Sky news [8]

Sly News are doing this thing whereby they bring us news of the lockdown from various cities across the UK. Several families in a particular street in that particular city ‘tell their story’.

Well, where did they start? Leeds. One of the more ‘diverse’ cities in the UK, not that I would have an issue with it. Until they mentioned the first family.

‘Hi. I’m a housewife with six children,’ said Nazra or whatever her unnecessary name was.

Family of people of peace.

Cue blood boiling and steam emanating from my ears.


Nominated by Dark key cunt

54 thoughts on “Sky news [8]

  1. The fucking media are BAME obsessed, that and wimmin, the bbc in particular will do its best to find a woman to interview on any given subject.

    I’d love some cunt in power to tell me when we voted to become a multicultural society with a mosque on every street.

  2. BAME spokesperson: Effiniks are dying from COVID-19 because of poor genetics, multigenerational households that can, and will spread the virus to others, plus and we have poor standards of hygiene thanks to our religious and cultural practices and lifestyles. We’re not that good at social distancing in public, either.

    Also BAME spokesperson: The government should be protecting us from the above.

    • Fuck me I feel the guilt of whiteness crushing down. So all the talk of white privilege must be true as I am less susceptible to chinky bat lurgy than my swarthy so called countrymen. Bollocks and more fucking bollocks, anything else we are supposed to feel bad about?

    • Well, it makes a change from having to rely on the Sickle Cell! And Covid-19 does tend to thin that particular herd a wee bit faster!

      • BAME dying more than us?
        Quite right!
        What do you think I pay my taxes for?

        * all suggestion of taxs paid might not be upto date…

  3. Good old Enoch, nobody listened and look what happened. In 50 years time these isles will be unrecognizable. Typical white British family with two kids, Abdul with his 6 boys (because baby girls are dumped in the canal). You do the maths. They don’t need ISIS just a stuffy and a bearded wife of a brood mare.

    • This is the indisputable elephant in the room RK, regardless of how you feel about immigration, the math is inescapable.
      We have been culturally enriched at an alarming rate, and once here, they outbreed us (white British) by 6 or 7 to one. It is a not a possibility, but a mathematical certainty that we will be in the minority within a few generations. The country is fucked, and there is fuck all we can do about it. Absolutely terrifying

      • In total agreement HJ, just a matter of time. Glad I won’t be here.

  4. I have a strong hatred of SLY NEWS. Their constant criticism of the Donald. Scare mongering 24/7 about the Virus ,only speaking to so called health care professionals that exaggerate it out of all proportion. Whenever someone dies they carefully say the person died WITH Covid19 not OF IT. Cunts like Kay Burely and Adam Bolton not to mention Dodgy second hand car salesman Ian King could not contain there anger when Brexit happened. I would say they are as left wing Biased as Channel 4 News.
    Their not called ” SLY NEWS ” for nothing.

    If you watch SKY NEWS Australia they are the complete opposite. much more balanced. check out their commentator Andrew Bolt.

    • It’s a shame we don’t have a Fox News equivalent in the UK, Sly and Albeeb are as bad as one another when it comes to twisting and editing the words spoken by the likes of Boris and Donald as well as putting the deceased BAME’s on a pedestal during this pandemic.

      • It’s amazing that our broadcast media are supposed to be impartial but are allowed to get away with being left-wing and anti-Brexit in their bias. If any channel tried to be like Fox News in the UK, they’d be off the air in a flash.

    • Don’t forget ‘Death Rigby’, the harbinger of death.

      Harbinger Of Death is the supernatural power to sense an impending death or a death that has already happened. This is a power possessed by Banshees and, to a limited extent, Hellhounds.

  5. Sky News were as bad as the BBC during the Brexit referendum. Bunch of biased saps.

  6. Absolute cunts…. a few weeks ago they were DELIBERATELY trying to start a stampede at the petrol stations, constantly breaking the story that petrol stations are going to close soon and so people are worried about getting fuel.
    Luckily no one fell for it but it was so blatant what they were trying to do….
    Absolute scum.

