If a family rocks up to the hospital to see Grandad and tells the nurse that they’ve all been praying for him, does that mean the nurse can give the ventilator to somebody else? He won’t need it, will he. Somebody without divine help could benefit from it.
Praying is a thought placebo performed by empty-eyed gullibles. Talking to yourself is acceptable, just don’t assume anybody is listening.
The only way putting your hands together during the Chinky Virus has helped, is if you use some soap and water.
Prayer: The Best Way To Achieve Absolutely Fuck All.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
Quite right Captain. Prayer is for the weak of mind and spirit, masquerading as a strength.
“pweese pweese superior being sort my problems out for me, I’m too weak and feeble to do it myself.”
Ha ha. Fucking idiots.
If people find comfort in prayer I don’t have a problem with it at all. Prayer should be like masturbation, you do it in private and keep it to yourself.
But it’s more exciting if someone’s watching you.
This is a pretty questionable cunting if you ask me. Christianity has been on its arse in this country since the First World War, the last time I went to my nearest C of E service there were about 5 other people there who looked like the cast of Cocoon. This was about 10 years ago so there’s a fair chance that they’re all dead now. My dad is a Catholic and I sometimes tag along with him… Same scenario, just Irish and Polish grannies. So in that regard, this is like getting upset about the Battle of Hastings.
Furthermore, it’s still more or less a free country. More power to anyone who wants to pray. It’s actually your Marxists at the Beeb, your John Lennon glasses smartarses at the Guardian and ANTIFA who want to destroy any trace of Christian values and identity in the west. So doing anyone down who still believes in Christ is siding with them rather
I have seen that arguement before, but nobody seems to suggest that the alternative to both religion and the enemies of the state is becoming educated.
Or re-educated
Reminds me of Alan Rickman as the Metatron (?) “Everytime someone says they’ve heard the word of God it’s been me…or they’re talking to themselves”
Time to mention that bloody hypocrite Saint / Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
The Albanian dwarf didn’t opt for the treatment of prayer herself when ill though, like she inflicted upon the hapless people in her missions. She preferred the luxury of a fully equipped hospital.
I was going to pray today that there’d be something on TV worth watching but decided to wash my hair instead.
Bloody hell, that’s a bit ‘girlie’ ?
Prayer is just reinforcing your desires or wishes on your subconscious mind.
Prayer is fine. But without action it is futile.
I pray to Yasur the one true living God to sort out this cavalcade of cuntish clutsterfuckery every day, but fear as he’s getting on mightn’t be up to it or even bothered anymore.
Don’t knock it. The Tanzanian president prayed and they have no cases of Corbyn 19. None whatsoever.
I put in a nomination about him. What a miracle.
They don’t have an economy neither. No visitors, no cases. Just a bunch of bald faced monkeys chortling in the trees.
Get the feeling Cap this is aimed at another cunter to wind them up?
Im not partaking.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Cherub like MNC
Told you before, Miserable – stop stirring!
For once Im not!!
Indignant MNC?
Captain M was posting noms critical of Religion long before Miles arrived on this site. Besides Religion is an eminently legitimate subject for cunting, I can’t see what your problem is.
Haven’t particularly got a problem, and never Mentioned Miles.
But if people believe in god/pray, who am I to say its bollocks?
Im not a believer and its not my business, its upto them, personal choice.
You’re a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma Miserable, but I like you. ?
I like you too mate.?
Yeah awkward Northern cunt might of been a better handle eh??
Interesting nom this one.
I suppose believing in a higher power is understandable in some ways, but talking to it and expecting an answer through word or deed is a bit questionable. Given there exists absolutely zero evidence of the existence of said higher power.
Self affirmation or self coaching can be a very powerful and motivational tool, but I don’t think prayer counts as that.
Faith is, by definition, the belief in something for which you have no evidence that it exists. That’s fine if that works for you. Religion on the other hand is an organised business and method of mind control. Designed to part you from your senses and money by using guilt and the promise of some nebulous reward further down the road. The word scam comes to mind.
