The BBC, again. Covid 19 is the new Brexit for the Beeb, as they can blow it all out of proportion, and revel in the prophecies of doom.
I listen to Radio 4 on the daily commute, so I get twenty minutes of the AM show, and the same of the PM slot, both of which usually get my blood pressure up, but like Bletchley monitoring the Enigma signals, I listen to it to see what agenda of the day the BBC are pushing. For a while it was a daily visit to Lampedusa, to focus on the suffering of the migrants who had braved the risky sea crossing to safety. Then came Brexit. Every day, project fear was on point, with tales of doom relentlessly pushed, with absolutely no balance whatsoever.
Last week, every morning, and evening, both shows were dominated by horror stories of the corona virus. There was never any appeal for calm and their only focus was on worse case scenarios, and the predicted mortality rate. They are responsible for a lot of the stupid cunts panic buying here, stripping the shelves of bog roll and pasta. As a national broadcaster, they should be above the tabloid mentality of other media output, but they are quite happy in the gutter.
Nominated by Gutstick Japseye
A cunting for the Media – this can probably be tagged on to others relating to the reporting of Covid 19.
Every five minutes they go on about ‘working from home’…what the fuck are they on? Most people have to go to their place of work: shops, factories, service industries, builders, plumbers, scientists trying to find a vaccine for the bloody thing, pharmacies, doctors, nurses…the list goes on.
The media are useless. Just report the facts, how many are infected and specific locations would help, so others in those areas can take as much care as possible and whatever the government are advising.
Nominated by Sick of it
Im developing the same hatred of panic buyers as i had for remainers.
Both unpatriotic both cowardly, both in need of pistol whipping.
The media is causing it with sensationalism but these thick twats still raid the supermarket shelves.
Im not self isolating i need to pay the bills, not panic buying and not staying indoors.
If i catch it i catch it, not overly concerned apart from how do i give it to as many pakis as possible.
Fucking panic buyers i would love to stand outside a supermarket and gun the bastards down. My missus friend fat Stella has pissed me off she has been panic buying the fat cunt and even sent her fat kids to buy for her as well. She even texted my missus asking if she would take her to the Aldi yesterday , she has bought loads of toilet rolls but she will need them for her fat arse. Tell you now next time she pops round for a cup of tea i’ll be fucking spitting in it.
I like the cut of your jib.
Telly nip down Chinatown buy some batwings an soak em in fat Stellas brew the selfish fat sack of shite.
She sounds like a proper cunt and a fat one at that …. ?
MNC you are right.
Cowardly selfish cunts in need of a good punching ??
I agree with MNC, I was in town this morning and Iceland (not the country) had looked the fucking doors because there were that many idiot customers inside, it was deemed a health and safety issue !!
And now if you see any cunt outside carrying shopping, you can guarantee it’s arse roll and pot fucking noodles.
You honestly would think there was going to be a nuclear apocalypse…
No wonder we are a laughing stock to other countries.
To be fair the colonies are behaving just as bad, if not worse than we’re being. The Aussie women are slapping the shit out of eachother determined to continue to be allowed their half a roll per shit.
A report from down under yesterday:
Tell us how many have died, by all means. But that number is meaningless until you tell us how many have been infected. And are fucking perfectly OK.
It would be interesting to know in terms of global fatalities, how the Corbyn19 virus compares to the common cold, the flu and other regular diseases that kill people by the shedload every year!
Why aren’t the government putting the media narrative right with their daily briefing? Even in countries in total lockdown the supermarkets remain open, nobody is going hungry except when fat greedy cunts start hoarding food? This food hoarding is a shame on the nation and the media is the enemy of the people.
Being a self-employed IT cunt, I have seen a marked increase in demand for my services over the last few days, with quite a few punters wanting to know how to set up a secure VPN to their place of work But more significantly why their broadband & 4G network is on a bit of a go-slow during the working day!
Not fucking rocket science if every man and his dog is working from home as suggested by the government via the half-soaked media!
More likely gin-soaked.
Doomed. We’re all doomed.
As a child of the Swinging Sixties, I’m proud to say that l’ve lived a life of debauchery and depravity but I’ve never experienced the level of depravity we have with the media and hoarders today. It seems as though this crisis has brought out the worst in people.
