A massive ‘now then..now then’ style counting for…
Diversity and our broken system
‘I read the news today’
Except that you didn’t. Not really. On Wednesday, not a single paper led with the terrible, heart-rending news from Manchester on yet another grooming gang scandal, centring on the death of Victoria Agoglia (extremely harrowing). What you read about instead was more fluff on Harry and Meghan or the pointless Punch and Judy show in Parliament: who is up, who is down, and which unelectable candidate will get to be Labour leader. Philip Johnston in the Telegraph even had the complacency to inform us that our system ‘isn’t so broken after all’.
Oh yes it is, very much so. A system that successfully shut down existential matters of debate not just for years but for decades, where repeated scandals concerning the mass rape and deaths of young girls are swept under the carpet while campaigners face years of abuse and harassment from the authorities, is broken indeed.
When will we have an honest debate on Islam and the terrible subcultures it incubates within it? Although it would clearly be wrong to demonise all Muslims and all interpretations of Islam, how much longer can we ignore the dangers of a faith with a rapidly growing demographic whose holy book and prophet preached, in part, violent sectarianism, misogyny, the legitimisation of rape and the acceptability of sex with girls as soon as they start to menstruate? How much longer will we deny the undeniable: that such theology is highly likely to create the barbarous cultures that prey upon young girls? Instead, we are edging ever closer to Islamophobia laws.
Our establishment will not do so because that would mean confronting not just the dangerous fundamentalism within one faith but the dangerous fundamentalism of its own new mantra – that ‘diversity is our strength’.
No, it isn’t. In all sorts of ways, diversity is shown to be a source of great weakness. It isn’t just the grooming gang scandals. The explosion of knife crime throughout the UK has its roots in two ‘diversity’ shibboleths: the desirability of importing cultures, however violent and incompatible, and the ‘lifestyle diversity’ of family formation. It is well known that gang culture takes root amongst boys where fathers are absent, and the great increase in gang culture in recent years is a result. The immigration of young men from brutalised African cultures ready to resort to extreme violence created competition for indigenous gangs who felt compelled to ‘tool up’ in response.
Such violence, and the fear of it, is just the most extreme manifestation of our shift from a high-trust to a low-trust society, with catastrophic social consequences. The liberal American sociologist Robert Putnam was dismayed to find that, after a certain point, diversity rapidly decreases social capital in society and leads to people becoming lonelier and more isolated as voluntary networks and association disappeared. This has a devastating and demoralising effect, particularly on working-class communities that have always relied on community solidarity, and was one of the prime movers behind the result of the Brexit vote.
These days few would deny, I hope, that some diversity can be genuinely enriching for society, or that a multiracial society has largely proved a British success story, with high levels of integration and mixed marriage between many ethnic groups. However, look at multiculturalism and a decidedly more mixed and often dark picture emerges.
The elites still lack the moral courage even to begin to learn these lessons. They refuse to discuss Islam, blame superficial issues such as ‘drill music’ for knife crime, and condemn Brexit as a racist vote that has brought down the curtain on a great and enlightened liberal era. The reality, of course, is very different. In the following decades we will view this period of liberal ascendancy, far from being a tolerant utopia, as a time of the most appalling prejudice and hate, a time when young girls were, in a quite literal sense, thrown to the wolves by their social betters for the crime of being born in the wrong class, and as one of the most shameful episodes in our domestic history.
Nominated by Simmy Javelle
There was a lot of discussion about this one, it is factual but seems to cover too many pegs for a direct cunting but we let it go, Carry on cunting.
I don’t think there’s a poster here that would disagree with a word you’ve said. For me a target should be set for a British population that’s between 90% – 95% white British so that immigrants, who have been carefully selected for the contribution they’re likely to make, are properly able to integrate and not ghettoize.
We also need greater recording of who’s in the country, their nationality, religion and their life paths, and for that information to be transparent so that the general public can make informed decisions at elections on various candidates proposals on immigration policy .
It should be as easy to evict migrants as it is for them to gain entry. How about a probationary period of five years?
Good Nomination!?
Theyd love to introduce islamaphobia laws, absolutely love to outlaw any criticism of this their favourite faith,
Any dissent? Hate speech& prison sentence.
