Religion (3)

Has anyone nominated RELIGION? Yeah. Twice before, actually, but it’s fair game, so get thee cunting.

Biggest historical cause of war, death, extremism and terrorism. Especially the UN-holy trinity of Judaism/Christianity/Islam. Every religious person thinks THEIR religion is the one true, right one, and the only thing that kinda unites them all is the mutual hatred of Non-believers, Atheists, Evolutionists, Darwinists, and people who challenge their spouted crap!

Nominated by DiabloLordOfTerror

173 thoughts on “Religion (3)

  1. Excellent nom Diablo – our ancient religions included Druidism and Paganism, the Druids were slaughtered by the kind and tolerant Christian faith and the Pagans were sidelined and removed (sound familiar? Islam?)
    Religion is the biggest con trick pulled on Humankind, an excuse to commit evil and justifying it in the name of a non existent theology.
    A plague on ALL their houses.

  2. I have a bit of a Socialist outlook on religion. I had a customer and friend and one afternoon we are discussing this and I said “Dennis are you meant to be a Muslim?” “Oh yes” he says “but it is a load of bollocks isn’t it?” Well we agreed on that subject.
    He explained the Koran to me which is basically, largely a copy of the bible with a few extra bits bunged in so that people couldn’t accuse the bastards who wrote it of plagiarism.
    Dennis then explained that life doesn’t change very much, in its’ basics over the years. If you have money it is not too bad, if you don’t it is bloody shit. So those who have money want to hang onto it and stop those who don’t from getting it, so you invent an elaborate form of insurance and like most insurance companies you pay in, in the form of going to the mosque or church and being told to behave and everything will be better in the next life or if you don’t behave it will be a lot of worse. When, of course, you come to collect as my mate Dennis has done, the insurance company doesn’t pay out at least I am pretty sure it doesn’t.
    So bollocks, you only get one life, enjoy it.

      • I agree with Dennis BBTC – life’s a sh*t sandwich – the more bread you have the less s*it you have to eat!
        Bread being a rather sore point at Fox Towers at the moment!?

      • Evening Vernon,

        I am Marie Antoinette tonight no bread in our local supermarket but they did have some brioches so I bought 2 packs.

      • Evening WS – I am currently forced to survive on swan and pate de foi gras – when will my cruel suffering end? ?
        I was thinking of cooking the good lady but my request for her to hop in the bath and self marinade elicited a somewhat discourteous response (as in “f*ckoff bear you massive tit”), she has traumatic memories of the bath after just once happening to find a motorcycle engine in it – no sense of humour that girl!
        Poor form.

      • Yes, oddly, local Tossco well-stocked with brioche. Which, by the way, are very toothsome.

      • Good evening Bertie,

        Dennis, actually Erdiniz, to give him his Kurdish name was far from bent, he had more crumpet than I could ever dream about. He had slowed down a bit by the time I met him but he had still got more than his fair share.

      • Evening Wanksock. I must have been confusing him with Mince Pie Guy’s Dennis!

    • How can you be pretty sure it didn’t pay?
      That’s the thing, no one knows. That’s why all we have is faith.
      On the the other hand you could be right and it is all bollocks.

      • Exactly that is why so many have a faith. I go to weddings and funerals and sing along with the best of them just in case.

      • Well you’d better pick the right team, else you’ll burn in hell for eternity or the end of time, whichever lasts longer.

        FYI it’s the Mormons

  3. As we are seeing before our eyes a lack of religion just creates another religion. This new one lack forgiveness but includes herresy just like the Spanish inquisition.The atheists of communism and Nazism killed a rather large number of people. It’s all going to get worse.

    • Genghis khan didn’t really have a religion and murdered a 10th of the entire human population

    • Ideologies like Nazism/communism are the same as religion.
      Those who believe in an ideology are just as fanatical as religious people.

  4. They’re stories, aren’t they. Wonderful, colourful, terrifying, incredible, exciting stories full of vengeful gods, loving gods, forgiving gods, punishing gods, warning gods, monkey gods, almighty gods, and petulant gods.

