Disabled parking

I’d like to nominate disabled parking. As a wheelchair user I need to have a wide parking bay to get in & out of my car. All I see (if I can ever get a space) is so called disabled people getting out their car unaided, walking round the shops & getting back in unaided. I’m aware of hidden disabilities but surely you don’t deserve a wide disabled space if you don’t need it.
They’re giving disabled spaces to people with anxiety now! Their argument is that their shopping trip would be easier if they didn’t have the anxiety of finding a parking space!!?? Firstly, what the fuck is an anxiety sufferer doing shopping at such busy times & secondly what about my anxiety of finding a space where I can actually get in & out of my fucking car??
They give spaces for parents of children with ADHD! Surely that’s what the parent/child spaces are for!!

I am going to add to this, cunty car parks who charge for disabled parking, why you say? well my little blue badge allows me to park in some right cunty places, But sensible free parking stops us doing it, however the “lets rake it in council” seems to have other ideas. So cunty parking anyone?

And the worst part is the sanctimonious cunts who give me evil eyes because I drive a nice car & don’t look like I’m missing a leg until I start dragging my wheelchair from the passenger seat & start assembling it. Most of the time I’m the only person there who fucking *needs* the disabled bay but that doesn’t stop some old cunt staring at me as if I’ve stolen my grandmother’s disabled badge! The only saving grace is seeing their faces drop when the wheelchair is dragged out.


Nominated by BobMonkeycunt

Now a little contra cunting from Admin:


114 thoughts on “Disabled parking

  1. I’ve every sympathy with you Bob. Able bodied people who use these spaces are real cunts. I used to come across them even on a GP’s car park.
    Add to them the cunts who obtain disabled badges fraudulently.

  2. ‘Fraid I don’t see why disabled people people feel that they should be entitled to free parking. Many of them will be just as well off(or better) as anyone else using the carpark. Plus they are already getting the “best seat in the house” parking spots,so why shouldn’t they pay the same as everyone else?

    • Especially now that the criteria for allocation of passes has changed to include a raft of “woke” ( faux ) conditions.

      • Fair enough giving them to amnesia sufferers,ASA….the poor buggers might forget where they left it if it isn’t parked virtually in the lobby.

        🙂 .

      • I told my Doctor I had amnesia.

        “Amnesia”? He said – “that’s f*ck all, just go home and forget about it”

    • Many of the spots we’re talking about are roadside ones or supermarkets where no charge is made anyway. We couldn’t trust you anyway Dick. If you were given access to them, you’d still smash the nearby bollards in with your Hilux.

      • I’ve seen plenty of buggers fitter-looking than me jumping out of 4x4s in disabled spots,Bertie.

        If they all drove around in those three-wheeler Reliant Robins instead of fancy vehicles,it would remove any doubt when they parked up.

    • I worked as a “parking attendant” to pay me through further education – most eye opening!

      “I have a Wange Wover, I can park where I want little Man”
      “No problem Madam – here’s a sixty quid PCN, crack on”
      “I’m disabled”
      “Where’s your blue badge”
      “I don’t need to display it you National Minimum Wage idiot”
      “Actually it’s a legal requirement to prevent fraud and misuse, here’s a sixty quid PCN, crack on”
      “I was only there for a minute”
      “And blocking an emergency vehicle access point illegally”
      “But (flutter of eyelashes and toss of greasy dyed blonde hair) – can’t you let me off, I have never done it before”?
      “I am sure the Family of the person who has just died because you are lazy and selfish will appreciate the fact you only did it once – here’s a sixty quid PCN, crack on”
      “My car is too big to fit in the space”
      “That’s because you have parked it sideways across three bays – here’s a sixty quid PCN, crack on”
      “you are racist, dooshka, dooshka”
      “No, I hate every fucker – and in England drivers do not block emergency fire exits and risk lives – here’s a sixty quid PCN, crack on”
      “This is discwimination”
      “No, I believe you mis-spelt it, it’s LEGISLATION, and do the Police know you are driving a car with 7 unrestrained children in it? – here’s a sixty quid PCN, crack on”
      I think the point here is “park properly, pay the few pence required and you don’t get a f*cking ticket!”
      My experience was always the same – entitled lazy arrogant chav vermin who seem to think the rules applied to everyone else do not apply to them – CUNTS!

