Justin Welby (10)

Just to prove I’m an equal opportunities cunter, let’s do a cunting for mine and your favourite bloke in a frock. Raise your glasses and give a big hand for Little Justin Welby aka the Archbishop of Canterbury.

It appears that Justine has taken time out from counting the money generated by his church’s vast estates to slag off all us white supremacists.

I can only apologise for being white.

Is your heart going to weep for the Christians currently being persecuted in countries where they are in the minority? I’m not going to hold my breath on that one.

I have recently come into contact with 2 of your vicars and they are top notch blokes and I think you are destroying all the good work they are doing.

And here endeth the lesson.

Nominated by SimmyJavill


63 thoughts on “Justin Welby (10)

  1. Elton should have stuck to football commentary, he was much better at that.

    ?You’re a shit Archbishop……..you’re a shit Archbishop………….. ?

  2. ‘the ongoing evil of white supremacy’…
    Yeah, this ongoing evil’s really bad all over the world, ain’t it Justine?
    I mean, look at all that awful ethnic cleansing going on in Myanmah. That evil white supremacist Mugabe really treated the poor blacks of Zimbabwe terribly, didn’t he? Turned the breadbasket of Africa into an utter shithole. Nigeria’s truly a basket case of crime and corruption. All the fualt of those evil white supremacists…
    According to the UN, about 1 in 200 people in world is a slave, and oh, guess where the practice of slavery is most prevalent in the 21st century? Why Africa, followed by areas in southern Asia and the Pacific.
    Come on Justine, lets hear your condemnation of all those evil black and brown racist exploiters. Or are you, as they in Texas, ‘all hat and no cattle’? (well, you’ve certainly got the hat, you simpering cunt).

  3. If he believes in creation and believes god is wiser than any man alone or all men combined, you’d think he’d at least consider why god separated the races to begin with?

      • As did Noah and his Family when god flooded the Earth and murdered everyone on it.
        What happened to “thous shalt not kill” then? – is it thous shalt not kill but shut the fuck up about my genocide.

      • It’s another clear-cut case of “do as I say, not as I do”. The hypocritical elitist cunt.

    • In the context of mutual incomprehensibility (and nothing any bishop says is comprehensible to me) Genesis 11:4-8

      Who photographed Pluto? Who sends robots to Mars? Who mapped Mercury, against all odds and who provides 24/7 rainfall radar reports? No bishop I’ve ever heard of. They’d chop off heads for even seeing a Ganymede or a Neptune. They’ll do it again if ever they get a foothold.

      They did it before, for exactly the same reasons. They won. And twenty-five hundred years later here we are again.

  4. If a bloke said to his wife, “If you don’t love me, I’ll burn you forever” it’s a bit creepy yet it’s fine when “God” says it.

    If you’re ever in any doubt about the nonsense poured out by these hectoring hypocrites, just have a glance at the costumes. This particular bozo is no exception – all the pageantry and histrionics of a Catholic; all that’s missing is the incense and chîld-fiddling.

    • Excellent comment Mein Kapitan. The blackmail at the heart of Christianity. A bullshit death cult that only someone with the intelligence of a tapeworm can take seriously.

      Welby is a braindead Islamophile who thinks privilege comes from skin colour but whose parents could afford to send him to Eton. An utter cunt with absolutely no redeeming features.

      • Numbers of believers are plummeting therefore they’re desperate to recruit anybody into the onward Christian halfwits. The Chínk Flu has clarified how ridiculous the whole racket is: The ignoring of prayers, the lack of donations on the ‘plate’, the superfluousness of being “in church” , the blame game, and myriad deaths of religious leaders promising “God” will protect them.

  5. Well hopefully a lot of white churchgoers will no longer put any money in the vicar’s collection pot come Sunday Service.

    In fact if the CoE really do hate whitey then they should say on their website “We don’t want any more money from you racist white folk. We realise you have already donated millions over the years; and we have assets worth billions. And it could be considered blood money. However, that’s a completely different topic of conversation as we don’t intend in handing any of it back ,or giving it to the BLM as a show of support. Those billions are needed elsewhere for the benefit of God and young children everywhere etc.”