Now, in my declining years, I’ve been forced to self isolate at home so I’m denied being able to visit my three favourite shops. A visit to a nearby Specsavers, Boots and Greggs is surely not too much to ask for, so I can continue with a life of specs, drugs and sausage rolls?
nice one Bertie – I’ve got a t-shirt with sex, drugs & sausage roll emblazoned across the front!!
I’m fucking livid with these cunts. I’ve spent hours of my time trying to reassure my old folks that they’re probably not going to drop dead shortly, from the latest Chinese anti-hygeine flu.
They had one clip yesterday with an old lady in Italy greiving (crying her poor eyes out) for her dead husband (from coronavirus). They said she has the virus too and the poor old dear was wheezing and crying at the same time. Oh, and that she couldn’t get a hospital bed. The cunts introduced the story with something like, ‘Lets look at the suffering this virus is bringing to Europe right now.’
Yes, it happened. But really? They think it’s wise to show that on TV at the moment, as though it was the norm? Sad as the story is, it’s not the norm at all.
Scared my folks to death, the cunts. Fucking livid.
Yes, they’re taking sensible precautions, but the Beeb have been a fucking disgrace with scaring the old timers.
Fucking twats
Glad to see the Beeb, in the goodness of their hearts, have extended the free licence fee for over 70’s – couldn’t have them missing out on all the Fear now could we?
Or more likely they knew nobody’s going to bother paying it, and with the situation right now they can’t send the bailiffs round, and so are afraid of looking like a bunch of mugs who can’t collect.
The BBC are working on the principle that all the over 70’s will be dead from Hypedup virus.
Sorry, but the BBC are a fucking disgrace, full stop. In this instance, along with all the other media that are promoting this shit as some sort of Armageddon event. It’s a flu variant. Some people, who are already pretty unhealthy, might die. End of. Nothing to see here. Move along. I reckon that stance would have seen this virus come, blow through the population, and fuck off within a few weeks. The media want to drag it out for years if possible.
As to the monumental retards known as politicians.
I hope someone from the bbc catches it and spreads it to everyone working there resulting in lots of deaths , report on that you cunts
Lineker, stormzy, Lilly mong, be great seeing them thrown on the funeral pyres that are coming to a town near you soon!!
Panic buyers shot with rubber bullets,
Empty streets,
Food riots,
Looking like a busy year!!
As long as this virus doesn’t interfere with my Klan meetings i’ll be fine.
And great counting too, cunters.
Spot on about the fact that they should focus more on facts and statistics. Here’s some I’d like…(yes, I know the worldometers site).
Deaths by age
Deaths by ethnicity
Deaths by underlying illness (with she’s too)
People tested/amount positive/negative
Average daily temperature at the locality of those contracting the virus for the 3 weeks prior to being diagnosed.
But no. Let’s focus on the madness.
*(with ages too)
fucking phone is a cunt
Simon McCoy just came out with, after reporting that another death had been recorded in Wales, …….. ‘It looks like the virus is spreading’
What a cunt!
“You cant escape it you know?!!
Theres no hiding!”
Doomed, I tell you.
It’s almost as if the BBC are angry with Brexit and just want to destroy the country now because they lost? Christ, I’ll get me tinfoil hat, but that’s how it’s starting to look. They’re really ramping up the fear factor to Armageddon levels.
Simon McCoy is indeed a cunt…… who, incredibly, is shagging the stunning Emma Samms. I’ve popped gallons over the decades dreaming of her amazing tits.
Of all the blokes in the works she could chose
As if theres not enough to cope with, you now drop this news on me. Why why why? Why him. Why not me.
This nomination, amongst others, boils my water hotter than a kettle.
Scaremongering cans of can’t.
I think, the BBC, they’re doing that because the general public are no longer paying their television licence.
Fork off right off.
I am waiting for some Woke cunt to come on and ask what the government are doing about the ‘estimated’ 1000000 illegals in the UK.
Hopefully hoovering the fuckers up and shipping them out!!
Lefty cunts are currently blanking conservative voters and stating Corbyn would of dealt with the situation much better.
