The Labour Party (13)

Labour needs a nomination.

In the wake of the attack on London Bridge, Labour were quick to point the finger at the Tories over the early of the terrorist shit bag who carried it out. They shut up pretty quickly though, when the Tories pointed that the law under which the terrorist shit bag was released, was brought in by Labour. The Tories have promised better laws to stop murdering scum from being released from prison without serving their full sentences. So now Labour has switched to a new tactic, slamming the Tories for making political capital out of a tragedy.

I have two words for you Labour clowns: Grenfell Tower. Before the fire was even out, Magic Grandpa, along with several other clowns from the Labour circus, were on scene, bleating on about the evil Tories, their cuts and lack of action. Even Lammy was out, with his usual, ridiculous, shout of “RAAACCCCIIIIIISSSSTTTT”. The Tories were responsible for all the deaths. Unfortunately for the Tories, Theresa the Appeaser was PM at the time and, as usual, she did nothing to counter Labour’s claims. She had a golden opportunity to deliver a blow to Corbyn’s head, by pointing out that, years earlier, Magic Grandpa had voted against legislation that would have made it law for buildings like Grenfell to have up to date, properly working fire suppression systems in them.

The point is, Labours moral outrage on the issue of the London Bridge terror attack, is both hypocritical and a badly disguised attempt at making political capital out of a tragedy. Labour really are pathetic. Having failed to skewer Boris over his colourful love life and burqa clad women, they’ve now started, willingly aided by the mainstream media, attacking him using comments he made on single mothers TWENTY FIVE years ago. That is fucking desperate in the extreme. He wasn’t even in politics then, just an ordinary citizen. And let’s face it, that’s around the time that Magic Grandpa was still openly supporting the IRA.

For the first time in the run up to a General election, I’m actually nervous over how it’s going to go. I’m still sure that Boris will edge it, but I’m not convinced he’ll have a big enough majority to get anything done. I fear we’re heading for more of the same.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

110 thoughts on “The Labour Party (13)

  1. Labour is a music hall joke. Trouble is, it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that they could steal the election. Catweazle as PM. Flabbott the Hutt as Home Sec. The joke would be well and truly on us. The mind fucking boggles.

    • The horrific thing is Ron, that Steptoe doesn’t even have to win. Provided he is somewhere near the line, you can bet your life that Swine-son, daughter of Cowson and Jockstrap Blackford will push him over the winning line, provided he capitulates to their blackmail/demands, delete as appropriate. Then the 9 months of bullshit while we reject Corbyn’s great new EU deal. That will be at best Cameron Mark 2

      That fucking bullshit about sharing Steptoe’s chips last Sunday “chips for the many”, in that demented old grandad voice made you wanted to puke For me it was the nadir of this dreadful election. Thinking of smug fat old cunt Thornberry being a government minister makes you want to puke some more.

    • Theres better than 50/50 odds of a coalition goverment by the look of it.both partys are equally to blame for EVERYTHING!Boris was told in no uncertain terms not to exploit someones death (terror attack london bridge)and what did he do?yep thats right BOTH AS BAD AS EACH OTHER.

      • Sadly the father of the young man murdered last Friday was quick to jump on the anti-Boris bandwaggon within a day of his son’s deth, but his grief didn’t allow him to notice Steptoe was making political point scoring at the same time as Boris. Like the BBC, who always seem to be asleep when Labour does the same thing as the tories, for whom they reserve their opprobrium.

      • Do you know WC, I’ve been thinking the same for several days now and thought am I being insensitive?
        I’ve not changed my mind that the father, although probably good intentioned, is as guilty as the political parties in making political capital from the event. He has given an interview to the Guardian and expressed his left wing views. I’m afraid the reaction of most parents would be to appeal for privacy to grieve and keep right out of all the political shit. There, I’ve said it.

      • WC and Bertie are right here. If you hold a libtard convention and invite supposedly reformed extremists, there is potential that somebody will get hurt. Especially if your risk assessment makes the assumption that all people are good at heart. They are not. Fact.

    • I think it’s sort of Music Hall meets “Le Grand Petomane”; the problem is, now, that Corbyn simply isn’t funny, and when he farts he shits himself.
      The only way they could steal the election is to hide it up Flabbott’s squeezebox.

  2. There will always be people who vote Labour whether the candidate is honourable, corrupt or a dustbin wearing a red rosette. Same with people voting Tory. Put a blue rosette on a mile and they’d vote for it.