      • I’d love to be a traffic-warden. I’d be getting paid for doing something that I already enjoy…being a Cunt.

      • Ho ho Fiddler, I bet you cheered Jaws in the cinema when another shredded inflatable washed up on the beach and panic ensued.

      • I feel you would bring a sense of style to the position DF – and I can’t see too many chavs arguing with a narwhal mounted full cavalry gallop!

    • I should note that I didn’t add the part on free parking. I’m happy to pay for my parking the same as everyone else.

  3. Wholeheartedly agree, Bob. Not disabled myself, but there is a row of disabled bays where I work (car parking charges here are fucking incredible, but that’s another cunting, and I ride a m/c, which is free), and I very rarely see anyone with any visible impairment emerging from a car parked there. Some even take their dogs for a walk in the adjacent park. And there’s the fat slag whose mobility would be miraculously restored by laying off the MacDonald’s bargain buckets.

    I wonder how they obtain the stickers they need in order not to attract Security? They use granny’s card, who has stopped driving due to being in terminal care? Friends of the management? I go out and glare at the cunts sometimes, but it’s more than my job’s worth to question their credentials.

    A worthy cunting.

    • A quick heads up Komodo – a legitimate blue badge has a hologram and a date, if either are missing report it, it’s probably dodgy.

      A snap of the badge emailed to the relevant local Authority will trigger a check – if the badge is legit NFA, if dodgy the badge is cancelled and anyone using it after that stands the very serious risk of being busted for fraud.

      Disability badges and spaces exist for a good reason, not for some fat, tight lazy b*stard to take the piss – because that kind of boils my piss!

      • TY Vernon. Not sure of the exact system at work: drivers display a scratchcard thing ( no, not a lottery one) showing the dates of their entitlement, and that’s what Security go by, blue badge or (often) no blue badge. The cunts in the disabled bays always have these. Will investigate more closely and will add the matter to the portfolio of shitstirring I am putting together to mark my departure.

      • Security need a little chat with the DVSA Komodo, the legislation is – no blue badge with a hologram and a badge expiry date on the vehicle – no disability entitlement.

        “They have in their hand a piece of (entitling) paper”.

        Perhaps a good idea to suggest an audit where every disabled driver brings in their badge, just to “get it signed off”!

        Oooh, I am awful!

  4. If they suffer such a high degree of anxiety how come they manage to drive a car in busy traffic , surely that’s more stressful than going to the supermarket , and if a small thing like walking a few extra yards to the entrance makes a difference they must have pretty severe social anxiety disorder/agoraphobia in which case it would be much easier for them to have their food delivered or just cease the bullshit.

  5. The absolute cunts for me are Swansea Council who charge for disabled parking.I guess there are other councils who do this but I don’t know of them.

    The criteria for the issuing of disabled badges seems to have been reduced so you see all sorts of cunts with them now and you do wonder what the fuck is wrong with them. I have a mate I use to work for, I was selling for his company which was based in Carlisle. I was working and selling in London and regularly use to get parking tickets. When he came down to chivvy me up a bit we used his disabled badge to park in the disabled bays, it made life real easy for us. I expressed a desire for a disabled badge and he said its’ easy to get one just have your leg chopped off, as he had done. I felt a bit small that day.