I can imagine the BBC fawning as Corbyn invites the Coronavirus into number 10 for tea and biscuits. The PM believes the solution of the pandemic will be a dialogue with the virus, resolving some of the legitimate gripes the virus has with us and of course Palestine being granted autonomous statehood.
It’s almost like shit eating shit, when they’ve done with their faux sympathy (so sorry to hear that but I’m sitting pretty on 200K+) and end of the world tactics the last thing people will do is want to give the cunts nearly two hundred sovs for a fucking TV licence.
I watched the Kung Flu select committee chaired by Jeremy Cunt with interest this afternoon when this chilling question was put to those across from him: “We are all aware of the tragic circumstances in Italy where doctors are having to basically decide who gets to live and who dies. Have any guidelines been given to our doctors and medical staff in this regard should a worse case scenario arise?”
Stony silence, followed thereafter by some mealy-mouthed platitudes about discussions with all front-line NHS managers across the UK.
Well the triage guidelines in the Republic of Ireland were very clear on this: the most productive in society will receive preferential treatment.
Now I am not so stupid as to think that NHS workers/staff shouldn’t be treated first – without them we’re all fucked – along with members of the fire service and police, however, I would see it as the ultimate betrayal if a fit and able 60 or 70 year old was passed over for treatment in deference to a “Johnny come lately” foreign national based purely on their economic viability.
Unfortunately this is a Tory Government. They don’t give two fucks about who, or how many British people die, just so long as their God of GDP is affected as little as possible!
They didn’t vote for you Boris, and even if they get British Citizenship (which is given away as cheaply as a free car wash with a gallon of petrol these days), they never will vote for you, not while the Magic Grandpa Communist Party exists throwing free stuff at them (and cynically – yes – for their vote).
This is our country’s darkest hour since WW2 ended. It’s time to repay the British people – North and South, young and old – for the loyalty and majority they have entrusted to you.
Do not turn your back on YOUR people.
Do not betray them based on a bank balance that would far healthier were is not for the White Elephant that is HS2.
Greasing big business and contractors palms is the least of your concerns.
Do right by YOUR people Boris!
Bloody great post Rebel.
Fucking superb bit of cunting.
The meeja makes me sick with its doom-laden scaremongering. Reports that 250,000 ‘could’ die, or 500,000 ‘could’ die. Wheeling out ‘experts’ as they crawl out of the woodwork, shouting that the government’s got this wrong or that wrong, and causing confusion and angst in the process.
But what really boils my piss is that when we’re told that any non-essential travel should be curtailed, you’ve got cunt interviewers here, there and everywhere interviewing people in cafes and outside supermarkets, so they can bring us these peoples stories about how much bog roll they’ve got. Absolutely essential news coverage. Saw one cunt standing outside an empty Old Trafford (I think it was ) in the dark, to tell us that the football season was on hold. Was your journey really necessary, cunt?
Cunts, cunts, cunts!
Absolute fucking cunts!
Did you hear that boring fucker on BBC Breakfast banging on about it this morning. I’d only just got up and the fucker was having me doze off again. Not one of the ‘experts’ has anything new to say and they’re just repeating the same shit all day, every day.
Yeh, they just bang on about it literally around the clock. 24 hour news coverage channels have got to find somebody from somewhere to witter.
For me, the most awful piece of news that I’ve heard I’ve heard this week is that Harry and Megain’s (quote) ‘lives will change because of coronavirus’ (unquote).
That’ll be the same as everybody else’s then. As if anybody giving a flying fuck about those entitled, hedonistic cunts anyway at a time like this. Fuck ’em.
The reporting and scaremongering from ‘experts’ and politicians is all over the place Ron. China’s total reported cases were about 0.005% of the population with actual deaths even smaller yet Merkel was banging on about 70% of Germans catching it, nearly 60m people and now this 250,000 figure.
I know LL. I was looking at the papers earlier and there was a raft of articles about how deadly the plague will be to asthmatics, part. over 70 asthmatics.
As someone who ticks both boxes, I’m now shitting myself, as I could end up being classed as ‘of lesser value’ if hard decisions become called for.
Don’t mind me, I’ve just worked hard all my life and paid in my taxes and contributions. Just give the ventilator to some asylum seeking cunt if they’re deemed a priority over me.
