I know the BBC is shit on many levels, EastEnders and Radio 1’s worship of Stormzy (what a cunt he is!) are two things which immediately spring to mind, but the one that drives me most bananas is the kids TV. My daughter is now 20-months old, so we’re putting on CBBC to show her some programmes and my blood is turning to battery acid with anger at the bollocks.

I bet you can guess what I’ll soon be talking about and here is your confirmation: About 80% of the people on this are called something like Mohammed or Iztifa (I made that one up) but you catch my drift. There was one programme, and I shit you not, where there was a black girl with one arm and many other children, of which only one was white. He was a traffic warden (not actually a traffic warden, but it was the character he was playing), needless to say the only white kid was playing someone that everyone wants to punch. And it gets worse, there is a new version of ‘The Clangers’, Michael Palin narrates, so all is comforting and well. But get this; in one episode an astronaut lands. I joked to my wife that it would be a black woman, and it was. It drives me mental. When I was growing up you’d watch Grange Hill, ethnicity was not an issue and therefore not a problem. It’s a school in London, so obviously it will be diverse, but it didn’t feel like it was rammed down your throat. Today you see a programme based in rural Devon in the 1920s and there will be a Persian lesbian fixing the wheelchair ramp for the Somalian transsexual, a storyline that offers nothing to the overall plot.

To put this succinctly, it is nothing more than an indoctrination of our children. A subtle, (but isn’t subtle) plan by the BBC and all who live in London to foist there ridiculous and out of touch view of what Britain is upon us. Well, you fucking cunt fuck fuck cunts from Auntie, get this! I show my daughter old school shit on ‘You Tube’. I shall not let you pollute her mind with your wanky, fuck bollocks interpretation of my country. Go fuck yourselves. Where we live we are white, enjoy values that we don’t share with you.

Consider yourselves cunted. You CUNTS!!!

Nominated by Fortress Cuntimus

79 thoughts on “The BBC’s CBBC

  1. “If I could afford it I would homeschool my kids.”
    You probably do a good deal of it Flaps every hour of the waking day it’s just that the “School of Life” isn’t a recognised educational establishment; it should be.

    “what are we learning today dad?”
    “applied physics son. Using tools. Followed by an afternoon on the punchbag.”

    Now that’s a curriculum I could have confidence in. My old grammar had an excellent metalwork shop and I recall the thrill and trepidation at 12 years old! of smelting, handling and casting molten aluminium at 1,200 degC into a lion’s head door knocker! Welding and brazing, turning and milling on pukka toolroom grade machines, metrology on a massive cast surface table that the master protected like a competition snooker table, he could even do gold/silver smithing, engraving and jewellery work ffs! About as comprehensive as it gets and imparts a confidence, competence and skill set that in these days of post industrial career hyper specialists immediately makes you ‘the most useful bloke in the lifeboat’ so to speak.

    Little example that shocked me: young lad in the neighbouring flat had his first bike Xmas before last, saw him from the window struggling with it for days. Had a quick look at it as I passed by where he’d dumped it and it was totally unrideable, brakes jamming, chain dropping off every ten feet, h/bars loose, levers unreachable for a 6yr old’s span, tyres flat as fuck. The shop had even charged to “set it up”!! A young lad’s first Xmas bike, you’d think they’d give a shit!! The cunts!
    A year passes and he’s to and fro with his bike from his Dad’s to his Mum’s and still he’s trying to ride it bless him and keep up with my lad and still this thing is fucked, not a single male in his family had the nouse to spend half a fuckin’ hour to sort out a chuffing pushbike and give him his first taste of freedom and speed. Fucking deadbeat know-nowts. Fuck it, so last w’end I grabbed a handful of tools and a can of GT85 and got him sorted, runs quiet as a Rolls, goes like the clappers and stops on a sixpence 😉
    What I should have done was gather the boys round and handed them the tools so they’d know how to do it themselves. But for fuck’s sake – sometimes you just despair at how fundamentally useless/indifferent most people are over the most basic manual tasks.

    My eldest’s a proper little engineer in the making so he’s picking up a lot of stuff from me anyway but I’ve just loaded AutoCAD onto his machine… “right matey, y’ think Minecraft is the dogs danglers? Try this!
    Stuck him front of a program I use for assembling PLC instructions and he cracked it in about 15mins. Next step is to knock up a prototyping board for him stuffed full of relays, contactors, sensors ‘n whatnot and tell him to design me a …xxxxxxx… cct. His school spent a day pissing about with bulbs and batteries and that was the sum total of electrical knowledge imparted to children whose lives are in effect physically and socially dependant on it! Home schooling with a purpose I call it but at this point I’m gonna veer off into a cunting of education standards.

  2. A good nom. I think though if your daughter’s only 20 months, it is Cbeebies your describing not Cbbc, that’s for older kids.
    I always remember one programme where they were building a ‘snow’-person’, it wasn’t referred to as a snowman. Stuck in my mind ever since.

  3. Well I hope you have followed YouTube’s Academic Agent’s advice to get race-bater Ash Sarkar removed from further BBC propagandising.

    The B in BBC no longer stands for British but BAME!

    And I don’t give two fucks from the Plumrose Hot Dog sausage cock of a trans “man”, any illegal who gets treated for Covid19 in a hospital, over and above UK folk I DON’T CARE HOW FUCKING OLD THEY ARE, then those medical staff should be fired – and if foreign themselves, deported – once the dust has settled!

    Boris do right by YOUR people! They voted for YOU! Do not let them down in their time of most need!

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