BBC/Media Coronavirus Coverage

The BBC, again. Covid 19 is the new Brexit for the Beeb, as they can blow it all out of proportion, and revel in the prophecies of doom.

I listen to Radio 4 on the daily commute, so I get twenty minutes of the AM show, and the same of the PM slot, both of which usually get my blood pressure up, but like Bletchley monitoring the Enigma signals, I listen to it to see what agenda of the day the BBC are pushing. For a while it was a daily visit to Lampedusa, to focus on the suffering of the migrants who had braved the risky sea crossing to safety. Then came Brexit. Every day, project fear was on point, with tales of doom relentlessly pushed, with absolutely no balance whatsoever.

Last week, every morning, and evening, both shows were dominated by horror stories of the corona virus. There was never any appeal for calm and their only focus was on worse case scenarios, and the predicted mortality rate. They are responsible for a lot of the stupid cunts panic buying here, stripping the shelves of bog roll and pasta. As a national broadcaster, they should be above the tabloid mentality of other media output, but they are quite happy in the gutter.


Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

A cunting for the Media – this can probably be tagged on to others relating to the reporting of Covid 19.

Every five minutes they go on about ‘working from home’…what the fuck are they on? Most people have to go to their place of work: shops, factories, service industries, builders, plumbers, scientists trying to find a vaccine for the bloody thing, pharmacies, doctors, nurses…the list goes on.

The media are useless. Just report the facts, how many are infected and specific locations would help, so others in those areas can take as much care as possible and whatever the government are advising.


Nominated by Sick of it

163 thoughts on “BBC/Media Coronavirus Coverage

  1. I haven’t been so outraged at the Media since The Sun did away with tits on page 3.

    Perhaps in this time of National Emergency the Cobra Committee could boost the nation’s morale by running a competition to find the new Linda Lusardi and asking her to get her norks out.

    PS…Ban that old slapper Amanda Holden….publicity-hungry old bitch would whip them out at the first Coronavirus funeral if she thought that it might get her in the papers.

    • Perchance you should search out a back issue of the delightful LL in all her “Mayfair” type glory before she was a page 3 girl DF, not sure which porn mag she was in but she looked most fetching!
      Very disappointed they banned page three from the Sun – if it offends don’t buy it is my opinion!

      • In a way I’m glad they did ban it,Vernon…these days we’d be forced to have some morbidly obese transexual 45 year old builder flashing his hairy chest and bolted-on tits at us.

        I really wouldn’t want to see that over my bacon,black-pudding and cheese breakfast butty.

  2. The BBC are a national disgrace.
    The rest of the media cunts are not far behind.
    Shrill drooling traitors who should be dealt with most severely.
    Shove them in the oven.

    • Treated thus, they’d be an almost edible substitute for the Spam now filling suburban garages throughout the land. Probably ok in lasagne, too.

  3. What the fuck happened to keep calm and carry on. Get back to fucking work people. Bollocks to the government. Keep your old people safe.

  4. I heard today that the Muslim council of Britain has told mosques.not to hold prayer gatherings incase of spreading the virus to the Muslim community, I for one think this is fucking disgraceful, and very selfish of them ,

    In other news as a HGV driver I have been very busy of late up and down the country saving the United Kingdom from starvation and other shit, however it is welcome relief to see the road for mass of cars and not sit in fucking traffic for hours

    To My mate Corona catch me if you can cunt

    • Churches and synagogues are also suspending services and congregational activity in case of spreading virus to the Christian and Jewish communities. Fucking disgraceful and very selfish of them too.

      • Only Christians are stopping Islam being the primary religion in this country.

      • “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.

      • “For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.”