Speaking of asylum seekers, because of this 24 hour blanket news coverage, how many more dinghy invaders have landed/been rescued and its gone unreported or buried underneath a mountain of corona crap.?
Given the restrictions currently in place, any of these cunts caught should be immediately placed in solitary confinement and given minimum survival rations only. No access whatsoever to health care.
I’ll add that I’d shoot the cunts out of hand, but that would offend ‘The Guardian’.
What’s wrong with you, Ron? Shoot the cunts AND offend the Guardian – two birds per stone!
The thing with the death rate in China is the extraordinary measures they put in place to curtail the spread of the virus. They introduced GPS mapping for the population do they could trace back everyone a person infected with the virus had been in contact with so they could then place those people in quarantine and test them as well – just one example. They also mobolised 50’000 specially trained medics to Wuhan to deal with the outbreak there.
The first 2 people to die in Italy were Chinese tourists from Wuhan. 3 weeks ago the death toll in Italy had barely got into double figures, now it’s over 2’500. The mortality rate for those infected is over 7%.
The U.K. is doing very little compared to other countries. Czech. Republic has made it mandatory to wear a protective mask when out in public, for example. Spain, Italy, Portugal etc. have gone into enforced lock-downs. I’ll be amazed if we haven’t gone the same way in the coming days.
The BBC and the media are indeed a bunch of cunts though, as a rule!
It’s absolutely freaking me out. I’m just listening to the Pink Floyd track, ‘Waiting for the Worms’ and it’s relevance to the situation now is frightening.
? zwei, drei, alle
Ooh, you cannot reach me now
Ooh, no matter how you try
Goodbye, cruel world, it’s over
Walk on by
Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
In perfect isolation here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
We’re waiting to succeed and going to convene outside Brixton
Town Hall where we’re going to be
Waiting to cut out the deadwood
Waiting to clean up the city
Waiting to follow the worms
Waiting to put on a black shirt
Waiting to weed out the weaklings
Waiting to smash in their windows
And kick in their doors
Waiting for the final solution
To strengthen the strain
Waiting to follow the worms
Waiting to turn on the showers
And fire the ovens
Waiting for the queens and the coons
And the reds and the Jews
Waiting to follow the worms
Would you like to see Britannia
Rule again, my friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms
Would you like to send our colored cousins
Home again, my friend?
All you need to do is follow the worms
The worms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. ?
I always like to equate my own personal situation of not being able to buy bog roll to the systematic attempt to annihilate the Jews as well.
You may die of coronavirus, I may die of coronavirus. You are not being systematically persecuted because of your race or religion. Conflating your own personal fears with the holocaust is, frankly, so utterly offensive it beggars belief.
Mate calm down
You need to get a life if you analyse everything to the n’th degree.
I’m not analysing anything. I’m calling it how I see it. Close to 70% of my known acencestry was lost in the holocaust. You were first on the scene moaning about old people missing out on NHS treatment because of their age yet its funny to have a laugh at the systematic extermination of a race of people. If you’re a nazi fill your boots but you can be sure as shit they’d put the old and infirm at the back of the queue.
Just to get this clear, Admin are neither Nazi or Pro Jewish , I do not think any one has had a laugh about the holocaust, you also do not mention the communists, Homosexuals, or roma exterminated in the campaign nor the Serbs killed at jasinovac by the Ustasha, I am so fucking sorry you do not have the monopoly on the holocaust,
never call our members Nazis! do not be a cunt! I have not banned you so you can reply but I expect you to take a big swig of grow up juice before you do.
Dont think he mentioned Jews or the holocaust to be fair peasmould.
Know Bertie wouldn’t use that as humour hes better than that.
Be Pink Floyd those hippy cunts are always causing trouble!!
What on earth are you talking about? This is a metaphorical passage where the subject is in the grip of madness, possibly fuelled by drugs. My point is to compare it with the madness and surreal situation we find ourselves in. I make no comment anywhere that I hold fascist views or agree with any of the thoughts expressed. I am offended that your immediate thought is to think this, as everyone who knows me would also agree. If you can’t see this, then I would suggest this site is not for you.
Pink Floyd are better than that too Miserable.
