I would like to nominate the media in general and the BBC in particular.
All sorts of stories are being peddled as truth by a bunch of ignorant cunts. The BBC has story today ‘Keep your cats Indoors’. Reading this bollocks informed me that a vet in Hong Kong (FFS) thinks that a human passed the virus to his pet DOG.
The BBC also state that a tiger in a NY zoo tested positive. These two gems allow the BBC to do this totally irrelevant tosh. Does anyone stop to think of the implications of such guff. We have people setting fire to phone masts; will we get gangs of morons killing cats ‘to save human life’ ?
If this does happen we know where to lay the blame.
Nominated by Guzziguy
The BBC wants us to keep our cats indoors during the Coronavirus lockdown.
This begs the question as to why Laura Kuntsberg is allowed out on the street?
Nominated by Dioclese
Laura Kuntisperg escaped captivity and is currently at large due to the lockdown and frankly nobody wants to get within spitting distance of that mangled face harridan.
Apart from a couple of posters on this site that is.
Good looking keeping a Tom Cat with bollocks in the house. The BBC really are fuck wits aren’t they.
Good luck not good looking. Fucking phone. Unless the cat and owner are good looking.
Cats?! There’s more chance of getting the thing off the dark foreign types that the ‘Beeb’ are so fond of… Bit we won’t hear a word about that, will we?
And apparently the Krauts have the Blue Mink Bat Flu on the ropes. I dare say that’s because the German police aren’t as soft as ours and the Fatherland isn’t full of rule ignoring wankers like here. Only an hour ago a pair of cunts visited my next door neighbours, and all four of them are sat in the fucking front garden talking shit. It will be long time before we have it nailed like Germany, thanks to fucking mongs like that.
I also know that one of my other neighbours (a now elderly lady who I have known for 40 years) is high risk. So I told the aforementioned visiting thoughtless mong that if I saw him again I would use his bald fucking head as a golf tee.
Cue bleating ‘But.. But… It’s such a body’s birthday’,
They are supposed to be grown adults. They are not fucking eight years old with jelly and sodding ice cream. Oh yeah, and there’s a plague doing the rounds and all with people at risk.
Birthday? Don’t give a fuck and get to fuck.
I hope you reported them Norm. My curtains would have been not so much in twitching mode but spasm.
Anyone who breaks rules so blatantly deserves everything coming their way. At least break the rules with a bit of finesse.
People should keep their fucking cats in permanently.
The BBC can Fuck Off too.
Hello Dick, you winning?
Heard this about cats but dont beleive it, sounds like bollocks to me.
Surely rather than putting our feline citizens in a bad light we should be clapping them on a Thursday for their bravery?
I’m a bit tetchy this afternoon,MNC….need a new hydraulic pipe and can I fuck find anywhere open.
How you going?
Hope all is well, Dickiie…
People are such cunts. Thoughtless selfish careless cunts. We are up against it here in Blighty with this illness because most people are so fucking stupid.
Afternoon Norman.
I suppose we all have our own personal views on matters. You,and many others,favour a complete lockdown…personally (and I admit to being a selfish Cunt) would prefer to see a more balanced approach.
Hope you and yours keep safe.
Alright thanks,
Back working.
Feels good to be working again.
Cant order the pipe online and fit it yourself?
I can,MNC……it’s just the fucking hassle. I’d have liked to just pick it up this afternoon and get the fucking thing fixed tomorrow.
There’s always the call out guys but you mightn’t like their charges.
Don’t they do next day delivery to that benighted pocket of the country you have the misfortune to inhabit Dick?
It would cost more than if I could just drive down to my usual place and pick it up, RTC. I’m not desperate for the machine,plenty other things that we can get on with. I’m more just pissed off that the fella that I usually deal with is closed…he fucking lone works anyhow…why the Fuck can’t he continue?
Have you yried Screwfix? They’re open…
No way that I’d pay daft prices, CF. Has to be a real emergency before I pay some Cunt to come out.
Cheers,Dio. I hadn’t even thought of Screwfix…there’s one 30 odd miles away,’bout the same distance as I’d be going usually.
