The Chinese (2)

Yes, sorry to say snowflakes, but it doesn’t look like everyone’s favourite villain Trump is going to end the world, but we might have an apocalypse on our hands, thanks to to Chinese, and their filthy, backward diet.

The world is holding its breath as attempts are made to stop the coronavirus becoming a pandemic. The outbreak originates from the Chinese city of Wuhan, and was probably started by the locals eating bats from an illegal meat market. Is there a creature on earth that these cunts won’t eat, or use as some stupid potion or aphrodisiac? Add to that the fact that they think everything tastes better if it has had a horrifying painful death, these cunts are truly the sworn enemy of nature.

Inevitably, nature has decided to fight back, like it tried with bird flu, and has weighed in with a deadly virus in the hopes of thinning the fuckers out. The only problem is, the Chinese are pretty much like a virus themselves, as they have colonised the world on the quiet, with a fucking Chinatown everywhere. As they tend not to integrate, the chances of catching it down the pub are nil, but if you’re on a train or a plane, then one of these coughing all over you doesn’t look too good. Cunts.

Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

What is it in what brainless these cunts have that makes them think they can eat Bats, Cats, Rats, Rhino Horns, Bear and Tiger Penis, Monkeys Jellyfish and snakes as standard Cuisine and for them not to be struck down with a disease.

I don’t give a personal fuck how many of these cunts are taken out from this in Chinksville, but I do for the ones that travel overseas and take the infection with them. If a household dog or cat cant enter a country without doing time in quarantine, given they are 90 percent cleaner than chinese – how is it they can just keep walking through airport doors with authorities thinking a fucking scanner will detect them?

They dont know they have it for a few days after they land? Even more the reason to stop them at the door.

Nominated by King Cunt

109 thoughts on “The Chinese (2)

  1. More dereliction of duty from our inept government. They’re letting the Chinese run the 5G network, letting them build our power stations (with their digital backdoors obs) and they’re continuing to let the cunts in whilst carrying a disease which at this point may be the new Spanish flu. Are they trying to kill us all and make us subservient to our asian overlords? If we came into a conflict with China the war would be over before it even begun: They’d turn all communications off, cause our nuclear plants to meltdown at the push of a button, and where will Boris be? Sitting with his feet up in the Caribbean whilst us poor cunts in Blighty suffer the consequences of that clowns disastrous decisions. It may well be the asian century, that doesn’t mean we have to make ourselves slaves to them!

    • That’s the problem, they should have bought Geordie technology instead.

      The Howay-Man 5G network is powered by Broon Ale. No chance of it going down or being hacked… so long as there’s plenty o’ broon ale to power it!

      It also redirects any (anti) social meejah network requests to a landing page – specially designed by ISaC – which states: “Get off social media and get a life, you soy, trans, snowflake, remoaning, communist, vegan CUNTS!”

  2. Excellent points re the barbaric eating habits of the world’s second most sinister race. Due to their government’s transparent, open and honest nature I’m sure the death toll is precisely the low figure they have released. These fuckers seem to get an easy ride on their human rights abuses, and indeed pollution etc. It surely can’t be because they’re Communists can it? And those who screech the loudest about human rights and whitey’s rape of mother earth openly envy their way of enforcing their shitty fucking political system. Cunts, the lot of them.

    • I’ll give them their due- they at least know how to deal with the “world’s most sinister race.”
      They’re probably feeding them Corona Chow Mein in the correctional centres now.

  3. There’s a little known community in Beijing who are big fans of the Scottish bard and celebrate his life a work on Chinese Burns Night….

  4. It’s alright – anyone returning from China has been told to “self isolate”.


    • Institutions have been issuing that self-isolation guidance in English. Not as far as I can see in Chinese, which given the observable fluency of Chinese students in English, and their concentration in populous university halls of residence, should guarantee we start getting cases soon.

  5. My mrs showed me a video last night (funny as it’s normally me spreading the horrible stuff) which was this – apparently famous – little Chinese bird, very pretty in an anime kind of way, basically eating plate after plate of live creatures; big shellfish, sea snails, all manner of grot and all alive, and recoiling in agony from her snaggly choppers as she tore them apart. I hope she gets the worst dysentry imaginable. Nutters the lot of them

      • Jesus!