  6. Because Christianity has never been racist. Stupid fuck.
    He looks like a gay superhero in that silly costume. I suppose in his head, he is.

  7. Yeah, if this cunt’s sky fairy had made us all the same colour we wouldn’t have this problem. We could all be getting after the rich, like this Welsby bastard for example.
    Oh, Elton…….next time you’re talking to the sky fairy tell him thanks very much for the Batshit Flu. Give him a special “ fuck you cunt” from me.

  8. Thats a nice fancy gay hat I wonder how many kids you have to fondle or child sexual abuse cases do you have to cover up before you get a cock head shaped hat like that?

    Eradicate racists and racism? How do you propose we do that mr shit for brains? Also I’m assuming when you say racism you only mean white racists?! Poc violent racist attitudes and other forms of xenophobia don’t count right How about you virtue signal some cock up your ass and shut your trap you dumb progressive cunt

  9. If God has a divine plan, what’s the point of praying..?
    He ain’t gonna change it just for you….you dumb cunt….

    • The next time I pray, I’m going to ask God why he decided to populate the Earth with so many twats, because I don’t expect Justin Welby will know the answer.

      • Welby is a man who, in theory, should know all the answers as he says he talks to God.
        When interviewed by the press over the virus, he was asked where God was in this natural disaster. He replied that he was in “the middle of it.”

        “He’s alongside us. He’s with us, he’s suffering with us. He’s weeping with us.”

        Well fuck me, if the great man can’t be bothered to social distance, why the fuck should I stick to 2 metres?

  10. May I remind our readers that other gods and superstitious mumbo jumbo are available?

    • You may Freddie.

      And may I just remind Justine that my ancestors and their gods proved his god to be a complete and utter pussy at Lindisfarne on the 8th of June 793 AD.

      That wasn’t even serious. It was just a shopping trip.

  11. “evil of racism is properly confronted and tackled”
    Fair enough, but it’s not always easy.
    In the not so long ago Rwandan shit fest was it the Hutu or the Tutsi that was racist? I sort of get a bit confused!

    • Currently, it’s the Hutu, because the vile cunt Kagame – a Tutsi – won, but honours were probably about even.

      Black lives didn’t matter to the number of about a 1.1 million, split 5:6 between Hutu and Tutsi (and associated civilians)

  12. I would just like to put a disclaimer on this, I have not appointed him, he does not speak on my behalf and has no authority to do so.
    If you want it straight, you are all a bunch of cunts, you were supposed to be superior beings but like the Dinosaurs it is all looking like it is going to shit.
    On a minor note the only influence I have exercised on his life was his naming by the parents because he has a tiny cock.
    See even I have a senses of humour.

    • Excuse me Lord but I’ve always had this image of you as a benevolent vegetarian. How come your avatar shows you with teeth capable of ripping apart a T bone steak?

      • Vegetarian! why do you think animals taste different?
        I knew I was wasting my time with you lot.

      • “See even I have a senses of humour”

        Dear Lord, your grammar is dreadful. You’re not the one true God. Long live Lano, the Polynesian deity!

  13. So conclusion is, this former oil baron is a deluded self loathing cunt. If you were actually a Christian you’d be standing firm that all lives matter.

    Hypocrisy is the Church’s main gospel.

  14. A lot was said at the last supper, but strangely nobody said, “We’d all get a lot more elbow room if we sat at both sides of the table”….

  15. How the freaking fanny fuck did a police brutality case turn into a crusade against “systematic white racism”? Aside from all the looting, taking down statues and burning buildings done by thugs somehow turn into peaceful protesting?!

    I hate cops too believe me but police brutality cases like saint floyd happen to whites, arabs, latinos and all other Poc too. This police brutality isn’t only reserved for blacks

    Seriously the neo liberal establishment you pieces of fucking shit are evil cunts for supporting this fuck you!