    • Sorry, The criteria is in that case mobility, Different problems different criteria and I know a couple of amputees who do not qualify for a badge because they are enabled not disabled (be interesting to know how many para Olympians have got disabled badges)

  6. Top notch cunting, although, I’m in a small part in agreemant with Mr Fiddler about the charging. My mum’s got a disabled badge and she can afford to pay for parking, she just needs to park near the entrance. Just a point, though, having a disabled badge Doesn’t Give You The Right To Park In An Ambulance Bay as so many cunts do in hospitals. Why not go the whole hog and park on the heli-pad?

    • I didn’t add the section on free parking. Somehow that’s been chucked in the middle of my nom. I’m happy to pay for my parking.

      That was me, fucked off with paying £5 to park at the hospital that I have to visit because they made me disabled!

      • Admin. Are you prepared to elaborate on how they made you disabled!

        NO, But think of yourselves as Xmen if it helps, super cunters!

  7. I parked in a disabled parking space in a supermarket car park recently and was immediately accosted by security who said,”Parking in these spaces is for badge holders only.”

    I said, “I have got a bad shoulder”….

      • I love Tim Vine too Spoons. I think it’s BECAUSE the jokes are so bad – he knows it as well as you do – that makes me laugh in a weird way?? And the fact that he gets through about 8 jokes per minute. Not for everyone, granted; that “pen behind the ear” bit is utterly stupid but always makes me laugh

      • Doesn’t need to be blue to amuse me. Watched and recorded Peter Kay documentary last night. Maybe not for everyone but healthy humour I can relate to.

  8. I have a blue badge and am happy to pay charges. Used to be real funny when I drove my non eco car and parked in a disabled bay. Faces that would sour milk and muttering, on seeing the performance of me exiting the car usually put them right proving I was worthy of the badge and space. Due to the recent changes just about anyone will qualify for a badge methinks parking space rioting is on the horizon.

  9. I’m all for disabled people having their own spaces near to the shop entrance but honestly, do there have to be quite so many for fucks sake?

    My local Sainsbury’s has about a dozen of the frigging things and there are only ever 2 or 3 with any cunt parked there. The rest of the car park is usually rammed, so considerate, law-abiding twats like me have to drive around in circles waiting for a space.

    • It’s probably some council rule, a calculation based on the number of spaces divided by a ‘constant’ , the constant having fuck all to do with the actual requirement for disabled spaces.
      I agree they should really only be available to people with mobility problems, having anxiety doesn’t really need a wide space to get out of a car.
      Charging for parking is a fucking rip off, it should be scrapped along with road tax and the revenue taken on petrol, the more miles you do the more you pay

      • Direct taxation on mileage driven – top plan, and an equally good idea is having an insurance disc on the windscreen, skanking a bit of road tax is one thing but uninsured drivers are dangerous irresponsible c*nts

    • The legislation with regard to the the number of disabled spaces goes on car park size and proximity to amenities GTW, the builders are legally bound to install a certain number within a certain footfall – but respect for being what appears to be a minority in the UK – someone who is responsible and does the right thing

    • All the disabled bays where I visit are usually full. Full of people who blatantly don’t need them.

  10. Like most people i hate the disabled.
    Flash bastards with nice cars, special parking spaces, funny walks, pisstakers!
    Theyve never had it so good.
    Sorry, not the disabled! I meant blacks.

  11. It’s difficult to criticize where a need exists, but it is so over abused you can’t help but be irritated by it.
    The other aspect is they are entitled to park on yellow lines for up to 3 hours, no doubt obstructing free traffic flow for the rest.
    It needs to be more thoroughly policed with heavy penalties for abusing the privilege, for that is what it is a privilege not a right which is how most users see it.

  12. As an able-bodied cunt who is wandering over this ball of mud I look increasingly to be in the minority. Based on this fact alone I’ll soon qualify for a disabled parking spot.

  13. When DLA was scrapped I had to take Mrs B (MKIII) for re assessment for PIP That was a fucking eye opener, a whole room of retards until the case worker walked out, then all aches and pains forgotten you would think the water cooler was tapped in from Lourdes,
    Some right fucking chancers out there, fuck knows how they got away with it for so long (Probably through being annoying whining cunts).
    Mrs has a Blue badge she also knocks out appx £150 a month for non NHS treatment so by by PIP’s.