Never work again.
This cancer is a foreign body eating away at our culture, preying on our children, notice the victims, the real victims were white working-class kids in the North?
Those coppers, top brass covering it up, dirty bastards, complicite in the crime, all for multicultural appearances.
What sort of bloke does that?
A soulless fuckin monster.
Fuck islam
Fuck multiculturalism
Fuck allowing this shite
Liberalism? Multiculturalism? Diseases where the self appointed doctors criticise anyone dying of them for suggesting treatment.
Legislation: Whoever you are you agree UK law is THE LAW.
Don’t like it?
Fuck off.
Political Correctness – wholly INCORRECT!
It is maddening to know this is happening right now in the communities and areas I live, everyone knows it’s going on, in broad daylight, flash cars sliding up to little girls, greasy little peacefuls at their vile business, nothing seen, nothing done – and you are the criminal for reporting your concerns!
I have never taken life without good reason, and have not done so for a while, I use exercise and occasionally medication to control the “socially functional psychopath” part of my personality but it genuinely hurts me to see those who had to make War destroyed by our own in peace.
Apologies for the somewhat dark and sombre tone of this one, but I can’t muster up a sense of humour on this one.
That is all.
On BBC4 now “The Betrayed Girls”. An hour long of the abuse of White girls by parkystarnies in the northern towns as though no such thing could ever happen in London, oh dear me no, just the dirty northeners could do such things. OK let’s see how far they dare go in telling THE WHOLE TRUTH. There is so much more yet to emerge.
I’m glad this Breaking News wasn’t the revelation of my Secret Identity.
Harry Hewitt’s bollocks?
Cuntan, that reminded me of this. “Batman?!” 😀
Batman bin supraman?
Are you Prince Andrew?
They will recognise their errors but it will be too late because by then Islam will be in charge.
Maybe that’s just the path this country needs to walk for people here and elsewhere in Europe to wake up to the folly of multiculturalism. It’d be nice if it had happened elsewhere though so we didn’t have to.
By that time our cowardly media won’t even have a voice, Moggie.
Exactly – the time to fight for freedom is whilst you still have it!
I think it’s happening quicker in Sweden but we just don’t get all the info or any mainstream media coverage. There are no go areas over there and grenade attacks. PJW has one particular YouTube post about it and make of it as you will but even if half the shit is happening of what he is saying Sweden is a lost cause I fear. No one in power to stop it it seems.
We will see how it all pans out in ten years time and I really do hope the tide is turning.
as a nomination and a big secret it docent hold much, it is more a statement of the screaming obvious.
I recall reading a Chatham house report on townships in south america (the poor and the rich living together in close contact via gated communities) from the 1980’s.
perhaps this is the template that “Modern day living” is modeled on?
In an aim to a modern day “Metropolis” scenario?
However they do not seem to bargain on the stiff upper lip and the doffing of the cap.
You may see this as mad but I had a boss, he was educated and better than me (bit of a cunt but for the greater good) and I stood between him and harms way.
It seems to me that in this world untested metal is brought to the front, and their opinion is every thing.
It isn’t.
My cunt of a toff commander had no issue talking to the locals in their language’ nor was he lax on the coax when things went wrong.
fuck I miss the bad old days when you had to live day to day.
PS Bertie that was very hurtful what you said and I cried.
You might be small in stature Lord Benny, but you’ve got the biggest heart of anyone I know and the broadest shoulders.
I love hearing about your tales in service and will continue to admire you for your determination and drive. ( none of which I’m joking about)!
Doesn’t this countries liberal namby pamby fucking elite cunts just make you want to run out in the street and scream… “FUCK !”
We’re fighting a loosing battle against this insanity.
It’s not racist to suggest that most of the rapes & stabbings are committed by ‘people of colour’.
They are being targetted by the Police because they are the one’s committing the fucking crime.
I’ll happily point at a whitey cunt they lock up.
If they do the crime, they get banged up. Race, religion, gender & sexual preference has fuck all to do with it !
Diversity without diversity of thought is meaningless Just like “climate” science or “social” justice. Steal the language and the British tell you to fuck off at the polls over and over.