        If this has been broadcast into outer-space then you can see the coalition of alien lifeforms having a discussion…

        “Yo, E.T.! You’ve been to earth right?”


        “Any good?”

        “Yeah, pretty cool. America is ok. The rubes don’t worry about infections and that but their security services have a penchant for anal probing and where they wanted me to put my finger…hey, I though it was a girl too muthafuckah!”

        “Woah! I think I’ll go there for my next holiday.”

        “Don’t land in China whatever you do. One of the Predators made that mistake and the cunts quick fried him alive. Predator dreds are a real fuckin’ delicacy out there!”


      • Eating live animals is reprehensible.
        Not long ago, I was at a Chinese buffet filling up my plate when I noticed something move in one of the food trays.

        I ignored it and continued filling up my plate before heading back to the table.

        After I finished I went up again and made sure to keep an eye on that tray and lo and behold something moved again! This time I got a better look and it appeared to be a pair of eyes which popped up, saw me and quickly hid under the food again.

        I knew I had seen some eyes so I went over to the server and said ‘excuse me but there’s something alive in that tray.’

        He replied, ‘oh, that’s the Peking duck.’

      • That’s below the belt! Also I wouldn’t trust some posters here around preteen girls, I think one or two might be a bit funny…

      • Calm down he knows im joking,
        Respect Blunty loads, but that was too easy! Couldnt resist!?

      • Hehee only teasing pal!?
        When first started to read it thought it was a real story!?

      • Must find my specs- I had to look at that twice.
        I read it as “I’ll felch her cunt”…….

      • Yes, Spoons. I’ve suddenly taken a liking to spreading fake news!
        People really think I’ve got a parrot as well!

      • Ruffy, I reckon Percy took Bertie under his wing and taught him some jokes.
        I’m sure Bertie doesn’t tell so many blue jokes as I imagine Percy swears like a drunken pirate hehe.

      • Ha, I knew it. Are you Huawei’s top inside man Blunty? Using the 5G network as a cover to propel Rebecca Long-Bailey into power using positive fake news stories.

      • Good evening RTC and Liblator. Gleetings.
        Confucius say: Geometry teacher who loses parrot, will have polygon.

      • Who the fuck makes these things up? By the way Spoons, would you still like to buy Percy off me. Take him to work and he’d be useful on the peckout counter.

  6. Finally BA have suspended all flights to and from mainland China, but what the fuck were the government doing, nothing, they should be refusing to admit anyone coming from China until this virus has been eradicated.
    OK if they are british, fine but they should be quarantined!


    • A dog has to spend what 90 days in quarantine coming from outside the EU? Not a fucking day for the chinks carrying a deadly disease. Fucking clueless cunts.

  7. As soon as I saw the title of this here topic, it reminded me of someone here (please forgive me. My memory), mention Judi Dench looks like an old chinaman. It made me laugh. Cheers to you. 🙂

    • It was me Spoons, MNC tried to jump on the bandwagon afterwards and claim credit but it was all me. Don’t believe a word he says ?

      • ¤₹§¥~₪Г﷼θΩฯμ₩¤₹₹₪!!!
        “”Man who steals credit for others jokes is like snake in grass..”

        Chinese miserable cunt

      • What did I say Spoons…. I’m not offended, it’s a little bit sad really – probably a brief distraction from eating dripping and interfering with whippets. I say humour him; “yes Miserable it was your joke”. ?

      • I don’t eat whippets!
        Or interfere with dripping!
        Thats a lie!
        Im not chinese, by jove.
        Although used to like them walnut whippets.

      • Youd like china!
        Good for your edible bugs business!
        They’ll love that, introduce them to haggis, tell em its made from baby nessies, theyd snap your hand off!
        “Rock ness monster! Velly lice, cunlan”…???

      • Good shout miserable! I think they’ve got bugs sewn up though, need something common as fuck here but exotic to them – “Cuntan’s Cajun Cockerpoos” might do well

  8. Did you catch the footage in the Daily Fail showing a Chinese man eating three live mice? Not a joke reminiscent of the nursery rhyme but allegedly this is a delicacy called Three Squeaks. Staggeringly cruel and revolting as are all their habits of eating beaver, bat, fox and snake.

