughing stock and the country deserves to go down the shit hole that it has become.

    • Oh shes wonderful.
      Rotten inside and out.
      What, has imperialism made her ugly?
      No, it was her own choice to look like saddick khan doing a Ozzy Osbourne impersonation.
      Give these diverse cultural enrichers a position with the slightest bit of power,
      Every time they turn into Robert Mugabe.
      Foreign shite telling us how horrible we are?
      While taking the money.
      Fuckin joke.

    • Yep, no sympathy for the police now. If they get injured by feral lefties or mad black people, then they can whinge about it to the politicians. They are complicit in this crap. If they hate what they’re doing they should leave the force.

      • After receiving 21,000 signatures the original petition was deleted (see my post above for explanation). Now have to sign again, ffs!

    • It’s worked at the time of this posting.
      Don’t forget fellow cunters, only white people can be racist, how dare we criticise any other race that tries it.

  4. That picture. I thought it was Christopher Lloyd as that Klingon in the Search For Spock.

    • Worse still, the thing looks like a Klingon whose face has caught fire and had it put out with a Bat’leth.

  5. Why don’t they just fuck off back to their own country if they dislike ours so much?
    Oh I forgot most of them wouldn’t be allowed to express such opinions in their own country.
    Ugly cunt , know your place punkawalla.

  6. Hang on, this is not racism, it aimed at Whitie. Pleased to see the pigs have had another kicking. They were on their knees to cunts last week. Slow learners?????

  7. Funny how the ‘free speech’ didn’t apply to the lad who did the Burnley plane stunt.
    Yet some plug ugly currycunt can openly promote apartheid in reverse.
    And the bogeys are fucking priceless. They ‘investigate’ the ‘offensive’ Burnley plane banner, yet they will say and do fuck all about this blatantly racist and hate stirring sack of shit who would probably build concentration camps for white Britons if she could. Boris and Patel should also both officially condemn this fuckface and Cambridge Cuntiversity, as should Her Majesty The Queen. But none of them will.

    Covid virus or no, Blighty is dead.

  8. Have all the institutions of the West suddenly gone fucking mental? How can shit-heeled CUNTS like this even start to be defended? If the boot was on the other foot and John Whitey twattered, “I couldn’t give a tuppenny fuck about black lives,” there’d be a fucking bloodbath, and yet, when some CUNT straight out of the ghost train ride at Blackpool starts spouting her racist cuntfodder, Cambridge can’t wait to cum all over her face. There’re all CUNTS and no mistake.

  9. If I was an employer I would be looking through any CV’s from potential employees and binning any with Cambridge degrees.

  10. They didn’t do sod all over her. The harridan is crowing that she has been promoted! Racism (of the right kind) clearly pays. Double standards? Of course, white English have no rights in their own country. A plague on all their houses.

  11. Is she Captain of the Cambridge University Netball Team?
    I.e. Queen of the C.U.N.T,s.
    Fucking ugly inside as well as out. Cunt.

  12. Dear Boris,
    Remember those votes you borrowed from us? We fucking want them back. You’ve had them six months now and just acted like a spineless useless sack of shit. Give them back so we can put a real man with real bollocks in your place.
    PS don’t ever dream of comparing yourself with Winston Churchill you cunt.

    • Surely you are not surprised by Boris’s piss poor performance; you only had to look at his track record.

  13. When, and I do mean when not if, it all kicks off who’s going to get it? This mean, racist pile of entitled shit in her ivory tower? Or some poor paki in Blackburn trying to run his corner shop and support his family? I know where my money is.

  14. Fucking ugly racist bitch.

    Stop the press – largely peaceful stabbing happening in Glasgow!

  15. An absolute brown rascist cunt of the first order that said the rise of the white middle class lib cunts who allow and promote this bame white hating shite filth and encourage and applaud their every fart need fucking horse whipping too then they can all fuck off back to the third world and try that shit there cunts

    • Are we really surprised at this Gopal cunt?. We live in a society , where onley whites are the accused.

      Remember when Laurence fox on question time was called racist and hounded for saying fuck all. Yet when cunt George the poet was on he stereotyped the entire white population as racist , yet there was no condemnation. In fact mr poet was back on question cunts last night. Meanwhile poor mr fox is still struggling to regain his career.
      White privilige, what a joke!.

  16. Fucking Hell, when this cunt was born they must have thrown the wrong bit away. Whatever must her parents look like presuming they are both humanoid and her mum wasn’t raped by a fucking alien. The racist witch bangs on about colonialism but I noticed that she went to the University of India which was founded by the British. On the irony. And she had a nice entitled upbringing also which she probably would never have had if was left to Gunga Din and his mates.

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