Prayer can be very comforting particularly when made in company. It is not meant to be a kind of wish list. Tell me captain if you or a close relative were in a serious situation, perhaps health related, would you like to know people were praying for you? If a relative died would you not consider praying for the repose of his or her soul?
You can pray for something that is possible to bring about e.g to pray in an attempt to save someone’s life but your idea of praying for something that is so nebulous, such as putting someone’s soul to rest is something only people of faith might attempt.
I can see evidence in the first case. I can see nothing but mumbo jumbo in the second.
How can I pray, uncle? If a dying relative needs supernatural help then you have to sympathise with ones who haven’t got that divine help. Though if the patient dies, does that mean your particular God has failed or is punishing you? It’s all a bit arbitrary and entirely without evidence.
Prayer ? I don’t see much harm in it even if I rarely indulge myself.
I will admit to sometimes saying a quick silent prayer before felling the occasional difficult tree….no harm in hedging your bets is there ?
Likes alcohol
Enjoys casinos
Looks a bit red-skinned
Loves huffing gas out of a plastic bag
Lives in the North likes eskimos in a tee-pee
Perhaps you’re a re-incarnated Native American? ??
Evening Dick.
Igloo Cap.
Eskimos live in igloos.
Inuit not Eskimo Miserable, you horrible racist.
Inuit innit?
Alright Mis, I swear Inuit earlier.
You do know how an Eskimo builds his tee-pee don’t you? Igloos it together.
Alright Cap!
You winning?
Im ignoring the coverage of those far right types on news, listening to music accompanied by dog snoring been out in Derbyshire for the day.
The MSM are running pictures of a hulking great BLM protester with a ‘right-wing extremist’ slung over his shoulder, having rescued him after getting injured. That’s Mondays front pages sorted, I just thought “that’s a funny looking flat screen”.
I’m well thanks Les Mis, as long as I steer clear of the news.
It’s a field day for the media at the moment, isn’t it. Almost too depressing to glance at the news.
Obviously going to fit up the lads protecting the statues as far right extremist trouble causers.
The MSM have caused a lot of bad feeling over this.
Your right, depressing.
But lessons learnt, NEVER trust the media eh?
Please, please God, make my dream of visiting a Pornagraphic Film Studio come true. Also for Sheffield United to qualify for Europe. Cheers.
?????? you might get a bit part as a ‘fluffer’ the second, I can’t possibly comment.
I will offer a peayer for Captain.
Only joking. Half of my family are religious and always praying. It doesnt seem to get them anywhere.
Better off trying their luck on Family Fortunes.
‘Our survey said…’
I always pray to St Anthony when I lose something. I find it almost immediately. He never fails me.
Miles – you’ve obviously not heard that he’s been excommunicated.
“We regret to inform our followers that Saint Anthony of Padua has been excommunicated after an outburst on Monday evening,” a Vatican spokesperson confirmed.
It is understood the saint began ignoring prayers over three months ago, leaving many Catholic worshippers in limbo when trying to find missing objects.
“It used to be important things like trying to help find lost souls, or people who have gone missing,” Saint Anthony stated, “now it’s all ‘find my iPhone this’, ‘where’s my car keys that’, you people are absolute time wasters and you can all go find your own shite from now on, as I have had enough of your ungrateful bullshit. Not once have I received a thank you prayer in my 900 years working for this piece of shit religion,” adding, “I’m out”.
The Vatican was unable to comment on whether a replacement saint of lost things would be hired on for the time being, but did confirm that there is now a 12-week backlog in prayers as a result of Anthony’s excommunication.
The Vatican also blamed the former saint for failing to find millions of euros from a redress scheme, which was set up to help survivors of clerical sex abuse, stating that 87% of the money still owed to victims is currently lost somewhere in the Vatican bank.