I shall ring them in the morning.
Dick @ 5.34 – I expect your usual dealer has worked out a way of scamming the government so he can skive off for the duration.
RTC…..I bet there are a fair few businesses that will be claiming the 80% grant for employees while still getting them in to work.
And you can bet your life they won’t be small businesses that really need to do it. It’ll be major concerns.
I am pro lockdown but within reason. People have to go to the shops and all that. But it’s the arseholes who needlessly visit. stop and chat and thoughtless cunts like that. The mongs I saw today were all young, able bodied and they all had a phone. So why don’t the cunts use the fucking things instead of ignoring guidelines and taking the piss?
True enough,Norman.
I do also appreciate that I live in a very remote kind of area where we just don’t have the sheer amount of people pounding around. I tend to know the people that I see most days. I would be a lot less blase about this lockdown if I had to interact with a bunch of strangers.
Norm, these twatmongs are incapable of using their phones unless…they are maundering along the pavement cannoning into other people, or cycling down the middle of the road, or any pedestrian area…
I really can’t think of anyone on the BBC that i respect/agree with apart from Andrew Neil. They seem to have the exact opposite view on virtually everything i’ve ever believed.
And that box tick presenter Naga Munchkin can fuck off too the unfunny thick arrogant childish twat.
However, i am partial to some pussy i must confess.
Only good thing on the ‘Beeb’ is Nigella’s tits….
We like Ken Bruce on Wireless 2 it and some of the cooking programmes but that is about it.
As I am writing this The One Show is on and the BBCunts are promoting a home schooling service starting on Monday . They never miss a chance to indoctrinate school children. Their re-writing of history appalls me and their drama is unwatchable because of their virtue signalling.
They’ll have to do something for the children if this shit goes on any longer they will start thinking for themselves, and those cunts won’t want that
Wonder how this blue mink bat flu thing would have panned out here id Hitler had won?
Well, there’d be no foreign cunts allowed to spread it as much for starters.
There would also be a more even playing field where shopping (online or outside) is concerned. What with not having the fuckers clogging up both the shops, websites and the system. The NHS would cope better without having to cater for the cunts too.
Then there’s the lockdown breaking don’t give a fuck cunts (like the mongs I saw today). They would think twice if they had the Gestapo up their arses. The Krauts are winning, and we aren’t. Tells us something, I think….
Blighty will have the largest death toll of all European countries. I fucking knew we would. The NHS the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the Welfare State. Oh fuck off. Not the workers in it of course the system, the organisation . IT’S TOO FUCKING BIG!!!!!
It’s too beureacratic. Like everything in this stupid fucking country its not fit for purpose.
I am suddenly angry.
The political point- in Germany the Healthcare will be closer to the people at regional level. They can test and track people because they KNOW where the people are. And it is properly resourced. There will have been proper planning for this.
Hancock talks and it is a million miles away from what is happening on the ground.
We were weeks ahead and we didn’t do anything. Bojo bleating about our ‘hard won civil’ liberties. The police pussyfooting around…IT IS A FUCKING EMERGENCY.!!!!!!!
And we didn’t even include or count all the deaths in care homes for ages.
The predicted number of deaths now 40, 000. I bet it will be closer to 60, 000.
I don’t trust SAGE. I don’t believe in that Ferguson fella. We supposedly followed his ‘modelling’ and strategy. The strategy was fucking wrong.
No in-country manufacturing for PPE.
It’s the NHS. I have had dealings with it and its the wrong model. We throw money at it and it never performs or rather it should perform better with all the amounts thrown at it.
What do really know about this? Fuck all except I KNEW instinctively, in my gut we would fare the worst.
The racism point. How can we test and track people when we dont even know who’s in the fucking country.
PPE. We don’t MAKE anything anymore.
The care home sector has been underfunded for years and years.
Our ‘systems’ don’t work. We need to simplify things.