Appears someone is trying to pick a fight in an empty room.
Bet it was that Rodger waters!
Seems the type!
I find it interesting that you are so indignant and offended about mention of, or reference to extermination and the holocaust, but saw no problem the other day, bickering with me on this site about how old people should be at the back of the queue for treatment when it comes to this virus. The word ‘hypocrisy’ springs to mind.
I do hope you have already been banned as you seem like a troll shit stirrer to me.
Evening Bertie. Did your Pink Floyd post go into moderation? I think côons is a trigger word.
It did Ruff one. I realised straight away. Unfortunately the gentleman above seems to think I wrote the song for Pink Floyd.
What’s his beef? The song is not pro Nazi or antisemitic. Quite the opposite in fact, read in context with The Wall album as a whole.
Rtc you never see Bertie an Herman Goerring in the same room do you?
Notice that??
My attempt to link the song to the effects of the virus was nothing more than illustrate the current madness which has befallen the world. I am not passing judgement or expressing any personal view. As you’ll know, there are pages and pages to be found on what Waters meant by his lyrics.
I am sorry my children, I have wandered, covid 19 is taking effect on my day job as the snowflakes melt and have not been here.
chin up and carry on cunting.
He was a nazi, but not anymore ?
(Yes, this song actually exists. The singer took offence to John Wayne)
Who is systematically persecuting you anyway? Please explain that system (I’m guessing it’s not the financial one…)
Am I missing something?????
been and gone, we are on it
Don’t watch the news, ignore it and just carry in as normal. You won’t even know .
The BBC is a sensationalist attention grabbing cunt. Making everything worse.
The fucks working there… maggots.
Excellent cunting, gents. The media have a lot to answer for. We’ve had people demanding antibiotics. We’ve had people demanding we test them. Fuck me, you cunt, I can’t get tested so what chance have you got? Oh, you contemptible cunts, we’re an EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE not a Checking Over Service. (Actually, that could be applied at any time).
Take all the care you can out there Gene. We need you guys more than ever.
All the very best mate!!
Cheers, Ron. It’s fucking madness.
NHS Top Trumps
Ambulance Crew
Tolerance levels: Low
Fucks Given: None
Eye Rolling Abilities: High
Chin up DCI – paramedics are unsung heroes and the vast majority of people know how vital you are ?
Our Tesco here has run out of
Toilet roll
All soap and body wash
Tinned soup
Pot noodles
All rice
All pasta dried and fresh
All fresh mince
All fresh chicken
All flour inc self raising and plain
No milk!!!!
We only came in for some chicken and milk FFS!!!
It’s looking like one of those Armageddon films.
Only a matter of time before we hear from the media someone has been assaulted over food shortage. I give it less than 2 weeks. Might be 3 days if I can’t get milk for my fucking cuppa.
It’s already happened over bog paper:
I got bog roll and pasta no sweat in my local shop. Got some beer too. Well you need a drink to cope with this shit.
Agreed Mac.
A stiff drink, stiff upper lip, stiff pecker!
We are British!
Gods chosen people!
No chinky virus can beat us! Id be embarrassed to think it.
Have a drink lads!
Chin chin, cheers!??
No shortages of anything where I live MNC, no panic buying, same as normal but I noticed on my bike ride today the roads were almost deserted – it was great!
Coronavirus is a very easy shield for a shifty Government to hide it’s real agenda – I believe it’s called burying bad news.
But the real tragedy here is Laura Ashley shutting down – the good lady is mortified! (I f*cking aren’t, it will save me a fortune! ?)
And I have ordered Ms Arterton to self – isolate at Fiddler Towers!
Evening Foxy!
Jolly good , glad to hear it.
Off on a lads piss up Saturday me an my oldest mate born a day apart, both turning 50,
Gonna be able to clear the bar when i say im coming down with a cold!?
Room to stretch out an relax, do some serious hellraising!!
Evening MNC, I am very fortunate in that I do not get hangovers, ever!
Big 50, four Years younger than me, but today I feel about 90 after spending two days digging over the veg bit in the garden (it’s huge, and I refuse to use a rotavator, being an office softy I figure it’s good to keep fit by dirty hard manual work).