  14. Older, fractionally more fossilised cunts such as myself may well remember when those turquoise grp 3-wheelers were called Invalid Carriages. Fair do’s – that’s a fucking shitty way of referring to someone disabled – “NOT VALID”

    That said – how come road tax on 3 wheelers is less than that of your normal 4 wheeled car, when the former is wearing out a part of the road which the latter never touches ?

    As Dixon of Dock Green used to say – Evening all…

    • We’ve got a museum full of the old spakker carriages near us Seymour!! Doubt whether there’d be so many queuing up for subsidised motors if they were still handing these out in a nice duck egg blue instead of top-of-the-range Qashquis and such

      • It must be bad enough to be disabled, but to be humiliated by being forced to drive an AC Thundersley ??
        Man’s inhumanity to man…

      • There was a guy on Youtube restored a couple of them. Wish I could remember what his channel was called…

        Funnily enough I call my wheelchair my “Spaz Chariot”.

      • Fuckin right cuntan! A mate of mine qualified for a fuckin spaz wagon cos her dad was disabled, a brand new motor with no fuckin insurance or maintenance to pay for on the cunt! And she never used to take her dad out anyway, should be restricted to some piece of shit like the old blue 3 wheelers. Cunts!

      • That’s the fella!! Remember being in my dad’s lorry seeing those gasping away on dual carriageways in the early 80s, must have been fucking terrifying being in one!

      • Fuck me, I remember those!!! My dad used to piss himself laughing at them! We had a factory not far from us that used to employ disabled people that use to drive them and dad would take me down to see them and laugh at the cars! What a cunt! It must have rubbed off….

      • Those old light blue spaz chariots are fabulous. The height of cool in my view…..
        They always used to have loads of them parked up right beside the pitch at Scotch footie matches in the ’70s.

      • There’s a YouTube channel called Hubnut where the silly cunt drives around in some frankly fucking awful cars like Marinas and suchlike.

        In one episode he’s twatting about in a spaz chariot. It’s great stuff!

      • Cheers RTC. The links never seem to work properly on my phone. Fucked if I know why. Maybe I’m a spaz as well as a cunt.

  15. It’s obvious that most of the cunters commenting here have never had the misfortune of having to take a disabled person anywhere. My late mum had a Blue Badge (which you have to pay for by the way, and the application form is a cunt) as she could not walk any distance at all. I had to drive her everywhere, mainly hospital appointments, and believe me trying to find a free disabled space was most of the time next to impossible. Usually I had to drop the poor old dear off and leave here and then to try to find a parking space far away. Our local Tesco’s has loads of woman and child parking spaces which are actually closer to the shop then the disabled spaces. I know people abuse the system but that’s not the fault of the actual genuine cases.

      • Yep well said.
        My Mrs is partially sighted She doesn’t look like She is But She is.We have a blue badge and the comments we have had to endure from cunts is mega “that’s a disabled parking spot you cannot park there”Blue Badge Only Parking it’s For Disabled”
        Fuck Off
        Usually from totally ignorant bastards who should know far better.So before you run your big mouths off to someone in Asda or Tesco who’s just parked up in a disabled spot engage your brain before speaking to them to complain not all disablements are obvious.Yes we know the Blue Badge is misused but not by everyone .

      • It’s the sanctimonious twats who give the dirty looks that make parking so stressful for me. I understand hidden disabilities but there seems to be a LOT of people hiding them incredibly well.

      • Hear hear, Cupid and George.

        My wife has a condition called Charcot Foot, which is a cunt disease/symptom of T1 diabetes. If untreated by cast, the bones in the foot collapse and the foot ends up looking like an upward curving banana and leaves the sufferer crippled.

