Metropolitan Police’s Christmas Gift List

We’re into what is known as ‘the festive season’, and as part of the celebrations, the Met has issued a list of the gifts that it would most like to receive this year:

Yes, the nineteen beauties pictured comprise the list of those whose collars the scuffers would most like to feel before the end of 2019; they’re wanted for a range of offences from robbery, possession of weapons, kidnapping, drugs and GBH. Now fellow cunters are invited to peruse said mug shots carefully in an attempt to determine a common denominator. It’s not easy, so I’ll give you a clue in the form of a quote from our estimable capital’s Mayor, Sadiq Khunt; ‘Diversity is our strength’.

So citizens of Londonistabistan. Can you help by dobbing in any of these worthies to the Old Bill? I’d say that Londonistabistan politicians such as David Lammy and Dawn Butler, not to mention our illustrious Shadow Home Secretary Diane Flabbott, would regard this as nothing less than your civic duty. Keep your eyes peeled.

Evenin’ all.

Nominated by Ron Knee

63 thoughts on “Metropolitan Police’s Christmas Gift List

    • I am very surprised that the Met saw fit to post this. As others have suggested it is hardly in line with the ‘Diversity is our strength ‘ mantra of those in charge . Could it be a tacit acknowledgement that Suckdick, Cressida et al have bee talking bollocks?

  1. Can you turn the contrast up a bit on that picture? It’s a little too ‘dark’ to see it properly.

  2. All aspiring gentlemen I’m sure. Send them packing back to bongo bongo land and should the white crooks be of British origin get them started on a honest day’s work.

    • It could be the audition room for the new Battle of Trafalgar film from the BBC. You know all the soldiers were black, don’t you. Even Admiral Horatio was a dindu nuffin.

      Horaayyytio Nelsonmandela.

      • ‘Kiss me white boy’ Lord Nelson and Hardy as a mixed race looove couple, you can almost see it coming courtesy of the BBC no doubt

    • Got it in one, old son! They’ve all been robbing and dope dealing, working their way through college in the time honoured fashion.

  3. No no, I’ve got it….. they’re all home boys who like to make rap music in their bedrooms and have got nothing to do with gangs, no hang on, they’ve all come from single parent families and have broken the mould and gone to inspire a generation to erm ahh erm, no fuck that.

    I’ve got it. They’ve all been fitted up by the cops and whatever they’re accused of they didn’t do it and even if they did it’s because the pigs forced ‘em to do it.

    Theys are innocent man. That’s it. They’re all innocent.

  4. Only half are aspiring architects; the others are making their way in the world of surgery, very handy with a knife.

  5. If you follow the link you will notice that for each mugshot the rozzers have added a caption referring to each of these little scamps, asking “if you have seen -” and then their first names!! What a jolly little love-in, as though these poor fellows just need a brotherly talk and a hug to set them on the path to righteousness (amusingly one of them – Abukar Abukar – liked his good honest English name enough to use it twice)

    • Never been, er, spoken to, by the police? Then you have never been properly unnerved by a complete cunt using your first name, uninvited and too often. It’s a basic technique for establishing the ascendancy, and properly done, passive aggression par excellence.

      • Not really in all honesty Komodo… only years ago when I got a pull on a work Fireblade for exceeding the speed limit “slightly”

  6. In my normal day to day life I never saw much of the police, However after moving to Beirut I get to see them almost every day (and the ambulance service).
    To prevent people from accidentally tripping over the fence into the garden I raised it to a nice little seven foot number, (With CCTV on all the building to record any mishaps should someone stumble over the fence and walk into the house in confusion) any way I digress, I now live on an area of the estate with the highest crime figures, I hate to say this but it was all down to one person, This person has been moved to a new area to terrorize but his flat remains empty as no one will move in due to our surprisingly high crime stats,
    Any way I digress once again, when I was fitting the last of the additional fencing on the back I went into the alley and guess what I found?
    Fucking hell I didn’t know Hampshire employed that many police there were 8 or 10, snuckered down behind the fence waiting for matey boys friend to jump off the balcony and leg it out the back, No idea how many were round the front doing the door, This minor celebrity had made himself absent from day release, This means he was coming to the end of his sentence and was facing the prospect of homelessness and having to wipe his own arse, so in a devilishly cunning swoop he managed to wreck his early release and extend his stay at her Majesty’s, What a clever chap

  7. This outrage is surely an example of the Mets ‘institutional racism’ these are the nominees of 2019’s Royal British Architecture Awards, slandered as violent stabby street thugs.

