
Recession, recession, recession.

It comes as no surprise to learn that now that lockdown rules are being gradually lifted and the country is very slowly returning to some form of “new normality”, the media have been focusing their myopic attention on the economy – specifically the predicted rise in unemployment with industries big and small closing for good, and that somehow this is all Boris’ fault!

In this litigious age, if I end up injured due to tripping over a kerb stone on the High Street, or I break a fingernail at my place of work, I can sue using those “No Win: No Fee” cunts.

So why is it this government isn’t doing the same with the Dinks and their fucking pandemic virus which has wiped out 100,000s of people across the world, cost trillions of pounds and caused great pain and misery for all etc. And yet they seem to be getting a free pass when it comes to the blame game!

So not only are we heading for a Mother/Father/Non-Binary of all recessions, that the taxpayer will have to somehow pay for over the next 10-20 years, but the Dinks won’t be held accountable for any of it!

How the fuck does that work then?

Nominated by: Technocunt

53 thoughts on “Recession

  1. It’s interesting watching the UK from afar. I’ve been back at work for six weeks and all the kids came back five weeks ago. But when I read UK websites, they say that schools might not be fully open even in September. There’s no way the economy can get back to normal if people aren’t able to send their kids to school. Then I read that the UK could see unemployment rise to 4.5million. I wonder if there’s a connection between these two things?

    Been ranting about neoliberalism again…

    • The hospitality sector will be hit hard, Shame really as a fair number who work in that sector are not British citizens so if they are out of work maybe they will fuck off back home which will keep the unemployment numbers down.

    • Another great article. In these lockdown madness days it’s quite refreshing to read a sensible and balanced article. Obviously IAC is the benchmark.
      As I write these final words, Pep Guardiola and Kevin De Bruyne have yet to issue a statement condemning the ill-treatment of indentured workers – almost all of them people of colour – by their paymasters in Abu Dhabi.
      Wonder how many cold days in Hell before this comes to pass

  2. If you looked at the media, mainstream and social, you would think it was all Dominic Kummings fault, and had fuck all to do with the Chinese. The cause is all but forgotten, only the handling of the crisis matters to those cunts.

  3. The government will bumble along through the recession no matter which cunts are in power. They still get paid, they won’t lose fuck all. Human nature on the whole makes us not really care if it ain’t us suffering. The government will pay lip service to the plight of ‘normal people’ cunts.

  4. This nomination rittle bi’ lacist.

    Old ploverb say, ‘A bit of flagrance stay on hand that gives frowers.’ It mean a bit of disease stay on our hand. We too wi’ have lecession. But, you in lecession for years. You gonna have Starmer as Plime Minster. Starmer de Farmer wiw destroy Blitain an’ we will contlol that led-faced fucker.

    You our corony now.

    • There won’t be an election till 2024, hopefully by that time he will have offended his benders or misandrists. He might even be caught wanking on Primrose Hill in front of Jess Phillips. The Jess telegraph would soon bring the slimy little turd down. There is a definite look of the knicker snatcher about him…..

      • He looks like he’s harbouring a big secret, doesn’t he.

        Perhaps all these will be as acceptable as kneeling policemen in four years’ time, WC. If he were caught wanking in front of Jess “Píkey Blinders” Phillips he would secure the vote of the angry, overweight, blue-haired, tattooed women everywhere.

      • Herro Caprin M, I see you still a lacist imperiarist. I put you on DVD stall serring Riry Arren CD’s you we take over worrld!

      • You no flighten me Rib Riq. I ruv Rirry Arren song but she have tooo smerry pussy after Carais Jungle brack cock orgy.

  5. I think I could face recession – I could even grit my teeth and face Mrs. Boggs six episodes a week of Emmerdale Farm, if only the fucking “experts” on Wireless 4 (more often than not American wimmin academics) didn’t keep repeating “The New Normal” and pompous politicians kept on with “Lessons Will Be Learned” and “We Are Where We Are”, without knowing what the fuck they are mithering about.

  6. One of the main problems with holding china accountable is the economic tit for tat that would surely follow.
    The only way to make reparations happen is if the whole world demands it. Only then will the massive chinese economy be truly cornered.
    Personally, I’m hoping the Donald decides fighting his way out of it is the answer and starts a war.
    War = manufacturing of all kinds of products from bullets to sandwhiches to aeroplanes, tanks, boots, belts, boats, guns, missiles, nuclear material, drinks, soap, toothpaste, etc etc etc. We’d all be on compulsory overtime and paying off our mortages whilst America and China do their best to whittle down the numbers of their less intelligent bottom feeders which will also benefit the environment.
    Win win win.