        It is a transient disease that she has suffered for 7 years now. She can walk short distances in orthotic shoes (I.e. without the cast). She is a blue badge holder and the filthy looks she sometimes gets when some busybody cunt spots her getting out in seemingly normal shoes. I am a big fucker at 6’2″ and 15 stone, so few cunts are that brave to comment when I am with her, but I will have fun if they ever feel inclined to have a pop.

      • Good form PM – there’s nothing like being built like a bear to make c*nts think twice!

      • Thanks Paul looks like you have been on the receiving end of abuse too.
        My regards to your Mrs and You mate ?

      • Thanks George, my regards too to you and your good lady wife. Like your wife, my wife has also suffered with her eyes- retinopathy as a result of the bastard T1 diabetes.

        She would have a white stick and labrador by now if it wasn’t for the ex-army eye consultant at Moorfields – a Doc that swore like a trooper but saved my wife’s sight. Like most sensible Docs he left the NHS when the bullshit he put up with from NHS management started to suffocate him.

    • This site usually involves slagging everyone off mainly for shits and giggles but it’s good to keep some perspective with more honest and informed contributions so thanks for that.

  16. Survival of the fittest really. If I want to park near the doors at a supermarket I should be able to, but not any more. I would gladly give my space to someone who might be physically disabled and needs to be near to facilities to make life easier, but who decided that on any given day around 100 people with needs will turn up within an hour of each other and fill all the disabled spaces. I drive and Mrs Knott is the spotter in car parks. “There’s one” she always proclaims, and there normally is, and a whole load of spaces near the entrance, all empty, ready to park in and all fucking disabled spaces. We end up parking miles away. Long term this will wear my body down so one day I will be entitled to the sacred blue badge and will be able to park where the fuck I want, in a car I’ve only paid a deposit for and can’t drive properly.

  17. I feel for true blue badge holders, I really do.
    I feel that the genuine blue badge holders however have been hi-jacked by cunts who have no disability.

    Please remember that Angina sufferers have a very clear need for the blue badge yet to average Joe cunt eyes, it looks like an abled bodied person taking the piss (which is clearly not the case)

    Trouble is the system is open to abuse and clearly is.
    My Brother in law works for a local council and he determines blue badge awardship or not. He’s is a fair bloke and not a cunt, yet he tells me he is inundated with false conditions and applications especially from the Parking-Stanley community???

    It seems genuine blue badge people are playing second fiddle. Similar to the NHS having a system in place reliant on genuine need is abused by non entitled cunts thus murking the waters of anyone in real need.

    A cunting that although is very relevant, it is also difficult to discuss and explore.

    Best of wishes to genuine blue badge holders, die in the flames of hell dis-genuine cunt abusers of the system.

    • I’m sure they have speakers at mosques who’s field of expertise is how to screw the British benefits system and best leech off the infidels.

  18. Most of the people round my way who use these spaces are fit and healthy looking lads and ladies in the flush of yoof.

    • Yeah i have, he said to say
      ‘alright der lads its me Dek!
      Yeah like im in dat heaven now like!
      Its dead good llke! Some Beatles here, an bill shankly, an dat jesus.
      See you all soon like!
      Im not one of dem ghostie do.

      • Yeah he’s up there now Miserable having a quick fag before he squares this dufous on the door – ‘look you’ve got the into on these people, just tell me their names and that I can communicate with their relatives back on earth…we’ll split the money…what is the currency up here by the way?

      • Aright dare la ?
        Gizza go on yer harp like!
        Wanna buy a watch? Honest its not nicked like!
        Wheres the dole office up here?

