A publicly funded cunting for the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg. Laura has a little rant introducing a piece about Covid. She doesn’t like the language used, she doesn’t accept that the virus doesn’t discriminate, the virus hits the poor harder says Laura.
Life is a shit sandwich Laura, the more bread you have the less shit you have to taste.
I totally fail to understand how Laura can champion the poor on a salary of 250k that is financed by taking 157 quid or 13 quid a month away from families no matter there ability to pay.
Does Laura think someone dying from this virus suffers less if they have a few quid. Does Laura think people who worked hard all their lives because they were determined not to be poor, not to bring kids into a life of poverty should suffer more.
The fucking BBC has been nipping at the government since day one of this crises. Laura is like a movie critic, she can sit on her arse chomping popcorn commentating on the actions of others with impunity.
Some rich people are cunts Laura but here’s some breaking news for you woman. Many poor people make zero effort to improve their own lot, you and your ilk compound this problem by encouraging people to believe that they should sit on their fat arses do nothing, produce kids they can’t afford and it’s someone else’s fault.
This is a world crises and your Islington wine bar politics don’t belong in news reporting.
Fuck off Laura, you cunt
Nominated by Sixdog Vomit
Hear,Hear. The fucking old bag. I hope Boris fucks the BBC.
Cuntsberg needs to realise – as I constantly email her to remind her – that a journalists job is to report on politics and not try to use bias and twisted self interest to try and influence it. (I get the feeling Laura doesn’t like me!).
*Boring legal bit* – the BBC Licence enforcement is run by Capita, who I used to work for – they have no legal powers to speak of and work on intimidation – filming them terrifies them.
Contact AL-Beeb and fill in the online form, this covers you for 12 Months and is re – done annually.
They have no right of entry, no right to ask you who you are and face some serious legal grey areas with regard to harassment and trespass on private property and in extremis can only gain entry with a warrant – and can then be subject to very serious legal action.
The GREEDBC rely on OUR money. Withdraw it, subscription only, nothing else – I am damned if I am paying a smirking crisp seller 1.7 Million a Year.
Well said Vernon.
A mate of mine who only owns an Xbox and has no access to actual TV channels has recently cancelled his TV tax and I am reliably informed it was a piece of piss. He even got a rebate, having previously paid up for the year.
Here at Ball’s towers, we also do not have access to live TV or BBC channels, therefore we shall be doing the same.
Fuck the BBC and all who sail in her.
Kuenssberg has had my piss on a slow heat for years, but it boiled over when watching the very first C-19 media briefing given by the PM and his chief medical and scientific advisers.
They went to great lengths to explain what they intended to do and why, then the very first question came from our Laura, who asked the highly helpful and informative question ‘what if you’re wrong?’.
Aside from this being a pointless question at the time under the circumstances, given that we were in a very fluid and fast moving situation, what did the stupid cow expect them to say? Millions will die? It’ll be the end of civilisation as we know it?. People are doing their best in extremely difficult circumstances.
I’m sick of this miserablist cunt and her persistent pessimism, negativity, and sniping. She might try coming up with a constructive or positive comment once in a while, but then she does work for the fucking BBC…
Great nom, Sixdog.
But, Ron – Laura is a medical expert with Years/decades of training and experience as far as I am aware, not a failed “journalist” on a ship which is listing heavily to the left and hopefully, er, I mean “in danger” of going under!
Anyway – back to Friday prayers from the Mosque and a quick piece about the blatant waycism against “our peaceful and tolerant friends”.
It’s not just the poor. Effnicks suffer worse as well apparently. Fuckem.
Every cloud CC..
The Nazis murdered for race the commies murdered for class (unless you were a commie toff like the cunts in Hampstead and Islington). A bullet in the back of the head makes no difference between the two. Blood red flags both. Fuck the BBC fuck Kuntsberg.
Obviously the Nazis had more class as they had uniforms designed by Hugo Boss.
Sorry Smug cunt. Going to have to correct you there.
Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck designed the SS uniforms.
Hugo Boss was just a manufacturer of these along with army uniforms in general, as was C&A. The Boss article being of arguably better quality.
The German army and the Nazi party were definitely not the same thing. Many in the German army did not see eye to eye with Hitler, or the NASDP, but had to go along with it anyway. It was either that or end up on the wrong side of the Barbed wire at Belsen.
And the N*zis were all very neatly turned out! With big hats and lots of medals, which I am a big fan of! ?
Courtesy of Hugo Boss. Just remember that when you next buy one of their suits.
Hugo Boss manufacturing Nazi uniforms is just one part. If you want to avoid companies who made stuff for the Nazis.
Mercedes – made engines & transmissions for staff cars, armoured cars & Halftracks.
Volkswagen – built the ‘Kubelwagen’ which was Germanies ‘jeep’
Daimler Benz built tank engines, aircraft engines, transmissions & Hitlers parade car.
BMW – built fighter plane engines (ME-109,etc), motorcycles & sidecars etc
Opel – produced parts for aircraft, tanks & built the famous ‘Opel Blitz’ Trucks (german army workhorse)
Walther & Mauser – produced most smalls arms (rifles, pistols, etc) & the ammo.
Steyr (Austrian) produced guns & bullets
Sig (Swiss) were supposedly Neutral, but it’s rumoured they exchanged a lot of bullets for Jewish (sorry, I mean Nazi) gold.
Skoda (Czech) were appropriated by the Nazis & built vehicle & tank parts
Fabrique National (FN, Belgium) ere appropriated by the Nazis & produced guns & bullets.
Krupp – produced artillery, Tanks, steel & armour plating for Warships (including the Bismark).
IG Farben – produced the Zyklon B chemical pellets that gassed innocent families in the camps
Siemens – built the gas chambers at Aushwitz, etc
Coca Cola – German factory ran out of ‘coke’ syrup, so invented a new fruit drink, for the Nazis – Fanta.
Kodak – made & processed photographic film.
I could go on….
You’ve got to admit that they could put a bit of a swagger on, the cunts.
They looked awfully nice I thought, very smart.
Well done Hugo Boss.??
They looked pretty shit with bullet holes in them.
True “not the uniform, shoot me in the face!”
Vain as fuck the SS Moggie, bunch of catwalk types in designer gear.
Heard the Romanian armys uniform is designed by Primark.
Back in late 70s / early 80s, Bulgarian secret police apparently stockpiled M & S trenchcoats
Very true, Mr Fox. You should see the pic of my great uncle Reinhardt in his Waffen SS Tank Oberstleutnant uniform. He certainly cut a dash with the ladies, I can tell you! Not sure he should have been wearing while teaching Physics and the local Polytechnic. Still, each time their own!
Couldn’t agree more she really is an odious gobshite cunt
Is she chewing a brick in that picture, or does she always look that wonky?
She shows classic signs of someone having a stroke.
Does her face droop? Yes, but she’s always been like that!
The things I miss by not having a telly licence…?
To say Coronavirus hits the poor hardest is hardly rocket science. Talk about stating the bleedin’ obvious.
Agreed wholeheartedly RTC – wait for Laura’s next hard hitting piece about rain getting you wet.
Although I think anyone/thing getting Laura wet is a memory as distant as it is distasteful!
She gives Cuntstable Cuntbubble the horn.
Afternoon Ruff one. Thought you’d like to know I got my letter from Boris today. Came with a note saying sorry it was late but he didn’t have enough stamps in hospital and had to wait till he was feeling better before he could go out on a walk to buy some.
Great no sixdog!??
I didnt know who Laura was to be honest, heard some of you mention her.
As someone whos from one of the most deprived council estates in England its nice to have a peoples champion like Laura.
Thing is Laura, I left behind my poverty by hard work, avoiding addiction and not being a feckless loser.
Might seem romantic in a Islington winebar or writers workshop in kensington, but some of these poor people are lazy cunts and would take your 3grand handbag and jewellery at knife point and laugh about it.