    • Check-out African-American black crime and murder stats in US its fucking crazy black on black killing, blacks vs other poc, black on whites stats an try to tell me its systematic racism, fuck right off its police brutality at best if anything and cops tho authoritarian cunts they are have to deal with alot of shit on a day to day basis There are a fair shake bad and good policemen You couldn’t pay me enough to be one

      And even tho it isn’t systematic racism then secede into different states and have your own police forces

  16. I wonder how many BAMEs hold high-ranking positions within the CoE hierarchy?

    Would I need both hands to count, or perhaps just the one?

  17. The evening standard

    “ Clashes with police as hundreds of far-right protesters gather in central London to ‘guard’ monuments”

    Destroy statues your a protester but defend them your a Nazi.

    Up is down

    I’m reaching the point of joining the far right it seems

    • Well, there’s a surprise. The rozzers are now cracking a few skulls. Pity it’s a week late.

      • No matter whose skulls get cracked they will be attributed to far-right activists. Our Weimar-lite government is shitting itself as it looks at the historical precedents.

        It would incidentally be much cleverer of said far-right activists not to wear badges etc identifying them as such. Then wearers of such badges could firmly be identified as Antifa provocateurs.

    • It does have an amusing irony – the far right vermin of Antifa accusing the normal middle of the road (AKA 90% of the white population of England) people of being the far right.
      And I doubt the big hard boys are going to be out in force today now they have some opposition determined to stop them – and being the kind and forgiving type I am I would obviously be devastated if the soyboy plastic terrorists get the living fuck hided out of them. Repeatedly – and guess who will be the first ones running to the Police cwwying and demanding protection, and I really hope the Police remember who was kicking fuck out of them last week, and “take a knee”.

  18. Welby – whining piss wet little prick, never done a good thing in his life but always ready to pull the guilt trip on everyone else – the Archbishop of Cunterbury.
    I have an idea – if whitey is so racist and awful why don’t Justin Welby and John Sentamu give up their massively well paid lives of luxury and go preaching the good word in Africa?

  19. These Antifa lot are a bit over the top.
    There’s a few football associations that I’m not a fan of, but fucking hell….

  20. So if these protesters get their way is racism going to magically disappear? Just evaporate into thin air?
    Are they suddenly going to morally transcend and say “it’s ok descendants of slavers, you’ve seen the error of your ways so now we can all get along”.


    If they get their way racism will continue to exist but we’ll be on the recieving end. Now if it’s me or the next man, I’m sorry but he’s the one going under a bus.

    Mr Welsby is a plonker getting on the bandwagon, I imagine he knows very well what the current crusaders have occasionally done to his employees on their home turf. Plus there’s the myriad crimes against humanity his cult has caused.

    This crap is getting fucking annoying now.

  21. 90000 Christians are murdered for their faith by Muslims every year . That 250 a day or five Christchurch shooting every day. What a total and utter coward cunt.

  22. The C of E is in its death throes.
    Religion-medieval sky fairy bedtime stories to scare the poor into submission and the rich into donation.
    I detest the vile hypocrisy and disgusting acts carried out against mankind in its name.

    We have moved on, the new religion is the cult of extremism, its church modern media and its congregation growing daily.
    Fuck em.

  23. I wonder what the daft cunt makes of The Crusades?
    Thousands of Europeans risking their lives travelling to the Near East to kick fuck out of Saladin…
    What an impostor he is.

  24. Daft hat wearing self important woke cunt. Add to that he wants to charge folk to see his church. Fuck you Welby, fuck you.

  25. That message is a sure fire hit to bring the crowds in you God-bothering cunt.

  26. This gentleman is ( I believe ) the cleric who does not believe in his church, and would much prefer the Mohammedin way to allah.

  27. If God does exist and there is a Hell then I look forward to meeting all of you cunts in the area of the fiery pit that must surely be reserved for members of this site.

  28. Well why didn’t your stupid cunt of a god make us all perfect……..er is that because he doesn’t exist,you lie peddling CUNT.

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