Priyamvada Gopal
Who? This utter cunt, according to her Twatter bio is a lecturer at Cambridge University and an author. Of hate whitey pamphlets if her latest tweets are anything to judge her by:
“Abolish whiteness”. “I’ll say it again. White lives don’t matter.”
“As white lives”
Posted on 22/06
After a barrage of protests against this racist filth, to Cambridge university, the university replied:
“The university defends the rights of its academics to express their own lawful opinions which others might find controversial and deplores in the strongest terms abuse and personal attacks”
Stated 24/06.
Well, that’s ok then. Cunts. There is a petition to have this racist, race baiting , hateful poisoner of young minds, removed from her position of privilege:
The double standards and hypocrisy in the UK, academia- funded by the taxpayer it hates and hold with total contempt. Sign the petition, share the link.
An essential cunting!
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
And seconded with this:
Priyamvada Gopal is a cunt.”Professor” Gopal hates white people and is a professor at Cambridge “university”and teaches our young minds Colonial and post colonial literature and theory, gender and feminism, marxism and critical race theory. In other words she teaches our youth to hate themselves and where they come from. Thousands of young people made miserable and unemployable. She’s Indian so what the fuck is this cunt doing in our country at our expense. We are paying to end our own culture and country. Come on Priti Patel,boot the cunt out.
Nominated by: Smug cunt
And smashed again with this:
Cambridge University and Professor Priyamvada Gopal definitely deserve a universe sized cunting for their actions. Gopal proved that she is a racist, cock sucking piece of shit by tweeting “White Lives Don’t Matter”. So Cambridge showed that they will not tolerate racism in any form, right? Right? Wrong. After inevitably receiving a torrent of abuse and death threats, Cambridge decided that it would support anti-white racism by not only letting Gopal the Gobshite keep her job, but also by promoting her to professor. As a man who is married to a black woman, I despise racism. But I’m tempted to use a bit toward Gopal the Gobshite. I won’t though, because I’m better than that. And I’m clearly better than this sack of shit ‘academic’. I’m also not a hypocrite.
So, Cambridge is saying here that it’s absolutely, disgustingly wrong to be racist toward non-white people, but absolutely, perfectly ok to be racist toward white people. What a fucked up, shitty country we now live in. Because will not be an isolated incident. This will embolden other non-white racists to get in on the act. I predict that this will lead to a rise in verbal and physical racist abuse toward white people. Naturally, this police will completely ignore it, and perhaps even blame the victims, just like Rotherham and Rochdale police did with the victims of the muslim peado rape gangs. But when the inevitable retaliation comes, they will crack down. On white people, for protecting themselves and their families, because the police wouldn’t do thing.
This is a good opportunity for Boris and the rest of the government, after all the bullshit they spouted in support of the Marxists in BLM, to show that THEY will not tolerate racism in any form, by defunding Cambridge as a punishment for them support racists. I won’t hold my breath though.
Cambridge and Gopal, you can suck camel dick. You bunch of cunts.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
Abolish Blackness (now that sounds quite positive)
Black Lives don’t Matter…. ask anyone in the wrong post code bruv.
Ugly on the inside. Got the face she deserved with that attitude.
Just read the bitch was promoted to full Professor. Fuck Cambridge University.
Her Facebook page is full of cunts supporting her. White cunts too. I actually want to die now. I’m not sure how much more I can take. I see there’s been more stabbed, this time in Glasgow. Seems it’s a place they house asylum seekers.
Apparently it isn’t currently being treated as terrorism. Which means that it is probably terrorism. Probably not a far right cunt either as if it was we would already know.
I want some compo from this Gunga Din for the atrocities in the Indian Mutiny.
Remember Cawnpore!
If this was a white person saying this about black or asian people, sky and the bbc would be talking about it 24/27.
Poisonous cunt.
Cram it into a small suitcase and post it to Calcutta.
When it arrives lob it down a well and go for a few Cobra.
What a fucking bat faced goblin.
When she turned up at the BLM protests the other day, she was responsible for things taking an ugly turn for the worse.
I think it’s going to be a long hot summer. Even if the thermometer remains at 15C.
Just as well the universities are still closed because their woke-toady management would probably attract some well-deserved attention otherwise. Direct attention.
When Oxbridge marginalises and insults British, or even European, culture, we have reached a critical point, and I hope a tipping point.
How the fuck did she get 4 decent A-Levels, or 5 Scottish Highers, to get a first class degree and then get a PHD and thus be able to become a Professor?
She is clearly trying to provoke a reaction to wheedle out racists that speak against her. That’s the hidden agenda. A New Labour, Marxist tactic. The cunt.
If anyone else said what she said they’d be sacked and possibly prosecuted for hate speech. The only acceptable alternative to Black Lives Matter is All Lives Matter, and with that you’re getting into God bothering territory.
Don’t kick her in the cunt. Sack her. Make sure she never teaches again and loses £90k a year.
I have no criminal record, but if I said what I thought here, I probably would have.
Her notorious tweet of 22nd June is well known: “I’ll say it again. White Lives Don’t Matter. As white lives”.
Her tweet of 25th June (now deleted) is even worse: “Now we have the opportunity to carry out a resolute offensive against the whites, break their resistance, eliminate them as a class and replace their livelihoods with the livelihoods of people of colour and LGBTQ.”
Surely this is a clear case of Incitement to Racial Hatred under the Public Order Act 1986?
How come the police have not bee around to check her thinking????
The daughter of diplomats, an extremely privileged upbringing with absolutely every opportunity available, read her Wikipedia page-she has facilitated a career progression with the ultimate door opener-that’s right, she has a masters degree in the use of the “race card”.
Cunt of the highest order.
The cunt looks like “strong hand” from scary movie
The only possible reason for that thing to be in Cambridge is as a specimen in the medical school…. sorry Vet school.
Always wondered why india had a caste system.
Fucking stupid whog couldn’t teach shit how to stink.
Fuck me. Fell out of the ugly tree, hit every branch on the way down. Hit the ugly trampoline and hit every branch on the fucking way back up. Then hit every branch on the way back down again. Missed the ugly trampoline the second time but rescued by the ugly monster. Taken to ugly land, worshiped as the ugly god.
Hells teeth!
A cross between the gorgon and the elephant man, painted with slurry and dipped in a bucket of snot and and black pubes.
My fucking laptop is turning to stone and I won’t be able to type for much longer. Aaagggghhhh……crreeeaaakk……….
That’s nitpicking innit?
Its fucking nose is in competition with its forehead to see which can be the biggest
Fucking ugly racist cunt
Why does she bother being a professor when she could just rent out the space on her forehead for use as a cimema screen?
How on earth did this revolting specimen manage to crawl its way out of the abortion clinic’s waste bin whilst coated in shit and manage to survive up until adulthood?
Fuck off you grotesque evil monstrous cunt
All comments about her beauty miss the point that her inner ugliness is the concern here.
That being said her likeness was one of the models dropped from the Star Wars barroom scene because focus groups showed her fizzing as too scary for the kiddies.
Fizzog dammit