  7. In a way I feel sorry for the media. When this is over it will be very hard for them to induce despair over news such as ‘£ falls 0.1% against the $’, petrol prices rise by 1p litre. Who really gives a flying fuck about the trivial things in life?

    • Are you riding your bike much at the moment, GG?
      The roads are sweet as fuck at the moment, aren’t they, and with petrol being just over a quid a litre, this is a golden time for motorcycling!

      • This essential journey only thing is crumbling rapidly around here ( south Derbyshire). The roads appear to be about 75% as busy as usual.

  8. All MSM love those wimmin and brown rubbish as well as a full on panic about everything all at once.
    No idea why,apart from every one of them being complete cunts.
    Fuck the lot of them together with their pet subjects.

  9. That’s an awful lot of non essential travel their reporters are doing. Rules for thee but not for me.

    • I heard journalists were labelled ‘essential’.

      Although Nigel Farage got a bollocking for covering our Border Farce taxi service delivering more engineers and scientists. ?

  10. They need to interview BAME’s before they all disproportionally ‘chip out’ due to the virus. Blix mens for example ‘chip out’ at a higher rate than the big bad white man.

    The fact these cunts live ten to a room and can’t stop touching each other is besides the point……

    *chip out =die

  11. Sadly Sky are not alone Wireless 4 do the same thing on the Today programme just after the first press review at about 0610. To keep up the ethnicity bollocks, the daily misery memoir this week at midday is yet another American woman of colour, as it was the previous two weeks, and there are lots of those 1130 effnic shows ofgten to do with poetry, music or “art” as well as those oh so special “enquiries which run for 45 mintes at 2000.

    We don’t matter in our own country to our own broadcasters.

    I am thinking of changing my name to Mtungbe and I will walk five miles to the River Thames to get water for the day and see if they will commission a Wireless 4 documentary about me. Or a ten part misery memoir.

  12. Every single channel is doing it. Channel four yesterday started out with a family of peace and then the mrs put on location, location, lo-fucking-cation and the 2 couples were of BAME persuasion one being a mixed race lesbian couple married for ten years with a six year old son called Sharza or something.
    My piss then boiled so I made a cuppa.

    • There certainly aren’t many problems that can’t be solved with tea.

      • Chucking undesirables into a 1,000-gallon tank of boiling Darjeeling could be useful.
        “Milk, and then ‘just as it comes’? ”
        —Sir John Betjeman.

  13. SLY NEWS is a huge pile of festering shit
    Sitting at the summit the King of all cunts Adam boulton who’s face I would never ever tire of punching!! queen of cunts burley who is SKYs” go to” attack dog , burleys idea of an interview amounts to one “ gotcha” moment after another! Get to fuck you miserable cunt..
    Behind them it’s an truly vast smorgasbord of cuntery with Beth pigby and the NOSE with a man attached to it mark Austen leading the charge , I noticed that annoying Gollum toothed prick Lewis goddall has slithered off back to his natural home at the BBC ( good riddance)
    Honestly I find all of their presenters and correspondents fucking irritating in varying degrees but I could still find time to hang out the back of sally Lockwood
    But only if she spoke in Italian…….
    Channel 4
    All utter cunts…….

    • Morning Q, bat flu has given media cunts the chance to create the news rather than report on it. You noticed how every news anchor now ends the programme with a sincere “Stay safe”? ITN’S Mary Nightingale virtually creams her knickers. The bint reading my local East Midlands Today weather report has even started doing it.

      • Hi LL ,
        Yeh there’s a huge drive by MSM to weaken the government hoping that Johnson will then back off Brexit and extend transition giving the quisling hoards some extra time to undermine and ultimately stop us leaving, make no mistake the EU would bend every rule in their power to keep us shackled to them and their HUGE BILL that’s in the post….

