Terry Christian (3)

A ‘bong! bong!’ Big Ben cunting is surely in order for Remoaning Manc manic Terry Christian.

Many of you may not have heard of this gobby cunt, so let me quote to you from his Wikipedia entry, which delightfully describes him as an ‘unknown English broadcaster, journalist and author’. Older cunters may remember him as the presenter of C4’s ‘yoof culture’ show ‘The Word’ back in the early 90s.

Anyway, on a recent edition of ‘Good Morning Britain’, Christian made an absolute tool of himself, going into full-on ‘Brexit Derangement Syndrome’ rant mode. Included in his arm-waving tirade against Brexit were the now familiar wild Remoaner claims that the country’s ‘absolutely finished’, ‘how do we look to the rest of the world?’, and that Leavers ‘voted for it based on lies’. The buffoon went so far as to label the referendum result as ‘meaningless’, and tried to defend as a joke a tweet in which he stated that Brexiteers were ‘pitiable saps’ who deserved job losses.

During the course of this full-blown meltdown, the loony cunt hardly allowed fellow guest (Tory MP) Mark Francois to get a word in edgeways, and even managed to out-shout host Piers Morgan, no mean feat in itself.

Go on fellow cunters; click onto the link and relish the sight of a semi-coherent, democracy denying Remoaner shitweasel stewing in his own bile;

Terry Christian? Terry Fuckwitt* more like. Suck it up, Fuckwitt. Independence Day is finally here!!!!

Nominated by Ron Knee

* with apologies to ‘Viz’ comic.

137 thoughts on “Terry Christian (3)

  1. I watched this screaming match myself. It wasn’t so long ago he likened the situation of Brexit to the UK being a plane that’s going down and who’s going to get the parachute when it came to who comes and who goes. I remarked to it that it was more like a sinking ship and this daft cunt wants to take on board more passengers……a true wank manc.

  2. Always thought he was a smug unfunny cunt back in his channel 4 days. Good prog, the downside being his nasally manc accent.
    Unfortunately he’s still getting air time – unsure exactly how or why.
    About as relevant as a reparation claim for slavery.
    Please terry fuckwit just leave the UK for your Utopian world wherever that may be – Rwanda isn’t bad this time of the year

  3. I have no idea why the media give this certifiable idiot any time on TV, the guy should be in an institution, preferably somewhere in the Antarctic


  4. Isnt this nomark from Salford? He should try ranting there, that might cure his Rementia.

    • I was listening to a recording of Bonkers Becky (9/2 for the Labour leadership) referring to her consituency as the people’s republic of Salford. If that thick cunt Christian (and I decided he was thick as pig shit 30 years ago when he was doing the word) is from there it explains how she was re-elected.

  5. What an absolute prize cunt. It’s impossibly to argue with fucking idiots like this, they are absolutely incapable of getting their heads round the fact that they lost. Childish, immature, emotionally unstable fuckwit. Fuck off and die you wanker.

    • I tried, but couldn’t get more than halfway through the video; I quite like my phone, didn’t really want to hurl it into a low orbit

  6. Got a very good mate of mine from Salford who used to know Fuckwitt through various means I shan’t go into and who like all people on here dislikes this chap very much so. Apparently the Manc accent he puts on is completely false and Fuckwitt comes from a well to do family on the posh side (if there was one, his words not mine) of Manchester.

  7. Terry Christian and his type did more harm than good to their own cause.

    I was never a hard-core “Brexiteer”. I voted Leave mainly because I wanted to send a “Fuck Off” to those Remainers who thought that screaming abuse and accusing anyone who disagreed with them of being “thick”. I suspect that if some “Remainers” hadn’t acted quite so arrogantly,they would have had a lot more support.

    Having said I don’t believe that accusing being people of being “thick” ever wins an argument,I will do exactly that….., Terry Christian genuinely is “thick”..as thick as a fucking castle wall.

  8. I saw this on CuntTube and it was genuinely the most distressing 10 minutes of my life. Christian is a buffoon clearly in need of an urgent referral to a secure psychiatric ward. A genuinely unpleasant and ignorant man.

    He’s a cunt as well.

    Fuck off.

