‘Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer, we’ll keep the red flag flying here’.
Well thanks for that, I’m sure we’re all most grateful. It’s often said that those who don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Thanks to Jezza and his backing group The Corbynistas, your happy, clappy Labour Party stands as an excellent case in point.
As we all know, Labour under The Beloved Leader got its arse handed to it on a plate in last year’s general election, after which Magic Grandpa, still maintaining that he’d won the argument, decided to call it a day. After an excruciating contest, Keir Starmer, the second most boring man in Britain (pipped at the post by that insufferable windbag Ian Blackford), has been crowned as leader. The hard left faction suffered a serious setback, with favoured candidates failing to win either the leadership election or election to the National Executive Committee.
How Starmer must now wish for a bit of peace and quiet to enable the party to lick its wounds while he attempts to reshape it into something remotely resembling a credible opposition. Fat chance. He’s barely got his feet under the table and the word is that the Corbynistas are already scheming and plotting to regain control. The hard left is regrouping under MP Richard Burgon and John McDonnell, who are seeking to re-establish the so-called ‘Campaign Group’, which organised Jezza’s 2015 leadership challenge. Momentum (bless it) has issued a statement saying that ‘the left cannot continue as it has been’. It added that it ‘must not repeat past mistakes’ by allowing ‘centrists’ to control the party, while calling at the same time for (lol!!!) ‘unity and a comradely debate’.
So there you have it; The Islington People’s Front v. The People’s Front of Islington. ‘Unity and comradely debate’ my arse. Labour looks to be heading into yet another protracted bout of navel-gazing and internicine warfare. How Magic Grandpa will love this, weaving and spinning his webs from the back benches.
That’s Labour for you. The party that wants to be a credible opposition and then to win back power at the next general election, but which couldn’t organise a cock-up in a brothel.
Nominated by Ron Knee
We have to be practical Ron. Labour in either of it’s two guises is a pestential nuisance, but the problem is with the fawning bag of pus Starmer Labour COULD be electable, because he will put on his fake “concern” for the poor and downtrodden (he is already doing it with “our” NHS -not his, I am sure he is a BUPA man). Look at some of the cunts he has put in his shadow cabinet: Rent-a-Gob Lammy, the racist, Rent-A-Gob Jess Phillips, the sour misandrist, Peter Kyle, Wes Streeting and – worst of the lot – Lloyd Russell-Moyle, the trio of screaming queens. Old failures like Rachel Reeves, Ed Miliband and Pat McFadden, with all the allure of an unflushed turd.
If you don’t want multi-cultural, sharing caring, homo friendly, lesbians welcome here Kweer Starmer and his bunch of cocksuckers, the only alternative is Corbyn, Butler and the Slagettes, who is so off the wall, they will never be elected.
Like Blair, Kweer has mastered the art of the con man
You’re right Ron but the majority of the public showed last year that they’re not quite that easily conned.
Sorry WC, that was a clearly a reply to you. The bats have got into my belfry.
Thank fuck for that! Jezza as PM in the current situation ffs!
They’d still be arguing about whether the lockdown was an abuse of tranny rights.
Much agree W.C. I would far prefer a Corby in charge of an unelectable party, than that Kweer who could quite easily con the gullible benefit voter with his plausible crock of smoothe tongued tip licking shit from the bowl bullshit!
I think we have to be grateful to these misguided cunts. Remember that Degsy & his Militant Tendency mob kept Labour in the wilderness for the 80’s & early 90’s, until Phoney Tony realised that being somewhere near the middle would get Labour in to power & managed to boot the hard-line lefties into touch. ‘Course, having the pea-loving John Major at the helm assisted him when it came to charming the electorate, but my fear with Kweer is that he’ll do the same thing.
So we need Momentum to keep up their leftie nonsense, to keep the great unwashed focused on what a fuck-up Labour turns into as & when it gets a foot in the door of No.10.
I’ve mentioned elsewhere that the C-19 debacle will fuck the economy over big-time, which will result in the Tories getting a constant kicking because the collective short-term memory of the great unwashed will forget that BoJo & Rishi wrote a blank cheque so we could all keep paying our mortgages etc.
So, even though the scruffy old cunt really ought to be propped in a farmer’s field somewhere, keeping the crows away, let them carry on dragging him into the limelight & hopefully he’ll have the same effect on the electorate at election time.
Good post Gusset. And oh so true.
I agree with everything you say Ron.
But should Boris renege on his vow to end the transition period at the end of the year, the odds on this shower of shit forming a government will shorten considerably.
Corbynistas are cunts.
Absolutely Alca.
The pressure from terminal Remoaners to extend the transition just goes on; any excuse whatsoever to reamain tied to their beloved EU. I just don’t get their obsession.
My own view has always been that there would actually be no harm ‘per se’ in extending the trade deal talks, but the EU wants us to request it, so it presented by them as a magnamious gesture on their part. Naturally we’ll have to stay locked into their structures for the extension, and most importantly, send a blan cheque to Brussels for the privilege.