  14. Some reporter, BBC I think did a bit of a sting of barbers, he rang round several to see if he could get a haircut, against all the current rules.
    He played the recordings of the conversations, Quite a few said yes but it will be double price, all but one had Asian accents.

    They don’t give a fuck about the social distancing, serves the cunts right if they are getting Chinky flu.

    Lockdown doesn’t mean much to Muslim women, they aren’t allowed out of the house anyway, Naz with her six 6 kids are costing us a fortune, British Benefits ching ching!

    They are all cunts

    • the six dustbin lids are the next generation’s supply of benefit-scroungers and convicts.

      • Agreed, Johnny, And I dare say these peaceful offspring will also be the next line of terrorist pop concert bombers. They do all this dirty despicable shit because our country lets them.

  15. It is quite simple. Child benefits should stop after the 2nd child and compulsory sterilisation after the 4th.

    It’s complete bollocks that the “recently arrived” breed at a rate twice as fast as the indigenous population.

    This is a new cue green policy that I am sure Saint Greta can get behind. If global warming is taking place then the main cause is over population certainty there are too many people for the earth’s resources to support.

    • No child benefits and no child tax credits, which funds the replacers.

      Maybe a child tax allowance to increase the amount you get before income tax kicks in. State orphanages to stop child homelessness, with pork mandatory.

      • Yeah fuck child benefit. Why should I pay for any cunt’s sprogs?

        They pay for my pensions you say? Well it seems a lot of the cunts are either self employed taxi drivers and shop keepers ‘officially’ earning too little to pay tax anyway (and therefore they too claim benefits), and a lot of the rest are on benefits.

        Something always gets missed off the ‘pay for your pensions’ argument types. You pay for your fucking own (well some of us do) in contributions anyway, the cheeky cunts. And how much other resources do these sprogs take up? Education. Healthcare. Benefits etc?

        Fuck off. Have as many sprogs as you like but pay for the cunts yourself.

  16. Fucking welfare leeching and healthcare sucking starking panleys are still clogging up the system. One of the major reasons this is a huge crisis is because we have to cater and indulge all these parasitic cunts – who I might add have never paid a penny into the NHS or anything else and never fucking will – and those who have worked and paid in (veterans, self employed, OAPs etc) are behind these bastards in the queue. I also bet the cunts at ASDA give these twats priority on online orders. As they need ‘special peaceful food’ and that ‘No speakingly Engerlish Pig’ will be seen as a ‘vulnerability’. There will be ‘specialist’ solicitors, doctors and interpreters sorting all their shit and shopping out for them.While some poor old bugger who saw off the Nazis in 1944 will think the world has ended, because he can’t go out and nobody has given a toss about him or where he is. This country is a fucking disgrace.

    They can also stick their Ramadanadildo up their collective arse.

  17. Was in my local Spar yesterday. Staff are doing a grand job: serving and restocking round the clock. I know a girl who works there and she’s been working her (rather splendid) tits off during this emergency. Most people – young and old and black and white alike – have been as good as gold with stock, distancing and all that. But this peaceful chappie struts in yesterday and demands ‘Where bread?’ My mate who works in the store says politely ‘Over there’. ‘Is it fresh?’ asks peaceful. ‘Yes, freshly delivered today. Warburton’s come every dinnertime’. ‘No! Is freshly made?’ sneers the camelshagger. ‘Well, it’s not just made, but it’s as fresh as you’ll get outside a bakery’ said my pal. Said peaceful starts glowering and moaning. I then intervened. I said ‘There’s a Morrisons about fifteen minutes away by car, If you want fresh bread that bad. Get off your arse and go and find it!’

    What I should have said was ‘Oh fuck off, you p*ki cunt!’

    • Or, “This us a fucking Spar, you twat. Not a fucking bakery. Maybe the Spars in Crapistan sell fresh bread? Or perhaps, as I suspect, you’d find it almost impossible to find either. Why not try there anyway though, and fucking stay there?”