Bottom line is the NHS is overrun and was well before this crisis. Last December (2019) I went for a blood test at North Manchester General Hospital. I waited four fucking hours and it was full to the rafters with bogo bogos, dooshkas and peacefuls. It was well over triple figures (well over 200) and I was one of about seven English people in the blood testing area. Another thing is almost all of them don’t or don’t even attempt to speak English or do anything for the UK or its society. Why bother to learn the language, when they get everything they fucking want? They can rip the piss and they know it. Joke is virtually everybody there will not have paid into the health service in any way whatsoever. Most of the cunts need or get interpreters too and that will cost thousands. It makes my piss boil. Virus or no virus, we are completely fucked and nothing will change…
It seems that the use of A&E has dropped dramatically, all the pubs are closed so no cunts going in with alcohol related shit.
Found out at work training today what an enormous bloodly list of translators we have access to…
Odd. When I lived in Switzerland, then Vienna, the prevalent attitude was basically “Prove linguistic capabilities or sign up for a language course if you want x, y, or z – within about 6 months -, or fuck off.
Quite right too.
GB is just masochistic. There seems to be a perverse pleasure in being mugged off.
The BBC are cunts, I emailed all their various email addresses to question why they keep reporting from Westminster, absolutely fucking pointless.
And why the fuck do they need so many political correspondents, editor, assistant editor, I don’t get it and half the cunts they are interviewing are absolute nobodies.
While on the rant over the media, the BBC, they never stop going on about Germany and all the testing…. ‘Oh look at Germany so much testing and so few deaths’, well if they really want to report facts then……
Compare Italy with Germany, the Italians have done almost as many tests as Germany per 1 million people but Italy have the highest death rate, when you compare the average age of those infected you see why, Italy 64 Germany 46
Report that fucking BBC! Cunts.
Germany’s “so few” reported deaths ? Not like the krauts to fuck with the figures, is it…
VW / Audi exhaust emissions, anyone ?
Piscatorial Pungency ?
And a Fuhrerin that looks like a dragged-up Oddbod from Carry on Screaming…
Well, I suppose she DID escape from a lab; but she was the mad professor, wasn’t she ?
Send the kitty to a Chinese neighbourhood see how long the fucker lasts.
Fuck off! I’m not going anywhere remotely yellow-looking. I’m even avoiding custard and bananas.
BBC, Big Bunch of Cunts
If this is true then we cannot control the spread.
Won’t be long till we are out clapping for the BBC, Sir Lenny Henry leading he applause, Nagging Machete driven around sat on a throne on the back of a flatbed.
No fake news in the BBC or any news, just video of the nation clapping like seals apeing the latest millennial created social media fad, if clapping isn’t band as to violent and we are forced to do jazz hands.
The BBC is a pile of cunt.
All that clapping shit is doing is making the cunts doing it feel better about themselves …before going out to strip the shelves again. Cunts.
The BBC are total cunts, however, in this case, if you can be arsed to read it all & it IS heavy going:
Cutting to the chase, cats can carry it but not clear if it can pass it on.
Maybe they mean the cast of CATS?
James Corden & that chink Judi Dench.
Yeah could be. It does mention ferrets too & big ole James strikes me as a bit of a chutney ferret…
My cat jumped on the bed and woke me up this morning. I stroked her and she sneezed on me which I didn’t appreciate. I used a few choice phrases but I apologized afterwards.
My cat spent a good part of last week sneezing, which was unusual and somewhat concerning, and she wasn’t really eating but there was no way to get her to a vet so I just kept a eye on her. Thankfully she seems fine. Any suspicious little yellow articles of shit
round here may draw the attention of a specially designed piece of fence post with big nails sticking out of it.
Just as an aside, I left a ‘Thank you’ card on the bin collected yesterday, they deserve the gratitude too.
My blue bin got nicked today!
Went a few doors down and the neighbours had it along with a few other neighbours bins, stealing and stockpiling bins!
Cheeky fucker.
And it was full!
Made them empty it an give it back.
Now painted the house number in massive on all our bins.
Worlds gone mental.
The Cast of Cats have been in self isolation ever since it was released, their little luvvy egos couldn’t face the universal criticism the shower of shit received.
Anything involving male dancers is a hard sell, ask Spurs.