    You’re being asked to surrender the contents of your “heart” and “mind” therefore willingly becoming a slave to something which has no evidence of existence. It COULD exist, hence ‘faith’, the greatest cop-out, get-out-of-gaol-free card, the best jedi mind trick of them all. It’s horrifying what you’re being asked to do.

    Oh to live in the future, in the absence of any religion and its wretched consequences, though I suspect that’s a long time away.

  5. Ohh Flappy, keep the buildings, don’t destroy them. They’re listed buildings and therefore should be preserved. Often, they’re magnificent pieces of gothic architecture.

    Turn them into public toilets instead.

    • Nah… Fuck that, turn them into whore houses full of 18 year old blondes, ..hang on..females I meant, can’t have the choir boys being there, the priests would think it was Christmas, Easter, and all their birthdays in one day, fuck off

  6. The last time I made a joke on here about religion, I was crucified for it.

    • I dont care about peoples religion.
      None of my business,
      Think it helped keep people in line in days gone by to some degree.
      What do I know?
      I beleive the world was created from the bones of Ymir the ice Giant.
      And im the favourite child of Odin.

      • Works for me MNC!
        Chowing down on pies and the bones of the vanquished in Valhalla!
        Bring the ale, meat and buxom Women!

      • There’s Diane Abbott outside with a KFC bargain bucket and a two litre bottle of Strongbow…sorry Vernon, it was short notice.

      • Cheers LL – but I venture there will be f*ck all left in the KFC bucket if Abbott the Hutt has been anywhere near it!

    • In high school us Micks were playing the local Jewish college for Wednesday afternoon sport, hockey it was, we were thoroughly outclassed. After brilliant goal one of ours shouted “Jeeezus Cherrrissttt. they’re CRUCIFYING us”. He just got shouted at by the sports master and nowt more about it. Imagine the hooeee these days

  7. Oh this was the Nom that I commented on in my sarcastic way confusing other cunters.
    People are so slow on here.
    My reaction was triggered by the opening line ‘Has anyone nominated RELIGION?’ Like saying ‘Has anyone nominated Dianne Abbot? or ‘Has anyone nominated David Lammy?’
    Hundreds of Noms about Islam, the Pope, the CC even the Cof E.
    ‘Has anyone nominated RELIGION?’ Ffs.

    Just thought-there is one particular religion that nevers gets cunted. Ever.

    • Not just one Miles. I’ve been checking.

      There’s: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Spiritism, Judaism, Bahai, Jainism, Shinto, Cao Dai, Zoroastrianism, Tenrikyo, Neo-Paganism, Unitarian-Universalism, to name but a few.

      All ripe for the cunting if they take your fancy. ?

      • Why don’t you cunt it yourself if you think it’s as worthy of cunting as Islam and Christianity?

    • I suppose I should have clarified that I meant religion as a whole, any and all, not any particular one or person within. Saying that, a few mass murderers have said ‘god told me to do it’, and did you know the pope is not actually the pope? I am glad to have a good discussion here, I worried that by saying ‘religion is a cunt’ that I may piss of a lot of people.

      • Each to their own Diablo, I have no issue with religion and if faith brings happiness I’m all for it.
        Evil committed in the name of religion is a different kettle of beheadings altogether!

      • It’s no good backtracking now. It’s out there! It’s like an email. You can’t take it back.

      • Not backtracking, I mean every word. I just noticed that the post didnt properly explain that I meant all religion not a specific one.

  8. Religion is the single most virulent scourge on humankind bar none.

    HOWEVER, we have got to a point where all of them EXCEPT ONE are now virtually harmless. And that ONE that isn’t, is the MASSIVE FUCKING EXCEPTION. It needs to be stamped out, as mercilessly possible, and even wiped from the history books, so that no-one is tempted to ever make the same mistake.