    • Going to war isn’t the option I’d choose but I agree with your first point. It appears that at present the world is concentrating on containing the virus and finding an antidote. When the situation becomes manageable, that is the time for the whole world to present a united front and challenge the Chinese to compensate us all for the deaths, the suffering and our ruined economies.

      • I always find these situations very well explained over at diplomacy. com. The tit for tat is what it’s all about.

  7. The Crooked Chinese dictatorship must be stopped from dealing with the U.K. as much as possible (a long, slow necessary process). The Lib Dems in charge of Cambridge Council have just given Huawei permission to build a “research centre” in the city. How stupid can anyone be not to understand that the Chinese are highly dangerous? Unfortunately, it will be our grandchildren who will be enslaved under the U.K. wing of Chinese globalist oppression and exploitation.

    • The LibDumbs have absolutely no scruples or moral absolutes at all!

      They will suck on the cock/dick on anyone that they think will fuck over the sitting government and thus force them back into the limelight.

  8. Have you had a redundancy that wasn’t your fault? If so simply call GuardianSolicitors for free – it’s no win, no fee and we promise to get you the compensation you deserve for Boris’s terrible actions.

  9. 40,000 deaths in the U.K. alone and yet no finger pointing; one low life killed in a city most people (even Americans) could not find on a map and we have prolonged global wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    • I heard a demonstrator say “It’s so encouraging to see so many people turn out, risking infection with virus, to protest .. ..” blah, blah, UTTERLY OBLIVIOUS to the fact it’s not themselves they’re risking but vulnerable others. Carers for example. Nurses. Medical professionals. We have high skill low population economies. It works. Importing value systems where 100 wretches are required to (say) sweep a street instead of one street sweeping machine benefits no-one. China is still a high population (but with improving skills) economy. If they lose a few hundred million, so much the better they could opine. That’s why he’s grinning. It’s the communist way – looking at 150 year track record from Tsar Alexander III cracking down on the reforms of his predecessor Alexander II [a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln with similar (or better) policies] right when Marx, hothouse dilettante, was spewing out nonsense. China is the result. The Party needs to go. But don’t take my word for it: the names are easy to look up; I won’t mention Stalin.

      • So that demonstrator is encouraged by her kind of protest, but would probably go ape shit if it was a Far Right protest.


  10. I wouldnt put it past the cunts that this was all done on purpose. The CCP cunts dont give a shit about their people and this has most certainly showed up their enemies for our weakness. Fuck the yellow cunts. Look up quantum supremacy .If the yellow cunts get there first were fucked.

  11. S*d it. I probably won’t be around in 5 years time never mind 10/20 years and have no progeny to worry about so I’m hoping that the reckless youth of today will still be paying off the debts from the Bat Flu in 50 years time. It’ll serve the selfish b#stards who can’t abide by lockdown rules right.
    As long as I have enough for the one-way trip to Geneva I couldn’t care less anymore what the future holds for Britain’s kids. Let them fight their “woke wars” and see how far it gets them. This country is completely f#cked. Chinglish to be taught by 2050 I reckon.
    Hopefully, my sisters’ decision to up sticks and move down under to raise families will, for the short term, see their offspring escape most of what Britain will endure (although being nearer to the yellow peril means they may cop for it first).

    • Even worse Down under, Dick. So hot that you lie indoors all day with the air conditioning on 19°, heaps more Pakís and Rinky-Dínks, boring as fuck, and Australians everywhere.

      • Been there often to visit family, Cap’n. Unless it gets humid then the heat generally isn’t as bad as I had first been let to believe. Definitely lots more ch*nky touristy types and pâkï taxi drivers have appeared in the last 10 years or so. Favourite niece also moans like hell about Somali types in Melbourne. Quiet, laid-back lifestyle way better than UK and quite fond of proper okkers (admittedly a dying breed).

      • Tell your niece to steer clear of Sydney Road to avoid the Middle Easterns. The Somalíans are dispersed like here. They moved loads down to Frankston and overnight turned it into a shit hole.

      • Christ I’ve got relatives near Frankston.
        Infested by blek pirates?
        Fucking hell it’s a plague.