Got my Nephews wedding a week on Saturday, three of my Brothers are showing up (I come from a family of 11) and from past experience it should be memorable for me not remembering anything!
You need to arrange a whole roast boar with a couple of slices of bread around it – but make sure you have silver cutlery in case Sir Fiddler turns up! ?
Yeah digging now fucks my back up as im very tall an not as young as i was, but can still hump furniture / chop wood all day.
Does you good.
Family of 11 eh?
Fight one fight all!
“The foxs are coming, scatter!!????
Can you pick me up at 7pm? It might be my last chance to get out!
Funnily enough ive got to go pick up a range cooker in Ellesmere Port first that morning Bertie!
Can swing by an get you.
Dont wear a dust mask an gloves, lads will think ive brought a Michael Jackson-a-gram.
We can listen to Floyd on the jukebox!?
And lay off the cheese before bed Bertie. No more dreams of wild IsAC horsemen, maybe Fiddler in his hunting tunic bellowing a throaty “Tally-ho and fuck off”.
I keep having wild dreams at night LL. Last night it was a visit from the headless horseman from Sleepy Hollow. Does this mean I’ll be found headless in the local woods?
That was just headless Bethan on way to visit Spoonington.
I was just thinking about that, MNC. 😀
I hope she’s in a good mood when she comes.
I hope not Bertie, if all our dreams became reality, I will be outraging public decency at the local Asda in a few hours. That’ll give the bog roll hoarders something to talk about!
Its always the same, public nudity and then moving in slow motion like your running through treacle, I did look it up, quite common apparently but maybe not together.
Im a great believer in living the dream(☺) LL.
Stop being shy an get down the supermarket cock alfresco, let them see what your made of!!
Wont regret it an the dreams will stop.
Ellesmere Port Miserable? Take care where you tread! It’s known to locals as Dog Shit City!
Been there a few times Bertie, glamorous isnt it?
There literally long enough to load the cooker an get my foot down.
Ales a great incentive for speed.
In the newsagent. Cast, me, newsagent’s wife at counter and bulky middleaged woman who avoids even my glance and dodges to other side of the display. I get something from the other side of the display. We are six feet apart. She is holding the corner of her scarf across her face.
She: Mustn’t get too close.
Me: It’s OK, I’m not infectious. ( no confirmed cases where I work, and I’m instinctively self-isolating/ old and single)
She: You can’t be too careful.
Me: Everyone’s going to get it eventually.
She: Good luck to those who do.
Across the road, having a drag outside the (well patronised) pub, are four well-known locals in close conversation….I don’t think they listen to Radio 4!
Was this the Royston Vasey newsagents Komodo?
A local newsagents for local people! ?
Close. Tub runs it during office hours, but a Tamil couple do the late shift and the paperwork. (if all immos were like them I’d be a lot more tolerant of diversity – they’re ace.)
Corona Baloney
Farmfoods looked like it had been looted and saw an old couple in their 70’s with 40 litres of Diet Coke in the trolly.
All the media’s fault. Cunts all of them
That’ll be terminal brittle bone disease for them.
One website was pushing water-butts… My immediate thought was “Oh Dog, more sodding panic-buying”, but on closer inspection seems something to do with climate between 2025 and 2050. If my landlord gets off his butt, we might even get downpipes attached to the gutters…
The news media, whether it be TV or newspapers, are all part of the system that’s sole aim is to control the public at large. The BBC is a part of the government as we know and has a massive part to play in this control. If they can control Joe Bloggs, then the status quo that keeps the rich and powerful firmly in place is maintained.
In basic terms, we, being the great unwashed must never be allowed to get too carefree and more importantly – too fucking Happy. If we do, then the threat to the ruling classes is clear. Happiness breeds confidence and success. Confidence and success can lead to financial empowerment and if that happens on a large scale unchecked, guess what folks, yep, the guys at the top can lose their grip. This Coronavirus threat and the fear that surrounds it is pure GOLD and will be flogged to within an inch of it’s life.
Corbyn’s Labour movement is one of the most cynical attempts in recent history to try and suppress and disempower the majority i.e. Joe Bloggs. The BBC, pretending to be politically impartial, continues day after day to fill us with fear and is complicit with the above agenda IMO.