Go back to telling the facts you daft split arse and give up grandstanding.
Too right she does.
Fancy a meat sandwich?
The girl’s got decent pins
Would B&WC give her a good tongueing??
That is today’s burning question…
Afternoon Bertie boy.
I think it came a couple of days ago. ?
Unfortunately, extreme apathy and a dearth of PPE equipment prevented me from opening it, so I left it for Lady C to deal with.
Told her to wash her hands thoroughly after putting it in the blue bin.
6 out of 10 hits are men as well…..coz the women keep sending us out to work, shopping, tip and so on and so forth…
I insist on doing all the shopping. Wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t trust my missus not to bring it into the house.
The virus, I mean. Not the shopping. Though she’s rubbish at shopping too.
She is fucking smacked-arse faced cunt. Waltzing about on her fucking moral high-horse telling the “lesser people” (i.e you and me) what should and shouldn’t be happening in politics – any answer she doesn’t like is met with a grimace on her said smacked-arse face. It seems to be her way or no way at all. Self-righteous, condescending, manipulative, BBC employed cunt. Robin Day would have wiped his arse with her.
Easy to look down on the “silly little people” on a quarter of a Million a Year!
But weirdly, as a feminista for wimminz rights (when convenient) Kuenssberg is a big fan of FGM! (Fucking greedy munters!)
I’m hoping the hardest hit will be those cunts who continue to flaunt government social distancing guidelines. This country needs a good culling, 20 million would be a nice start.
But only in a “peaceful” way RTC! ?
Got my letter from Boris – “Sorry for the delay but I was waiting on a trolley in a corridor for 14 hours”.
My apologies – that was DORIS! Silly me..
I got mine too.
Nice of him, all those people he wrote while ill!
How brave!
Think we should all clap him tonight blah blah..?
Not only in a “peaceful” way Vernon. There are plenty of our so called indigenous mob who I’d gladly see off to the crematorium.
Well, I am the reaper RTC!
And so many continue to do so RTC. My close has a pedestrian thoroughfare at the end of it, and I have never seen so many strangers passing my place as now. One or two neighbours also persist in treating this like some kind of holiday, mixing by the kerbside, ignoring all advice and yet there they are applauding the NHS every Thursday eve in the ‘look at me’ style that those cunts laud over. The problem is that you somehow just know they wont be the ones to get it.
Relieved to say ECG that most cunts in our immediate area have behaved responsibly from the start.
Sorry, that should be EGC…
Repugnant, ugly pig. But the salient point here is as per the nom:
“on a salary of 250k that is financed by taking 157 quid or 13 quid a month away from families no matter there ability to pay.”
So another champagne socialist and their holier than thou double standards.
Look here Kuntisperg, repeating the same mantra for years on end and expecting a different result is a definition of madness, people aren’t falling for it no matter how desperately you cling to that straw in the oceanic world of shit you inhabit.
Submerge, swallow, be gone.
Where’s the fan club voices now?
Holding singing vigils outside Starbucks and Waitrose.
Having a pocket shuffle while keeping shtum this time more like.
If Paul Gambaccini (accused & exonerated fiddler) and Jonathan King (convicted fiddler) had a daughter it might look like this based, bels-palsy cunt.
let’s be careful please.
Love admin.
Gambaccini was neither charged nor convicted.
TT RTC@1:49 – Gambaccini wrongfully accused and cleared of all charges, didn’t stop the poor f*cker going through hell though.
Ah, apologies. Arrested than released.
Duly noted.
‘Tis all good GS! ?
The cunts said they didn’t have enough evidence when in actual fact there wasn’t ANY evidence. Nasty Shite Cunts.
Went out in the back garden last night and my pikey neighbour was up a ladder trying to get through his bathroom window.
“Locked yourself out?” I enquired.
“No, working from home.” he replied.
High windows for a caravan.