    Greta, the above is your imminent threat to humanity. Not sea levels rising an inch you DUMBURG. Go and give your homily in Malmo, just be sure to film it for posterity so we can all point and laugh at how well you are rap, er sorry I mean received.

  9. We all know the one – but are not allowed to mention its “peaceful” name by the MSM.
    A death cult that needs to be exterminated for the good of Humankind.
    Be gone, thou filth.

    • It’s the true elephant in the globe-sized room. Why the six billion rest of us can’t just collectively stamp on it will mystify my until I die of either coronavirus, cause I can’t wipe my arse, or be thrown of a roof by a member of the ‘elephant’ for being a poof, once they’ve taken over the UK, which sadly WILL happen in my lifetime.

    • Why cant we say it? Is this not a site of free speech? Say it, I would. I wil happily say this: throughout history, though largely unmentioned now, Christianity was a mass killer. As someone said above, they wiped out the druids and pagans. Essentially it was ‘join our new religion or die.’ Pagans were referred to as ‘Devil Worshippers’ by the christians, that justified the killings. So, feel free to say which religion you mean.

  10. Religion was invented to control the masses by fear of not going to heaven if you didn’t stay in line.It’s the biggest load of bollocks evermore and has been a vessel that evil people have hidden in so they can carry out atrocities.If you want to prey to mumbo jumbo rubbish do it in the privacy of yer home.
    How many buildings of prayer lay empty of a night time that could be used for the homeless?
    Snake oil salesmen cunts the fucking lot of them.

  11. It would just give them even more justification to play the martyr.
    Henry the Eighth had the right idea.

    • I’m Henry VIII, I am. Henry VIII, I am, I am. I got married to the widow next door…

  12. There is no known society in history that doesn’t have some kind of belief system. People have a deep seated need to believe that their life will go on for ever. The thought that their existence ceases at death is too terrifying for most cunts to contemplate. It will never go away. The best you can hope for is to marginalise it and try and control the influence of the bastards who run the organised scams.

  13. Just a particular one of them would do. Burn and bulldoze their places of worship and schools of indoctrination, then dance on the rubble, and recycle all copies of their joke book into toilet paper to help coronavirus.

  14. I’m a Jew by birth. I gave up on that at around the age of 8 because it was stupid and made no sense. I’m 43 now and I’m still to be convinced otherwise. I have never enforced religion on my daughter and have always said to her “believe what you want to believe – it’s up to you”. She is currently an atheist and realised that religion is stupid and senseless. Makes me proud of her.

    • Good to see people not forcing their religion on their kids. Its a personal choice isnt it. Some people do, most jews muslims and devout christians force it on their children.

  15. Is it religion or is it the cunts manipulating it for their own needs?
    Religion itself isn’t the problem it’s us. If we didn’t have religion we’d find some other reason for being cunts.

  16. An excellent cunting for the biggest load of crap in the world, all the trouble it causes and most likely doesn’t exist, all for nothing.

  17. The suffering brought about by Covid-19 has shaken my belief in religion to its very core.

    • Indeed Bertie, the tooth fairy has been grounded too, Father Christmas and his elves are self-isolating until further notice and an angry leprechaun was arrested for violating spatial awareness rules on the tube.

      • I’m really going to miss Holy Communion LL, now that it’s been suspended. I couldn’t care much about having no bread but the lack of wine is a real bummer.
        Still, I suppose the choir boys will breathe a sigh of relief now that social distancing has been introduced at choir practice. Priests have been told to keep a minimum distance of 2 metres away from the boys.

  18. Religion is the ultimate control vehicle used by those that lack genuine power to make masses of people (followers) behave in the way that they want them to.

    What do I mean by genuine power. Genuine power is the ability to shape and influence society by producing value. You create value by serving others before yourself, show trust and belief in others so that the value is reciprocated. Value giver and value receiver both feel rewarded equally so that the process can naturally propogate and flourish.

