Order OORRRDERR – a post-speaker cunting for that odious, stinking heap of excrement, John Bercow.
This disingenuous cunt who broke every rule in the book while living in luxury, decided to piss away £1000 to take a taxi to Nottingham to give one of his speaking engagements, and then to massage his ego further, he pissed £12,000 against the wall for his numerous bibulous “leaving parties”:
This expensive, expenses-sponging fuckwit will doubtless find yet new ways to screw the public because, let’s face it, he is an untalented ponce who has no skills to actually earn money. He has all the taste and decorum of a ponce in a Parisian pissoir.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
A moment of sadness perhaps, or maybe just feeling a little sorry for everybody’s favourite Speaker and Cunt of the Year, poor old John Bercow.
Seems Boris has given hm a big ‘fuck off’ salute for his totally biased and unashamed attempts to defy the will of the people by abusing his powers to thwart Brexit at every opportunity. No peerage for you, Bercunt!
But hold on a minute! What’s this I hear? Compo has nominated Bercunt to join the Cunts of the Red Benches along with his former former chief of staff who is currently being investigated by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission for anti-semitism.
Clearly the depths of cuntitude know no bounds. Compo and Bercunt – two prize winning cunts for the price of one…
Nominated by Dioclese
Corbyn nominated Bercow (a Tory supposedly) for services to the Labour Party and Remoan.
Boris should return the favour by making Corbyn a peer, for services to the Conservative Party.
What’s happening at 8 o’clock do you ghink RT? I can’t bare the suspense….
We’ll be told that Owen Jones is taking over the running of the site, the rules are the first thing to be changed.
I know, it’s freaking me out!!
8 o’clock?
What you pissers on about?
I’ll be tucking into my dinner. Prawn vindaloo (with mushrooms), brown basmati rice, and vanilla ice cream for afters.
Same time tomorrow night: sausages, baked beans, chips & a nice runny egg.
Have a look on main page Ruff, there’s a mysterious link…..
Ooh err…. we’re all doomed… doomed I tell you!
Door to door mass arrests of IsAC sympathisers?
Peerage offered to RTC in return for his Silence?
Has Percy cracked under pressure from the ‘woke police’ and grassed Blunty?
He’s off his head on garlic parrot mix this time of night LL, so we should be alright!
The contributors here will be asked to form a committee to thrash out how to fund the BBC in the future.
All on Bercow level expenses naturally.
Fucking disgraceful making this traitor a Lord but then that’s just what you would expect from Corbyn another traitor to this Country The Enemy Within.?
It’s worse than that.
That BBC uber-cunt Lord Hall has resigned especially to take over and close down ISAC!!
They’re already bleating that the next Director General MUST be a woman… ?
How typically ‘Right On’ RTC. Starmer is up against things for that very same reason.
My memory may be playing tricks but wasn’t Jenni Murray (God Forbid!!) under serious consideration 8-10 yrs ago?
Samira Ahmed ticks ALL the right boxes though
We’ve had the op. It’s now …. is a cock.
I can exclusively reveal that at 8pm yours truly is announcing their sexuality.
Maybe its the launch of IsAC’s rolling news channel of ongoing cuntishness from across the world with guest editors every week discussing topical events. First up, Black and White Cunt with ‘No means no, an arsehole too far?’
Didn’t get a peerage? I can’t understood how this cunt didn’t get fired! If I’d done a tenth of the shit he did, at ANY job I’ve ever had, I’d have been put through a window, never mind fired.
” Tarmac your drive and fuck your wife sorr ? ”
Odious little wanker of a cunt.
Get To Fuck.
Bullying juniour staff and thwarting democracy for years and the little guys not getting a peerage?
Out of Ooooordeerrr!!!!
All Politicians are Cunts…no news there…but Bercow managed to set a new bench-mark. To so thoroughly,blatantly and with such obvious smug self-satisfaction,reduce the reputation for Speaker impartiality to the gutter takes a special man.
Bercow…A Cunt For All Seasons.
Hopefully Boris Johnson’ll put forward Laurence Fox for a seat in The Lords….must admit that I’ve had some harsh things to say about actor-types but Fox is making me reconsider.