      • He did seem a likeable enough bloke MNC, and his pal scouse Mary. I’ve worked with otherwise sensible cunts who fall for all this cold reading shite though, they won’t hear a word against it; “Yes you can scoff but how did he know what month my dad’s birthday was in? It was uncanny!! And all he wanted was £50 to cover his admin fees”

  19. Apologies for being off topic but have to have a little rant regarding today’s events regarding the death of Iranian death Lord Soleimani. As predictable as asparagus makes your piss stink, the perpetually offended joined the perpetually angry for a day of hanging around a street somewhere, hating the US. The offendeds carrying the stop the war placards, kindly supplied by the socialist workers party, whose only work output seems to be making these fucking placards, mostly white people, with labour loser cunts John McDonnell and Richard Burgon, showing where their loyalty lies, which is anyone but us.
    The angry, which includes most of the world where Islam has a say, did what they do most days, burn flags, and chant death to America. In Iran, the only day when morning prayers were not concluded with the chant of death to America was on 9.11, so they must be saying it a bit louder today.
    All in all, just another Saturday…..

    • Surprised magic grandpa Corbyn ain’t out there sucking peaceful cock, and selling out what he knows about RAF and Royal Navy movements in the region.

      Fucking Labour traitor cunt. HANG!

  20. Shameless con man cunt. He made a small fortune preying on the vulnerable and the stupid. Fuck him, and all those seance fake cunts.

  21. I wonder if ‘Most Haunted’ presenter Derek Acorah has started a new career, trying to make contact with the living….

    ….or a new show, ‘Most Buried’….

    Charlatan cunt….

  22. I suffer from schizophrenia so can I get 2 permits?

    I used to feel lonely but you’re never alone with schizophrenia. My other does however sound quite young, so does that mean that I can use the mother and child spaces. After all, not all disabilities are visible. He certainly isn’t…

  23. My dad looks able bodied, blue badge holder but has bone marrow cancer.
    So to the average person suppose it looks like hes taking the mick, but hes entitled to it.
    Youll get told to fuck right off if you challenge him on it, or a lecture on cancer thatll make you feel a right cunt!
    Wish he did have one of those little pale blue chariots from yesteryear,
    Hes a petrolhead and would hate it?
    But he doesnt have some flash mobility car owns his own.

  24. I told my shrink that I didn’t like anybody else sharing the sauna with me.
    He says I’ve got selfish steam issues….

    • What’s the difference between Prince Charles and a monkey’s mother?
      The prince is heir apparent, the mother is a hairy parent.

  25. Wow can’t believe some of the replies to this nom.The nom is really about disabled parking scammers not the genuines ,which is what my wife is.Maybe some people wouldn’t be happy unless disabled people wore a blue star to identify them,which could match the old blue disability cars some people expect the disabled to use.I don’t agree to the blue badge being rolled out for mental disabilities it was always about the physical ability to move around. For the life of me I don’t understand why parents with kids need to park close to the supermarket’s doors,thus normally taking up spaces for the GENUINE physically disabled.

    • Where I live the (human) locals call the parent and child spaces “fat and brat”
      Whilst I understand that coping with a ton of shopping and kids is a bind I fail to see why the fit and healthy take precedence over those in need in terms of parking – will it hurt someone with a trolley and a child to walk a few extra feet?
      Those who can’t – help them
      Those who won’t – fuck them!

      • With some fat cunts, shopping is the only fucking exercise they get, so they should put the tubby cunt parking as far away as possible so they get the maximum amount of calorie burn. Instead the park outside the door, wobble through the doors, then mount one of those bifida bikes that lardy spackers use to do their shopping from the seated position. Disabled through being a greedy bastard.

    • Agree re the parent and child spaces. When my kids were small and we used these, I couldn’t have given a fuck if they were at the other end of the car park, not right outside the entrance. I just needed the space to get the kids out of the seats, not the fucking Rizla-sized gap you get in a normal space.

  26. Ps
    As for parking fees,as a full-time carer for my wife who gets a whole £67 a week ( less than JSA ) for the privilege I more than make up the parking fees by subsidising the cost of care for my wife.

  27. Your opinions on “Flids and spazers” has a lot to be desired, I will give you a hint you are on the naughty list, please feel free to say fuck off, or redeem yourself with an epic cunting about garden gnomes.

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