To be fair (blasphemy I know) to the BBC, News agencies worldwide reported the tigers that tested positive for Covid19.
No excuse for promoting the scare story about pets and Coronavirus though.
Who the fuck gets close enough to infect them?
The keepers spit on their food.
The dirty feekers
Or even feckers. Too much anise drunk here in lockdown Spain. Went into our local little town today to get some baccy, first time I’ve been out since march 9th. Stopped by the rozzers. Told to get fags and fuck off back home quickly. I didn’t like to argue with 4 plod with Glocks so went happily on my way. You lot have it easy.
FFS…..Just been spying on the facebook page of one of those fucking incomers from the village…..
“fascinating fact of the day…
Now face masks are a thing, and wearing silly costumes to the shops to cheer people up is a thing, it turns out that the outcry around muslim women and face coverings was, after all, just bigotry. Who’d have guessed??”
Bet the Cunt has sent her Pearl Of Wisdom to the BBC in the hope that they read it out on Countryfile.
Utter,utter Cunt.
She thinks thats fascinating?!!
Shes easily pleased.
Put your sheep on her lawn early in the morning all wearing Trump masks.
Honestly,MNC….I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve these Cunts..I’m not a confrontational sort of person but these Cunts make me so mad I could crack walnuts between the cheeks of my arse.
So she classes Burkas as “silly costumes” does she? I’m sure her feminazi libtard sisters would find that interesting to know.
I will continue to file Muslim face coverings under: Sinister Wear.
I thought that you reserved that performance for Christmas parties. We live and learn.
BTW, have you managed to get a new hydraulic hose or is your enema on hold?
Going to try Screwfix tomorrow Guzzi.
The enema will go ahead as planned…..I have a length of drainage-pipe,funnel and watering-can that should suffice
You talking to me?
Or is that a veiled reference to The Illinois Enema Bandit, perchance?
Evening Guzziguy.
Good to see a Zappa fan on here!
He’s still on the loose!
Its a blessed relief to see that she’s got something new to moan about.tbh, RTC….it used to be Brexit,Trump and Local- Yokel(s).
If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m a nosy parochial I’d stop reading her posts.
Do you peep through her bathroom window, with your
‘ hydraulic hose ‘ in your hand ?
Your stalking ASBO just isn’t cutting the mustard, is it ?
You filthy man.
Coppers are too busy doing the job that they should be doing….protecting the Countryside from caravaners,ramblers and pushbikers at the moment to bother too much about one old Wanker and his ladder at the moment,Jack.
It’s bliss.
Keep a firm hold ! ( of the ladder )
It’s that long that I need someone to foot it,Jack (my cock…not the ladder)
I find a trestle useful.
Perhaps you can spray her house in shite from a shit lorry, like a farmer did to a local council building once upon a time, I seem to recall?
Because yes, wearing a fucking burka for separatist reasons is exactly the same as wearing PPE in a fucking pandemic.
What a stuyoid fucking tart.
Release the hounds!
‘stupid’ not ‘stuyoid’…whatever the fuck that is
This the one CB? https://youtu.be/RcxILlCcoB4
He was reasonably local to me.
Remember that.
Good for him.
Reasonable man pushed beyond his limit, and snapped.
The cunts will do that to us reasonable men.
Lol. That was as him.
‘That was him’, I meant to say.
This phone has got the Aids or summat 🙁
Currently listening to R4’s News Quiz. Utter crap – lezzas and Mark Steel making the usual London-centric unfunny jokes. They even dared to take the mickey out of hero of the hour, Captain Tom and his sponsored walk. It really is time to scrap the BBC.
Mark Steel is a smug, not half as funny as he thinks he is cunt.
Don’t mind lezzas, as long as they’re in twosomes on xhamster.
If Steel was a hundredth as funny as he thinks he is he’d make me laugh. But he isn’t. And doesn’t. He would never be employed outside of the BBC.
The BBC are cunts.
Here begins and here endeth the lesson.
Every cunt that works there should be turned out and all the properties burned to the ground.
