A first class, solid gold, teeth whitening cunting for this abominable waste of skin.
This putrid fuck-monkey is apparently a self-styled, ‘benefits king’ and has some retarded obsession to look like his ‘hero’ David Beckham.
To this end, he has started a crowdfunding page to try and raise £3500 for new gnashers, so that he can look like him. I mean, has the cunt got no friends or mirrors?
Honestly, it’s people (and I use that word very loosely here) like this that super-heat my piss to such a degree, my bladder could be mistaken for a fusion reactor. This cunt’s on benefits, raping the system for all it’s worth and then has the bastard effrontary to ask the general public to help him get cosmetic/dental surgery!!
I am, by nature, quite a placid human being, but I would dearly love to beat this fat monger with a brick to within an inch of it’s life.
Smile you cunts….
Nominated by 3D Cunt
I am sure there are plenty on here who would give this cunt some dental treatment of their own.
I’d be quite happy to donate a couple of quid to his crowd-funding page if it was for him to receive treatment at the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland. The obnoxious cunt wouldn’t need any further treatment after that!
Magnificent cunting. Only one slight disagreement; I would use the brick until this sack of clinical waste was one micron thick.
Sadly, with these specimens, “thickness” can never be totally eradicated.
Wait to shove a mallet in its gob until it’s spent many hours in the dentist’s chair. Here’s hoping dentist resembles Larry Olivier…
Culture appropriating cunt… appropriating the name of a great black boxer! ?
Well cunted 3D Cunt.
Afternoon Ruff.
Saw the nom and thought it was the singer, until I saw this cunts ugly mug.
Fuck off and crowdfund at the bottom of the ocean you fucking weirdo.
Afternoon Gingers. ?
Well the singer’s a culture appropriating cunt too, assuming he’s a whitey.
Jack Johnson the boxer was one of the greatest blackmen to ever draw breath!
A genuinely brave man who walked his own path,
This bloke? David Beckham??
Looks like a glandular Terry Christian?!
Not to mention a British Army WW1 slang term for a certain German shell! Cunt.
I’m going to wait for Unkle Terry’s reply
Nice cunting.
Disabled is he?
Spanish Boot then oven.
What a shrivelled faggit.
Knew you wouldn’t let me down Unkle ?
This fool has been popping up periodically on the local ‘news’ website. Personally, I would feel sorry for him were it not for the fact that he is on benefits and tries to crowdfund the little extras in life such as plastic surgery. In what other age would such behaviour have been tolerated?
And of course he must be frantic at the moment in case his benefits don’t arrive on time. It would be great if some of these parasites had a good think about the current human condition and decided to do something positive for the ordinary folk who have supported them for so long.
Am I alone in thinking these acts of altruism probably won’t happen?
I suspect not, Guzziguy, I suspect not…
Any man who plucks his eyebrows deserves to be horse whipped and strung up by the bollox. Cunt
Why wouldn’t he expect people to pay for his dental treatment? He knows there are thousands of stupid cunts with more money than sense. And when he’s had his teeth fixed he can buy himself a proper haircut and a bra with whatever’s left.
Fucking leech
This cunt needs 6 weeks in boot camp with drill sergeant Emery:
Sergeant Emery is on here…he goes by the name Liberal Liquidator.
Ah, nice to hear from you, B&WC. I was told you were self-isolating in your pad in Bishop’s Avenue.
Emergency cunting for BBC news at 1 showing how couples are having to cancel weddings due to Corbyn19, in my locality I know of at least 3 young heterosexual couple cunts getting married, but no PT Barnhams travelling show gets the view of 2 broken bike libtards to waffle on about their fucking love for each other, I’m not making the mistake of putting this cuntfest on again while having my dinner again, fucking telly is going in the fucking skip, cunts to man and beast the fucking BBCunts!
Why the fuck does scum like this keep getting benefits? He’s obviously capable of work. He’s undoubtedly a cunt, as are the fuckers who decided he can claim of the poor fuckers still working. My disgust for this wanker is beyond description.
He should be strangled live on BBC 1 during the news.
Or gas.
its ‘cos he’s got issues innit?
Quite simply the worst type of fucking piece of shit person – a human parasite – like the benefits sponging version of a lamprey.
Funny how his depression and anxiety etc. don’t stop the fat tub of shit going on holiday and blowing his benefits on cocktails and vampire facials. ……. probably not the only thing he’s blowing let’s be honest.
Actually I retract that statement – it appears that lampreys have a backbone and this cunt obviously doesn’t.
Yes, that’s what I don’t understand. He looks able bodied, so why has some official decided that someone who is obviously capable of work should be receiving benefits ? We desperately need to reform the welfare system in this country. It is meant to support the disabled and people going through crisis, not obvious parasites like this example.
My first impression was that admin had used a photo of Kim Jong Un without his specs
Once again I have you cunts to thank for making me aware of another oxygen thief. I hope you are satisfied.
We are here to serve.