Hes James Foxs son Dick, magnificent men in their flying machines?
Performance wi Mick Jagger?
Hes been brought up to think for his self and speak out against bollocks,
Refreshing for a thesp eh?
popular on ISAC anyway?
The stink of corruption from Westminster can be smelt in Brum.
What a couple of fetid turds Bercunt and the Corbynated Chicken are.
The “Lords” can get to fuck. The old aristocracy were the only establishment to give up power without war. The new aristocracy that infests every institution will need to be dragged kicking and screaming from power. Luckily Dominic Cummings is going to fuck them all in the ear. Cunts
the fucking Lords have been meddling again:
“…the Lords demanded the EU citizens be given physical documentation of their right to live in the UK post-Brexit.”
What ‘right’ would this be then? Once out of the EU padded cell WE are the ones who will be determining whether or not such a ‘right’ exists. Naturally, mission creep will eventually see deployment of these ID cards extended and transformed from “beneficial” piece of beaurcratic process applicable to one specific group into a required piece of documentation to be held and carried on the person by every single inhabitant. Vos papieren bitte?
“He claimed without a physical document then EU citizens eligible to remain in the UK would be “severely disadvantaged” in dealings with landlords, airlines and other officials.”
Good, thank fuck for that.
Small man syndrome.
Small amount of class.
Small attitude to democracy.
Small trousers, small pants.
Small shoes
Small life
And yet he’s a massive cock.
Moggie , I think you meant to say he is a massive cock .
I’m pretty sure that’s what I did say. He’s a massive cock.?
All small people are cunts General!
Scientific fact that is!
Dw@rves being the worse!
No once a man gets over the 6ft mark he starts to reach greathood, kindly, goodlooking, winning smile, makes the girls go wit-woo!!
I pity an despise the small of stature they should only come out after dark.
Except that little man who was in that 80s film.
Who? ET?
Dont mean Home Alone do you?
That was a kid.
The little Cuntologist who was in Top Gun?
Tom Cruise? Not that absolute sucker of cock. What a dickbird.
I meant R2D2.
I hate small people. I get a stiff neck looking down at them and become suspicious that I can’t see what they’re doing down there.
Thanks mate!
My dick swings closer to the ground than your does.
That’s especially true with my famously minuscule genitalia.
Sly fuckers, not to be trusted!
Down there touching stuff they shouldnt, rooting about in cupboards,
Sick of looking at their bald spots,
Little bastards, buying up kids clothes without a thought, struggling to see over the steering wheel….
They need a good thrashing!!!
Stick to the topic please you are making Benny cry.
bollocks! have you any idea what its like having to shop in the kids section?
I don’t have kids so it looks fucking suspicious, then when I find a pair of jeans that fit me try them on and they have “Ben 10″ written down one of the legs, childhood obesity is not helping either try finding a 28” waist, worse still having pants that say 14yrs on the label.
That is probably why Bercow (and I) are such miserable cunts.
Hehee! Why how tall are you Lord B?
Sorry but that made me giggle,
Ben 10! ?
Lets put it this way, I was the right size to be a WPC when I put my application in, my application to a regiment was batted aside by the recruitment Sargent who offered me tanks..
I wish somebody would offer me a tank, it’s often the only chance you’d get to park.
like this?
WPC? Why the fuck would you want to be a Woman Police Constable Lord Benny?
The thread has run out, that was rather shitty of you, I did say no more size jokes, poor chap has bared his soul and you laughed at him.
I thought that, but out of character for me kept my mouth shut!
Everything I say offends him and digs me in deeper!
you made me cry.
Not everyone is made like a Nordic God, some of us are vertically challenged.
when I was a child soldier everything fitted 170/180.
as a grown up it did not!
even with a hippo pad my webbing swung like a may pole so kidney pouches ammo and water nothing more .
even then I could not lay flat.
being small is a curse.
Look on the bright side people. If this obnoxious, poisonous little runt were to get onto the red benches, I reckon that the rest of the smelly, coffin dodging old cunts inhabiting that cesspit will (given that the shit that spews from Bercunt’s gob usually does so at a very high volume) spend far less time fast asleep and actually do some fucking work.
That said, I’d still rather the cunt just drown in his bath!