We seem to have a supernatural intervention regarding the tickies Bertie.
Funny the Church did get rid of ‘limbo’ recently. That’s where the virtuous heathen went. Nowhere for RT to go now except stuck for eternity with ‘god botherers’.
God moves in mysterious ways Miles!
Has Percy got his gang of delinquent parrots liking your posts Bertie?
Perhaps the omnipotent finger of our Lord is reaching down and giving copious amounts of ticks to in usual who have genuflected the correct way.
Remember to always sin otherwise baby Jeebus died for nothing.
I’ve had no contact with him for some time LL. I fear he’s fucked off for good.
It’s a year to the day that he dropped that bowling ball onto Grandma’s head.
Miles @ 7:47pm – no way will I be stuck for eternity with ‘god botherers’.
For my considerable sins, I fully expect to be reincarnated as a black man, à la Damilola Taylor or Stephen Lawrence. ?
When I misplace my wallet I just cancel the credit cards and it reappears immediately. Works a treat
I don’t know what people think they will achieve by praying. If they believe that everything is gods will, the sick or dead relative has their ‘future’ mapped out and grovelling, for that’s what prayer is basically, is futile. Surely it would be better to ask ‘why did you give my baby cancer god? I’ve worshipped you all my life and this is the thanks I get?’ What kind of deity wants you to beg forgiveness for not only your own sins, but others too?
‘I’ve worshipped you all my life and this is the thanks I get?’’
That could be from the book of Job. My point that far from ‘blind acceptance’ that religious followers are often accused of even in the Bible ITSELF there is a deep questioning.
Praying? Each to their own – if it floats your boat and doesn’t harm anyone crack on.
Myself? – church of the Fonz!
This may surprise you but my Brother in law and I were lay clergy.
I was bought up by atheists and when I left home I found the church, baptised at 16 and the next 4 years in Gods service, normally church twice a week 3 if it was a regimental thing.
Any way shit happened, Gulf war I was about to start and I sat in my little hole and had a chat with the big man, Quite simply a lot of people are about to die if you are there you are not going to let this happen, and guess what it did fucking shit loads, few on my side but all the same it was pretty unpleasant.
So me and the big man parted company.
Rock on about a year from there and I was in a village that was hit with MRLS (shit loads of rockets) the blasts blew the optical cover and the AA gun from the tank, we lost most of the house and various other shit, but what got me ( apart from the one that did not go off) was at the gate to the house there was a little shrine to the virgin Maria with a little plaster cast statue in it and it was not glued down, it was untouched and intact.
That perhaps is a miracle ( I doubt any one had spares so it probably did survive as I have said) Not really useful to anyone but it did make me wonder a bit.
Lord Benny@
Dont know if due to the nature of their work soldiers tend to have a tendency to believe in God?
My best mate is ex military (cheshire Regiment) a big hard man, and we were at a rock gig in Manchester, for once I was sober due to being on medication, we met this bloke he was the vicar of Buxton, and my mate was fuckin bladdered mithering this vicar to say a little blessing on us 3 mates.
The vicar at first thought my mate was taking the piss and he might get battered,
I explained my mates were pissed and meant no harm or disrespect and was a soldier,
He blessed the 3 of us and my mate was chuffed to fuckin bits?
And if it makes my mate happy I couldnt give a fuck what anyone else thought.
True story,
Start line OP Granby Iraq border, The padre blesses 3 vehicles from the regiment, a Challenger MBT a 432 ambulance and my fucking Landrover.
The engine on the 432 blows up on the start line, the Challenger has a barrel strike on the CO;S wagon on the first replen and is sent back, and my fucking fan belt went crossing the big red, so I was shunted by a 4 ton truck across a mine field!
The lord works in Cunty ways!
I don’t pray but I do think of positive thoughts for others. Sometimes I think aloud or talk to myself.
If people want to pray then good for them. 🙂