I’ve never seen so much pooffery in all my life
What a prize piece of shit ,oven is to good for a lazy fat cunt like this and anybody who crowd funds him/her/ it whatever,
Feed the twat to the hounds oh and Beckham aswell get 1 free and all that
Excellent cunting by the way,
I think it’s time for to pass sentence and punishment on fuckers like this,
High Court ISAC
I would crowd fund that,
Would serve the skidmark right if he came round after the anaesthetic to find that he’d got Esther Rantzid’s gnashers and Lineker’s ears…
Any cunt who donates any money to this fucking idiotic knobhead should meet the same fate that i am willing to inflict on this total waste of space , i could snap this cunts neck in a heartbeat .
I do hope the benefits agency has a file open on him.
TT Once a cunt@2:43 – they do now. Any money over £6000 which claimants have is treated as either income or assets and benefits are either paid as pro-rata or refused, and this scrounger is committing a criminal offence if he does not declare his income/assets/savings.
And the great news? He is white so therefore OK to prosecute – unless he had “a friend” who perished in Grenfell! (Teach ’em for stockpiling highly flammable wallpaper!)
How did our system and country become so broken that we now produce entitled lazy little retards like this?? Wtf has happened to us??
He should be used as target practice by the parachute regiment.
Calling Sgt Maj.
And he’s delusional if he thinks that will make him look like Beckham.
He looks more like John Hartson.
Improve his delusions with an axe through his cranium.
Oven relatives for putting up with the sack of shit.
They probably think he’s a cunt too.
Open a porthole in his skull and insert then operate a bamix blender. Hang on, that may improve his cognitive capabilities
A more cost effective way of giving this piece of shit teeth like David Beckham would be to kick Beckhams’ teeth out, then kick this cunts teeth out, in a sort of two for one deal. Then get the bat treatment like Joe Peschi got in casino. Cunt, I really hope he has underlying health issues….
I’d just be happy with a few teeth, any fuckers teeth would do! There’s nowt worse than sucking on a steak!
Dozy, feel your pain.
More fingers than teeth
But better than those yank choppers that glow in the dark!
Teeth are overrated anyway
Tom Cruise? Toothy cunt if ever I saw one, they weren’t the same choppers he had in that film Legend, all twisty and gnarly choppers. Must ave been before he had billions. Rich cunt………..wif teef! James Coburn, he had more than his fair share of teef. Hollywood cunts!
I forgot to cunt this cunt, he’s a right fat useless cunt that ain’t worth the skin that he is wrapped in.
Stupid fat ugly twattooed wannabe no hope cuntbag of the Highest Order of Useless Cunts. What is the purpose of this cunts existence other than an oxygen thief? All cunts like this need the “rona”
We are at war with a virus but continue to allow parasites to leach off us all.
He’s not the cunt, we are!
I can help this creature with removing his teeth. Ever accommodating I am.
No wonder he was bullied at school the fat, fucking narcissist , freeloading cunt. Now he has drawn attention to himself some public spirited citizens of Nottingham can seek him out and kick seven shades of shit out of the fat tub of lard.
If this cunt isn’t a poof i’ll eat next doors cat.
My mate George Bamboo is near Nottingham,
Help this fat lad with his teeth for us.
Mansfield style.?
We need to divide the UK into North/South, put all the weirdos, freakoids, Labourtics and ethnics on one side, all the Humans on the other and have armed border guards!
Went hunting last night, got a huge pie (just need to drop half off to MNC as per our agreement!) and as a bonus a Human head – looks lovely on me BMX! ?
I could do that MNC i’m only 2 miles from Mansfield at the minute.
Evening Telly,
Yeah amateur dentistry?
Go for it!!
Hey not seen George Bamboo on here recently?
Hope your well George lad?!
Chinky flu not got you.????
Eh? What do you mean Admin?
Kicked off site?
Kill it with fire!
Kill it with fire!
Kill it with fucking fire!
He suffers from mild depression and mild anxiety. I think we could all cure that for him couldn’t we?!
Apparently he has spent thousands to try and look like his idol. This guy (sorry, tranny looking cunt) needs to get his eyes checked and brain examined. It hasn’t worked and never will you bloated pussy!
I’d change his condition. After five minutes with me he’d be acutely anxious and acutely depressed. And in acute pain.
According to the good lady this f*cking abomination looks “like a little b*tch”.
For once she expressed an opinion which was correct!
And to take the name of a great Man like Jack Johnson, a superb sportsman and truly good person who faced constant REAL racism and discrimination but tackled it with dignity and class really is rather poor form.
What an absolute fuck-nugget.
Let me guess, Essex. Why do the thick cunts from there have so much moolah?
Teeth maketh not the man. Stupid bun/bum faced twat. It’ll take a new skull if he wants to look like that up his own arse fop Beckham. And what about the silly little voice, want that too, looser?
I’d render the fat cunt down for axle grease.
Another reason why he’s a total fucking wanker:
Harold, evidence to support your conclusion. According to a report dated 25/02/19 it wants (or wanted at the time) a sex change to look like Victoria Beckham, not David. See https://www.chad.co.uk/news/notts-man-who-spent-thousands-look-david-beckham-have-sex-change-and-look-victoria-100511.
Oops. Missed the reference to Victoria in 3d’s Sun link. Sorry for duplication. Must be past my bedtime.
I’d gladly pay for his new teeth and then i’d gladly smash them out with a ball hammer.
The fat fucking little anal-acrobat needs to lose his giant tits. render the cunt down for soap and candles.