Ken Clarke (5)

Ken Clarke is SO in need of a nomination right now. After the news of those Romanians being flown over to help pick fruit and veg, Clarke posted a smarmy tweet which read:

“Almost 3 million unemployed and we can’t get any of them to pick fruit and veg. Where are all these hard working people who voted for Brexit? Sat at home shaking their heads saying “bloody foreigners coming over here to put food on our plates” probably. Time for a large whiskey”.

What an utter, arrogant cunt. No mention of the several hundred thousand Brits who HAVE volunteered to pick fruit and veg. Here’s an idea Ken. If you’re really that worried about fruit and veg going unpicked, instead of sitting on your fat ass, making snide remarks about the people whose taxes that you and your ilk are leeching, put down the fucking whiskey, find your nearest fruit or veg farm and fucking volunteer to do a few shifts. Start earning the vast amounts cash you’ve been taking from our pockets over the DECADES you’ve been in parliament. You smarmy cunt!

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

85 thoughts on “Ken Clarke (5)

  1. Sorry cunters, but as fellow cunter J peasmould gruntfutock has pointed out this tweet came a parody account of the Right Dishonourable Kenneth Harry Clarke. Shame really as I was about to lay into the fat obnoxious out of touch useless elitist fucking cunt.

    • It doesn’t alter the discourse about importing pîkeys/British unemployed /salivating farmers though.

      Furthermore, this jabba serpent really should be on the wall so another notch is good enough.

  2. Coppers raided a knocking shop in Westminster today and made six arrests. Fat boy Clarke must be glad he took a day off. He will also be pleased that most of the birds were Chinkies and Romanians. Yet another example of those hard working immigrants doing the vital work of lazy Brits.

  3. I can’t believe I missed the Blair devil doll on telly this morning giving his invaluable advice.

    Fuck off shitface nobody cares. Just shut your gob and get on with counting your money.

  4. It’s a spoof twotter account but Ken is, was, & always will be, an oily heap of shit.

  5. Even if it was a fake account that fuckin fat baggy arsed cunt Clarke is an arrogant obnoxious wage thief, as mentioned correctly on this nom, never done a proper days graft in his life the CUNT
    Wouldn’t surprise me if the stories of the cunt having a liking for the same thing fat cunt Squirrel Smith had back in the day
    Ken’ll fix it, the dodgy cunt

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