Scottish rubber faced cow another one feeding off the Licence Fee The sooner the Government decriminalise the Television Licence Fee the better BBC well past it’s sell by date Fund your own fucking channels ?
I don’t think it’s my imagination, but the wonky gobbled cunt seems to realise how distracting her oral grimaces are and she is now making a determined effort to speak with fewer facial contortions. On the other hand, I could just be going stir crazy.
She might just have stopped chewing toffee when she talks.
I can remember the day when the news was facts and little else. Now it’s 30 seconds of facts and the rest is speculation, usually spun with a incredibly biased left wing agenda. Brain washing by the BBC which puts the Nazi’s to shame.
Kuntsberg and Emily Maitlis particularly boil my piss with this at the moment. I have given up on the news.
Affecting the poor and ethnics more. Yes it’s hitting the big crowded cities most and these seem to be the communities that struggle the most with the concept of social distancing. In other words it’s partly their own fucking fault. But hey, don’t let that stamping your left wing ideology all over it.
The virus isn’t racist. It’s bloody common sense if you live in a big house in a lot of land you are a lot less likely to get in that living in some sink estate.
Kuntberg and her crew are all the same, pointless waste of space.
The Virus itself doesn’t discriminate, it doesn’t matter how much cash you have once it’s in the back of your throat is a lottery and everyone starts with the same ticket. The poor will suffer more because that’s how the world works if Kuntberg has an answer then she should join the ranks of the political class and sort it out.
Even R4’s The Now Show took the michael out of Kuntsberg this weekend. You must be bad when you become an in-house joke.
A R4 listener all my life, I’ve now discovered LBC – the news programs are far more informative.
Welcome to the club Sarge.
I second that. Still don’t like Ian Dale though. I’m sure he’s Dale Winton reincarnated. Just listen to his voice.
Afternoon, Sarge. LBC makes for good listening, but do try and avoid Jobby (James O’Brien), unless you happen to subscribe to the ‘Keep your friends close, enemies closer’ way of thinking.
I subscribe to the words of Sun Tzu, writing in The Art of War, Circa 600 BC:
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succümb in every battle.”
Confucius says, “War doesn’t determine who is right. War determines who is left.”
Apparently Priti Patel will be addressing the nation at 4pm….
Hopefully she will be wearing a peek a boo bra and white lacy see through knickers and suspenders and thigh high leather boots with a bull whip in hand..
When Jobby comes on at 10:00 hours I switch to Mike Graham on TalkRadio.
What do you think to ‘messiah’ of a cunt James O’Brian?…
It’s about time the cunts at the BBC were brought to book. Threatening them with the removal of the licence fee, watch the impartial news coverage after that. Then I’d remove the licence fee anyway, the cunts.
The thing about dear old Laura is that she has been over promoted., a product of the BBCunts wish to have women in high profile jobs, possibly because you can pay them less (at least at the time she got the job) . She became BBCunts political editor when Nick Robinson had a bout with throat cancer. Whilst he was ill a bloke called Norman Smith stood in for him, he was chief political correspondent and the obvious choice. Somehow Laura managed to get the job.
I am interested to learn, from this site, that she is a porridge wog, so possibly she is the bastard love child of Gordon Brown, he had the same problem.
I have often thought very longingly of her gaping gob and her twizzled lip! My enormous member would fit very snugly into that cavernous gape!
The best quote I’ve seen describing this biased old slag, was she looks like a baby eagle that’s had a devastating stroke.
Laura is apparently the most impartial part political news editor ever, she’s equally harsh on politicians from any party.
Possibly true, Laura personifies the BBC, the problem with her and in turn the BBC is I believe that they are both fixated on shaping the agenda. I believe they are mired in wokeness, pro
EU and pro the multicultural hug a migrant George Soros agenda.
They kid themselves they are impartial but everything produced by the BBC is tainted with their own work political leaning. They are moving the centre ground based on their own bias. People still take the BBC on face value and most have been raised to believe that the BBC is beyond question the voice of impartiality, so when the BBC or it’s presenters project a certain view the masses take it as gospel.