  5. I’m completely fed up listening to the doom and gloom, so my TV is staying off. And I’m staying off social media as well, apart from ISAC of course, where I’ve just read a load of common sense posts about this coronavirus scam. Over 98% survival rate. In saying that, if I were to get it, I’d “be at risk” because of my health problems. And my dear mum is in hospital at the moment with a urinary infection (she went in over a week ago and has made a good recovery), so I’m hoping she’s home soon, as the hospital have banned visiting, as of yesterday. I think the powers that be, governments, media etc, are all having a Jolly good laugh at the panicking, panic buying puppets. Stupid cunts for believing all this shit in my opinion. I honestly think it’s a big hoax. Boycott all media!!

    • Surely you are not implying that this website is social media (actually social networking, but everyone says social media now)? I’d say this site was a forum for free speech and opinions.

  6. I think there should be a period of quiet reflection for manybon here. Then a frenzy of self flagellation. You could also wear a hairshirt as you’re typing your posts. Why?
    How did CV spread? I mean how was it spread internationally? Mostly by air. And who has been saying since she appeared on the scene that we should ban all air travel. Dear little Greta of course.
    Granted not for the same reason. But if we had listened to her we wouldn’t be in the mess were in now.
    It was said at the time of the Wright Brothers by clergymen ‘If we were meant to fly God would have given us wings”. That it was an evil development. It seems a bit extreme but I not sure those worthies were wrong.

    • If anything good comes out of this mess, it’s that the pasty-faced little gobshite will have to curtail her globe-trotting for a while, so she won’t be back here any time soon.

    • We should never have come down from the trees, Miles. In fact we should never have left the sea. ?

  7. 250,000 predicted to cark. That’s fewer than one year’s net immigration.

  8. The people that die from this virus are primarily going to be those of retirement age, the most at risk being the wartime generation. They beat fascism in various forms last century, suffered a decade of rationing after that, their ungrateful children couldn’t be bothered to have enough children of their own, gave the country away to muslims, and now in their final years you want say ‘fuck off you useless cunts, we don’t want to miss out on our foreign holidays, consumer excesses and easy life, so we’ll just let you die’?

    • Considering this virus originated on the other side of the planet, our governments chose to let it travel here by keeping borders open with infected countries, and would only now be finally responding by effectively locking up elderly Brits under house arrest for the rest of the summer and probably well into next year does seem a bit harsh. I too am actually one of those at risk groups, as are other posters here, we’d have the choice to be locked inside or go out and die.

      • If this was a British virus I might agree with you. But it’s Chinese, and our government chose to let it come here, chose to wait & see. For me Boris Johnson and other European leaders should be hung for causing this when it was completely unnecessary. But now it’s here, imprisoning every elderly British person so that foreign cunts could continue to come and go freely for the last 2 months is not something I could in conscience agree with. They would be in practically total isolation, they couldn’t even have visitors, in care homes they’d have stay alone because the staff coming in and out would carry it, if they ever went into hospital they’d catch it from staff and whatnot. It would be a slow death sentence. Walk a mile in their shoes and think if your proposal is fairer, or the Chinese policy of locking down areas where it appears, which has stopped the spread. The new cases there are into low numbers now.

  9. I feel like I’m the only sane person in a sea of fucking retards. Everyone seems to be panicking on something that’s a glorified chest infection. Our so called leaders are just as fucking bad too

    • Wind-breaking news…
      A model from Miami licks aeroplane toilet seat in attempt to go viral.
      Shurely Lords “Who the fuck’s he” and Mangledbum have already been doing tis for years. Move along, owt to see here, except humanity’s ever quickening race to the bottom. Pun intended.

      Melanoma Trump says “people should take up a hobby.” Well, I have one, recommended by that great American songster Tom Lehrer:
      “Who needs a hobby
      like tennis or philately ?
      I’ve got a hobby-
      re-reading Lady Chatterley”…

    • Maybe they’ll stockpile and gorge on their 400+ cheeses – and get Listeria into the bargain.
      That’ll learn them, les cons.

