Laura Kuenssberg

A publicly funded cunting for the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg. Laura has a little rant introducing a piece about Covid. She doesn’t like the language used, she doesn’t accept that the virus doesn’t discriminate, the virus hits the poor harder says Laura.

Life is a shit sandwich Laura, the more bread you have the less shit you have to taste.

I totally fail to understand how Laura can champion the poor on a salary of 250k that is financed by taking 157 quid or 13 quid a month away from families no matter there ability to pay.

Does Laura think someone dying from this virus suffers less if they have a few quid. Does Laura think people who worked hard all their lives because they were determined not to be poor, not to bring kids into a life of poverty should suffer more.

The fucking BBC has been nipping at the government since day one of this crises. Laura is like a movie critic, she can sit on her arse chomping popcorn commentating on the actions of others with impunity.

Some rich people are cunts Laura but here’s some breaking news for you woman. Many poor people make zero effort to improve their own lot, you and your ilk compound this problem by encouraging people to believe that they should sit on their fat arses do nothing, produce kids they can’t afford and it’s someone else’s fault.

This is a world crises and your Islington wine bar politics don’t belong in news reporting.

Fuck off Laura, you cunt

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

94 thoughts on “Laura Kuenssberg

  1. Gimpy stroke faced power cunt should stick to reporting facts and not fiction or supposition!

    Al Beeb deserves to be told to get to fuck by the government and told to go and fend for themselves with parasites like Kuntsberg working for them, see how they fare then without licence money income to rely upon.

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