    • It’s not distressing MMCM, it’s fucking hilarious watching the remoaner cunts losing their shit left, right and centre! Laugh at the mad bastards 😁

  9. This Gollum looking wanker has been driven mad by his precious EU, poor little cretin needs to get kicked into a fiery volcano to relieve his obvious pain and insanity. The thing I don’t get is the 4th Reich isn’t going anywhere, it’s just the otherside of the channel, get yourself a boat and settle in Holland you hysterical arm-waving cock-gobbler.

    • Yes, I was thinking he is starting to look like Gollum too. He was also a hateful, egotistical cunt of a creature. Maybe they based his look on the films on this cunt himself?

      • He reminds me of that Geoduck mollusc thingy that somebody posted a few threads back (being noshed by a chinky bird…).

      • Yes they look like big hairless cocks as well, definitely a resemblance. And vomit forth effluent when provoked (although he seems happy enough to do that on his own without the assistance of a snaggle-toothed Chinese bint)

  10. Fuck me, is he still going?

    He used to be the irritant that disturbed my viewing of Amanda de Cadenet’s fruppneys on CH4’s The Word!

    Manc plank!

    Fuck off!

    P.S. Apart from cheesing-off about Brexit, has he actually done anything since The Word? Irrelevant Cunt!

    • That’s the point, precisely, RWAC!

      Christian has produced nothing notable since hosting the Word back in the early 1990s. I really fail to see what relevance his views have when presented to a UK-wide audience, some 25 years later.

      It is a bit like fishing out Matthew Kelly (who was last seen presenting Going for Gold around the same time) and encouraging him to broadcast his view on Brexit and the economical consequences on the UK to all and fucking sundry. It would be an irrelevance; better off asking the local soak in Yates.

      Christian is the epitome of a complete fucking irrelevance. Not only that, he is a puerile, spiteful arsehole with a stunted intellect and low emotional intelligence.

      Did I mention that he is an ocean-going cunt as well?

  11. I hated this cunt when he was on the Word. I also remember him hosting a football themed radio show in the mid-90’s, and he used to talk over most of the callers just like he does here.

    He’s an insufferably smug, arrogant, mouthy, no-talent, phoney-manc, fuck-witted, attention-seeking cunt and always has been.

    • Surely he’s just done a big bag of powder before that interview/monologue. He’s ranting like a 19th century Irish Jesuit preacher.
      C u n t

    • Many I hope. How satisfying it will be to see them hurl themselves from the White Cliffs of Dover like lemmings, trying to swim across to their beloved EU.

      Mad cunts. I hope every single fucking one of them has a mental breakdown.

    • Is he on drugs? That would be his only excuse. I don’t know why these loudmouths are given air time, but it’s a fact that when anyone has to resort to insults, it’s because they know they’ve lost the argument.

      • Thanks Unk. Truth is, I just had to get it off my chest. Couldn’t believe the cunt Fuckwitt when I saw it. What a fucking shithouse.

  12. Wanky wet-end cunt in the eighties and time has done him no favours. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel dragging up this nobend.

    Fuck off back to obscurity you cunt, you had nothing to add twenty years ago, and even less now.

    • The cunts have no respect, appreciation for the value of other peoples things, and are indifferent to wasting other peoples time. Pure and utter antisocial cunts.

    • I hope I see loads of the fuckers!

      Each smudged “Love EU” tag representing a broken heart, and the smudging caused by a never ending torrent of salty tears! 😂

      We should pip the cunts to the post and start writing: “FUCK DA EU!” on them. 👍

      It’ll take quite a few salty tears and furious rubbing from their poor wickle hands in order to remove that tag. I hope the cunts ignite themselves through friction!


    • Don’t let it get you Cuntan. They’re pathetically pissing into the wind, and they well know it!

  13. One thing that Brexit has proved to us is that the celebrity cunts we knew were cunts pre Brexit have confirmed their status as cunts post Brexit. Terry Christian is about as relevant as white dog shit. Will him and his ilk ever shut the fuck up?

    • I doubt it Bob. They’ll remarket themselves as Rejoiners, the new crusade.
      What I’m loving most about today is the fact that all those self-styled MetroCosmopolitan cunts, who think they know better than the plebs, are sobbing their eyes out. Just think of all the Guardianista cunts crying into their soy latté today, when they finally realise that sovereignty doesn’t rest with the Houses of Commons or Lords, or with the EU Commission or the ECJ, or the meeja, or luvvies, the self-styled elite, but with THE PEOPLE. Put that in your fucking avocado dip and shove it up your arses!

