Victoria Beckham is a miserly tight fisted cunt, in these Corona virus times the government have in an attempt to help businesses keep on their staff and also no go to the wall as money is tight before this rinky dinks infected us with yellow pox, anyway this has allowed this penny pinching nine iron lookalike slut to exploit the fact tnhat she can furlough 30 of her fashion company employees so she can claim 80 percent of their wage from the government, save the further 20 percent and all this with millions in the bank, so not only cant she sing, cant design cars, didnt design that Landrover monstrocity, and yet claimed she , looks like a waxwork dummy and probably has a snatch that looks like a butchers bin as well, she,s tighter that a ducks arse…..
Nominated by Fuglyucker
I used to do some work that also covered Ranson docks Battersea.
The place was a converted Ice cream warehouse or something, a closed courtyard a restaurant, very secure little place with a famous hairdresser living in the penthouse at the top and the floors (sometimes just rooms) dedicated to the production teams of various celebs (Some of them mentioned here quite often) any way I digress, The Beckham’s had their own floor and an off shoot was a lower basement room where here seamstress worked and in it apart form a lady who I doubt will ever be publicly acknowledged was her manikin.
I measured it and me, and found that we have both the same chest and waist size! although totaly different body shapes (I am slightly taller than her).
Now that is a minor claim to fame.
Victoria has competition with Celine Dion regarding neck. Wow!
A close thing…it’s neck and neck…
It’s the in thing Spoons!
Fashionable to have a neck like a lizards ballbag.
MNC, I wouldn’t know, I’ve not seen Komodo’s nut case to compare the two.
Sticky Vicky they will uproot to US where there greedy hoarding is perfectly acceptable…greed is good come join us we can all be cunts together. Of course we’re all jealous and bitter in England, I’m calling for a reworking of celebrity and the media zero tolerance or make them fair game for abuse and regular mainstream cunting because sorry but that’s the price you pay
Maybe its a greed is good Gordon Gecko ball sack…
I’ve seen more attractive dog shit
Jesus, that picture. She looks like something Doug Maclure would have a fight in one of those old Lost World type films….
“Have a fight with” Fuck’s sake…
She was the only one I fancied in the spice girls but not anymore. What a fucking state, I’d have to make do with baby spice now. That’s assuming baby spice has a thing for poor middle aged men with tiny cocks.
I understand hen-pecked David pumps a load of cash in to keep it afloat. Lady C dragged me to Selfridges a few years ago, and I noticed piles and piles of unsold Victoria Beckham jeans and tops. Tools.
I never really devote any time to thinking about this sad sack! However, the consensus appear to be that she is more than a bit of a cunt so I’ll run with it. She always has that stuck up ‘I’m better than you’ look about her. The Spice Donkeys were a bunch of talentless cunts, with Baby being the only one worth a wank!
I knocked a good few out for Geri H, have always had a weak spot for gingers, even The Muchess of Pork (when a lot younger). GH, however, did involve an olive latex flying suit, amongst other things…
“Victoria’s telling friends that despite it being her birthday, it’s been the ‘worst week’. She’s really upset and doesn’t think it’s fair she’s getting slammed for something a lot of companies and businesses are doing,” the source said to The Sun.
This is the ‘posh little girl’ who didn’t want daddy to take her to school in the family roller cos she was ’embarrassed’
Posh spice’s one and only redeeming moment came when she was confronted by that other house dust diet skank, Naomi Cambell.
Apparently Campbell asked ‘so, why do they call you Posh’?
To which the response was ‘Same reason they call you beautiful’.
Catty. But fair play to Vicky for putting that evil shitcunt in her place.
Apart from that, neither have any redeeming moments or features whatsoever.
Pair of cunts if you ask me.
From the picture that thing needs Sigourney Weaver and a flame thrower.
They come at night mostly, mostly.
She does not spend her money on food,does she? Karen Carpenter ate more than her.
Proof that married couples stay together through thick and thin, or posh and becks as their known
Sour faced pencil neck, she must be the most miserable bitch on Earth, dumb as fuck Dave must have to take enough Viagra to be close to an overdose to mount that creature.!
I think that Bo Selecta had the Beckham’s weighed off over 10 years ago. He was portrayed as a childish, Disney obsessed ‘Noopy Noodle’ eating fuckwit, and she was a grasping, media hungry skelington who grunted like a pig!
Hard faced cow has millions in the bank spend some instead of scrounging off the UK tax payers ??