    • These are the contents of the latest rubber dinghy to cross the channel. There’s Africans, Arabs, eastern Europeans, a complete mixture. Diversity, that’s what our country needs.

  8. Those crackers are qualified Doctors back in Lithuania, Slovakia, and Poland (which is also where their qualifications are). They were only selling Class A drugs because the ignorant, racist British Government failed to give them highly-paid positions..

  9. Fuck me 3 0% white guys and 70% dazzling urbanites it would seem that what most people say and think might even be true, the only saving grace here is they are 100% cunts…

  10. Fuck me 3 0% white guys and 70% dazzling urbanites it would seem that what most people say and think might even be true, the only saving grace here is they are 100% cunts…so not racist at all, I wonder how many are recent immigrants

    • There is certainly a diversity of the various shitholes of the world represented in the caption.

      • Yes and they’re all now wasting about in the shithole that is our glorious capital. Bet the cunts have all robbed themselves a good Xmas tho (even the Muswells among them).

  11. I think we should have had a ‘hairstyle cunt of the year’ this year. Afew of these cunts would have made the shortlist.
    I hope the Met publishes an update of this. I’d be interested to know if they’ve actually collared any of these cunts, as opposed to spending their time persecuting comebody for ‘hate crime’ because some soft fucker claims that their feelings have been hurt on Twatter.

  12. Hope they are all aspiring rappers, as the life expectancies of the art of rhythmic thuggery maggots is thankfully low, especially over the pond. Last night, one called Bvlly (yeah, considering they make a living from words, few of them can spell) got whacked on his doorstep, probably for saying not very nice things about someone, which seems a capital offence in the world of rap. This followed another rapper karking it the other day. Some nobody called Juice Wrld, another dyslexic who sounds like a downmarket beverage bar, was travelling by private jet, when the pilot alerted the authorities that his passenger had guns and drugs on him. When the plane landed the feds were waiting for him, so he took all his drugs not to get busted, and died of an overdose. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind…..

      • There’s another cunt called Takashi 6ix 9ine, another fucking gem, with his stupid fucked up name tattooed over his greasy boat. He’s getting sent down on weapons charges related to gang stuff, but he’s getting a reduced sentence for grassing up his gang buddies. If calling someone a cunt gets you killed, what will his ex homies think of that? You can almost smell the cordite! Fuck, I’ve been working with youngsters far too long, I shouldn’t know any of this shit, but cunts in work used to play all these cunts, so I practically did backflips when another one got wasted.

  13. Amy Winehouse’s father Mitch has said that even though Amy has gone, Christmas in the Winehouse home is pretty much the same.
    He said that they still get a tree, although there’s a lot less needles lying around on the floor….

  14. London is finished. We’d be better off building a wall around it, turning the utilities off and then perhaps the humans could move back in, in about three months time.

    I left my beloved hometown in 2009 when I could see the writing on the wall and I had a daughter on the way. No way I was bringing her up in a third world toilet.

    • I’d give it a bit longer than 3 months, just to be sure.

      Just think how much our carbon footprint would be reduced if we got rid of all the cunts – St. Greta would love us (but not literally I sincerely hope).

  15. I see what you did here Ron, this ain’t from the Metropolitan Police, it’s Diane Abbott’s recommendations for the next Labour shadow cabinet.

    • Apparently she was asked to put three names forward, but then as we know, arithmetic has never been The Hutt’s strong suit.

  16. Looking at those de-evolved humanoids the word ‘subhuman’ just jumps out at me. Hitler wasn’t wrong on everything.

  17. Not much diversity in that collection of cunts, they all appear to be ethnics. Just thinking out loud, not heard much from old suckdick lately.

    • The cunt was in the news after the election, moaning on about being ‘sick of losing’. Living in the ‘diversity is our strength’ metrobubble, the twat just doesn’t get it, naturally.

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