  14. I was getting so angry watching this. Why the fuck didn’t anyone tell the Manc cunt to shut the fuck up and FOLLOW IT THROUGH? Susanna Reid was fucking useless, politely asking him to let someone else speak. They should have cut his fucking mic.

    He did himself and his cause no favours whatsoever with this. He just came about as a totally irrational, bitter, poor-loser bucket of wank who was throwing his toys out of the pram because he didn’t get some sweets at the checkout aisle. Fucking tosser. He showed up Remoaners for what they all are – completely juvenile and undemocratic, unless things had gone THEIR way.

    You could see that he was fuming. He behaved like a total brat and showed no respect whatsoever for anyone else’s alternative viewpoint, not allowing Mark Francois a single second to offer his opinion. Even if he disagreed with what was said, Francois was just as entitled to speak as he was.

    That fuckwit Morgan was no help. Like the giant narcissist he too is, he just wanted to spat with Christian, instead of allowing the second guest his chance to speak. Two fucking manchild cockwombles, dominating the airwaves like the swollen-headed cunts they both are.

    Christian and his like have resorted to tantrumming now. They know the deal is sealed so what is left for them to do except behave like overgrown school children?


      • Appreciate that. But he doesn’t necessarily take any prisoners from any side. I like him. And for balance and in spite of my own internal objections and resistance and regardless of how much I disagree with opposing views, I always have a read or listen because I may well be deluding myself, and may actually be a stupid cunt. And that’s what’s wrong with arch Remainers, the echo chamber.

      • Me too, in fact. I enjoy Pie myself, and don’t expect to agree with him on everything. Great performer, and informed critic of business and political cuntitude. Reassuring that he’s spotted Christian for the cunt he is.

  15. Posts about China/the Chinese have been removed as they are completely off topic. If you want to post about the cunts, there was a nomination for them only recently on the 29th Jan. You can add them there.

    Please have some consideration for Ron, whose very valid nomination this is. Thanks.

    • Valid point, but the site might benefit from an emergency forum for breaking news which isn’t a specific Cunting but just a topic with a single line description for people to vent.

      • Yes, I agree with you on that. I suggested this a while ago, but the idea hasn’t been taken up as yet (a separate place for mixed general news, comments /posts, that is) The big boss makes that decision I guess)

  16. Expect much, much more of this shit from the BBC. I have just switched off yet another biased retrospective on R4, after listening for 10 seconds to someone introducing, yes, yet again, fucking Tony Blair to bewail the unreasonableness of leaving.

    It is as if, in 1940, the BBC had urged surrender and the need to join the Third Reich.

    Too late, you mendacious BBC cunts, and don’t bother clearing the ground for some future re-entry, either. You’re the fucking State broadcaster, and you have no business opposing State policy, determined by due process and democratic vote. The situation requires national unity, whether you like it or not, so fuck diversity, fuck arts-grad social theory, fuck your go-to failed politicians. The EU has always been out to screw us, like every other alliance and nation on the planet (and it’s mutual), so kindly take this bitter pill of reality and STFU.

    • The top headline on Al Bibi’s webpage ‘Have people changed their minds on Brexit?’. Even on the day of leaving the deluded cunts are still trying to scupper our independence, as if there might be some sudden change of heart from the Brits and we learn to stop worrying and love the Fourth Reich.

      • If ever there was something that’s gone stinking past its sell-by date, it’s BBCunts. I wanted two things from Boris; a proper Brexit, and for Al-beeb to get fucking cut off at the neck. Come on Bo, get those fuckers sorted!

      • Excellent work RK!
        I am a kind and reasonable Man (ask anyone!) so I hope Terry “The professional Manc living in London” gets the medical help he clearly badly needs!
        And fills up a river with 😭,poor Terry..

      • I’m surprised that the cunt still persists with that almost ‘cod’ sounding accent now that he resides at the centre of the known universe Vernon. I thought he’d want to come over all cosmopolitan, and not sound like a mere ‘provincial’.
        Thanks for your kind comments.

      • More than his job as token Manc is worth, Ron. The more so as a major PR job oop norf will be needed in order to get HS2 into full cash black hole mode rather than having a working regional network there. Renegade ostensible Northerners with absolutely no loyalty to their origins will be in huge demand…

    • Mary Nightingale was smiling so beautifully at the end of the ITV News; very happy looking indeed.
      Maybe she wants to marry me ?

