Dame Emma Thompson

An extra special lockdown cunting for Dame Emma Thompson, that most excruciating of multi-millionaire luvvie activists.

Not content with flying First Class across the Atlantic to appear at last years’ Extinction Rebellion shitfest, Dame Cuntson has once again excelled herself in her attempts to be named Cunt of the Year.

Sadly if you thought this sack of shit had disappeared down a used PPE cess pit you’d be wrong.

Declaring herself ‘a European’, Dame Emma and her equally cuntish luvvie husband, Greg Wise, made a big deal of departing “Misery-laden” Brexit Britain, at the end of February, for a new life in Venice.

Amidst much hoo-ha, Mr & Ms Thompson-Wise were declared citizens of Venice by high-ranking Italian officials.

Within a few days however, Italy went into lockdown, and the lovely couple duly fucked off back to…..you’ve guessed it, good old Blighty..

Not just any old part of the UK however, no-no: Emma and Greg headed for her remote highland hideaway on the banks of Lock Eck. So they went from Covid-ridden Italy to rural Scotland to seek shelter, giving not a fuck for anyone else’s welfare. Just a few weeks later, the UK and Scottish Governments declared the use of second homes as unacceptable, indeed illegal.

There are cunts and there are cunts. Dame Emma is a cunt of true Champions League proportions.

Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface

54 thoughts on “Dame Emma Thompson

  1. One of only a handful of wimmin I’d truly wish fanny cancer on. Although not quite as utter a cunt as Harriet (PIE) Harman.

      • Hi there, RTC.
        How much does the fragrant Emma get on your tits then?

      • Blimey Thomas. That’s a bit strong. I’ve got other intentions for her, like blowing my Covid19 breath right up her chocolate star fish. Then bung it with a cork to prevent her blowing it back out.

  2. The entitled bitch will have a plausible reason for leaving the Italian death camp for the Scottish ‘middle of nowhere’ , there will be a saving the planet spin for sure.

    I can’t believe anyone takes these actor cunts seriously, they are all full of shit!

    • Yo Mince Pie Guy, you’re back!

      How’s you and Bent Dennis doin’? Dick’s bin worried sick about you.

      • Is it really MPG Number 6? His lovely toothy blue grin has been replaced by a green thing. And there are no spaces in the name. I sense skullduggery afoot.

      • It is I grumpy cunt. Young, free and single and I just want to find love again .

      • I am on the market puffy. Him who I do not mention anymore have split due to him being a cunt and two timing me with a female hoare.
        I’ve had to relocate to the border regions.
        It’s been a stressful three months.

      • Sorry to hear that MPG… but I’m sure a nice boy like you will be snapped up in no time!

  3. Monumental cunting, CMC. She is quite truly one of the biggest cunts on the planet.

  4. A first rate hypocrite….
    A second class actress….
    A third rate person….

    Cunt off you virtue signaling ignoramus..

    • A Forth Bridge row of teeth…
      A Fifth wheel at a party for four…

  5. Emma fucking Thompson once branded Britain a “tiny, cake-filled, misery-laden island which must stay in the EU” though has neither been able to move past her anger nor leave the island.

    She has the IQ of a crayon and the humour of an unflushed toilet.

    • Eco Emma, one cunt I truly despise!
      When shagging the missus I shut my eyes and fantasise im strangling Emma to make me spill my beans.
      Cant stand this phoney goofy luvvie posh twat.
      Good job this is after the psycho test or id have scored a lot higher.
      Helter Skelter

      • Hehee me too!
        Didnt know I had it in me!
        Mills & Boon here I come..

      • She’d make a good cure for a teenage premature ejaculation:

        “Think dull thoughts….BBC4…. the EU debates…drying paint….the National Theatre building…mouldy bread…The Guardian editorials …Emma Thompson…”

  6. Fucking woman is a monumental cunt. I have never, and would never, enact physical violence on a woman but in her case I could.