    Labour were fucked as soon as they backed the wrong Brexit horse. Thankfully, in my opinion. They might have won it if they’d embraced leaving the EU. Fuck them. Too many cunts and bigger cunts than the Tories and Libfucks.

  3. Corbyn is really up against it now The New Statesman, the Bible of Labour have come out and said he is unfit to be PM. largely as a result of refusing to apologise for Labour anti-semitism. It’s the first time in over a 100 years that they’ve refused to back a Labour leader.

    • I wonder, since Corbyn is so desperate to bring Marxism to the many not the few if he would countenance Dawn Buter getting her knockers out for a poster, and for the pansies Dame Keir in drag. I can see the poster campaign starting now… Sex sells.

      • I’d certainly have a dabble with Dawn’s boobies. A quick fiddle should be free, under Labour.

  4. The labour movement today is for self hating middle class people who hate the working class except when they need their votes. They are almost without exception cunts.

  5. When Blair divided Labour against itself it became a house that cannot stand (must give up quoting for New Year). What has happened since flows naturally from this. When Corbyn became leader – and the man is in no sense a natural leader – he occupied the vacuum left by moderate socialists marginalised by Blair and his multitude of business advisors. Since when he has imposed his own crazed ideology on the party. The ideology was fine in opposition, but he simply cannot make it work in practice. It’s popular with students….say no more.

    I have always voted leftist to date, SNP decades ago when it could have financed an independent Scotland from oil revenues, and when I lived there, and Labour when back in England. I would vote for neither right now. These are dangerous times, politically and economically, and neither the breakup of the UK nor a Trotskyite agenda will make them less dangerous.

    Despite Johnson being a wally with ADHD, I’ll be voting Tory this time. Why? A clear commitment to leave the EU, at least the appearance of saying that root-and-branch reforms are needed, and above all a competent and hardworking sitting Tory MP.

  6. Politics is a pile of Somalian shite and the Labour party is the Ebola infested monkey sat astride it.
    What a set of cunts.

    • Talking of Somalian shite, is anybody else finding that they are constantly being recommended articles from BBC Somalia in their news feeds lately?
      Or, have we finally gotten to the point now where Somalian articles are just as applicable to the residents of this country as English worded articles are?

  7. Fuck all wrong with labour. On top of the pension backpay of £20 000 they are going to give my wife, they are also going to provide free bikes on prescription and free rail travel for kids. Broadband will be free as well. (I haven’t made this up)
    They have my vote.

    • My sarcasm detector must be on the fritz here. I really can’t tell for sure if that was meant to be facetious or genuine.

      • I have the horn the vast majority of the time. Not when Flabbott is on tv though. Then i just sit open mouthed and aghast that this person could be Blightys’ next Home Secretary.

    • Don’t forget your free prescriptions, free hospital parking & the £6,700 a year more you’ll have in your pocket, if you’re one of these ‘average’ families…
      … oh, & don’t forget unlimited child benefit for as many kids as you want – better start your Mrs knocking one out every year. You may be super lucky & get twins or triplets in one birth – gov’t cash bonanza !

      £20 notes falling from the sky in an endless stream under Grandpa Steptoe. Get your rose tinted specs on & get down that voting station !

      Labour – for the morons, not the sceptical.

  8. Labour:
    Anti-working class
    And the biggest joke is that they genuinely think of themselves as a viable ruling party….

    • Corbyns gone after the general election.
      If he loses an im sure he will,
      The knives will come out, whispers in dark corners, then…??
      His loyal lieutenants vying for his place at the trough.

    • That’s because they’re only half the party they used to be!
      Afternoon Ruff one.

      • Well, my postal vote has today gone winging its way to the count, along with others I had in my possession for Fatima, Iqra and Sanika.
        I’m in a Labour marginal held by a moose limb which should fall to the Conservatives.
        The Conservative candidate is a rarity. He voted to remain in the EU but is strongly in favour of the democratic wish being carried out.

      • Good… so he won’t be voting for Boris’s EU dictated surrender treaty scam. ?

      • I imagine you’ve had your swingometer out
        Ruffy. Does Lady C object to this?