I see the Sikh group knife fight on Sunday in Elmstead Road in Seven Kings, Ilford has disappeared from the news pretty quick.
Gosh, I do love multicultural England. So enriching.
I have gone beyond caring any more. What’s the fucking point in even raising a word of anger/frustration/outrage/offence, when you know full well you will be shouted down and given the usual anti-woke label.
So let them carrying on fucking under-age kids because the liberal elite and the woke brigade will brush it to one side, or even if they do raise the issue they will not mention anything to do identity politics in this context because its not part of their fluffy unicorn narrative.
Techno, mate you cant just ignore this shite, thats what these cunts wants!
Just keep your mouth shut, turn your back, fuck that!
Keep pointing the finger, call it out when you see it, these cunts want a world where their shit floats, they can fick right off I remember when these fuckers dare not stare you in the face in the street, an if they got uppity they got battered.
Wasnt so long ago.
True but you only have to look at the utter shit being thrown at that Fox guy for speaking the truth on Question Time last week.
He’s been smeared, belittled and criticised from a great height both on social media and some liberal newspapers. And no doubt he’s been abused and targeted in the street, or at his home or place of work etc.
But where is the Establishment to back him up? Where’s the support of the influential and powerful? Who is actually speaking up for the majority?
This country is totally fucked up, even with Boris in charge. Why doesn’t he bring about traditional Conservatism to this country as it was 40 or 50 years ago.
The Tories are more like Tory Light these days: they just don’t have the balls to actually do what the majority voted them to do!
Agree with all you say mate, but WE are better than some coin chasing politician, WE are braver than some career copper scared of his own shadow,
WE are more determined than some pissbed woke social worker.
WE are ISAC!!!
Hear us roar!!!
(Apart from moggies kitten, more a meep?)
You missed one out: –
“I Am Spartacus!!” lol
“even with Boris in charge. Why doesn’t he bring about traditional Conservatism to this country as it was 40 or 50 years ago. ”
Simple; he’s not a Conservative (within the actual meaning of the term), never was, he’s just another centrist tool.
Precisely Cunty Chops!
With the exception of Brexit, Boris has always been firmly aligned to the liberal wing of the Tory Party.
An outstandingly well argued nomination Simmy. Couldn’t put it better myself in a month of Sunday’s.
Should be required reading for Polly Toyncunt make that every Guardian journo ; the Judiciary and every MP.
But most of all, those cunts at the BBC and Channel 4 News
Grade A cunting Simmy.
My only slight disagreement is as to whether we have been enriched, what if our governments instead of pandering to big business had limited immigration to those who really would of enriched our society, strictly professionals and scientists, doctors, engineers?
What could this nation of been if we had politicians who served a long term vision. Our political class has used sticking plaster over sticking plaster, every skill gap or employment need to be filled with immigrants.
What if they had invested in our own people, put policies in place to ensure we trained enough nurses etc?
What we have now is wave of immigrants after wave of immigrants, each time the wave after is a little lower rent than the wave before.
They’ve sold the nation and it’s people down the river, The Britain that existed 100 years ago lost forever, there is no way back.
So now we pander to immigrants, without them the country can’t function. It’s not functioning, you cunts killed it. This isn’t about race it’s about culture. Multiculturalism is the eradication of the indigenous culture. Celebrating multicultural Britain is celebrating the deliberate destruction of the culture that defined these islands. They destroyed the future of British people and replaced with something they call British culture but it’s really fucking not.
Yes, man of the people and working class heros’ like Owen Jones are unlikely to ever have a young daughter to worry about so he can just keep shouting ( and bloody shouting) far right! facists! far far right! at anyone who complains about this absolute travesty of British ‘justice’.
And we’re the unfeeling nasty cunts according to the oh so touchy feely woke people.
I tuned in for the 8 o’clock news alert and nothing. What’s all that about?
Same here IY, I thought maybe Laurence Fox had been dragged through the streets of London before being blood eagled in front of the houses of parliament
I must admit, I’m still waiting for the news to come through.