Fuck me I detest those woke commies so much it makes my nuts hurt.
Fucking BBC. Saw their report on the clapping idiots last night……from Bradford! Why Bradford?……..so they could show a load of peacefuls demonstrating their Britishness of course. Trouble is there was a family of about a dozen outside some little terrace house.
Happy Ramadamadingdong.
Why were the Muzzie’s wearing their PJ’s so early last night during the clapathon?
Of course the peacefuls are clapping. They get everything for fuck all.
All those BBCunts and the other MSM twats on the tellybox telling us to stay in must be living with hairdressers/barbers, the cunts are looking well groomed
I look like fucking Forest Gump after a 2000 mile jog
Excellent point CG – I set about my own greying mane with a pair of rusty scissors just last week – Probably looks the same as if I’d let the barber do it from 2 meters away with extendable hedge clippers.
I’ve just flicked the telly on to BBC1…..Masterchef. Even more upsetting than the sight of Greg Wallace is the sight of a Chinky tart cooking some shite. I immediately turned it over.
The BBC really do know how to insult the Great British Viewing Public.
Evening Mr F. Haven’t watched telly since 2013 but as to cooking, I’m currently about to do myself a large pan of chips, in lard*.
Fuck CV-19, if I’m gonna go out, I’ll do it the British way.
*Absolutely true, by the way – Oven chips can fuck off.
Quite right,Seymour.
I’ve got some bellypork in the Aga….if I’m going to croak it’ll be after a decent dinner washed down later by Bushmills along with a few cigarettes
I figure it’ll be a fucking tough Chinkyvirus that can outdo what I already inflict on my body.
Its a fuckin disgrace the hardship I have to endure!
While you lot are feasting on proper chips and pork Ive had a tin of soup and brown bread, vegetable soup!
Missus and daughter were getting a takeaway and I refused to pay for ethnic shite, so spite food.
Hurt me more than them though on reflection.
MNC…..I never let my deeply-held personal bigotries interfere with my pleasures…. I like to make up for having the odd Indian meal by being rude to the waiters.
Hehee, I felt like that cunt Bobby Sands must of Dick, a righteous stand for my political beliefs!
They enjoyed the takeaway, I struggled to enjoy the soup martyr like.
What a tool?
Rude to the waiters Dick? Aren’t you risking your meals being served with added jizz and snot? Not that they wouldn’t anyway, I probably would if a dirty hippie resembling the Witch Finder General were to invade my exclusive culinary establishment.
No fear of me invading your ” exclusive culinary establishment.” RTC……the kosher diet has never really agreed with me.
In your kindly way Mr Fiddler you always put a flattering likeness up of RT (with Ron Moody).
I believe this is a more accurate representation-
RTC when he saw the tip I left at his “exclusive culinary establishment”….
Miles and Dick prepare dinner in Fiddler Towers kitchen:
Just as Miles and I are Igor and Frankenstein are you and Capt…..
🙂 .
Ooh, you let us off lightly there Dick – was expecting to be Mike and Bernie Weinstein. ?
Your mates on telly, Arthur Lee.
He helped a fledgling DOORS when they were bottom of the bill at the whisky a go go.
Fair do….you got me there.
I saw this and thought of you
It’s a fucking insult, Cuntol….although,tbf. I’m not too sure just what the filling in them is at the best of times. I tend to just eat the pastry and gravy…give the “meat” to the hounds.
They’re fear mongering cunts too.
Their headline at the moment is that the WHO are saying that they think that people who’ve had the virus might not have future immunity.
Now, if true, this certainly is depressing news. If it stays around its probably going to wipe us all out in the end.
This story dominates right now on the BBC.
However, hidden away on the BBC website today, and not bring reported on the news, is this:
“Scientists in Oxford behind vaccine trials say they are so confident in their attempt, they will manufacture one million doses while their trial is under way and they hope to be ready for September.”
Hmmm so the news that the Oxford boffins might have a cure by September isn’t worth pushing to the front?
Bastards. Absolute bastards.