I don’t the idea of UK taxpayers giving the EU another handout, esp. at this time, would generally be well received, and I reckon that Bozza knows this all too well!
Corbynistas are the same as the twats I remember at university in the late 80s. Public school tosspots who grow scraggly beards, affect a ‘working class’ accent, carry around a secondhand copy of Das Kapital they haven’t read and think they understand the class struggle because they once helped nanny with the washing up. Cunts to a non-binary thing.
Had to laugh at that comment “Das Kapital”. So fucking true. I remember everyone in the coffee bars guffing about Karl Marx, and every greeting was”..”have you read Marx ”
All pretentious psuedo-intellectual horseshit!
I never read Marx, or Das Kapital, and my reading list include Viz and Parade. ( any other old fucker remember “Parade ? )
As a history student I had to plough my way through ‘Das Crapital’, and it’s the most tedious thing I’ve ever read. I managed to understand about half of it I’d say, and it’s always struck me as one of treatises which is hugely revered because trendies are told that it should be, rather than for its intrinsic worth.
Basically Marx’s analysis looks impressive but is SERIOUSLY flawed, as the world has learned to its cost.
Never read it Ron, I listened to so much pretentious drivel that it completely put me off. I remember a new mag called Oz… THAT had good intrinsic worth.
Cheers Ron, great non this.
Oz was ace!
Evening Asim.?
Yep. Any other coffin-dodger remember “Razzle”?
I remember Ian Dury singing Razzle In My Pocket:
In my yellow jersey, I went out on the nick.
South Street Romford, shopping arcade
Got a Razzle magazine, I never paid
Inside my jacket and away double quick.
Good sense told me, once was enough
But I had a cocky eye on more of this stuff
With the Razzle in my pocket,
Back to have another peek
Instead of being sneeky I strolled inside,
I put my thieving hand on something rude
I walked right out with a silhouette of nudes
‘Hold on sonny’ said a voice at my side
‘I think you’ve taken one of my books’
Passers by gave me dirty looks
‘Not me mister’ I bravely lied ?
Thanks to “centerist ” Blair I’m an ethnic minority in the capital of England the cunt. All labour are cunts.
A Labour Party report into its failings over anti Semitism within the party blames anti Corbyn sentiment as a major cause. Even now the fools are unable to recognise the systemic faults of the hard left. Long may it continue.
Shabbi Chuckabutti really nailed them though, didn’t she?!
Well at least people won’t need to worry about Labour trashing the economy….ChinkyFlu has done that for them.
Guess that Magic Grandpa’s “money-tree” wasn’t just a figment of his imagination after all…indeed ,it seems that there is a veritable forest of “money-trees” available…all just ripe for the picking.
I don’t think Boris would of shook of shook the tree this hard without our Chinese friend visiting Dick.
The magic money tree is us as we all know. The magic money tree has been shaken to try and keep the economy alive not to buy votes.
If Corbyn has been in power she would of already spent similar sums of our money and then had to cut down the tree to cover the costs of the virus spend.
No argument with any of that,SV.
I’m just honestly getting panicky about where this endless spending is going to leave us.
I’ve been following a few of the financial commentators Dick, they are speaking of 30% mortgage default rates in the US and Great Depression like losses.
The WHO are saying social distancing is going to become the new norm for years to come, that’s going to stop any economic recovery.
There’s not a lot of hope going around just now, if as some predict the food supply is seriously impacted, well I don’t ponder that to closely.
I’m getting the impression that as yet the full medical impacts of Covid-19 are unknown but the reaction to it suggests that governments suspect it to be much more dangerous than we are currently being told.
I don’t mind at all the social distancing part….they could extend it to a minimum of 20 yards for me. I will probably continue after this shit storm has blown its course…Oh yes, Corbynistas…..CUNTS!
Taxed to fuck for about 30 years, Lord Fiddler. I think I might go self-employed if you catch my drift. Might take up lap dancing or become a master criminal, nit sure yet? Working on PAYE we’ll all be paying 50% for years because of some dirty Chinaman eating a bat’s arsehole after picking his arse.
Up shit creek without a paddle I suspect Dick. It is a really big worry. I suspect at least 50% of the currently closed high streets to remain closed where smaller businesses are concerned. This has been the final nail in the coffin of Debenhams, it will be far worse for smaller companies. The only good thing is that Labour are not in power so that their union chums cant then put the boot in afterwards with their constant strikes. I am sure in London the tube train drivers will do that, though. Hardly a week goes by without those bastards striking for some piss poor reason.
Another reason for concern is that Kweer Charmer’s friends are now putting their heads above the paraphet – this morning Andy Burnham was on Wireless 4 pleading for more money for care homes, which is probably needed, but he wants them to receive the same sort of funding as the NHS. Starmer has “inspired” the so-called moderates.
Magic money trees all made in China.
Yes. And look at the price . Good morning RTC
Afternoon Asim.
UK National Debt is now over £2 trillion and rising rapidly. Covid19 will add at least another £1 trillion to that figure, if not £2 trillion.
And guess who our largest individual creditor is? Yup, CHINA.