      • It’s not too bad before 7pm, Terry. Boguns before then, rapísts afterwards.

      • Don’t suppose the situation’s any better in Cronulla; beach front face offs between white Aussie lads defending their women from gangs of predatory blix and muzzers. Must check and see if their blog is still up…

  12. The Yellow Peril are too powerful to take on.
    I assume they see all of it as part of their strategy to undermine then completely eclipse Western democracy.
    We are doing a fine job of helping them along.
    The filthy cunts.
    Fuck off.

  13. Blaming Charlie Chan for anything….Kung Flu, massive pollution and climate change, is racist, we all know that.
    So let’s blame it all on Israel. The libtards will be happy with that i’m sure.

  14. The West has been outmaneuvered. Our leaders have failed, they are worse than useless, and have been for a long time.
    Three options exist …..
    1. A single hymn sheet, that all Western nations sing from, one that confronts the Chinese on a geopolitical , military and economic basis ….. a new Cold War.
    This is highly unlikely.
    2. Push the big red button.
    This is highly unlikely.
    3. Carry on as we are and be subjugated within fifty years.
    Bingo !
    Good morning.

    • I vote option 1 JTC!
      On other less than disappointing news, Rebecca Bongs – Daily has been fired by plastic Tony for retweeting anti semitic conspiracy theories – wait for the libtard backlash as their favourite commie falls.
      She just can’t help herself.

      • Its some effort to go from Magic Grandpa’s prodigy to being sacked from the Shadow Cabinet and slumming it with Flabbott on the backbenches. Maybe Keir has been secretly reading IsAC posts about him and is trying to butch up?

      • Number 1 would be my choice. But the West is disunited and gutless.
        Morning Vern’

      • I do so hope Labour return to another round of internal back-biting, as much as they did when Steptoe was clinging on as leader back in 2016/7.

        Imagine all those woke MPs trying to out woke each other into a shitfest oblivion

    • Abolish the lower Houses of Parliament maybe? There is a dialogue along these lines with other suggestions commonplace. A corporate state is another. I’m a strong advocate for separation of State and Government but could be wrong of course. Neither State nor Government is another option but I’ve never visited an anarchy where I’d want to live. Others have suggested a parliament drawn like jury service. What is looming however are multiple first world enclaves scattered across the globe surrounded by oceans of squalor, deprivation, superstition, disease, I could go on..

      This claret is quite good. Just make sure you’re in an island of stability. They are linking up already as the 5 eyes group. Space. The final frontier.

    • “The West has been outmaneuvered….”

      Iiiii’m not so sure about that yet Jack; still digging for the documentation but I reckon Trumpo might have been a bit of a clever bastard over the past few months.

      I’m becoming more and more convinced of the correctness of the ‘Plandemic’ thesis…i.e. tank the world economy, strip off the population’s last personal reserves, create huge media driven collapse of faith/trust in the incumbent govts, throw millions into subsistence and it’s ripe for the imposition of full on state socialism and all that comes in its hideous wake: compulsory vaccination, track ‘n fucking trace… yada yada.. the Yuan decoupled from the Dollar and becoming the World reserve currency. But Chops’ internal alarm bells just won’t stop ringing and it ain’t tinnitus…

      …et al and seriously; if China really want to further pursue a trade war against capitalism then the CCP better realise that they’re fighting on ‘the home pitch’ so to speak of a bloke who is one of the arch-capitalists and no mug for all his faults. Here’s why I reckon The Don might have pulled a genius fast one on the Chinks and the ‘traditional Wizard of Oz-like enemies’ behind the curtain.

      He seems finally to have brought the fucking Fed. Res. to heel and its chief is now reporting directly to him! He’s instructed them to via the treasury to begin the full scale buy back of US Treasury Bills (ie US debt) of which China holds the world majority. With national economies staring deficit and “Quantative Tightening” in the face the market is likely to be a scramble to unload first, great,,, the US gets back its debt at rock bottom rates. The value of Chinky held US bills simultaneously takes a dump and they lose a shitload.

      He’s also instructed them to repatriate foreign holdings ie outsourced industrial segments using if necessary a provision of the 1950 Defence Act effectively allowing the POTUS to “sieze and direct” production facilities. Oooooh ya fucker!! That’s gonna sting in the morning! The rinky-dinks are 30-40% stake holders in around 250 of the major US companies and if POTUS enacts that provision then they are effectively frozen out of their holding, they lose… an even bigger shitload. pfffftbwahaaahahahahaha 🙂

      The US is also massively engaged in right now remapping its industrial supply lines, a chunk of it’s defence and intel network is apparently being diverted to the task.