    A few years ago, I was on a contract up in London. Someone had came back from Shanghai with a bunch of Chinese ‘treats’. All of them looked revolting, especially the one that was a black slimy ‘egg’ in a vacuum bag. It literally looked like the dark matter that the character Nibbler of Futurama used to poop but was a ‘Century Egg’ which is a whole egg caked in tea, charcoal ash and salt and which is left to rot in soil for a few months. I stuck a post it note on it and called it Nibbler’s Poop. It was stomach churningly hideous, like Satan’s balls in a packet. Gag inducing.

    • They’ve got a fetish about eating the weirdest shit and the most endangered animals. Apparently you could buy koala meat in Wuhan markets.

      They’re only prosperous as a country as they happily bend their will to a totalitarian government using each person as a puppet creating a joint purpose. If given freedom and democracy we’d see a very different collective of humans in that country – chaotic, savage, and stupid.

    • That could be either ‘century egg’ which is a fermented ancient abomination: even worse is ‘balut’, which is literally a fucking hard boiled duck egg – but the duck is fully grown to the point of being ready to hatch, feathers, beak, claws – and they scarf the lot. Although it’s a toss up between that and the (Sicilian I think) ‘casu marzu’ cheese…….

      • Don’t they eat bats bollocks ? The picture in the mail showed a slope eating a bat with chopstix. I saw no sight of its knackers so it must be true I guess.

  9. There is much to admire about the Chinese – enterprise and work ethic being foremost. However, their attitude towards animals and use of quack medicines from animals is appalling.
    I don’t think our government would have much success containing an epidemic originating here so cant get over critical about their’s.

    • The problem is that any nasty-assed disease originating here would not be from the locals, it would be from the Ebola Africunt brigade and weird dietary habbited Chaiman Mao cunts that we’ve imported.

      We’d abolished pretty much all of the nasty shit that this country had to deal with (TB, cholera, smallpox, polio) and now we import them all back, fresh off the banana boat, ‘cos – diversity!

      It’s our biggest strength you know… … …

  10. Looking forward to them being wiped from the face of the earth. I am also particularly rude to them when I meet the fuckers in the cess-pit that is Londonistan. Cunts

  11. The governments current policy is for arrivals from China to ‘self-quarantine’ for two weeks, and we know why – the NHS is already stretched to breaking point every single winter as a matter of policy because there’s no more money. Which takes me back to yesterdays Cunting of £14,600,000,000 per year being thrown down the fucking drain in the shitholes of Africa, denying the cash to resource British services.

  12. Happy Chinese New Year to al the Chînks around the World. Personally I don’t see any difference between eating a bat, a chicken, a dog, or a sheep – it’s all meat, isn’t it. At least they’re not eating each other. Y e t

    “You could blindfold these fucking people with dental floss.”
    ~ Andrew Dice-Clay

  13. Yes the silly cunts could do worse than bone up on the Old Testament…the list of not-recommended foods is based on (very) old common sense.

    And to the incidence of China towns, there’s even one in fucking Beijing.

  14. Just listening the news, a report on people who have arrived from Wuhan in the last couple of weeks, apparently there were 1400 and only 10% have been traced.
    It’s a joke, as soon as the outbreak was announced the government should have had an immediate response to make sure arrivals from Wuhan were identified and they knew exactly where they would be.

    They would rather sit on their hands just in case some left wing wanker started shouting ‘human rights’


    • I commented on this yesterday. Matt Hancock, our Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, was talking about bringing back the two hundred or so British people who unfortunately find themselves in the city where the outbreak of the coronavirus has occurred. He may think he has a duty towards these people, but I would suggest his duty first and foremost is to the sixty six and a half million British people living here. If he organizes this repatriation, and just one person living here catches the virus and dies as a result, he ought to be arrested and charged with murder.

      • Theyre not human.
        No shit, not human.
        Some sort of insect, 5ft locusts.
        I dont like em.
        Sly, yellow, sneaky.
        Dont like them, their food, their commie ways, the fact theyre cruel to animals,
        Or the fact they cant drive for shit.
        If they dissapeared from the face of the world i wouldn’t give a shit.

    • Youu velly lacist. Why you no rike Chineez peepur?
      You no cereblate The Year o The Lat?