  9. Time to repost Cunto’s ‘100 reasons not to vote for the oxygen thieving swivel eyed cunt that is Jeremy Corbyn’.

    • Ok theres at least 10’000 reasons not to vote for boris either.seling our nhs and buggering off for lots of visits to trump and unredacted statements turning up .facetious or genuine il let u draw your own conclusion

      • Boris is an incompetent oaf and a totally untrustworthy liar, on a scale unknown in British politics up until recently. I live in a marginal Con/Lab constituency and I won’t be voting for him… unless I sense the possibility of Corbyn obtaining a majority. I will be spoiling my ballot paper.

      • Agreed, RTC. “All for one, and one for Boris.”

        Brexit for me; after all, remoaners can vote for the remoan cabal af Swinson and…who else??

  10. Communist Labour under Corbyn are not fit for office Just remember what happened last time these jokers were in office they bankrupted the Country.
    Corbyn hates everything this Country stands for.
    Hates our Armed Forces.
    Hates the White people of this Country.
    Hates Jews
    Hates our Best Allies the USA.
    Loves the IRA
    Loves The Palestinians/Hamas
    Loves Venezuela
    Will give back Gibraltar
    Will give back The Falkland Islands
    The NHS it belongs to the People of this Country Not Labour so stop saying Our NHS it’s not yours
    Labour tell lies about the economy
    Labour tell lies about anti Semitic Views
    Labour are Racist
    Labour For The Many But Not The Jew

      • Never in a million years MNC?
        These wankers will have us all in the dole queue faster than you can say Tony Blair for President
        After they have Nationalised everything They are not fit for office
        Communist Labour For The Many “But Not The Jew “???

    • And youll do no fucking better with the torys either no probaly far fucking worse /well aint that a fucking surprize /same old shit that dont ever amount to fuck all

      • Hehe, i knew yiu wasnt George, was being cheeky!
        Yeah id never vote Labour even with the free chips, corbyn should be hung as a traitor.
        And the rest rendered for glue.

      • It’s funny MNC Most of us in Mansfield that’s 99% voted to leave the EU Communist Labour now want to stay in? Imagine trying to sell that one up here ?

      • Because Mansfields a working class area George, my dad, all his mates, wanted out, as did most of my mates,
        White working class communities last on the list, forgotten about,
        Till they need our votes.
        Then theyre like flies round shit.
        Never trust em, never forgive em,
        Ill never vote Labour again as long as I live.

      • Mansfield has a lot of really nice bits with quite a lot of wealthy people I’ve had a well paid job in the forces and one now but I know what you mean about working class Conservatives hold it and I hope they win it again next week?

      • Great news – Fiona Bruce ego time (sorry “Question Time, where the questions are vetted prior to you receiving an invite”) is from York next week with an audience of under 30’s only, anyone over thirty is not allowed to apply – I await the results of my age discrimination complaint to AL-BEEB, I am probably going to be arrested for crimes against snowflakism!

  11. It was Labour that instigated the Bain Review of the fire service which started the ball rolling with cuts to the fire service. And they were gleefully carried on by the Tories despite the lying cunts saying there’ll be no cuts to front-line services. And let’s not mention police cuts…

    Contemptible cunts, the lot.

  12. If you want to get a firm look at the types of jokers that support Labour. Just take a glance at the social media site Reddit’s uk politics page.
    It’s a shitfest of deluded labour zealots.

  13. Why was the official body count for Grief-fell not known until weeks after the event (where initial estimates ranged from 50 to over 300)? Surely it had nothing to do with a shit-load of illegals living there, paying “cash in hand” to their “peaceful” landlords (who were the ones *supposed* to be living there)? Nothing to do with Labour’s open door policy for every Tom, Dick, M’Tembe and Mo’ to pollute our country with its biggest strength – diversity – since 1997 is it!

    If you’re British, straight and work hard, Labour hates you! If you dare intimate that your hard-earned (by way of tax) is being pissed away on the undeserving, i.e. “I, Daniel Blake” wannabes and gimmiegrants (both legal and illegal), then Labour tells you to: “Shut up bigot! Keep paying the taxes! When we get in we’ll take even more!”