  17. Jaffa cake snaffling, lard-arsed sub primate Lammy has spoken:

    “It is a national tragedy that today the UK will leave the EU. I oppose it today for the same reasons I have always opposed it”, he tweeted.
    “Brexit is a con. A trick. A swindle. A fraud.”

    He opposes it, fearing there could be a UK-wide KFC shortage and supplies of grape juice and Um Bongo from the EU may be subject to swingeing tariffs.

    Fuck off, Lammy you big fat, race-baiting cunt!

    • It’s also a con trick and a fraud that he swindled people into voting for him. That’s alright tho because he agrees with that outcome, the fat fucking blimp.

    • Fucking cunt.

      Lammy is an irrelevance and nobody gives a constipated pebble of a shite what he thinks. Why he hasn’t copped on to this fact yet is a mystery.

      Actually, no it isn’t. He is thick as fuck.

      • Lammy… Just be a good lad and eat yer chiggun and suck on dat wati-melon…. He’ll be putting a voodoo curse on Bozza next… Oh Lordy Fuckin Lord…..

  18. It’s still only January but it’s hard to believe that anyone will surpass Christian as the Cunt of the Year 2020.
    Buy the bastard a one way ticket to Wuhan.
    What’s that you say, flights have been suspended? Then we’ll just have to parachute the cunt in.

    • I suggest a giant catapult, Bertie. Just launch the mouthy fucker off of the white cliffs of Dover.

      That would be most appropriate…..very patriotically symbolic, given his fuckarse opinions.

      • Failing that Nurse Cunty, could we volunteer him to do his civic duty by helping out the brave nurses in the Coronavirus isolation ward?

      • Excellent suggestion, Bertie…..but preferably devoid of any protective suit and mask.

        Mind you, I’m not sure even the Coronavirus could penetrate this obstinate cunt’s immune system. He would be blaming Brexit for it, no doubt

      • If the cunt’s ranting on GMB was anything to go by, he’d probably be quite happy to see older gits like me carried off with it. We’re the ones who’ve largely finished off the country apparently.

  19. Everyone should take notice of this level headed and intelligent man as he’s obviously familiar with the intricate world of international politics.
    Why on earth would you take the trouble of getting this twats opinion on anything i wonder.
    Mega cunt.

  20. Boddies bitter, joy division, mark e Smith, the Smiths, Manchester gave the world loads of great stuff!
    Terrys the fly in the soup, sneering, squareheaded, i know better little cunt.
    An he looks a bit chinky?
    Him n Judi Dench, why they all turning chinky?
    Eating bats the dirty fuckers.
    Thats why.

    • Judi Dench killing bats? Thought so, but I also thought “That Terry Christian is a CUNT”!
      And I was right.
      Where’s that Nice Mark Lamarr to punch him in the face (again!) when we need him?

  21. I fucking hate Fuckwitt, the turkey necked fucking mouth almighty cunt. If ever a remoaner needed a good kicking it’s this past it’s sell-by-date sack of dog shit. He was exactly the same on Remoaners Question Time…….rude, arrogant, shouty and wouldn’t let anyone speak. If it rains tomorrow Fuckwitt will blame it on Brexit. What a wanker.

  22. I could only watch less than half of the clip since Fuckwitt’s drivel became too annoying. You know someone’s completely lost the argument when all they can do is talk over you.

    Congrats to all the Brexiteers. I’ll raise a glass or several this evening to celebrate your victory. Rule Britannia!

    • I was just amazed that the cunt didn’t actually resort to invoking Godwin’s Law by comparing Leavers to Hitler. He kind of missed a trick there!

      • Indeed Ron. Also, if that poor Tory MP had been built like a brick shit house with a demeanor to match, I don’t think Fuckwitt would have been quite so gobby.

      • I’m surprised that getting his lights punched out isn’t quite a frequent occurrence for Fuckwitt. I’d pay to see that.

      • Most would, Ron. Me included. Thought he was a pretentious cunt on The Word. Nothing’s changed in the intervening years.

      • Great thanks Imitation.

        Will be even better with further distance between us in the UK and the corrupt gangsters running the EU.

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