Clearly this is a perfect opportunity for the various factions of the Labour party to regroup and refocus while the media spotlight is all over Boris and Chink19.
Their internecine warfare probably won’t get reported much in the usual lefty media outlets because they want to see Boris fuck things up big style (even though various opinion polls suggest he is doing a great job given the circumstances).
I haven’t been following much of what Labour are up to these days primarily because they don’t know how to lead or even what they truly believe in. However, all I can see based on the results of the last election is that its a battle for the hearts & souls outside of the electorate outside of M25 and other densely populated urban areas where Labour did relatively well (no surprises as to why!)
The genuine Labour supporters across the country told Corby to go fuck himself, and yet the metro faux supporters felt he was The One by taking Labour so far to the Left to be the best option – not for the country, but for Londonistab.
So it seems Labour might end up as a Far Left party at worst, or Centrist at best: the battle between the “yeah, right on dude” metro cities and the “Eee by gum” Provinces could drag on and on.
Just so long as Johnson and Sunak don’t find the Reichsbank gold before we do, Dick.
Trouble is we’ll have no way of spending it if we do…..
I can’t understand why supermarkets and the like can stay open but so many other businesses can’t. I needed some building supplies for a job that I’m doing at home…rang 3 merchants,all shut….eventually found one open 40 miles away where I can pay in advance and load the stuff myself….why can’t more businesses operate in this way?
I honestly believe that too many people are of the opinion that they’re going to have a nice 3 month paid holiday and then everything will resume as before….just wait ’til the wowling starts when they have no jobs to emerge to.
Fair enough,isolate,support and protect the most vulnerable but surely there comes a point where some hard decisions must be taken economy-wise.
Morning Mike
Morning All
The living will envy the dead.
Labour are totally beyond fucked. A rabidly anti semitic bunch of Jew hating Marxist Leninist Communists who would have destroyed this country.
Fuck Corbyn.
Fuck Labour.
Love Boris.
God Bless the Queen.
Long live the State of Israel.
Plus, I fucking hate hobby Africunts.
Corbynistas arent going to just dissapear or change what they believe.
These people might be deluded but they hold these beliefs and arent going to change how they think just because theyve had a setback.
Labour wants to change its going to have to weed these people out and restructure.
The Hard-Left /Corbynistas have always been with us and they always will be. Except up until recently they have not found themselves in control of a major political party.
Starmer is a cunt but he’s determined to put the antisemitic hard-left back in the dustbin of history where they belong. I think he’ll probably succeed.
It would be very complacent to write Labour off. We do so at our peril. If anyone’s fucked now it’s the Tories.
I’ve never understood the need to call anyone comrade.
Pretentious bollox if you ask me.
Corbynistas or Starmtroopers they are all remoaners so they can all fuck off. Tories…..cunts, don’t trust ‘em. Boris don’t trust the cunt. MPs…….all bastard cunts.
Kier Starmer has all the charisma of a six week-old sausage roll.
If he’s the best Labour have got, they’re fucked. Good.
All the shifty backstabbing and whispering will fuck these loonies for many elections to come.
As for the economy,which could be a vote winner for the commies if a full recession kicks off,it should start to reopen on a rolling basis week by week from May.
Otherwise full panto and megacunts all over the place.
Good morning China!
Starmtrooper has 2 massive advantages…….1 he’s not Corbyn 2 he’s a dedicated remoaner and globalist.
Don’t underestimate this fucker and the backing he’s going to get from the Establishment and the media. I imagine the BBC can’t wait to make a saint out of the cunt.
You just know that PAYE rates are going to through the roof after all this madness. 20% will become 50%. The 45% rate will become 70%.
And on top of that, VAT will go to 30%, you know the cunts at the council will put their tax theft scam up by about 20%. On top of that too, Labour will be pushing for even more tax to be paid to fund Keir Starmer’s sex change.
We might be left with a sleeping bag under the arches and a slice of stale bread if we play our cards right. Just don’t get angry or annoyed with China though. Don’t forget that, whatever you do!
It’s already 32% and 59% when you take national insurance into account ?
Don’t worry, our brave leaders will simply put this up to 52% and 79% and say nothing about the Chinese opening their bat and pangolin wet markets this week. They’ll sell what we have left to the cunts and live in luxury, while the rest of us can eat gruel.
But at least we won’t get called ‘racists’ by saying or doing nothing about it but taxing ourselves to fuck, until the next disease the Chinese release on the world.
Then that film ‘The Road’ will look like a fucking holiday camp to us.
Why the fuck is JC still in the news?
He’s like a turd someone has buried but people can’t help digging it up again.
People are just curious to find the source of the smell…
Hopefully as with all other smells, he might fade away…..(fingers crossed )
The worst smells tend to linger. Good luck with that nest of commie Jew hating racist vipers Lady Miss Keir!
Admin – that photo must be one of the best ever chosen to go with a nom. Fuckin’ brilliant. Any comments take a back seat to it!
Yeh it’s funny but I’d never thought of the ‘JC’ thing before! Nice one Admin!
Jeremy with the lost slappers.