    A hypocrite, a shite actress and an arch cunt.

    Fuck her to hell and back.

  7. The Jocks can keep her. This pathetic virtue signalling drought fanny is a blight on the nation.

  8. In her (admittedly short lived) pomp, she’d have certainly received much pipe up her botty, but these days, like many “celebwities” shes becomes a parody of herself.

    The cunt.

    A quality cunting.

  9. Hard to predict Cunt of the Year , the Corona Virus or this egregious cunt.

  10. Shit actress self entitled me me me hypocritical cunt say bye to mary doll and fuck off back to venice self important shit cunt

  11. In that pic, she looks like another shite-weasel, Philip Schofield, enduring the discomfort of an air enema.

    • Philip Schofield has left his wife. He’s going to dig up Wilfred Brambell for some adult fun .

  12. It’s a pity that some academic institution somewhere doesn’t give out doctorates in cuntitude, cos this fucking twat certainly deserves one. A monumentally hypocritical arsehole of huge proportions.

  13. I read the ‘breaking news’ first. But the answer is the same. Nuke her.

  14. Fucking two faced cunt, don’t really know what else to say (apart from silver spoon fed, rich bitch I’m OK fuck you bint).

  15. I fucking hate the left wing cunt Emma Thompson. She loves everything I despise and considers herself so worthy and holy and better than everyone else. No wonder Branagh left her for Helena Bonham Carter.

    Fucking EU loving shit CUNT!!!

  16. Rodent. I could put more, but this will suffice – back to Venice rodent, don’t ever come back. You hate us but will be shameless in snatching everything you can from us (why does that sound so familiar?).
    Interesting coincidence but Venice is a tax haven for citizens, expect Bransons “cunt boat” appearing in those canals soon.
    And the four pounder of The Black Pig primed and ready..

    • She has the face of a guinea pig but the mindset
      of a rat. Yep Vernon, a complete rodent.

  17. Feed the cunt to a cell full of Jamaican lifers.
    Christ on a bike this one is a right cunt.
    Husband etc oven.

  18. The kind of slimy, arrogant, know it alll, toffee nosed whore who gives posh people a bad name. Those Jocks who hate the English should do something about this bitch parking her fragrant arse in their country. Not that I would wish any harm on the Dame but a load of torch carrying angry Jimmys at the castle gate wouldn’t go amiss.

  19. I don’t mind cunts making a few quid, I don’t mind cunts having a second home. I would myself if I could but I can’t stand cunts telling us how to behave and what we should do and how we should think when they do anything but. They spout the rules that everyone else should abide by. Anyone associated with extinction rebellion should be removed to live on a carbon neutral island, Emma Thompson however should be in a gibbet on tower bridge

  20. In the thirties there was Spender, MacNeice, Auden, C Day Lewis. All left wing writers. Roy Campbell nicknamed them Macspaunday.

    Evelyn Waugh said of them they were ‘all very chummy,’.

    They were very chummy in the eighties Thomson, Fry, Brannah, Slattery.
    They made film together-‘Peter’s Friends’.

    All very chummy.

  21. She’s got a cunt like a clown’s pocket. How she never picked up AIDS is an absolute mystery.
    Hopefully, she’ll have an unfortunate encounter with Unkle Terry’s travelling oven service, on a misty night on the shores of the loch.

    • Or hopefully some rosy cheeked Scottish chappie will mistake her for the Loch Ness monster, ten minutes later Judi Dench and the gang of locusts (she’s their leader – just ask MNC!) are shoving her into a giant wok.. ??

  22. Thing is if you are “special” normal rules do not apply. Good to see the theory once a cunt always a cunt proved true again.

  23. I’d. like to give her a necklace. No, not a pearl one, but a rubber tyre filled with petrol.

  24. I always thought that she was good in The Remains of the Day, but that was before I knew what a sanctimonious, virtue signalling cunt she was.

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