    Just imagine the outcry for one moment, if the privately educated grown child of a prominent Tory front bencher was to be convicted for assaulting police officers (biting and spitting) – whilst in the process of being arrested – were to happen? The outrage from Labour would be deafening. Although if it *actually* happens to a Labour front bencher (the Shadow Home Secretary say) then that story is to be suppressed at all costs until AFTER the election. And there we were thinking that the Abbopotomus was being sidelined during the election campaign because she’s as thick as pig shit! Apparently that’s not the reason…

    (Yes the Labour Broadcasting Corporation, formerly the British Broadcasting Corporation, did not deem that newsworthy enough during an election campaign where they freely lie about Trump taking over the NHS – cunts)

    Imaging a life where every aspect of it, including what you say AND what you think, has to be managed in the minutiae to make sure you have no wrong-think on your opinions of immigration, transbenderism and “peacefulness”. This would be the norm under the Labour Party.

    Everything will be FREE! FREE! FREE! under the Labour party! Unless you’re a UK taxpayer of course, if you’re one of those you’re fucked under Labour.

    Labour wants to increase immigration and reduce the checks and balances put in place to vet incomers so that their voting and demographic stitch-up becomes complete.

    Labour wants to remain the EU and give them further powers over our sovereignty. They, and their quango campaigners also regularly sup at the teat of George Soros (cunt).

    Labour wants pre-school kids to be taught the joys of self-touching, sausage-hiding and tuppence-licking. They also want prepubescent boys to be chemically castrated if they even look sideways at a Barbie doll!

    Labour may be antisemitic but they’re definitely pro “peaceful”. Now I may be wrong here, but I’m pretty fucking sure that all of the terrorist atrocities and the terrorists that have committed them in recent times don’t have mezuzahs adorning their doorways!

    Labour hates everything about Britain and being British, in deference to every other backwards cunt and culture going, and they call this being “progressive”!

    The Labour Party, what’s not to like!


  14. Donald Trump has described Justin Trudeau “Two faced”, presumably he means the white one and the black one

  15. All these promises, free this, free that,
    Slightly swayed by free chips but someone said that was a joke,
    Nothing to tempt me!!
    Want him gone, humourless, grudgeholding, terrorist loving cyclist.
    For the many, but not for you.

    • Champagne Socialist £180K a year trick cyclist ?‍♀️?‍♀️?
      Yes For The Many But Not For You?

      • Sharp intake of breath!
        Surely not!
        Chairman Jeremy?
        But, but…hes a marxist?!
        Billy Braggs not like that!
        Hes a staunch socialist who well he sells his multi million pound seaside mansion will surely share the loot with the homeless that he cares for.

    • Lady R has heard about the free chips, she is hoofing down to Communist Party HQ with some tomato sauce – and she had better slow down this time, the last time she drove the Bentley she went so fast her underwear ended up on the back seat..

  16. And if you mention 150,000,000 dead in C20 under socialism (in its many disguises), they don’t like it – funny that!

  17. Im hoping the cunts of this country come to their senses and give Boris a landslide victory and Cunt Corbyn refuses to go causing labour implosion,However I’ve just heard Labour say I can claim 300 quid a week for laying in bed all day and being a non working lazy no shit cunt…Fucking awesome policy….Labour for the lazy Cunts,Not the Jew.

  18. Why the fuck would anyone want to be ruled by that total CUNT Corbyn and his bunch of useless wankers , thick cunt Abbott , big gob Thornbury , Borey Gardener , racist shitstain Lammy , ugly four eyed slag Long Bailey to mention a few . Also to make things even worse cosying up to those Scottish wankers Sturgeon and that fat big mouth piece of shit Blackford . The only fuckwits who would vote for them is the lazy bastards , the anti British the anti democratic the anti Semitic and the fucking Scots . Total fucking cunts all of them , I hope I wake up next Friday morning to find these wankers eliminated

    • Got to thank that shaved primate lamtard for telling us horrible white saviours that our money is not needed to feed blacks in africa, it saved the REAL British public 8 million quid by not donating to them…LOL

  19. The only person who rules Communist Labour is
    Len McCluskey not Corbyn??
    Communist Labour For The Many But Not The Jew.

  20. Free chips? I’m weary of things that are free especially food.
    They could be day old chips or chips swept up from the floor.
    I love chips but I’m not so sure about those ones.

    • Evening Spoons, he said free chips.
      Now im fond of banter, a laugh, a witticism, joke, a jape.
      But chips? No laughing matter.
      If theyre free theres a catch!
      Hes done summat to them,
      Fried them in grease from Diane Abbotts arse crack or summat.
      Dont eat one if he offers you one,
      Hes puddled.