  10. Coninsidently a asteroid is heading this way tomorrow , timely population control , or another agenda

  11. Good on Scott Morrison, PM of Australia, for telling cunts there to stop hoarding – that it’s unnecessary, unhelpful, and un-Austrialian. I suppose expecting our dumb fuck of a ‘leader’ to do the same is too much to ask? I actually think that our government want the panic buying to continue because they want people to spend money somewhere and are hoping all those laid-off in hospitality can go and get temp jobs on supermarket checkouts.

    • I assure you Shagga, P.M. “Scomo” is a back tracking cunt his original advice was to stock up for at least two weeks. Did i mention he’s a cunt.

      • Having enough food for 2 weeks is common sense, I’ve got enough food in my kitchen for 2 weeks, and I’ll bet 90% of other people have too. These hoarders are storing enough food and bog roll for 6 months.

  12. This is a brill cunting. i could not agree more.

    Like other cunters, I have spent days and days trying to calm down nearest and dearest, especially my Mum, who is scared shitless that her days are numbered due to her age and the fact she has asthma and borderline COPD. I know precisely why – because every fucking five minutes on BBCunt news (which she watches every evening) they are banging on about the number of deaths, details about those who have died, speculation as to how many more will die…….doom, doom and more fucking doom.

    They fucking drone on about panic buying and how the public are going bat shit crazy, but who is stoking that fire and creating that panic? Yeah, that is right, you fucking arsehole cunts – YOU!!!

    I am sick to fuck off all of this armageddon shit. To have to swallow weeks and weeks more of this scaremongering fuckery will be fucking torturous. I may end up confiscating the TV so she doesn’t have to hear another thing more about this Cuntvirus.

  13. What a load of fucking shit! Scheduled economic collapse, programmed hysteria and so on. Any fucker here who backs horses will see straight through this crap!

  14. Spot on Cunting. SLY NEWS are just as bad instilling fear into everyone of us.
    I think the total deaths in the UK to date is 71, All people that are very old or underlying problems. 71 is fuck all in a nation of 70 million.
    I was ordered to self isolate for 15 days yesterday because I let it slip that Mrs Fistula is a bit under the weather. Of course this is total mass insanity and I don’t know if the Cunts will pay me.
    I have colleagues who said they will keep quite rather than risk not being payed.
    I have totally given up on mainstream media and now just watch YouTube news channels.

  15. Greta Thumberg, ginger boy and his whore ,Emma Thompson Lilly the mong and Charly Church and all those other sad i need publicity twats must be gutted now, nobody’s paying the window licker any attention now.

    • Chubby Charlotte is “preggers” again…

      Perhaps I should volunteer my services, show some human kindness, get my syringe ready and wet the baby’s head – in utero…

      I’ll get me mac on…Tacsi !!

  16. 100% of those killed or infected are male or female.
    How come the other 57 genders are immune?
    Or do the likes of Sam Fucking Smith count as two if they get it?

  17. I don’t understand all this panic-buying. Toilet roll doesn’t even taste that nice.

    • Christ Stinky, you’re not supposed to eat it raw! Get the Delia Smith Hole Roll cookbook to finesse your bum towels.

  18. What has happened to the endless shite about Brexit and climate change/global warming. How can a tiny little thing like a virus cause so much wankery and usurp St Greta Thunderprat. Are we doomed, we should be told.

  19. I dont really watch the news, just what the CMO has to say. I dont need some non-medically trained cunt presenter or reporter speculating in what might happen.

    Take precautions, get a bit of extra food in, check on elderly neighbours etc.

  20. The BEEB and media in general are full of self serving cunts who have blown their reporting and coverage of this Coronavirus malarkey out of all proportion but they’ve got plenty of form of that of late.

    Stay safe cunters!

  21. Has there been an increase in gun sales – there should be? – scammers, hoarders, politicians, the rich, journalists & media luvvies (should be liars) celebs, tom hanks are all reasonable targets ‘in this difficult time’ surely?

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