Good news is no news unless it’s about a royal pregnancy or engagement. Royals are at the top of the establishment and underpin the whole class structure which we all slot into nicely. Yes good news indeed, it would be wouldn’t it eh. The BBC and their fear mongering are a massive, self preservating CUNT
I am trying to think of a model, there you go you allowed your children to speak to approved adults (ones you deemed at the time to be wholesome and not a bad influence) ditto Government will only endorse aprooved speaker and hinder those it does not like
This seems to be global hysteria. You have to wonder if the economic and personal damage being done is proportional to the risk. It’s as if Grunta Thunderthighs is foretelling the apocalypse.
Fucking madness. And I speak as a high risk individual.
Greta must be creaming her frilly white fair trade cotton undercrackers. Oh fuck, that’s given me the fucking horn!
Now that’s madness Ruffers. Gemma Arterton I could understand…
How about Gemma Brushett?
I’d give her a go RTC!
Brute I am ?
#MeToo Vernon! ?
Greta Greta – she’s a sweater!
And I don’t know if I’d let her..
How long before thunderpants blames it on climate change?
Nobody panic buying fat girls at my local Sainsburys – there were loads of them there!
We’re saving them for the nuclear winter or when the crops fail due to climate change Vernon, whichever happens first.
Fat birds will be rendered down to make candles.
But some of them didn’t smell too good LL! (Even from ten feet away, that’s as close as I like to get!)
Government announces 3 month payment holidays for mortgages. Which is a joke as this just adds the payments to the mortgage balance without changing the term so your payments will increase once the holiday ends.
PR spin that will cost them nothing and makes them seem like they’re doing something.
Fuck-all for renters, though. Probably a lot more of them looking at cashflow catastrophe, and on lower incomes. Once again, here’s capitalism running to the State when (helped all the way down by the stock market lemmings) the roof falls in…
From Thursday, police will have greater powers to section people. I suggest they locate themselves outside supermarkets and take away every cunt who comes out with more than one average filled trolley.
I’m getting fed up with supermarket chain chairmen saying how there’s no need to panic and they can supply everybody’s needs. I drove to three different supermarkets this morning and there was not only fuck all left on the shelves like tinned veg but no attempt whatsoever was being made to re-stock them. One of these places has their regional warehouse situated about three hundred yards away, it’s the size of six factories. I’d like these cunts to tell us why deliveries aren’t being made.
It will give the Police a break from chasing the shoplifting roma c*nts where I live!
I think just randomly machine gunning anyone who looks a tad disagreeable should do the trick – and the good lady has been stockpiling, I can barely get through the f*cking door for boxes of Knorr and Oxo!
Genociding the peacefuls certainly would take a lot of pressure off the NHS, supermarkets, and cost fuck all in lost taxes because they don’t fucking pay any. Plus herding them all up, melting down their jewelry and whatnot would provide needed jobs at this time. Win win.
I’d forgotten I’d written this nom, and I was a bit worried that I had jumped the gun, and now looked a fool. On reading it, I still stand by its premise, that the media, and the ‘trusted’ BBC are still salivating with abject joy at reporting this crisis using the worst possible outcomes as headlines, and a lot of the time missing out completely any positive conclusions.
There is no attempt whatsoever at putting any figures into perspective, which is feeding the mass panic and anxiety, lapped up by the thick, and the rest of us suffer the consequences, empty shelves, and in my case today, my job is now cut back from five days to three. In fairness to the boss, he could walk away, but he’s trying his best to weather the storm, and keep us all in a job.
So, for fucks sake BBC, we are crying out for hope, for calm rational reporting that can at least calm the fears of millions. Try starting the news with a headline like, oh I don’t know, “98.2 percent of infected people suffer no long term effects’. Go on, I fucking dare you.
As for the rest of the media, they are all cunts, every last one of them. I bet celebrities must be getting pissed off at their lack of coverage, as probably most paparazzi scum are waiting outside Aldi’s and Lidl hoping to catch some cunts fighting over bog roll, as the photos of stuff like that will bring in more than the fifteen quid that a photo of Katie Price getting fucked in a gutter by some other nobody would fetch.
Bollocks, I forgot the word skum!