      China is in large part dependant on US/Western european demand, a committed domestic boycott on Chinese product will be no laughing matter.

      There were rumours of plans to get state governors to call for the deployment of UN troops to quell the civil unrest ‘they’ were expecting/planning. Trump pre-emptively stationed two MILITARY ‘hospital’ ships (in effect/reality troop carriers and a statement of effective and legitimate military presence) on both sides of the continent in L.A. and Noo Yoik (“Comfort” and “Mercy”)

      This has diplomatically shoved a mute down what could/would otherwise have been a NWO ‘clarion call’.
      Lots going on,,, still digging.

      Chops out

  15. All those idiots sitting on the beach like tomatoes while scoffing their McDonalds and sniffing gas will be laughing on the other side of their faces when they get back to their non-jobs and realise the bills still have to be paid..

    Hold on though, it won’t be “their fault” so our useless governemnet will probably launch a rescue package or something….keep them in beer, burgers, trainers and sky television.

    Fuck off please, Spanky Out

  16. There’s a couple of Dink takeaways near me that have just recently opened after lockdown. I was hoping no fucker would bother placing orders with them as a kind of “fuck you, this ain’t over!” kind of message.

    But if fuckbook is anything to go by, cunts round here just can’t get enough of a good old dead-rat chow mein and crusty spunk rice to go!

    Seems all is forgiven for a quick and easy takeaway!

    • That’s disappointing to read, Techno.

      Round my way there’s a Chinese place. Miserable bunch of cunts, but I was absolutely addicted to their General Tso’s Chicken. Ever since the whole Flu Man Chu outbreak, I haven’t had the stomach for it. Mrs Yank and I have entertained ourselves with other takeouts, just not Chinese. Can’t see that changing any time soon.

    • Well the one round here used to be heaving of a Friday and weekend. Now when I stroll by I see maybe one or two traitorous fat cunts outside but I reckon they’re basically scratching for trade now 🙂 🙂 Shame.. quite liked the occasional Sechzuan Spesh (chuck a few more o’ them king prawns in the fucker too) but ne’er again. Nothing will I buy/source from China from this point on.


  17. Britains answer to any and every problem is the same as it’s been since 1997.
    Invite people in till we can’t move/breathe.
    Then call anyone objecting a waaayciiist.
    Must work a treat as they keep doing it.

  18. When we hit 3 or 4 million unemployed…… Zero Visas! None! A complete block on all immigration.

    Round up all the illegals get them out.

    The country needs a good clear out!!!

  19. We are seeing the result of outsourcing most of our manufacturing and heavy industry. Global economy means slave wages and pollution ‘somewhere else’ rather than us controlling it. This benefits China and has laid us open to dependency on the cunts. And they are cunts who have killed millions of their own in our lifetime’s so don’t give a flying fuck about foreigners.
    Only concerted western economic measures will beat them and that aint gonna happen.

    • When our manufacturing sector vanishes down a hole and there’s 4 or 5 million on the dole, those climate change cunts – XR & St Greta – will be singing and dancing in the streets happy in the knowledge that there will be far less traffic pollution thus saving the planet etc.

      However, will these cunts be demonstrating in the streets of China, India and Pakistan to name but three shitholes where all our jobs will have been outsourced too? I doubt it, primarily because they don’t want to be seen as racist.

      • Once our manufacturing has gone and this country is 100% service industry the populace will be busy servicing chinese cock, so racism won’t apply.

      • Chinese, Indian or Pakistani police would happily kick the shit out of them, then chuck the battered remains in jail for a few years.
        British police will bend the knee like the emasculated pansies they are…

      • “XR & St Greta – will be singing and dancing in the streets”

        don’t you mean “Swinging” in the streets…more specifically; from one of those PFI scam Euro lamp posts they forced us to install for no fucking reason other than compliance with EU height/emissions ‘directives’.

  20. How do the useless cunts think we are going to regrow the economy? We don’t have manufacturing any more and rely on the service industry and hospitality and, hence, are well and truly fucked. Boris thinks that growing the economy is about building more houses – the great Ponzi scheme of importing immigrants to build houses for immigrants.

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