I thought the big reveal was going to be that ISaC is owned by Laurence “Lozza” Fox and that he’s secretly one of the famous (or should that be infamous) characters on here.
Either that or Owen Jones has set the whole thing up as a sting operation and the “thought police” are at any moment going to use the big red key on my front door!
Could be the Coronavirus …. the end is nigh
I wish some cunt would put this cunt out of his cunting bafflement and explore win just what the cunty cunty was supposed to happen 40 minutes ago…..
Sorry for the diversion.
we were waiting for you, but hey ho its a filler (rather a good one)
Perhaps Northern Rail has got the 8 o’clock Special franchise. It should be here any hour now.
Get To Fuck.
That’s what Fox did the other night. He calmly pointed out racism and sexism when he saw it without becoming hysterical, and that’s the path to a more truthful discussion because you’ve got to get the nation on-board against poisonous foreign groups if they’re going to be dealt with lawfully and democratically. I don’t want to see skinheads and nazis harassing every dark-key they see but a peaceful rejection of cultures that common sense tells us are bad for the nation.
Im happy either way .
But violent stupid thugs attacking dark keys minding their own business undermine the correct principle of keeping backward cultures in their own parts of the world. Undecided British people then associate the notion of regarding multi-culturalism as totally wrong-headed with the brainless random racist violence of angry thugs, which divides British people against eachother which is the opposite of what’s needed.
I’ve always held the view that the way to deal with these SJW cunts is to 1. call them out on their hypocrisy, as Fox did 2. turn their own rhetoric back on them, as Fox did 3. Don’t back down, and tell them to fuck off,as Fox is doing.
Once you run and go down the ‘I wish to apologise’ route, they own you.
The SJW hysteria machine makes a hell of a shriek, but in doing so, it starts to expose its own bigotry, intolerance, hypocrisy and stupidity. Look no further than the response from that nutter Lily Allen.
This is why I admire someone like Katie Hopkins so much. I don’t always agree with what she says, but she puts her view out, won’t back off, and when some cunt throws a hissy and says ‘I’m outraged and offended by you!’, Hopkins response is ‘oh really? Fuck. Right.Off’.
Good work Simmy!
There’s ‘news’ currently about ‘cultural appropriation’ in fashion. Some Japanese soy tofu wanker has apologised from the depths of his heart for offending black people for having white models with corn-row hairstyle wigs in his fashion show. Naturally Al Beeb is running with it as ‘problematic’ and I feel like I’m taking those crazy pills again…
Whoops I meant to put that in noms…
When I was in Africa I went to visit one of those supposedly, ‘must go to’ beaches, but when I got there it was absolutely packed.
Some quick thinking was needed to free up some space, so when I saw a local black chap weaving his way along the beach selling his trinkets I called him over and asked him for a favour.
I said, “I’m supposed to be meeting someone here but didn’t specify exactly where, so as you’re walking along could you call out her name every now and again, and if you find her, send her to this end of the beach. I’ll give you some money.”
He said, “Sure, I’ll do that. What’s her name..?”
I said, “Ivy,…Ivy Bowler”….
In the past every country in Europe would’ve slaughtered an enemy invasion like we’ve seen. In the 21st century that’s attributed to racism and xenophobia. Perhaps it needs to be tested and played out so that everyone can only say ‘no they were right civilisation and peace is genuinely incompatible with these backward peoples and they must rightly be excluded’. White people will regather themselves and be strengthened in their resolve and righteousness, perhaps not in England which I fear is lost, but somewhere. But maybe that can’t happen until this experiment is played out and so may be necessary in the long-run.
A very good friend of mine, been in the cops for almost 30 years, never put a foot wrong, well not many, ended up working as a Duty Sergeant, despite dreaming of being the Chief Super.
long story short, books in a typical visiter who later goes on to top itself in the cell.
I’m keeping genders out of this just in case…..
Despite being off duty when it happened my mate was initially charged with manslaughter through gross negligence and faced a battle lasting a couple of years.
The case was eventually dropped but has now been reopened. That in itself makes you realise that once it’s been decided that you’re the patsy the system will move against you.
