DragCon UK

A slip into your high heels and slap some lippy on cunting please, for DragCon UK.

Actually, I’m not sure if the event is the bigger cunt or the hordes of braindead fucking retards who shelled out 40 quid a throw to get tickets for this total cuntfest.


Just look at the state of those cretins in the queue. Why would anyone want to pay to see this fucking freak show full of attention seeking, look at me, talentless shitheads is completely beyond me. One woman apparently had three children under 12-years-old with her. I actually believe she should be reported to social services.

We are living in very strange times indeed and I’m just glad I was born when I was and raised by two level-headed and down to earth people.

Nominated by Cupid Stunt

24 thoughts on “DragCon UK

  1. Cunts all of them. I can’t begin to imagine what would happen if these fuckers needed to be conscripted to fight a war, we’d simply lose. I’ve been off work recovering from surgery for w few weeks and this silly little cunt has appeared on an advert, it has it’s own tv show now after being discovered by Ellen Degenerate: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7856929/Teen-make-influencer-Reuben-Maid-opens-bullying-Reuben.html
    Just fucking look at it, I bet his did shivers every fucking day at work.

  2. Fuck me tis nowt but pervery, weird bastards should be burnt at the stake. This is ever the devils doing.

  3. Ru Paul is an abomination… But, as is the case with abominations these days, he/she/it is lauded and acclaimed… The media (especially those BBC cunts) are to blame… For they promote, peddle and big up these freaks and deviants… The BBC are teaching kids that this sort of circus freak fuckery is OK, when it is anything but… Boris should close them down and take away the licence fee for that alone…

  4. For fuck’s sake! Is it not possible in this fucked up country to go one single day without a MSM “news” story about these fucking degenerates? Someone should have told Thump that a high ranking Peaceful had bought a ticket so that he could have released the drones!

    Time for me to fuck off and live on a desert island! Cunts!

  5. Moral fibre?
    None at all with these panto puffs.
    But nontheless an excellent illustration of Britain today,in some quarters anyway.
    A desperate shitshow of awful cunts indeed.
    Just fuck off.

  6. Well I can understand why people would have been disappointed if they couldn’t get in to the event. Imagine going all that way and spending all that money to not get into The Freak Show and get the chance to teach your children to shout abuse and hurl Mr.Kipling French Fancies at The Gays.
    I suppose it’s a bit like going to Bedlam to laugh and point at the Nutters,or chucking rocks at The Elephant Man…a fun day out that,like so many of our Traditional Pastimes,has been hijacked by “Progress”.

  7. That little Rueben cunt is an establishment politicians dream, young, male, dresses like some fucking panto dame and I give you Cuntlestiltskins prediction that in 4 years time its rusty sherrifs badge will be more akin to a hybrid between a pound of pork lardons and the Mersey tunnel.
    Its parents should be failed for abuse.
    Ru cunting Paul, tottering around like a well used inflatable.
    Not that any of these chutney ferrets posses them.

  8. I’ve tried to bring my two kids up with suitably normal views on right and wrong, normal and perverse, which are apparently now “right-wing” views. It’s a fucking uphill struggle and I’m fighting against the dark-forces of education and twisted society.

  9. Drag queens belong in gay bars, not on TV, not in library’s and schools. What’s next Gimp of the year awards?

    It’s a lifestyle choice, what next, invite the local outlaw MC to speak to kids about the outlaw lifestyle? Maybe a weekly hour with gangsters and drug dealers. Maybe the girls could spend time with prostitutes to learn the sex trade.

    Win a week in a cell with Ian Watkins in this weeks CBeebies competition.

    The moral fabric of society is under attack. I laughed at the old cunts who protested sex pistols concerts in the 70s but now it’s apparent that there does have to be a line and once crossed the floodgates of filth and doors Depravity are impossible to close.

    Mary Whitehouse may of been right after all.

  10. Drag queens, transvestites, sex changes. Because there aren’t enough ugly, badly-dressed women in the world already.

    • Deviancy is right.
      Perversion of minds is right.
      The BBC tells us so.

      My new series – “Gammon gash hunters – boom boom”!

      I have sent a trailer to the BBC, most excellent it was, got a snowmail back from someone calling themselves “They Flake” informing me that my blatant promotion of heterosexuality is waaycist..

      Sick is the new healthy.

  11. It strikes me that your drag queens of old – Dame Edna, Lily Savage etc. – were funny as they were clearly ugly blokes tarted up, using the gag to make jokes that a normal act couldn’t get away with; didn’t hurt that the writing was razor sharp as well. These modern f*ggots seem to think that spending 4 hours getting ready to do a “show” means they don’t have to bother with outdated shit like jokes, material, an actual act etc.

    • Only to add that when drag acts were unusual and mildly shocking they were pretty good entertainment, as you say. And a good pull for pubs who dared hire them. But now deviancy is the new normal, and extremely boring. Tortured analogy: eat nothing but caviar and you’ll get sick of the taste of fish.

    • You know, there’s one of these cross dressing trannies in the current crop of victims on Channel 4’s ‘SAS Who Dares Wins’

      It must be fucking torture for ‘Rasor’ Middleton not to throw the fucker of a highland peak.

      Thing I noticed about the SAS ds team ; Hard as nails & would take you out of this life using a bic biro, if no other deadly weapon was to hand – all white. The main interrogator’s normally a white woman.
      Makes you think ; fuck increasing bobby’s on the beat. Send the lads in balaclavas onto the streets. Knife gangs would be piled up onto a rust pole within days, ala Shish Kebab….

  12. I really don’t understand why the bizarre and deviant is so lauded and celebrated these days. I have nothing against drag/trannies/whatever, but why is it shoved in our faces and put up on some fucking pedestal as being something to be admired and worthy of attention, ALL OF THE BLOODY TIME??

    Fine. You like dressing as a woman, wearing a shitload of make-up and mincing around like Julian Clary on uppers. Good for you. Carry on.

    Just stop fucking telling the whole damned world about it.

    • Fuckin ‘ell. That cunt doesn’t beat around the bush, does he?

      “Good Morning. Why are you gay?”

      Then some random steams in with his shopping bag full of dick-shaped veg, as you do on national TV.

      This actually makes the BBCunts look competent. Bloody funny though.

  13. Great cunting! I agree with the comments about Lily Savage, Dame Edna etc. They were funny and I could sit and watch them if they happened to appear on the box. Nowadays, every bastard programme features at least one of these talentless, irritating, mincing poofy cunts. They serve no purpose. They’re STUPID, they’re NOT FUNNY, they’re CUNTS all of them. Not only that, but they use the foulest disgusting language, by that I mean absolutely filthy “Innuendo” that any straight bloke would be arrested for. Not that I’m a prude, far from it, but when you’re out with the missus or your mum or God forbid, your children, and some daft cunt has booked one of these dickheads to appear for some tarts birthday, and they start talking about clocks, fannies, and what they like to stick up their arse (how about that fucking microphone you’re holding?) then I’m afraid it’s “drink up, I’m outta here”.

    • Barry Humphries had 4 kids, two sons and two daughters , he made his living dressing up as a woman but didnt want to be one.
      I spent a lot of time dressed as foliage but never considered cross pollination.

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