    Religion doesn’t create value as I see it, it destroys values. Religion uses fear as motivation to do things. When religious people raise their children they will tell them that God will punish them if they don’t do this or that or God doesn’t approve of this or that. Preachers will demand total subservience to an imaginary all seeing all hearing omnipresence and use threat of eternal damnation and pain if the believer (forced or otherwise) doesn’t adhere.

    Religion is the supreme cunt of all cunts. Religion is based on pure mysticism or to put it another way, mind distorting non-reality.

    In order for the human species to move to the next level and become an advanced civilisation where we can create fantastic value for everyone, religion absolutely must DIE. No if’s or buts.

    But what do we see? The growth of a medieval relgious belief system that will slowly replace logic and understanding, stunting progress by setting our great nation back a thousand years never to recover. That medieval belief system is tolerated and pandered to until we will eventually capitulate to it due to stealth.

    What a colossal hands in the sky, swivel eyed cunt.

  19. Don´t agree in the slightest. Religion was not forced on man. Every society since time immemorial has had a religious belief. Maybe it doesn´t mean anything to most posters here but a religious faith can bring great comfort and feeling of community whether you´re a Catholic, Protestant, Jew or Moslem.

  20. Mainstream religions are on a sliding scale of fairly harmless to toxic, the most toxic being Islam, they aren’t all cunts but they have a lot of cunts and a lot of cunt sympathisers.

  21. I think you’ll find socialism killed more people last century (about 100 million) than all the religious wars through human history combined. Also have you thought about how many people are murdered through motivations of anger, through greed, through lust? 5 people a day are killed by folks driving motor cars each day in this country, how does that compare to religion? We all now someone who has been killed through one of the things mentioned, how many of us know someone murdered for religion?

    • “How many of us know someone murdered for religion?“
      Pose that question to all the relatives and friends of the victims of the Manchester bombing and countless other atrocities.

      • No offence but did you know any of them personally? How many people have you known killed or injured in pub brawls or accidents in the great outdoors? How much more dangerous is being in the kitchen at home? How many people are going to be killed by this China virus compared to religious violence this century? How many people up before the courts are atheists, and does that mean other atheists share responsibility through shared ideology?

      • Your argument is very spurious. No you’re right, I didn’t know anyone who died in the Manchester bombing. However, in a similar way, I don’t know anyone who has died in a pub brawl or in their kitchen. So atheism is a religion now is it?

      • Atheism is an ideology. People might believe humans are animals and that it’s fine to take other lives like we do animals. Does that mean other people who also think humans are animals share the killers ‘twisted’ ideology? As I say the biggest killers last century were materialistic Darwinists in the form of Hitler with his version of survival of the fittest, Stalin with his godless communism, Mao & Pol Pot. Funny how when they do it, it has nothing whatsoever to do with other ideologues from the same school.

      • Fair enough I’m not saying religious violence doesn’t occur. Only that we all, every one of us here, have known people killed by someone or something in this world. You people saying the religious can’t think should take your own advice and simply think about how the people you know died and what killed them, and whether religion is the biggest killer like the nom says, or whether that supposition actually completely contradicts your experience, before you all just blindly go along with it much like the people you seek to criticize.

        People say oh yeah the witch trials, oh yeah the crusades – does anyone think how many people might have actually died in these things before simply taking it as gospel truth that it was some massive loss of human life? How do these massacres compare to the first day of the Somme for example?

    • Hit by a car – accident. I’m killing you because you dont believe as I do – murder, religious intolerance. Religion, politics, and power greed are the 3 main causes of deliberate killing. Followed by intolerance of culture and difference (gay, straight, male, female, old, young).

      • No offence but I don’t recognise what you say as a reality, only a fallacy without foundation. A bit like oh I don’t know…religion? Maybe human stupidity is a human flaw, not something particular to religious people.