So the case is being heard by the IOPC, the evidence is straight forward, it’s on CCTV and the keyboard strokes on the custody computers are fully monitored and recorded.
There’s nothing more to it other than an unfortunate incident.
Then we hear that a very senior cop was fully aware that underage girls were being groomed, drugged and gang raped by multiple shit cunt Parking Stanley’s.
Whoever this bastard cunt is his defence is that he turned a blind eye because he feared stoking racial tension and didn’t want to be branded ‘racist’.
Fucking fuck me.
What on earth has this country come to when those that hold the levers of power are to scared to exercise them, despite knowing heinous crimes are being perpetrated…….
I think that in itself sums up the fear the PC brigade rule our public bodies.
And so it is my mates life has been turned upside down and could potentially end up out of a job and losing a hard earned pension.
But turn a blind eye to multiple gang rapes, grooming, underage sex, admit it and you’ll be fucking reet.
Are you saying in a normal British nick that everything is monitored or recorded in case something happened to a person in custody?
If only the Americans could learn from us, then there would of been CCTV and close monitoring of Jeffery Epstein the night he killed him self. You’d think they’d have learned when all the security cameras were offline at the pentagon on 9-11.
I remember a few years ago, a prisoner with a suntan dying at Hull nick. The enquiry found nothing wrong but concluded that the police were inadvertently racist. A fucking classic of bullshit. All was on cctv, the duty sergeant and the attending officers did nothing wrong but they were inadvertently racist. Fuck me.
A good decision Admins
Been watching this nom and hoping it would be given the green light because it is urgent and ‘vital’ as in vital for the ongoing viability of OUR people, (I can no longer in good conscience give a fractional fuck for the well-being of any interloping competitor group/s.) Yes the nom covers a lot of ground but all are connected and derivatives of the ‘diversification project’.
When you stand back and dispassionately assess this ‘Diversity’ meme it dawns on you that it resembles nothing so much as an abusive relationship with the left/immigrants/kvetching jews taking the part of a neurotic/psychotic/vindictive Wife and the British people the part of the long suffering and indulgent Husband desperately but unwisely trying to placate her by any means or sacrifice when she’s tantrumming over the slightest moment’s inattention and screeching at you that… “you’ve never really loved us,” constantly pointing up the slightest flaw in our collective character and generally trying every trick in the book to induce guilt. The Husband (us) ends up having to absorb this shit year after year in his/our vain attempts to make her feel better about herself until in the end he becomes an active facilitator of their (by now) mutually abusive co-dependence hamstrung by his foolish fear “How will they survive without us?” Well at this point it’s a matter of our survival and her/their fate should be dumped straight back into her/their own hands – there’s the door now fuck off!
With regard to the millions of inassimilable and hostile post-war aliens that we’ve saddled ourselves with this is where we are now and before us is a legitimate case for immediate divorce on the grounds of their grossly unreasonable behaviour and our irreconcilable differences. The disbenefit such a wholesale and final divorce will bring to them will be far greater than anything we’re likely to suffer in consequence. Like I said I no longer give a fuck for them.
“These days few would deny, I hope, that some diversity can be genuinely enriching for society,”
Sounds like NAXALTing to me – Not All X’s Are Like That. Gonna need a concrete example please ‘cause I’m fucked if I can see anything that’s brought the slightest benefit to me or mine? I’m guessing/hoping that you’re playing Devil’s advocate here because making policy decisions on the example of exceptions and individuals is not the way to govern. And when you say “some” what do you mean by that? When does ‘some’ become too much?
“…or that a multiracial society has largely proved a British success story,…”
Ohhh…kay….??? My immediate reaction is ‘what fucking bollocks is this?’ so once more I’m compelled to request an example ‘cause I’m fucked if I can… etc etc.
“…with high levels of integration and mixed marriage between many ethnic groups.”
Yeah because I just can’t get enough of seeing black males fucking white women in every bastard piece of TV advertising/programming.
The four principle causes of extinction are
Destruction of habitat – happening right now in every part of the country
Competition from invasive species – self explanatory
Predation – happening right now in every part of the country
Hybridisation – i.e. miscegenation and mixed race marriages – fuck that!