More Beeb bollocks…
Coronavirus: English councils ‘on brink of financial failure’
Don’t see why. The cunts have not frozen council tax and I am still paying it. So emptying my fucking bin every three weeks (fuck me) is the least the rotten sods can do….
Steptoe an son ride again
Channel 5 at 11.30pm.
Thatll cheer me up in a world of coronavirus cats, bin thieves, sir Lenny Henrys, and vegetable soup.
Have a whisky too…
The one with the blind greyhound and Albert coming back from the dead. Fucking ace…
Diana Dors trying to seduce Harold? Hehe!
How the fuck was she a pin up in the 60s early 70s? Like mick mcmanus in a wig!?
Carolyn Seymour, Harold’s wife in the other Steptoe film was much sexier and a better actress…
Dors was often called the English Monroe. Which was complete bollocks…
I never got that too. She was a nice lass, but fucking huge with a voice like Brian Blessed.
Here is English councils for you…
An English household (any household) will either have to hire a skip or pay the council (on top of the fucking council tax!) if they want any big rubbish remove (mattresses, trees etc).
A ‘peaceful’ family had a front garden full of crap near my auntie’s house. Burned mattress, cupboards, kids toys, bricks, you name it. The cunts called the council and they got it all shifted for free…
What else needs to be said?
Currently watching Rogue on the horror channel MNC. Underrated gem this one.
Is that Emily Booth still presenting on the Horror Channel?
I’d have banged that. No danger…
No idea Norman. Just had to Google her. Agreed. Bangable.
Dont know it YCD?
Im watching classic albums on sky arts the WHOs “whos next’ album, and filing in on air drums for My hero Keith.
Mr Moon. Fucking legend.
Did any of you cunts see that programme on C4 last night, “The Truth about Travellers?”
Fuck me!….it was the truth ( you don’t need me to explain that)!
On Channel 4? What the fuck is going on? Naturally they had some Labour MP nobody has heard of crying about raaay-sism but even so.
Heads will roll for this.
Good old WOKE channel 4 have been promoting traveller programmes and glorifying them for a few years now. Why the change of heart? I suspect a channel 4 executive has found a burned out mattress in his back garden.
Yeah he bought a nice little country cottage as his second home away from Londonistabistan. “Fuck me that’s cheap, i’m snapping that up.” Then he finds there’s a pikey camp (and all that entails) a mile down the road. Fuck me, is he pissed off or what?
How I would love to be rich enough to buy the house next door to James O’Shithead and move in a load of goat shagging asylum seekers. I’ll have to start doing the fucking lottery.
I saw the traveller thing Fred.
Like you I was gobsmacked how fair it was reported in that basically they said yes, your gyppos are orrible thieving cunts.
Refreshing change.
Every broadcast seems to knocking Boris and the conservative government. Cunt left wing nob Nish Kumar preaching his utter shite right now.
I wish Nish Kumar would self isolate, on funking Mars, the cunt.
One cunsolation of any continuing activity by N Cümar is that him being a subcuntinental there is nil chance of him spreading anything funny
Don’t know why I thought it just now,
but isn’t Robbie Williams a massive fucking fat cunt?
His repulsive wife is also a cunt and all…
As the BBC is shite and we need to keep up morale in these troubled times, I thought I would post a picture of a lovely arse to cheer everyone up…
Imagefap is pretty good too norm if you you haven’t checked it out already got a good assortment of different porn niches on there no ads either
It wasn’t a thread that had me howling with laughter BUT I usually do on this Number One Website, this website is better than Twatter and Facemong.
1 News: here’s an idea for BBC et al. Why not try reporting the *TRUTH* and leave all the Chinese whispers / whisperers to die. The only news that should be reported is True Fact, and, keep it brief.
2 Laura Kuntenberg: She has a terrible work record But I find her eminently fuckable I really do. It would be bareback fucking and rimming all night long.
3 Neighbours entertaining guests during a lockdown: I recommend, flame thrower, or napalm or three phase 415,000 volts, or tigers whiskers on their salad, or plutonium, that kind of thing.
I would HATE to live around sense flouting people, they need 101 kicks in the gonads they proper do!