  22. In my last talk with God I told him to fuck off. The cunt did, and has never returned. Feckless retarded fucker.

    • I think I had that conversation too, it was mad max time, gulf war one and shit loads of people were going to die, them or us.
      and I think I may have said at the start line, if you are up there do not let this happen.
      4 days later we were picking up the bodies and chucking them in holes, it was not nice.
      God and I went in our separate directions, though he may have helped along the way, the cunt came back and is taking my leg.

  23. Religion is an interesting one, I have seen people die of minor injury’s ( well perhaps drastic compared to your average splinter) after they have asked for the last rights.
    One thing fucks with my head, a cheap plaster of Paris shrine in Nustar, I was in a cellar in the next house to it that night when they hit us.
    We were hit repeatedly by “Orkan” a multiple rocket launch system with 28 rockets for about an hour.
    It was like a thunder storm and an earth quake together.
    In the morning we got out the bunker, the dead pit was empty and the optical cover on the tank was missing, yes the wielded on shroud next to the main gun was missing, what was left of the roof(of the house) was gone.
    But the fuck me problem was this little statue of the virgin maria survived the whole shit storm.
    It made me wonder, I cant explain it.

  24. Of the three religions mentioned in the nomination, Judaism is the only one which has never sought to proselytize others, or carried out bloody crusades. Islam carried out the first crusade, Christianity did the second one in response.

    • Oh lord forgive them they know not what they do…theyve only gone an shut the pubs.?
      Theres my piss up down the shitter.?
      Oh you filthy yellow bastards you have a lot ti answer for…?

      • Bad form Sir! I am hoping my Nephews wedding will not be cancelled – I have bridesmaids to terrorise!
        Wait while I catch up with Dench!

      • We’ll take turns Foxy,
        I’ll hold her arms you work the body,
        Then swap over.
        Judi an the yellow hordes bat consumption has made me teetotal!
        Prawn cracker her jaw!

      • Excellent form MNC – but she may turn into a locust and fly off!
        Best stamp on her and squash her, can’t be too careful! ?

  25. I would also ask the question whether religious violence is even necessarily wrong compared to other motivations. If someone kills for money they are selfish greedy cunts. If someone genocides every muslim in this country out of national duty, and to save Britain from becoming part of the Greater Middle East, are they not performing a service to us and future generations?

    • Maybe the problem in this country is not enough religious violence. If there were more, mudslimes would certainly think twice about launching their dinghys across the channel. Religious persecution has kept this country free if you ask me, but now the kind, tolerant, non-religious humanists have given the country away to muhammed with his sword and scimitar. So you tell me what’s been worse for Britain, Humanism or Christianity?

      • Is this country a better place under the tyranny of humanism? With it’s legally-enforced-tolerance, materialism, vacuous screen-entertainments, celebrity worship, gender-bending permissiveness? If you ask me this country is more ignorant than ever.

        What has this country achieved since the death of god, compared to when people still respected Christianity. And I say respect because this country has never been a deeply religious place. I would say this country is worse now not better, that’s my two cents.

      • Humanism is not tyrannical. You display a distorted interpretation of where we are at now. You conflict humanitarianism with permissiveness.

      • Shagga.

        Legally enforced Humanism. WTF?!

        Legally enforced freedom of choice perhaps… are you sure you’re not confusing Humanism with secularism?

        Sorry, I try not to engage with religious zealots or conspiracy theorists. The only things I tend to be fanatical about are rock music, literature and freedom of speech. All served with a side dish of philosophy.

        Oh, and wanking of course.

        PS: your post at 9.30 – again, what the fuck has any of that got to do with Humanism?

      • “I just lump all you heathen cunts in with eachother.”
        You’re running a fine line here. Do not cunt a cunter ( and stop changing your name. It’s not clever)

      • Its the ‘love thy neighbour’ christian vibe that opened us up to the world, not our usual good nature (which came from our christian heritage anyway). Christianity here, whether you follow or not, affects all of us. Think about it, and as a test: what year is it?

  26. What about the religion of “Celebrity” – all these fuckers telling us about their coronavirus problems and expecting mere plebs to ‘feel sorry for them’ – fuck right off, cunts

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