The BBC has become a monster and it serves its own agenda.
I’ve probably mentioned this previously but I was in the audience for the 1st leaders debate at Granada Studio’s back in 2010.
Kuntsberg interviewed me whilst standing in the queue to go in as she was anybody who was happy to be interviewed.
I remember thinking ‘I’d seen her on the telly’ but wasn’t overly familiar with who she was.
Anyway 2 things struck me, despite the coat she was wearing I could tell she was packing a fucking great pair of tits but that was negated by the fact that despite what I was saying her head was going up and down like she was sucking me ‘till just dry salt came out.
And so it is that Ms Kuntsberg is from a highly privileged background.
Father ran Yeager in its pomp, went to one of the best public schools in the country.
Yes we need people like Laura to tell us what life’s all about.
Genuinely I honestly believe that cunts like this are actually only preaching to their own dinner party friends, it’s virtue
Signalling of the highest order.
Imagine having the freedom of Al-Beeb to out virtue signal all your mates, it really doesn’t get any better than that.
A very well deserved cunting Sixdog
A quarter of a Million a Year for a multi Millionaire to frolic in her personal licence payer funded playground of hate.
Let’s see how much wonky donkey is paid when the BBQuisling are subscription only – and I am F*CKED if I am paying Council Tax or a fee on my internet subscription for these odious b*stards.
And Shami Chakrabarti is another classic example of what you get when you give people jobs based on gender and ethnicity instead of competence.
I dislike Shami Chakrabarti intensely. And Laura KuenSSberg..
Id do her balloon knot…dry…
Her expression would indicate someone already has.
With a coarse sandpaper table leg.
Doesn’t she look like Cherie Blair?
Hits the Poor harder, Boris and his mates ain’t poor. Very much doubt that the lurgy floats around thinking no not that one they are rich I reckon that ones a better bet because they’ve got fuck all, tally ho. This virus infects humans, bats, pangolin, green walker fish and west coast prickle backs and anything else the chinks like to eat. The virus does not check out who’s who before fucking up somebody. I can assure you that it will have a crack at anyone because it’s only purpose is to replicate not become part of a fucktard social experiment. As an afterthought in years to come I suppose the cause of this virus will be white English middle aged facist leavers, cos no ethnic could possibly create a situation that puts humans more at risk of extinction than the a Black Rhino. Really enjoying my lockdown standing tall and doing fuck all.
Laura Kuenssberg – living proof that not being fancied at School stays with some girls for a lifetime.
Why doesn’t she mention that it affects men more than women? Something like 70/30 I believe.
The mind boggles…
Kuntsberg should scissor Maitlais on the newsdesk. Then Kuntsberg can finish me off with her wonky gob.
Finally, the one-armed weather bird can do them both with her stump, while reading the weather.
Call it ‘Cuntybollocks Relief’ and get people to donate to my bank account. Job’s a good ‘un.
Yeah, the one armed bird that does the weather on Al BBC, I don’t know what it is but she scares the shit out of me, the first time I saw her I thought where is her arm? Is the blue screen playing up? But now I can just imagine her fisting carol Kirkwood and she doesn’t have to worry about losing her wrist watch..on account the limb deficient bint has no wrist
I dont have a problem witg rich people who EARNED it. My issue is those who are born rich, most of them are cunts. If I was born to millions of pound I would donate to charities (english ones) before buying my third Ferrari! Saying that, I would have a Ferrari or a Porsche, Maybe a Lamborghini Diablo, love them, but i’ve always wanted a 1964 black 4-door Chevrolet Impala or a TransAm. Better cars, beautiful, and not 750 grand!
Don’t worry folks. I can see this little ‘patsy’ getting put down really quickly.
Usually the ones who you can’t trace a proper background.
Expendable for some reason (Hey, they really have to get a finance some way)
And no dot’s connected.
Out Out roger that.
that fucking photo is still there – criminal I say