Cyclists on pavements

Just when you thought it was safe to go out, the weather improves and suddenly it’s time for cycling cunts to appear on the pavements. These motherfuckers are so fucking stupid that they think they’re somehow “saving the planet” cunts ,!! How are they achieving this ? In fact we’re not supposed to be outdoors, particularly if you’re dressed up in Lycra and sweating over everyone. Smelly fucking cocksuckers with stupid hats simply aren’t a welcome sight in my neck of the woods and they need to learn that physical exertion is both disgraceful and disgusting. Cunts the lot of them,

Nominated by Jimmy the Spaz

77 thoughts on “Cyclists on pavements

  1. I’m still hatching a plan to take my van into one of their fucking velodromes.
    If you’re cycling as a mode of transport, get the right kit, learn the rules of the road, and do it safely.
    If you want to use the road as a racetrack… FUCKING DIE UNDER THE WHEELS OF A LORRY (though worth adding that I think lorry drivers are cunts too!)

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