Fuck off on the small man jibes! remember you can’t cunt a cunter!
Fucking sizeisum at its worst against the vertically challenged.
Yet another all round bad egg.
Also a colossal cunt and expenses pimp.
Fuck me what a shower of grubbing pigs.
Lord Fifth Column of Cuntsville.
Besides being a traitor to both his party and his country, a top grade scrounger and thoroughly nasty piece of work. Top move by Steptoe……another nail in the Labour coffin.
John Bercow no peerage but a life long cuntage. Johns wife should be in the upper house, or was that the upper house have been in her? Oops no that was his cousin, keep it in the family eh Sally?
My theory on John Bercow is.
John could not satisfy his wife, John felt belittled and emasculated by his wife so he tried to prove he was powerful and manly by abusing his role as speaker. John is also accused of bullying and abusing his staff, once again text book signs a man feels weak inside.
Go front up your unfaithful wife John, you had no right to try and massage your massive but bruised ego by assisting those who would thwart democracy.
Fucking pussy.
Unbelievably those libtard cunts at Sky paid Bercunt £60,000 to sit in their studio and spout hate-speech on election night. They deluded themselves into believing he’d boost their viewing figures. ?
Not surprisingly the audience was repulsed by the prospect. Only 47,000 tuned in, that’s over £1000 per viewer he trousered.
Beff Rigsby was on the panel too. Sky are cunts.
JLA must also be either demented or delusional to rate him AA for after-dinner speaking. I reckon if he tried talking in Tesco somebody would punch him in the gob. Tesco??? Of course I mean Waitrose.
The Brexit bill has just been defeated in the House of Cunts (aka Lords). Something to do with the non-issue of EU citizens rights….
Fer Christ sake please FUCK OFF!
Who the fuck is Lord Oates?
Never heard of the cunt either but quelle surprise apparently he’s yet another LibDumb arse bandit.
Just another Remoaner cunt with his snout in the taxpayers nose bag.
He should be kicked out the tent like his Grandad, Lawrence was and left there till his bollocks freeze off.To think this could be my last IsAC posting!
Hes a Quaker.
Is that why he’s known as “Oates so Simple?”
Colleague of Lord Hall?
The House of Lords relocation just extended to Newcastle. Any more trouble put them in fucking Inverness.
The SNP are crying out for more gimmegrants.
They can have our cunts.
Bercow is a hero of mine, he always stood up for minorities.
We should all take a leaf out of his book. As such, it is essential that we respect the wishes of the minority of UK voters and overturn Brexit.
If this cunt was in intensive care I’d unplug his life support to charge my phone, even if I still had 50%….
If he was in intensive care I’d piss in his drip bag. If I didn’t need a piss I’d just pour bleach in.
If this cunt was in intensive care id eat his grapes piss in his bed, and not wear a rubber when shagging his missus on the bins round the back.
Shagging his missus without a sheath sounds like cutting your knob off to spite your balls.
If this cunt was in intensive care I would see if any of his organs were worth removing, so as to give to decent people.
I would be very surprised if any of them were usable, because he’s a toxic little cunt and the poison will have seeped into every fibre, in his ugly little body.
On the 1st February remainers and europeans should be marched to the beach on the end of a bayonet, and then told to swim, if they refuse they should be killed where they stand.
The thought of running a bayonet through this foul little character cheers me up no end.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind…..
Ha ha! That cheered me up WC.
Looked like he was tripped up when chasing after his hat in the clip.
“Rare coin collector”
In other words antiques dealer.
Never meet a poor one of those.
Fuck him…. ???
Part of me feels sorry for the bloke…..actually no, fuck that.
What the hell does he expect? Frankly, I am amazed that something like this hasn’t happened sooner. The man has been bugging the arse off people for years and reportedly intimidating them himself on the streets, getting in their faces with his ‘remain’ shenanigans. It is a red rag to a bull for pack chavs like this. You can only push people so far before they have well and truly had enough and go off on one.
Time for the cunt to go home, methinks. Why the fuck is he still there, anyway??
I reckon he is quite comfortable living in that £6m house opposite Jacob Rees-Mogg. I bet they secretly go up Tesco together of a week.