      • Chips with everything. Proper fat chips, not those skinny french fries.
        Crinkle cut chips, possibly.

        Sausage, eggs and chips yes please. Make sure the yolks are runny.

      • Just had big fat chips, steak an onion rings Spoons!
        And had the same yesterday!
        Feel like that viv nichols bird who won the pools!
        Had steak twice in a week, an roast beef on sunday.
        Might have salad tomorrow….
        Naw!! Steak!!??

    • I am surprised the didn’t pixelate the visible bits, don’t want people jumping to conclusions.

    • And to think this took place in Flabbott’s constituency . . . .

      Diane Abbott said: “This is horrific. It has shaken our Hackney community to its core. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community in Stamford Hill and across the UK.”

      This couldn’t be a racist attack could it Diane?

  21. Apparently some poor cunt who owns a chip shop in a leave constituency is being hounded by the electoral commission for offering free fish and chips if the Brexit party wins the seat!! According to the wankers at the commission it’s a favour payment which is not permitted under election rules?

    Meanwhile magical grandpa gets a fucking free pass for offering

    Free broadband
    £6000 in your sky rocket
    Cheaper rail tickets
    Child care
    A cuddle toy
    And a goblin teas maid !!!

    As that utter cunt brucie would say “ good game!”

    • Here they go once again, treating the electorate like they are so dumb that they could actually be bought with a few quid’s worth of fish and chips in the first place. I guess that’s to be expected though when you rely solely on people that dumb to garner any votes at all.

      It shows again though just how much esteem they hold their general constituents in and, how much they must think of themselves to believe that’s the only reason they lose a vote.

    • Is the cuddly toy summat to do with “Save the Flabbott” ?

      I have a nightmare of Dame Keira Starma as a knobgoblin tea-serving chambermaid… “More tea, Cuntuar-Welby ?”

    • Goblin teas maid that’s made me laugh my Nan has one of those when I was a kid
      Don’t trust Communist Labour ?
      For The Many But Not For You or The Jew????

  22. I’m just glad I live in Salisbury and can vote tactically.

    Arthur Pendragon’s my man.

      • Yep, and the cunt makes more sense than any of those other spastics, particularly Liebore with all their “look over here, shiny shiny” bollocks.

        Salisbury has been rock-solid Tory since the year dot so I’m indulging myself this time around.

      • The sitting Tory MP is a right gormless tool. I recently had the “honour” of meeting him and shaking his hand. He had one of those handshakes that make you think you must have got hold of his flaccid dick by mistake.

  23. I sent off my postal vote days ago. I voted for the Brexit party, which was a protest vote as much as anything else because I know the candidate isn’t going to win and because I don’t believe a word any of the other parties say. But what those Brexit MEPs have done today, which was a move planned weeks ago, has proved that politics in this country is well and truly in the gutter and is there to stay.
    Lawyers, estate agents and bankers can’t compete with politicians for the title of this country’s most despised profession.

    • I made a protest vote and I wrote none on my ballot paper and drew a line through the candidates.
      I have always voted in the past, but fuck them, fuck them all.
      Voted Leave, that worked well. That made my vote and the other 17.4 million votes count for fuck all. Couldn’t even vote Brexit party as a protest vote because the candidate was withdrawn ( I live in a very Tory stronghold).
      Democracy, gee fucking whizz….this country is full of cunts.
      On a brighter note, got to see Michelle Dewberry on Newsnight tonight. She gets more and more fuckable. I like to think she is a dirty bitch hiding behind them glasses.

  24. This diabolical position has been carefully arrived at…. After three years of sabotage and lies, the political class has given us a shotgun choice… Fake Brexit or communism…. It’s two fingers to democracy and I’m voting against them all, the fucking cunts…

    • I’d vote BMP but we haven’t got a candidate so I can’t be arsed to vote at all…what’s the point of it all if both sides are going to continue to walk the woke line and keep importing foreign cunt drippings by the boat load.

  25. Corbyn is a vile anti- Semite and Labour not fit to form a government. Their latest policy wheeze – EU nationals will have the right to vote in a second EU referendum.

    Cunts. I hope they die.

  26. Corbyn now punting letting EU Nationals vote in the next Referendum to either stay or leave if they win the General Election?
    We had a Referendum in 2016 & We voted to leave the EU respect the result don’t try to overturn it by theft ?

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