  18. Loathe Sky News. Fiberglass Face Burley, Sarah Jane Me Me Fucking Me. They are all cunts.

  19. A jolly good 69 session with Sophie Ridge or tit wank off Sarah – Jane Mee would be fucking amazing in these depressing times.

    • Kate McCann gives me the ‘orn (not the one who left her kids alone on holiday, but the sky political reporter).

      I’d definitely give her at least 30 seconds of my sexy time.

      • #MeToo Cuntybollocks! I’d give it to her 24/7 no holes barred!

  20. Not born here? No benefits.
    Don’t like the fact we are not third World savages? Airports that way.
    Affects BAME more? Bollocks.
    Racism? Only against whites.
    Journalists and news channels constantly trotting out lies and brainwashing? Surely not.
    “News” channels which are propaganda and ego vehicles? Surely not.
    PPE from Turkey delivered two weeks late then found to be defective? Surely not..
    A clueless lazy incompetent Government filling us with bullshit? Surely not.
    A lying, self serving chameleon Prime Minister who snoozes and f*cks while we go to the wall? Surely not.
    Never believe or trust Boris, the Man is a snake.

    • I wish it was just Boris. I could punch that arrogant cunt Hancock till all my fingers broke.

  21. Privileged snowflake whites telling whites that we have caused this it’s the whites fault and white lives don’t matter as much it’s nearly all media that preach this they really are a bunch of shit cunts

  22. A quick addendum – don’t bother complaining to OFCOM – AKA the “look the other way” wing of AL-BEEB, I have just had a complaint of age related discrimination upheld by OFCOM – who have done precisely nothing.
    Just watching the BBC explaining it’s all my whitey fault that ethnics get Covid19, kind of them to let me know every bad thing in the World is down to me, again.
    Give me fucking strength.
    Back to the gardening.

    • don’t worry Vernon – the govermint have given the job of regulating the internet to OfCom – which is full of ex bbc mandarins – all’s well that ends well hey ..

  23. I would enjoy the media asking the question:- “Why has an island had so many deaths?”.
    As we rapidly approach VE day, mainland UK was the only country that held out against the enemy.
    In the subsequent years we have been invaded by a steady trickle of undesirables, all bringing their filthy habits and uncouth practices.
    Questions need to be asked. But they won’t, rather use the daily briefing to wish those celebrating rum.a.dum.a.ding.dong all the best during these difficult times.
    A national fucking disgrace.
    Off topic but relevant I feel.
    Media is unfit for purpose in this country.

  24. sky are cunts
    have they said anything about this?

    have a look at -while-brits-are-on-lockdown-100000-people-from-abroad-arrive-at-airports-every-week

    probably not

  25. Adam Boulton. Fat cunt.
    Kay Burley. Arrogant cunt.
    Beth Rigby. Miss piggy cunt.
    And why is it sayin’ testin’ gettin’ etc.
    Thick twat.
    I’d let Sophie Ridge sit on my face mind you.

  26. What did I say about numbers going up because of ramadamadingdong? BBC, Sky et al all debating why it’s going up again. Improved testing they say…it must be, right? Ramadamadingdong not even mentioned as a possible reason though. Aarrgh!

    And following ramadamadingdong is Eid, where a lorry load of sheep get their throats cut in Abdul’s back garden. And the extended family all get together on a big rug to scoff themselves silly on said sheep. “Hand washing? Social distancing? Balls to all that I’m not missing my Eid for anything. Mo will protect me anyway.”

    Fuck off lol.

    Nope. Can’t see any problems here…

    Oh, but they’re getting the VE ‘celebrations’ ready as an excuse if you hadn’t noticed? Not ramadamadingdong or Eid, of course.

    Utter cunts!

  27. Samantha Washington is extremely fuckable.

    The rest are real cunts, and nasty with it

    Good morning

    Big Al

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