In fact. fuck anyone who welcomes/permits/facilitates or legally enables any of these four Apocalyptic horsemen into my country.
There simply is no upside for us, nothing we do will be good enough for these cunts or sufficient to shut down the diversity industry. And remember “Diversity “ is merely genteel liberal code for “fewer White people.”
What CC said!
For anyone wanting to know what the 8 o’clock news is…
It is…
I’m a bit of a cunt.
Go fuck yourselves.
No, B&WC, you are a lot of a cunt.
I think your right CC. ?
The bloke on the extreme left in the header picture looks a bit like me.
You can imagine the conversation that took place about the racial politics of that picture. ‘Lets make the darkest man look educated/geeky/smiley/harmless’ god forbid people should represent truth and reality at all!
Great Nom……
This should go to the BBC (does ISAC have have a BBC account) in response to their over the top pro immigration piece entitled ‘Your Guide to Immigration’
They seem to have missed off any negatives and to imply that we would still be in the Stone Age (slight exaggeration) without it.
Cunted his earlier. Hope it makes it.
Excellent cunting.
Diversity does not enrich society. Diversity is not an asset. Diversity does not bring people together. Diversity is DIVISIVE.
It is no coincidence that the words sound very much alike.
If anything, it causes huge divisions in society. No matter what the Left like to bleat about diversity – all of the above – we are not all one big happy family of homo sapiens who can co-exist quite nicely. There are cavernous differences between races/nationalities/religions that nothing can change, but as soon as anyone states that fact, they are called bigoted, xenophobic, accused of being unable to adapt or build bridges.
It is a fucking farce.
We are not all the same. We don’t think the same. We don’t live the same. We don’t practice the same traditions or have the same beliefs, behaviours or social niceties. THIS IS A FACT that the woke and ‘accepting’ of this world do not want to hear. There is a distinct shutdown of any kind of conversation that could take place over this subject. As soon as anyone dare even suggest that things are simply not working in this country when it comes to ‘bringing people together’ ‘(VOMIT….pass me the sick bucket) they are told THEY are the ones who have a problem and simply do no wish to live in a multicultural and diverse country.
It is not a great thing whatsoever. It has created a shit load of problems in this country (and in other European countries) over the past few years and been responsible for the loss of lives that are apparently deemed far less valuable that the wonder that is ‘diversity’.
Well, I say fuck diversity. I have had a belly full of this shit. I commend the cunter who wrote this nom.
Wow! triple ticky points Nursey, and worth every one of ’em.
The worm is turning.
No longer will we allow leftist, militant cunts to dictate the rules of discourse, labelling anything that is basically common sense as (insert slur here) just because it doesn’t suit THEIR narrative or opinion. Fuck ’em!
They are abject losers on both sides of the pond, and the vast majority (away from “woke” shitties like Londonistab and LA) are completely fed up of the continual bullshit and belittling of ordinary folk!
It’s really good that high profile bods like Lawrence Fox have started the push back in the public eye, and in a reasoned and eloquent manner, which really, really, pisses leftist cunts off because they then cannot take the intellectual high-ground as they would with anyone who doesn’t have an Eaton cut-glass accent, or lives outside of the M25 cuntbubble!
So the next time that Suckdick Cunt, Lily Mong, Linekunt, Steve Coocunt, David Mammy and Dianne Abbotpotamus come out with some sound-bite that’s neither true and doesn’t reflect the opinion of the nation AS A WHOLE (yes London, you are NOT the WHOLE country you cunts), then they can expect to be pushed back, and that their labelling/branding of us no longer has any effect!
Fuck you! We will speak our minds and you can fucking like it!
Not happy? Then feel free to FUCK OFF!
Cunting of the (ok I know it’s only January) year so far.
Superb journalism from the original poster, Simmy Javelle, I salute.
This is the journalism that we need publishing in mainstream newspapers, blogs, TV News and chat shows etc. The British public don’t respond well in mass to subtleties, the masses need the facts evidence and arguments rammed under their nose, like garlic up a horse’s arsehole.
The rising tide of mass immigration, starting 1946, has been to great detriment of Great Britain, we must be mad, literally mad, heaping our funeral pires, blood running in the streets (quite literally), Enoch was right, he was, and, we were never asked. It’s okay to be white.