    • Shifty sneaky untrustworthy Chinese, hiding under big hats and leading water buffaloes all over the place (nearly as bad as shifty vaping hipsters!), have slipped in the completely trustworthy state run, sponsored and monitored spying network, er, I mean “Telecoms firm” Huawei to run our 5G network, China being the same Country which launches permanent cyber attacks on every Country in the World and not long ago hacked into and crashed the UK Parliamentary website.
      You do not trust the lambs with the wolf, however kind the wolf says they are, pretty much rule one that is.
      The Chinese have made their economy enormous by spying and theft – why make good stuff of our own, spend all that money on R&D when we can just steal ideas and products from Western companies and make inferior copies for half the price?
      Sneaky, devious and wholly untrustworthy in every way, and now we have given these crooks a 5G Contract?
      Utter f*cking dangerous madness – are we sharing control of our nuclear arsenal with North Korea next?
      Who the hell thought this was a good idea? What are they doing outside a padded cell?
      Give me strength.

      • That gifting to the Chinese access to some of our most sensitive areas of national security will bring this nation to it’s knees. At some point I guarantee the network, being totally corrupted and unsafe, will simply have to be turned off for good taking the country back to a relative technological darkage that naturally we will be totally unprepared for and chaos will ensue.

      • It’s unbelievable we would do this…why can’t we borrow the money if need be and do it ourselves? Why is everything sourced out to foreign countries/companies. I see big problems in the next 20 years between China and America and if they turn off our by then 7g network the yank cunts will say ‘Told you so’ and Boris when asked why he did it will flip his hair and talk abaaaht the weather.

      • If only we could find £14.6bn from somewhere to install safe e-communications in this country that would keep our country secure against the communists….

      • One could be forgiven for thinking our government is actually trying to destroy Britain. Perhaps Hugh Grant inadvertently spoke some truth when he said Britain is finished since Boris became PM.

  15. In all fairness, their shutting down and quarantine process may well, in the end, be a show of exemplary human behaviour.

    I believe there is a Chinese saying that goes along the lines of `we will eat anything with four legs, except for the dining table’… on reflection, maybe they should have.

    • We should make sure they get an invite to the next Liebore Party shindig.

      Dog knows what they’d be suffering from if they chowed down on Mangledbum and Adonis-Penis…

  16. Apparently, things have been getting a bit heated at Heathrow Airport today.
    Not long after a returning flight landed from Wuhan, police from the British Airports Constabulary beat a Chinese man after asking for his name.

    “I’ve lost all faith in our police” said Fuk Yu

  17. The bottom line is they’re fucking savages and nature is trying to select against them. How good would it be if they were the only ones it wiped out!?

    Feel free to add any other cunts you’d like this nasty little bug to free the world of .

  18. My first contact with these Cunts was picking up me grandad’s shirt collars from the Chinese laundry.
    I rapidly came to the conclusion that they were shifty, untrustworthy Cunts, who cared not a jot for Dear Old Blighty, and in the intervening Chasm Of Time, I haven’t seen anything to change my mind.
    Come on Coronavirus …… now’s your time !!!!!

    • Reminds me of the Peter Sellers “Thespian with a Cheque” story (aka Warrington Minge)…

  19. We’ll be OK. There aren’t many cases in the UK right now and it seems scientists in Australia have made a breakthrough in regards to potentially tackling it and stopping the spread.

    • What white people have found a possible cure?
      You velly racist. No prawn crackers for you.

  20. This whole disease is, however, a very unfortunate occurrence if you happen to enjoy a certain Mexican lager…

    • They’ve changed the name, temporarily Earl. To avoid confusion it’ll be called ‘Ebola’ lager for a while.

  21. Anyone remember the Benny Hill immigration sketch with Bob Todd?
    Benny the prawn cracker, Bob the Stanley.

  22. Talking of lethal diets…

    Ms Evans told Newport Coroners’ Court she watched her mother eating the £13.79 meal – consisting of a 4oz rump steak, half a gammon steak, two fried eggs, half a chicken breast, two pork sausages, chips, onion rings, half a grilled tomato and garden peas – when she began to choke violently and bang on her chest.

    Despite the efforts of Ms Evans, members of the public and paramedics, they were unable to save Ms Hopkins who was declared dead 25 minutes after the ambulance was called.

    They must have needed a crane to get her out, too.

  23. Was in Hong Kong in 2003 during SARS. If the f**king filthy mainlanders stopped eating anything with a backbone, we might have all have a chance. C**nts.

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