Silicon valley social media shuts down user accounts for folk that speak against political correctness. The BBC are fully complicit. That Fox actor did a great thing on QT last week.
Don’t feel very optimistic about the future. Visiting city centres holds very little appeal. Visiting London holds very little appeal.
Sad, very sad, that mass immigration take over by brownskins has made city centres quite unappealing and unattractive for nice normal traditional folks.
There’s been some great writings on this website recently.
“… It’s okay to be white.”
nope… it’s fucking brilliant!
The basic point is that over the last fifty years the ones encouraging ‘multiculturalism’ are the ones it least affects. We, the majority white working class decent people, bear the brunt. Imported workers lowering wages. Turning once decent areas into ghettos and no go areas. Violent knife crime epidemic. Any rational argument is deemed as ‘racist’ by the elite living in their ivory towers. I for one am sick of it. I don’t go out and abuse ethnic minorities but am accused of being a bigot if I start a civilised debate on the matter. The country is overcrowded, full stop. By the way, the more you browbeat people with your own agenda the more they will turn against it. It’s not rocket science but are they to arrogant or thick to realise it?
If these smelly par keast arnies ,nygghasi,Ey rabs and chyn x don’t like it here why don’t they all fuck off?!
The same applies to all these filthy sek- sewell dejenereights who want the NHS to excise their cox and ball-bags just to cater for their attention-seeking desires.I would happily carry out these procedures without any form of anaesthesia using a rusty pen-knife and a pair of blunt tin snips.
Just what has happened to this country?
It has turned into a Gestapo khazi.
It’s all that hideous bitch Claudia W1nkleman’s fault.
You know I’m right.
Fuck it all.
Ladies and Gents, I am in a bit of a dilemma. I am coming to the UK in June with my wife ( both of us born in Birmingham ), my son and his wife and their three kids aged under 10, all Australian born. My grand children are so excited at seeing where Poppy and Nan grew up in the late 50’s early 60’s. My problem is, how do I tell them that that place no longer exists? Where can I take them that at least will bear some resemblance to the way of life I remember? Seriously, I know Brum is a shithole now but there must be somewhere that one of you knows that at least will give them some idea.
Come on over to the Isle of Wight, it’s right bang in the Goldilocks zone between coastal, rural and urban, plenty to keep the kids busy, and still 97% white. It’s a world away from today’s mainland.
Just make sure you rent a car for your stay if you do though, the public transport is stupidly expensive and can be difficult to effectively get around on, to say the least. I should warn you too, that if it’s between 11-14th June, then it would coincide with the festival and the place will likely be rammed with cunts.
Quite possibly the saddest post I’ve read on IsAC. And a damning indictment of this cuntry’s immigration policy of the last 30-odd years. Oh, how it has changed since you’ve been away. There are still parts that you may recognise if you know where to look, though. I live in Shropshire, a place no doubt familiar to an ex-Brummie like yourself, and you could probably do worse than spend a day or two visiting pleasant market towns like Much Wenlock, Church Stretton, Ludlow etc. maybe a nice walk up the Long Mynd while you’re in C.Stretton. All fairly untainted by the cancer that is multiculturalism.
Good luck stopping the horde.
` The liberal American sociologist Robert Putnam was dismayed to find that, after a certain point, diversity rapidly decreases social capital in society and leads to people becoming lonelier and more isolated as voluntary networks and association disappeared. This has a devastating and demoralising effect, particularly on working-class communities that have always relied on community solidarity, and was one of the prime movers behind the result of the Brexit vote.’
When I was the last white, early middle-aged, native English speaker left in my own street, I had no choice but to leave.
Some slightly complex reasons for moving on, but in essence feeling like a stranger in your own area about sums it up. I got on great with my immediate neighbours. But as soon as you got a little further distant than being able to speak across a few gardens, suddenly you were looked at squirly eyed or stared at. It is on reflection probably what immigrants feel when they arrive in a new area where they stand out. The insanity comes from the fact that I’d been born in that street, four doors along from the house I bought at age 21.